BEES, 7 hives. extractor,' all equip- er‘ftT'éhSï¬â€˜e‘lmu Richmond Hill. ' 61w41 RASPBERRY CANES, Strawberry Pymts, best varieties. Phone Rich- m’bnd Hill 324W. *8w41 McCLARY RANGETTE, cbndition; 1 iron bed. 4 view Ave., Richmond Hill VEADIES’ C.C.M. Bicycli c3ndition; also ice box. Richmond Hill 486M. ICE BOX, 50 1b. capacity, good condition. Phone Richmond Hill 8§7R21. *1w44 _______.â€"_._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- KATAH-bIN SEED and table po- tatoes. H. Jones, Maple 54r14. DEFOREST floor model radio and riocord player, good condition, rea- sonable. Thornhill 294113. c1w44 NEWWWILLIAMS drop head sew- ing machine. Cheap. Apply Mrs. Holgate clo Fraserdale Farms, ‘CDNVERTIBLE baby carriage, 'maroon, Sunshine make, in good icpndition; also folding hardwood 'play pen, large size; and a smaller folding go-cart in grey; eleuric baby bottle sterilizer, does 8 bot- tles; and electric bottle warmer; Acme Quebec Kitchen Range with warming closet. ,Phone Richmond Hill 304R. c1w-14 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed. $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigeraâ€" ï¬on, King 26R5. ' tfc44 RLADY approximately May 24 â€" ‘tomato plants, cabbage, annuals, etc.. Anderson, 165 Richmond SL, Richmond Hill. *1w44 Concord. WASHING MACHINE, Gyrator. Sp cycle $25 good working conâ€" dition. Phone 442R15 Richmond Hill. *1w44 ELVCon. 2 iVaughan. WOOD $16 a cord; mixed flood $18 a. cord. cut in stove Igngth. Apply Mashinter, Lot ASPARAGUS PLANTS, Vineland 3‘5; year old Strawberry plants. Frank Whittamore, Lot 28 Bath- ‘h‘rst St., Vaughan. Maple 28R24. 'KLTCHEN STOVE, enamel ï¬nish, “3331 and wood, good condition $20; Swede saw $2; bumper car jack 506; ‘6 strap-on tire chains, new 50¢ each; 5 gal oil drum 500. 68 Rosew‘ew Ave., Richmond Hill. ‘IRISH COBBLERS' seed potatoes, grown from certiï¬ed seed; also Katadhin seed potatoes. Appy S. Muhinter, Lot 31, Con 2 Vaughan. “3w43 4’ BED SIZE spring mattress and spring, good condition $5.00; also Simmons Studio'Couch, full bed size. Apply E. Lewis, Avenue Rd. Richvale uafter 7 pm. *uv44 8-PIECE BED OUTFIT, full size metal bed, good springs, spring ï¬lled mattress in ï¬rst class con- Hition, price $30.00. Thornhill 179. â€" c1w44 ALFALFA No. 1 grade, Czech or- igin. a hardy strain from eastern Europe, $35.00 per bushel. Agri- cultural Service, Otto Pick, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. Phone 617' 1 mile .north of Richmond Hill on No. 11 just south ‘of Orange Home. tfc42 ‘CEDARS, beautiful nursery grown ,any size. Perennials, Shrubs, ‘trees, etc., very low prices as we iare clearing out all this stock. =Clifford, Clarke and Seccomoe gt" {1' mile east of Stop 14A Yonge. ~ *4w41 LIFETIME all metal Venetian linds, aluminum or steel baked namel ï¬nish any coxour of tapes, flee estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newman-keg Ont. Plea;e reverse phone charges. ‘ tfc3‘2 GENT’S BICYCLE; boy's p001 tabla-new; 7-piece oak dinette suite, new; congoleum rugs; mir- rors; lamps; living room furniture ifnd'rug; new G.E. washing mach- ine,- 5-piece toasted mahOgany bedroom suite; new Westinghouse 4â€"burner electric stove and frig. gnd various other articles 156 Shruce Ave., Richvale. Phone Rich- 'mond Hill 364R6. cl\\'44 manent pasture mixtures well proven; Alfalfa. Canadian grown: Alfalfa, Czech origin, a hardy strain; Red Clover, Ontario grown; Red Clover. English or- igin; Sweet Clovers, Ladino cer- tiï¬ed, Birdsfoot. Forage Crop Seeds of every kind, certiï¬ed seed Erwin. We specialize in all new and rare varieties in the line of grade seeds. Agricultural SerV'i:e_ Otto Pick, RR. 1 Richmond Hill, phone 617, 1 mile north of Rich- ‘VondeiD tfc42 ATTENTION FARMERS: Per- CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. uuc Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, .min. charge 40c IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min; charge, all insertions . . .. 