“W ; Allen Glass & Mirror LIMITED 4936 YONGE ST. AT STOP 6A LANSING CALL ZONE 5098 FOR YOUR GLASS NEEDS WVV\\.W . Mirrors . Store Fronts g . Mantel Mirrors . Fancy Glass ‘ . Mirrors Resilvered. Structural Glass . Table & desk tops ’ Glass for build- . Picture Windows ing and glazing We Appreciate This Opportunity To Serve This Growing Community With Quality Glass Products, , :Backed By A Personnel With Years Of Experience. L Prompt Service Satisfaction Guaranteed § m, M w M N 0 S T R 0 M w D Iâ€" 0 R A H M \\.\ mm «1mm ~ unnumt I!“ In!“ To keep your flock vigorous, healthy and active-«to obtain higher egg production in winter months, build your poultry house with CONCRETE BLOCKS, It'll be.'warm and dry and proof against rats and vermin. _ Phone Stouffville 381W1 for complete detalls. ‘ We deliver. GORMLEY, ONT. Tel. Stouï¬ville 381W] FOR HEALTHIER CHICKENS GDRMLEY BLOCK 00. Newest, nicest feature of the new Beatty Washer is the stainless steel tub. This smooth, mirror like steel is just the same as you have in your table flatware“ It never scratches, chips or stains It is always so agreeable to the clothes. The Beatty Stainless Steel Washer has a thermo tuls to keep the water hot right through the washing. The new Beatty is iust as heautiFul on the Outside as the inside. YOu will always be proud of it. And it does such Beautiful work - the Beatty human hand agitator has never yet been equalled For getting clothes clean. WA} H‘ER RICHMOND HILL and better egg production! MEETS ALI. II. S. 'I'.M. SPECIFICATIONS ALL SIZES 0F CONCRETE BLOCKS, SAND AND GRAVEL 1W There never Save: time JUST PUSH AND IT SWINGS . . . PUll AND IT STOPS N TELEPHONE 93 lATES'l MODEL Pot Luck Supper Theri Mrs. Willows. president m the W.A., called on Mr. Harvey Collard, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Mc- Cague to- come forward. Mr. Coll- ard read an address to Mr. and Mrs. McCague thanking them for all their kindness to everyone, and as they have moved to Richmond Hill to live, Mr. A. Buchanan and Mr. F. Gee on behalf ofrthe com- munity and church presented Mr. and»..Mrs..,\McCague with a coffee table and a_ lace tablecloth. Last Tuesdéy evening the W.A. held a very enjOyable Pot LUCK Supper in the Sunday School room. Following the supper a program was held which included a reading by Rev. A. C. Huston, a skit by Mrs. Huston; Mrs. S. Boynton and ï¬fteen men; Mr. Frank Brum. well showed colored slides of local interesfg assisted' by his son Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. McCague thanked everyone for the lovely gifts. A hymn and the 'beï¬diction brought the everiing to a close. We wish a speedy recovery'to The world’s largest freshwater tanker, and the ï¬rst ship toearry Alberta crude oil to Ontario, the 15,800â€"ton “Imperial Leduc" is shown as she successfully passed her running trials in Georgian Bay. She developed a speed of more than 14_ knotsâ€"about 16 miles per hour. The 620â€"foot ship will ply between Superior. Wis.. ONTARIO CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie, Victoria Square VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS BIG TANKER READY TO CARRY ALBERTA OIL §\ Telephone Stoufl'ville 67509 % The annual W.M.S. church ser- vice will be held on Sunday. May w6,..at 2,3Qup, .1. .in, Victor-la Square [United Church. ' 1 ~11 1 n The guest speaker will be the former pastor, Rev. E. A. Currey of Acton. The members of the Explorers and C.G.LT. groups will occupy the choir and furnish special music. A hearty invita- tion is extended to everyone in the surrounding communities to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Sisler and Evelyn and Mr. Ash of Port Cljedit were Sunday visitors at the church ser- vice. Master George Collard had tea Sunday evening with Master Donâ€" ald Boynton. On Sunday, May 13 at 2.30 pm. there will ‘be a special dedication service for the new furnishings given to the church. The guest speaker for this occasion will be Rev. Crossley Hunter of Trinity United Church, Toronto. Special music Will be given by the choir. The W.M.S. ladies held a quilt- ing bee last Thursday in the Sun‘ day