EMAY DAY DANCE Enunnnnmmnnunnnmum\imumnumummmm1mmumuumun\\\\\nnl\\m1mIummmmumunummummummmmmuumun'n Illllllh‘ Let The Street Fleet Deliver Coai - Coke - Wood Telephones - Richmond Hill 156 Oï¬ers Pratt and Lambert Paint and Varnishes at Contractors’ prices. WHOLESALE RETAIL Dancing Special prizes for dancing and several spot dance prizes ADMISSION 50c ’ Come and Meet Your Friends L. J. Harper, president John W. Crawford, secretary Old time and modern dancing to Del Kidd’s Orchestra Prizes for best old time costumes, oldest couple, oldest woman, oldest man, C. Street 8: Sons WHITCHURCH CONSERVATION CLUB SEE IT FRIDAY! INTRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN CANADA Ford’s British Built PHONE 174 Here’s the newest, most outstanding British car in Canada -â€" Ford’s British-built'Consul. It’s an all-new car, new even to its name! Just look at its exciting new features â€" Powerful Overhead Valve â€" 4 Cylin- der Engine â€" One-piece Anti-Glare Windshield â€" In- dependent Front Wheel Suspension â€" Centre Slung Seating and Hydraulic Brakes â€"â€" All Steel Welded Integral Body are a few of its modern features. SOUTH SHORE MUSSELMAN’S LAKE Saturday,‘May 5, 1951 To Painters and Decorators VERN GRIFFIN COULTICE’S HALL SEE IT 2 under the auspices of the . LITTLE 8: SON Limited Thornhill 13 to be held at at 8.30 pm. FORD-MONARCH Willowdale 682 our Heat CONSUL DRIVE IT 2 RICHMOND HILL‘ Due to bad weather and roads the monthly meeting of Home and School was postponed and there will be no meeting till May 10, when Mrs. LeMasurier of Lang- staï¬', vice-president of North York Area will be present to install the officers for the 1951â€"52 season. Home and School Fellowéship Group There is to be no Fellowship Group meeting in April but poss- ibly an extra special night aiuund the middle of May to close the meetings till the fall. Mr. E. G.- Perring is in the Wes- tern Hospital and his many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. J. F. Middleton of Port Whitby visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Lgonard Wellman and family of Queensville visited at Middleton’s Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mr. Ed Lewis whose mother The Young People’s Fellowship“ Group are busy making plans for the Hard Times party on Friday evening, April 20, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. Due to the Conveners’ Confer- ence being held in Guelph during the ï¬rst week in May the next regular meeting of the Edgeley Women’s Institute will be held on May 10 iqstead of May 3, at the home of Mrs. Jack Chapman. Edgeley United Church, Sunday, April 22‘ Sunday School at 1.30 p. m.: Church Service at 2.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty and family attended the golden wed- ding anniversary of Mrs. Witty’s parentsI Mr. and Mrs. Clark in Toronto on April 6. Reaches 85th Birthday Mrs. John Mortson; who for the last several years has been living with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Congratulations to Gary hkip- pon of Yongehurst Rd. upon win- ning ï¬rst prize in Richmond Hill Amateur Show. Errol Stewart has given up the Telegram route in this district. George Lowery of Yongehurst Rd. is now the new boy for the local- ity. kerville' Oak Ave., at 8.30. Euchre held at the home of Mrs. G. Skippon‘ Friday evening are as follows: Men 1st, S. Arbon; 2, B. CORRESPONDENT â€"â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yongehurst Rd. CORRESPONDENT: NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Richmond Hill 1371113 EDGELEY» NEWS tom: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 [‘z Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple Telephone Maple 110R3 passed away on Friday morning Funeral service is Monday. There have been several cases of German Measles reported; hope the children who have them are soon back at school. Mr and Mrs. Walter Wynn spent Saturday evening in Toronto at Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Ho'hnstead’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ireland and Miss Edith Ireland of Toronto had dinner Thursday evening with Mr. Frank Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Ire- land celebrated their 40th weuding anniversary that day, April 12. Mrs. Ernest Bone and Miss Evah Sheppard attended a trousseau tea in honour of Miss Lippitt at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lippitt at Fisherville on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton and sons visited in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson. Stong, reached her 85th birthday on Monday, April 