651: jFOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of ...25c COMING EVENTS NOTIC'ES: per type line 12c; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week a: possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 3, 1951 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES NGETTE, Bicycle, good 2 nowâ€" . *1w44 good Phone *1w44 c2w44 *3w43 *4w42 * 1w44 1w44 RASPBERRY CANES,Wi11 denver Phon'e Richmond Hill 366R21.‘ ï¬Ã©PBERRY CANES, $2 a nun. dred. Apply Walmer Road, phone 314R2 Richmond Hill. tfc42 SOFTWOOD Slabs $14.00; Hard- wood Slabs, $18.00' cut to length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Richmond Hill 463. ‘4w42 COLOSSAL Strawberry plants; Latham, Taylor and Columbia raspberry canes; also Asparagus, Vineland. Jim Johnson, John St., Thornhill 19J. ‘ *4w42 SPECIAL for landscape gardeners: Ornamental evergreen trees. Five thousand to choose from. Austrian iiihefMugho Pine, Blue pruce, Red Cedar, very reasonable. Phone Stouï¬â€˜ville 60414. ‘ *2w43 HOME OWNERS: If you want a nice and truly permanent lawn, buy your seed from a man who knows serd. Lawn mixtures for shady or sunny location; Milorganite; Bone Meal, and all other organic fertil- izers, chemical fertilizers; garden seeds of every kind. We specialize in all new and rare varieties in the line of seeds. Agricultural Ser- vice, Otto Pick‘ R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. Phone 617, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill on No. 11 just south of Orange Home. ‘ tfc42 Luxurious bathroom sets $187 with recessed stainless enamel sitting ledge bathtubs. Martha Washing- ton or Richledge basins, Sylenta toilets, beautiful chromed brass ï¬t- tings. Also pastel coloured sets $287. Sinks, cabinets, stovesy re- frigerators, furnaces, oil burners. Save up to one hundred dollars on your bathroom alone. Attractive savings on all products. Also spec- ial builders offers. Guaranteed satisfaction. Phone or write for appointment. Tell others acout Johnson - Streetsville Hardware, Stgeetsville, Ont., phone 261, even- ings 51R15. c3w43 RECESSED BATHTUBS $50-$60 ’35 FbRD COACH. Best uzfer. Phone Richmond Hill 480M. *1w44 '39 BUICK SEDAN, good condition reliable car, priced right. Phone Unionville 115W. 1» *1w44 FOR SALE 1945 2-TCN Ford truck ten foot platform, hoist, good run- ning condition. Phone Maple 12W. ctfn29 1938 BUICK 5 passenger coupe, rebuilt motor, body and tires 500d. slip covers, radio and heater, priced reasonable. Phone 287.] Richmond Hill. c1w43 1938 FORD SEDAN excellent con- dition. Apply evenings John Allen. Elgin Mills, phone 134R41. *2w43 1948 PONTIAC DeLuxe' Maroon Sedan, low mileage, Thornhill 388 M. c2w43 1937 PONTIAC COACH, heater, in good condition $495. Phone Rich- mond Hill 354J, 18 Arnold St. ’50 METEOR DeLuxe Coach, air conditioning, seat cova’s, clean, good condition throughout. Reasâ€" onably priced. No. 2 Bridgeford St. S. *1w44 1949 FORD Custom Coach, white walls, maroon. Richmond Hill 195R2. I c1w44 1950 FORD 1 ton express, in per- fect condition, 15,000 miles, $1500. Also 1929 Model A 1 ton, steel platform good running condition, new battery less license, $60.00. C. L. Knappett, phone 522R25 Richmond Hill CEMENT MIXER fa“ rent, gaso- line_ day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll A LARGE HOUSE on north Yonge partly furnished, rent free in ex- change for care of aged lady in her own home, middle aged people preferred. Phone .Thornhill 16R14. c1w14 4 CUBIC FT. Cunorete l’lixer' non- tilt. Calibrated water supply with hose connection. Feed Hopper. 