School room when ï¬ve quilts were made for the W.M.S. bale. Rev. and Mrs. A‘ C. Huston and Betty spent last Thursday with friends at Peterborough. Robb who are ill in bed Mr. and Mrs. Parry Burton and family returned home last Thurm days with friends in Montreal. The Lemonville W.A. is pre- senting a three-act play entiled “Mrs. Chatterbox," in the Victoria SQuare Community Hall on Friday evening, May 4. The play is being sponsored by the local W.A. Ev. eryone welcom. The Mother’s Day service will be held during the Sunday School period on Sunday, May 13, at 1 MUNICIPAL Secretary - Treasurer Applications will be received up to SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1951 for the position of Secretary- Treasurer of the Village of Stouffville. Applicants should state age, marital status, qualiï¬cations and salary expected. Reply in conï¬dence to Geo. Storey, Municipal Clerk; Village of Stouffville Annual Service Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove ’1â€; Ridges? or King 17R! terminal of the 1,126-mile-long Interprovin‘cial pipe line, and Sarnia. She Will make a round trip every ï¬ve' days and is ex- pected to carry about 175 million gallons of Alberta. oil in a season -â€"4 million gallons on each trip. Built at Colling’wood Shipyards, she was launched last November and outï¬tted during the winter. E. J. HINSON 'SWING OF WESTERN STATES . Dr. C. McKay of King City has returned from a brief trip to Kan- sas, Wyoming and Nebraska, wnere he aceompaniel the Duï¬â€˜erin Hol~ stein Cattle Breeders on a buying trip. They found the prices too high for purchase at present, but were much impressed with the poll- ed Herefords, and this is the. type they would like to get started here. A a‘ister ship, “Imperial Red- waterâ€, was built at Port Arthur and will undergo trials in May. Both are ï¬tted with the latest in navigation aids. The crews of 36 men each have excellent quarters, with not more than two men to a. cabin, and recreation rooms for ofï¬cers and men. There are 15 bath- rooms with showers in each ship. At Hays. Wyoming, Dr. McKay saw a 7000-acre ranch, where 4000 head of cattle pastured on 3000 ac- 1'85. At Coolman’smanch, ivorth Platte, Nebraska, he saw a bull that is insured for $50,000, and it has never been in a (barn. On a ï¬eld of 30 acres at Larned, Kan- sas, he saw a.herd of 1,000 fat steers valued at oneâ€"third 0f mill. ion dollars, being prepared for mar- ket. and being fed on silage. When asked what impressed him most during his trip Dr. McKay said that it was astonishing to see how the animals Were handled as far as buildings were-concerned Temperatures get as low as 40 below zero 'down there, and most animals live outside all year, with only a shed for shelter. witn an opening on the south side. ljr. McKay travelled 3,000 miles, hut thinks King township is the most interesting country. . There are not enough trees down there, is his opinion. “They feed no grain to the breeding stock," he said, “and they are pastured on old corn snalks and sileage, and a bit of hay. They do amazingly well," he added. 'ASKED TO SERVE Vaughan township council has decided to ask Mr. Hertland of T nhill to ï¬ll the vacancy on the ownship planning board cre. ated by the resignation of Theme. 7 ~ Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERT IRELAND, RETIRED GENTLE- MAN, DECEASED. All persons having claims 11;. ainst the Estate of Albert Ireland, late of R. R. 1 Maple. Ontario, who died on the 30th day of October, 1950, are hereby notiï¬ed to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Administratrix of the estate of the said deceased on or before the 3151; day of May, 1951,11111 particulars of their claims. Immediately af- ter the said date the Administrat- rix will distribute the assets of the said deceased. having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice and she will not be li- able to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice. DATED this 13th day of April, 1951. 