1A Yonge St. S. Phone 641 NO INCREASE in the price of Austin Cars while the present stock lasts. A down payment will secure yours for fu- ture delivery. Lindsay Austin Sales & Service ARTHUR G. BROAD, D. C. For Eï¬iciency, Beauty and Economy. Phone 18 IN RICHMOND HILL Make this your headquarters for se- curing what’s needed to get into the spir- it of the occasion. Come in and look over our extensive stock. Hoes\â€" Rakes â€" Lawn Brooms Grass Seed Bulk Seed Fertilizer â€" Vigoro â€"- Humar Minigoranite C.I.L. Paints NEX T WEEK IS Clean-Up Week STEELES CORNERS, STOP 13, YONGE PHONE WILL. 5177 F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE of his chiropractic office announces the opening See the New Austin. :Yonge St., Richmond Hill By appointment Richmond Hill The Edgeley WA. is sponsoring a play entitled ‘Where’s Grandma’ presented by the Smithï¬eld Fell- owship Club to be held in Edgeley Hall on Friday, May 18' at 8.30 Edgeley United Church Sunday, April 29, 1951. Church service at 2.30 pm. Sunday school at 1.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time. The order of service to be follow- ed in the Edgeley United Church on next Sunday afternoon '1. en- titled “Rural Life Sunday." Women Meet H \nucn Avlvvv The Women’s Association of the Edgeley United Church held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. Garnet Kefl’er on Thursday af_ ternoon. A quilt was quilted for the bale after which a. business meeting was held. It was decided to invite the Smithï¬eld players to put on their play in Edgeley Hall on May 18. (Continued from page 1) . Vice Presidents of Section III. For . six years, Mrs. Archie Cameron, one of the members, was vice-pres- ‘ ident â€" from 1934 to 1940 (Mrs. ‘ C. H. Bowman, associated with the society has been a vice-pres- ident since 1945. Good Support ' During the past sixty years the ministers have given loyal support as also the men of the congrega- tion. Through the years there have been twenty-three presidents. thirteen secretaries and fourteen treasurers. Each and every mem- ber of the society has taken her part in some measure to further this our great work for our Lord and Master. Mrs. Norm Garrioch of Wood- bridge as guest soloist rendered two beautiful numbers. Mrs. H. S. Reid. Library Secretary of the Council Executive of Toronto West Presbyterial brought greetings from Council and gave a splendid address taking as her subject A Loaf of Bread. Just as each one‘ of us from infancy to maturity receive nourishment from the staff of life so likewise we are fed by‘ the Word of God. Greetings were brought by Mrs. Curr, President of Toronto West Presbyterial also by Mrs. T. L. Williams, Rural Vice- president of Section III. Mrs. S. Rutherford was presented with a Life Membership Certiï¬cate. The meeting was closed with prayer by our pastor, Rev. C. H. Bowman. 60th Birthday J Refreshments, were served in the Sunday School room at the close of the program. Seventy-four reg- istered. Many were the happy re- miniécences of years gone by and hopes for success and God’s bless- ing in the future. (Con'tinued from page 1) maximum six (6) years. Clause 4: Speéial Certiï¬cates â€" Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each of two special certiï¬cates where the subject is taught in 2 or more classrooms. Clause 5: $100.00 (One Hundred Dollars) extra for Recognized Un- iversjty Degree or equivalent qual- iï¬cations. Clause 6: Payment of salary: 10 month or 12 month basis. Clause 7: Any teacher not hay- ing been employed by the Board for one year or more shall consid- er their ï¬rst year probationary, beginning September 1' 1951. Wage Alncrease CORRESPONDENT: Estimates Cheerfully Submitted Without Obligation STONEWORK SODDING DESIGNIN G 44 Yonge Street South Rice’s Landscaping Service Anywhere in the district LANDSCAPING EDGELEY NEWS Telephone Richmond Hill 490 Nights Thornhill 207-r-6 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Telephone Maple 110R3 Mrs, Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple It was decided to hold the an- nual community strawberry social in the hall in June. A very inspiring devotional ser- vice was led by Mts. Henry and Mrs. Sydney Steventon after whiCh Mrs. Lambert gave a. missionary talk “The United Church Re-enters vme wa Mrs. Sy Airs. L: talk. “T J apan." Rev. P. J. JLambert closed the meeting with prayer. Had Times Paty The Fellowship Group of the Edgeley United Church held a very enjoyable social evening in the form of a. Hold Times party at the Mitchell home on Friday evening. The young men were dressed in overalls and the young ladies in slacks. The president, Don Mitchell as- sisted by Don Hawkesworth and Shirley Windas, led in the splendid devotional meditation, after which practise was held for the Young People’s choir which will lead the praise at the Mother’s Day service at the church. During the business part of the meeting, it; was decided to invite the young people of Hope United Church to a crokinole party in the near future. Enthusiastic games were played and lunch was served. A hearty vote of thanks was ex- pressed to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell and to Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitchell Who had opened their nome to such an enjoyable evening. Mr. Passe Cook of Detroit is vis- iting with the Puterbaughs. Mr and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh, Marian and Ruby also Mrg. M. Webber of Toronto had evening dinner recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowes. Mrs. Webber told about her very interesting vacation with her sis- ter in South Africa. Supper guests on Sunday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong were Mr and Mrs. Harod Diaball and their two sons, Lawrence and Douglas of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clelland Thomp- son and their little daughter Donna and two sons, Bruce and Allan. With the hockey season over, the boys and girls are now anxiously eyeing their ball and but. The school team will begin practice as soon as weather and ground condi- tions permit. It is hoped that this will be a highly successful year ‘for the team and its players. Nonâ€"Porous Concrete Construction - .Flush or Dribble Systems. Vaughan, Etobicoke, North York Townships .. 