0n rubber. $7.50 per day. Also Craftsman’s Skil-Saw - $2.50 per day. Phone Richmond Hill 528J or 288W. tch41 ROOM AND BOARD $12.50 week LAKE SIMCOE. Pine Beach, small cottage, reasonable month or sea- son, write Mrs. Trottei', 1502 King St. W. Toronto. c1w44 BODY SHOP complete with equipment; also general welding. Good opportunity to start busineSS with low overhead. Phone Union- ville 115W. *1w44 All home privileges. 322 Drewry Ave, Stop 11 Yonge St. c1w14 For Sale Continued USED CARS AND TRUCKS word, min. charge .. TO RENT 9 40¢ :rtions . . . . 65c 0 0c c2w43 c1w44 c1w44 GARDENS worked by Rototiller. W. Bond, Elmwood Blvd., eag} off CALL P. M. TONNER for clean, ï¬ne work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 FLOOR SANDERS, rentals. Eddy’s 55 Yonge Street North. Phone 458J Richmond Hill. tfc31 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharp- ened; window screens and doors. Phcne 498R Richmond Hill, 32 Richmond St. t1.\v39 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372r5. tfc42 LAWN MOWERS sharpeneo and repaired, work done by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Map- le 62R24. tfc43 CUSTOM FARM PLOWING, :ul- tivating, tilling and discing. \v. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. *30w41 Iâ€"gsï¬LATION, rock wool, blower method, try our prices, easy terms. For free estimate phone Richmond Hill 585W. tfc33 EINBODEN & SON concrete tractors, septic tanks, d1 floors. Phone Richmond Hill R5. Will. 466. c2 PAINTING and paperhanging, ï¬rst class work, reasonable rates. sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 4.14M. tich GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woedbridge 6J or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. *43w32 WINDOW SCREEN SERVICE \Vindow and Porch Screens made to order, painted or repaired. W. Zimmerman, Brookside Road, phone 372R22. ‘6w43 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tic MISCELLANEOUS WE CAN SAVE you money by having us do your cement work. We specialize in tile floors for basements or garages, also drive- free, no job too large or small. Just reverse the charges Thornhill 278'R14. ' c1w44 SUMMER Hotels: Jacknife Lodge on Georgian Bay opens the season June 15. There you’ll ï¬nd a friend- ly atmosphere and gracious acâ€" commodation at modest prices â€"â€" all the pleasures of camp life with- out its hardships. For information call Mrs. Percival Thornhill 3-07J. ‘c1w44 WANTED transport truck driver, reliable man. Phone Stoutfville 661‘04. c1w44 WAITRESS, reliable and trust- worthy, no night work. Apply Village Grill, Thornhill. c1w44 MAID,7couple with two childxun in Toronto, $75 a month, live in. Apply Box 2 Libera1~ c2w43 ONE SHORT ORDER COOK; one cook’s helper; one dish washer for Summit View Drive-In. Phone 431R22 Richmond Hill. c1w44 BEAN to work on Golf Course. Arp- ply in person to Court Superinten- dent Thornhill Golf Club. c1w44 experienced waitresses. Apply stating age to Thornhill Golf Club, Box 219 Thornhill. c1w44 EXPERIENCED single, market garden hand, good truck and trac- tor man. Apply Harvey Mashinâ€" tor, R. R. 3 King. Phone King 3R13. tfcw44 HELP WANTED for landscape work, full or part time. Apply at Rice’s Flower Shop, Richmona Hill 490. c1w44 EXPERIENCED bench carpenters, glass cutter, glazer, good wag;s, steady work if satisfactory. Apply Jackson Bros., Thornhill. c1w44 THREE CARPENTERS and three laborers for house construction in Richmond Hill. Apply 115 Wright St., phone Richmond Hill 499J. YOUNG MAN to assist in Hard- ware Store, experience not essen- tial, must be able to drive truck. Apply in person at Ralph’s Hard- ware. 34 Yonge St. S., Richmond Hill DOG, medium size white, black & brown, child’s