371 Bay Street, Toronto Solicitor for Jane Ireland, Administratrix J. KENNETH KIDD, Maple Breeders Buy Calf Of Champ Cow A purebred Holstein Heifer, bred and owned by Norman W. McCon- key' Peterboro, has just been an- nounced as a World Champion pro- ducer. Her dam is also a Cham- pion and the pair make a very rare combination of mother and daugh- ter, both champions. The McConkey heifer is Lifloc Macaber, Re-Echo. She, is the new World Champion for milk in the Senior four-year-old class of the 305 day division on three times a day milking with 27,978 lbs. 0! milk containing 995 lbs. fat, aver- age test 3.56 percent butterfat. Continued on test. for the full year she produced 31,058 lbs. milk and 1132 lbs. fat average test 3.64 per- cent butterfat which record is the second largest for both milk and fat yet completed in its class in Canada. The new champion’s latest calf, a bull has been purchased for ar- tiï¬cial use by the Maple Cattle Breeders’ ASSociation, Maple. at a reported $6,000. The dam of the McConkey nei- fer is Re-Echo May Burke, owned by J. E. Houck, Brampton, who last December completed a 366 day record as an e1even-year-old of 35,314 lbs. milk and 1261 lbs. fat. This is a Canadian record for milk regardless of age or times milked daily. is a North American record over all ages on three- times a day milking and is a World Record for a cow past ten years old on three times a day milking. 'Both mother and daughtei are “good lockers†as well as champion producers, the dam having been officially classiï¬ed as *Excellent, the highest attainable rating for conformation and the daughter having been classiï¬ed as “Very Good†the second highest rating. The former World Champion for milk in the senior four year old class of the 305 day division on three times 8‘ day milking was Canary. Korndyke Alcartra who made her record in 1928 in the herd of B. H. Thomson, Moose Jaw, Sask. Hcr record of 26,396 lbs. milk containing 1080 lbs. fat, average test 4.09 percent butter- fat is still a World Record for fat in the class. The McConkey heif- ei- stands second to her for fat in Canada in the class. ‘ MAN†“THREE GUYS NAMED DUKE†TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 RM. Fri. Sat., May 4, 5 RANDOLPH SCOTT ' RUTH ROMAN “Colt 45†‘ Color by Technicolor Plus Comedy and Cartoon Matinee Sat. 2.00 pm. COMING SOON: “ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET THE INVISIBLE “And Baby Makes Three†So Long at the Fair Showing 7.00 and. 10.00 ROBERT YOUNG ‘BARBARA HALE Showing once only 8.35 pm. Thurs. Only. May 10 “Right Cross†May 7, 8, 9 JUNE ALLYSON DICK POWELL Mom; Tue's., Wed., JEAN SIMMONS DIRK BOGARDE AURORA A' NOTICE TO 'As distributors for the famous Hillman cars and Commer trucks, we are prepared to offer all English car owners fast and thorough service on your car. 'A full stock of Lucas electrical equipment used on all English cars available for your convenience. Richvale Baker’s Sales 8 Service 'wY/A English Car Owners SHELL COURTEOUS SERVICE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 3, 1951 Q «A«mwwwwwwwwvvvwwwAAN-----vvvvvwwwwï¬ mmmmmmmmmmmmxmmemmmmmmmmaA«anAKA~~~m~~---u 171 YONGE RICHMOND HILL ‘ PHONE 487 DRIVE IN TODAY COMMUNITY HALL, MAPLE, ONT. SHEATHING 8- FELTS BUILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS “BISCO†WALLBOARDS Triplex â€" Green Board Burley Board â€" Burley Tile PLASTIC CEMENTS a - WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS “FLEECE LINE" ROCK WOOL INSULATION “MICAFIL†Aggregates for Plaster, Concrete and lnsulalion ASPHALT SHINGLES 8- SIDINGS Olde Tyme & Modern DANCING lou can be sum of many years of prolecficn and beauty for your house and buildings with BISCO Roof- ings and Sidings. Made by one of Canada's oldosl rooï¬ng manufacturers, BISCO Rooï¬ng: and Sidings are ï¬re-resistant, proof against wear, wind and weather, are easy to apply, require no servicing. Specify BISCO products for your roofs and sldo-Vvâ€"alls'. Ask your BISCO dealer to show you the many attractive colours and patterns available now. Blends and Solid Colour: ROLL ROOFINGS Alpha" and Tarred Manufaclurer: of BUTLER and BAIRD EVERY WEDNESDAY MUSIC BY , The Rhythm Rangers Phone Richmond Hill 111 ON SALE LOCALLY AT in the See your BISCO dealer now! ROOFINGS