1799 JaneiSt. Weston .. Phone 1398 kg“um“numunumumuumunmulmmnnummmm“mum! l llll\\\\\\ll1l\\l I\\\\llllllllllllllluuu TELEVISION mmquIuumumuuuuuuu uuuuu BLACKBURNS‘ Phone THORNHILL 161 l\l‘\1\\\i‘alll':lllMEli1l“lll\\1l\\\\l\ll\l\\\\\\\\E n“l\l\ill\\\\‘.\\\\\‘:\‘ SOLD & SERVICED E. C. TAYLOR SEPTIC TANKS Richmond Hill Wm. Hodge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hodge, Maple' arrived home frOm New York last Monday after taking a short course there pertaining to his work with the Field Service Branch of the United Nations. He plans to spend this week with his family and then will proceed to Khashmir to join the United Nations Commission for In. die. and Pakistan. Bill will make a stop at Stockholm, Sweden, for a ‘two week special course. Bill Hodge, Maple Leaves For India Don Hodge, employed by the Richmond Hill Branch of the Bank of Commerce_ is a. brother. More than 65 ladies called at the King United Church parsonage last Wednesday afternoon, when the ladies of King City, Laskay and Teston were invited to tea. The guests were received by thel hostess, Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson, who‘ was assisted by Mrs. Austin Rumb-‘ 1e. The pretty tea table was set with a Venetian cut-work cloth and centred with a bouquet of cream and pink snapdragons and cream candles in silver candlesticks. Mrs. I. L. Scott and Mrs A. Green pour- ed tea and their assistants were Mrs. E. Patton, Mrs. C. Stewart, "rs. A. Campbell and Mrs. J. Thompson. The sum of $20.50 was collected at the tea table. Hold Enjoyable Tea The present parsonage was built in 1945. and has recently been dec- orated through-out with fresh spring colors. The living room is a, prejcty peach, the dining room is green and pale colors are used in the halls and upstairs rooms. The parsonage that the present ï¬ne house replaced was built in 1887, and it was destroyed in a great ï¬re at midnight on June 3, 1944, when struck by lightning. “Where prlces meet. purses†â€" in the classiï¬ed ad. section. Tele- phone yours to Richmond Hill 9. EVERYTHING POINTS TO THE FACT Beef is going to be inIShort Supply and More Expensive too! OUR SPACIOUS FROZEN FOOD LOCKKERS ENABLE YOU TO BUY 'AT. THESE LOWER PRICES AND ENJOY IT WHENEVER YOU WANT. o SERVE T-BONE STEAK AT THE PRICE OF HAMBURG o BONDS HIND QUARTER BEEF RICHMOND HILL WE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOR NEW LOCKERS Richmond Hill Cold Storage Milner, Ross '81 Co. 330 BAY STREET Members The Toronto Stock Exchange The Investment Dealers’ Association of Canada PHONE 588 AND RESERVE ONE NOW HAVE ABIG LOT ON THE WAX AND THEY’RE GOING FAST Richmond Hill Ontario Orders Promptly Executed ROY HERRINGTON Telephone 87 Representing BUY YOUR BEEF AT LOW PRICES N 0 STAMP PRINTING 30 million postage stamps are . printed every working day in Brit- *. ain. Mr. Cyril Baker of Richvale gave his views on the question of setting up a ward system in this district to the members of the West Lang- stafl’ Ratepayers’ Association at the meeting Monday evening; Mr. E. Brennan, the president was in the chair. After some discussion, the motion was made that the execuâ€" tive committee draft a. letter 1e- questing‘ council to divide Vaughan Township into wards. Suggest Ward System Be Set UpInTownship It was decided to form a, recreatâ€" ion committee to carry on the work of developing a building fund. The sums handed over by the former Garden Avenue ri-Upeity aners Association was allocated for this purpose. Mr. F. Morris was thanked for allowing the association the use of the bulletin board which is now on the front of his store. Mr. C. Ren- ton and Mr. A. Lockhart werc ap- pointed a committee to look after this board. Other business included the em- powering of the safety committee to outline a set of safety rules to be presented to the general com- mittee for sanction. Several more families were added to the mem- bershp list and interest in the as- sociation continues to grow. LOT OF FLOWERS Floral colours of the FestiVal of Britain pleasure gardens, Batter- sea Park, will be based on a theme of gold. purple and scarlet. The display will include 40,000 tulips, 17,000 pansies. 12,000 wallflowers, 7,000 begonias and 25,000 holly- hocks. DURING THE COMING MONTHS BETTER BE PREPARED AND STOCKS TORONTO Telephone 588 Cut into roasts, steaks or whatever you prefer. This includes cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. No other charges. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., April 28,! 1951 “Ill \lmln1l1nulunmmmlmlmnu\mu\m\\mmmum\mmmmmmmmm mmm\\\\n\n“Im\m1m\mum“mnnnmmmmmmml mammalIumx11uullmuuummummmmnu\mmmuummumuuummum“xnml1mmummm\\mummmunmuunxmmmmumg PLAZA 5373 MAPLE BLOCK 8: TILE LIMIIEn Beginning April 30, this store will open on Monday at 1 o’clock, and will remain open all day: Wednesday, For Service at it’s Best - - Try Your Friendly local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY E. Walker 8: Son MAPLE Groceries, Dry Goods Donald Allen Meats TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL MAPLE â€" ONTARIO Iatever ' :utting, '. N o c O MARKHAM ROAD MABLE 5.