pet very affection- ate, answers to Bingo. Phone Rich- mond Hill 372R22. c1v44 ssss SELLING FLU-Oâ€"RAY exclusive lighting needs to homes and stores. Full, part time; no experience necessary. Build your own substantial repeat business. Rush details Flu-O-Ray, Dept. 10W, Hamilton, Ontario. SSGX. ANTED IMMEDIATELY: two HELP WANTED LOST GRAVEL. crushed Don :ete con- drains, Hill 364 c26w40 *2W44 c1w44 c2w43 20-30 MASSEY-HARRIS Tractor on steel $150.00. Phone Richmond Hil‘ 48R23. D. McIntosh, R‘ R. ’47 FORD TRACTOR and plow on rubber in perfect condition, $950. or best offer. Ashton Calvert, Ag- incourt 21J3. *1w44 1 POTATO PLANTER, Massey- Harris; 1 potato digger; 1 grain thrower. Apply 20W Maple. 1 Wâ€"6 MCCORMICK Tractor, 3 years old; 1 Oliver “77†tractor, 2 years, old; 1 McCormick Farmall ‘H’ tractor, 4 years old. Apply M. A. Wilson, King 48. c1w44 POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- et prices. Any quantity. Will Call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King 29R14. *25w29 CAPONS. ro~ast_ers and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfcl? WOMAN wahts work by day $5. Mrs. Mihorean, Markham Rd. c1w4 CONTRACT on houses by day or job. J. W. Arsenau, Richmond mu *2w44 Hill. LIGHT FARM WORK or light job of any sort; also buï¬et for male. Apply Frank Pegg, Richmond Hill D n ' *1w44 SINGLE or married man, market gardening help, free house, must be good tractor man. Apply Har- vey Mashinter, R. R. 3 King‘ phone 3R13 King. tfc 42 LIGHT WORK around farm or garden by single man, who re- quires living quarters and small remuneration Apply Box 1 The Liberal. LADIES 'and gentlemen. Spring has arrived with a bang. This means spring-cleaning, that old bug-bear. But don’t let it get you down. Theodore Niesen, the super duper cleaner has just arrived from Montreal and'has already started work. If you have ceilings or walls to clean and floors to wash and wax 'he'is here ready to give good service. Hours 9 to 6 or by appointment. Why not take the proverbial bull by the horns and get this work‘over with? Tele- phone 9 Richmond Hill. *1W44 BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, all con~ veniences, quiet residential street in Richmond Hill.-Possession oune 1. Apply J. R. Harrington, Richâ€" mond Hill. ctfc37 SAT., MAY 5 -â€" Auction Sale at the new Stoutfville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is yam commun- ity sale. “You bring it, We’ll sell it.†Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc {OR REAL ESTATE. phone Fenn, Thorn‘nill 168 tfcll FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thomhill 168. tfc46 ONE SERVICE station attendant with exerience. Apply Baker Sales & Service, Richvale. c1w44 MECHANIC with papers â€" only experienced need apply, “top wages to right man. Baker Sales & Ser- ice, Richvale. “W44 HOUSEKEEPING room(s) want- ed for couple with two children for one month only, May 13 to June 15. Richmond Hill 83R. *1w44 SAT., MAY 19 -â€" Auction Sale of herd of registered and grade Hol- stein cattle, pigs, threshing ma- chine. new Ford Tractor, far-m stock, implements, furniture, etc. on lot 12, con 8 Vaughan Twp.’ on No. 27 ï¬ighway, 11/2 mile north of No. 7 Highway. Property of Mrs. F. Murray. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers' Markham, Ont,, phone 346. DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18112 Gormley. SALE REGISTERS OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM EMPLOYMENT WANTED IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CAMPBELL MINK LIVESTOCK . ' FOR SALE ' POULTRY WANTED WANTED Also c1w44 1w44 Birthday Party A party 1n honor of Jean Ash on her 14th birthday was given in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash. on Saturday evening, April 21. 