9. The happy occasion was celebrated by a fam- ily party at the home of her son, Harold Mortson, Richmona Hill. Mrs. Mortson received many cards and messages of congratula- tions and was kept buSy entertain- ing members of' her family and her friends who called. Annie Agar was born in Elgin Mills, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Agar and spent the early part of her life at Héadford. After her marriage she moved with her husband to Markham, 0nt., where they operated a farm on the 3rd concession. Of her family, two sisters sur- vive â€" Mrs. Walter Bone of Carr- ville and Mrs. Geo. Middleton oi Lang, Saskatchewan; a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Stong of Edgeley, and two sons, Harold of Richmond Hill and Gordon of Victoria Square. There are four grandchildren. 2 grandsons and two granddaughters. Mrs. Mortson’s general health is good. Blackburn; consolation, M. Ball. Larry Fryer of Yongehurst Rd., along with Roger Wilson, George Styan and Terry Wilson graduated from ‘Cubs’ to ‘Scouts’ on Thurs- day evening at the Women's Aux- iliary meeting. The showing of ï¬lms by the R.C.M.P. completed the evening. ' A surprise party was held for Johnny Sims at his home on Am enue \Rd., Saturday night, April 14. Both the party and the birthday cake were a :omplete surprise to Johnny and enjoyed by 18 guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ball and Arm along with Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson Jr. and Jimmy motored to Sudbury on Tuesday morning, re- turning Wednesday evening. Canadian Legion Branch 375 is holding a euchre at the home of Mr‘s. G. Skippon, Yonge‘hurst Rd., on Friday, April 20, at 8.15 pm. Refreshments will be served. Brownie and Guide enrollment and presentation of Brownie Bad- ges Will take place April 24 at 7.30 pm. at Richvale school. Every- body welcome. Paper drive is postponed indef- initely owing to conditions of the roads. Earl Lambert, Michael and Butch‘motored up north last week end on a ï¬shing expedition. Good trip but no ï¬sh. Veteran Ladies held a very, suc- cessful euchre at the home of Mrs. G. Lawson Sr. of Yongehurst Rd. on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. G. Skippon lst prize; Mrs. A. Black- burn 2nd; Mrs. Fox consolation. Refreshments we‘re Served. April 29fh, 1951 Sunday Effective The Paper Drive which was post- poned because of the rain (and mud) will be held when the side roads are in better condition. Mr. C. G. Baker has received an appointment as Commissioner in the County of York for taking af- ï¬daVits' from the Provincial Sec- retary’s Department. Our local Minstrel Show Troop is presentng a repeat performance, by popular request on May 5. Re- member to get your tickets early. They will be obtainable at Turn- bull’s Grocery Store and Durie's Variety Store in Richvale and at Scotchmer’s Drug Store and Davies Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr.. Orla Heise and family in the passing of a very devout Christian wife and mother. A number of ladies from here at- tended the trousseau tea. of Miss Jean Lippet on Saturday. Messrs. Garnet Francy, Herman Mortson and Philip Willows at- . Canadian Legion Branch 375 Richmond Hill was well represent- at a special meeting of Zone E. 2 at Newmarket, April 15' when much general business was discuss- ed and most important election of officers was carried out. Provincial Command of the Can- adian Legion is setting up a wel- coming committee to meet service personnel arriving in Toronto from overseas, William Beech, Toionto and district commander announced. It; is expected that the committee will consist of members of the La- dies’ Auxiliaries of Toronto branches. The time has come when Canada is going to be forced to take strin- gent action in regard to the coun- try’s communists. These gentry have long enjoyed immunity in the free “exercise of the right to say, think and do pretty much as they wished. They have abused the privilege of being free men, by using freedom to undermine the society that gives them protection. By avowed allegiance to a foreign power, they have forfeited all right to the privileges of Canadian citizenship. Imperial Pensions Imperial army war veterans have been paid allowances since last summer. To qualify the veteran must be resident for at least 20 years in Canada. The other quali- ï¬cations are the same as for Cana- dian veterans. They must have served in an ac- tual theatre of war. They must be 60 years old or more, or be physi- cally incapacitated. The allow- ance is subject to means test. A veteran can have an equity up to $4,000 in a home If he is married he can have an income of $250, or if single of 3125 without deduction from allowance. There is no ceil- ing on casual earnings. Tenders will be received at the office of the Township Clerk, Vandorf, Ontario, until noon, Saturday, May 5, 1951, for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse in the vicinity of 2. Musselman’s Lake, com- mencing‘June 1, 1951, until Sept. 30, 1951; 1. Wilcox Lake, commencing June 1, 1951 until May 31, 1952; 3. Preston’s Lake, commen- cing June 1, 1951, until Sept. 30, 1951. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John W. Crawford, Township Clerk, Vandorf, Ontario. THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L Richmond Hill Tenders For Garbage‘ Collection TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square ‘Telephone Stouï¬ville 67509 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAYLOR VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS PRODUCTS AND OTHER APPLIANCES REMAIN â€"â€" TAX. FREE \X/HILE THEY LAST â€"- puns AUTO SUPPLY urn. - RICHMOND mu. RICHVALE NEWS Phone Richmond Hill 367R22 Dry Goods Store in Richmond Hill The Entertainment Committee of the Ratepayers’ Association are able to resume the euchres they held formerly, and are planning to hold their ï¬rst one in the scnool on Friday evening, April 20, at 8.30. These euchres are being held for the beneï¬t of the building fund. The Ladies’ Auxiliary members are meeting this Thursday even- ing at the home 9f Mrs. A_. Bes- Thursday, May 3, is the date for Ratepayers to bear in mind â€" 8 pm. zit-the school, on Spruce Avenue. tended the Quebec-Barrie play-off hockey game held in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, on Saturday af- ternoon. We are pleased to hear Miss Barbara Smith, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, is able to be home from the Sick Children’s Hospital. but will be conï¬ned to her bed for several days following her recent operation. We are also pleased to hear Mrs. Percy Bennett is improving following her recent illness. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Jack Stewart who was very fortunate in appearing on the “Fun Parade†programme over CFRB and winning several prizes last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Margaret Haig of Stouff- ville spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Brumwell. Winners of the Canadian Legion Styled to make your rooms beautiful REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€" Curtains Bedspreads Phone for appointment THORNHILL 108R3 I. D. RAMER 8 SON PHONE no RICHMOND mu. 3 BIG ADVANTAGES Convenient S-P-R-E-A-D out payments . . . easy terms to suit you. No worries! Coal is delivered in lenty of time . . . you’re all paid up be ore next winter. With this 'blue coal' plan,- household budgets run more smoothly all year ’round. Pay for next winter’s fuel the easy way. Start now and look forward to the thrill of having your winter heat ALL PAID UP! The sooner you start . . . Ihe smaller your monthly payments will be! «574.27% A/OWZ. OUR NEW' I95! blue 9031' BUDGET PlAN CONTRACTOR FOR CONCRETE OR STEEL SEPTIC TANKS ALSO FLOORS & SIDEWALKS LAID AND DRAINS DUG THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., 'April 19, 1951 7 Models From $149 BLACKBURN’S Thornhill Phone : 161 Step Right In And See Our Famous '°WESTLO0M†WORSTEDS ‘ Feel how soft the are. See how smartly they dra 6. L00 at our wide colour range. T are are rich warm browns,- trim greys, round-the-clock blues in both stripes apd sq]ids. 'EnjAoy yeql co_mfort it} I Westloom†werstetli guit, hand-cut and tulored to your personal measurements. You’ll agree that it is a real buyâ€" unequalled value at this low price. “YOUR FRIENDLY STORE,, 24 yonge St. N. - Richmond Hill EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR Tiplop Tailors Phone 48R25 Richmond Hill BOB CRAIGIE N. DOLSON APPLIANCES COME IN OR PHOLE TODAY 'hlue coal' is the 0111 coal colored BLUE with 3 Earn:- less dyeâ€"a positive pro- tection for youâ€"an as- surance that you’re getting “the world’s ï¬nest anthra- cite" look always for the BLUE Color W. G. BOWES, RR. 2 MAPLE or by writihg direct to CANADIAN C0-0PERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada OUR PRICES WILL NOT Be Increased On Our Present Stock 0f RADIOS WASHERS r REFRIGERATURS TELEVISION WESTON, ONT. Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from Our Registered Warehouse WOOL Wool Growers' Organization BUY NOW AND SAVE Don’t Delay Electric PHONE. 242 RICHMOND HILL‘ YEREX SHIP COLLECT T0 SETS GLADIRONS TOASTERS ETC.