5» About 40 guests enjoyed anqev- ening of square and round dancing and other fancy dance numbers to the music of Mr. Louis Eberschlag and Mr. Alex Hunter, violinists; and Nelson Peelar, guitarist. The ï¬ne baritone voice of Frank Holl- ingsworth thrilled the guests as he sang many popular and classical pieces while accompanying himself on his electrical guitar. A delicious lunch which turned out to be a†veritable banquet was served by Mrs. Ash amid stream- ers and balloons in a tastefully decorated room. Jean and Billie Ash entertained the guests with their pleasing voices as they sang their songs in- to a microphone and led in a num- ber of sing-songs. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker was the scene of a miscell- aneous shower on Wednesday, Ap- ril 18 for Mr. Baker‘s sister, Annie. Miss Baker and Mr. Cornelius Pauls are‘ to be married in the Langstaï¬â€˜ Baptist Church on Satur- day_ May 12. Buchanan-Lippet Colorful spring flowers formed the b’ackground for the marriage of Jean Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Frederick Lippet of Fisher- ville to Mr. John Richard Buchan- an son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Buch- anan of Victoria Square. Rev. E. E. Kent officiated at the after- noon ceremony on Saturday, April 21, in Thornhill United Church. A floor length gown of white lace was worn by the bride, whose father gave her in marriage. The ï¬tted bodice was ï¬nished win: a high neck line and a Peter Pan‘ collar. A full skirt with lace in- sert panels ended in a circular train. Her long veil matched her dress and was held‘ by a small cap and she carried red roses and white carnation Ibuds. Kathaleen Johnson. cousin 0: the bride, was matron of honour, who chose a gown of mauve nylon taf- feta and net with a full fashioned skirt and Peter Pan collar and carried a bouquet of yellow roses and mauve sweet peas. Miss Ann Lippet, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. Her gown was yellow nylon taffeta and net and she carriéd pink rases and sweet peas. Ann Buchanan, sister of the groom, was junior brides- maid and was gowned in green ny- lon taffeta and net. and carried a bouquet of roses and sweet peas. Mr. Nelson ' Buchanan was groomsman for his brother, and Mr. Jack Lippet and Mr. Don Ste- phenson Were ushers. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Tom- kin sang “I’ll Walk Beside You,†and “O Promise Me.†A reception followed at the Masâ€" onic Hall in Richmond Hill. The bride‘s mother received wearing a grey crepe dress with navy blue accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. The groom’s mother assisted wearing a navy blue dress with beige accessories and corsa'ge of yellow and bronze roses. For travelling the bride chose a navy blue, suit with pink access- ories and wore a corsage of white gardenias. ASK for spring prices on Kitchen- er Big-4 Chicks. They’re reason- able for this ï¬ne stock, bred by ‘ Following a motor trip to the United States the couple will 11v: m Wctoria Square. a Hatchery of over 30 years' ex- perience. Canada Approved. Ag- ent Wesley Clark R. R. 2 Gorm- ley. BRAY has pullets at Bargain spring prices, Dayold or started. Look at today's high egg prices, anticipate the good markets late summer-fall. You’ll be wise to ask for particulars on these, from Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, nich- mond Hill. TRANSPORTATION wanted Irom south of Maple to Toronto, leaving" at 7.30 a.m‘ Phone 112R13 Maple. - c1w44 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 23 Yonge St. to King & Un- iversity vicinity, arriving «8 a.m. returnng at 5.30 pm. Phone Maple 4r15. . - *1w44 TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTOR FOR CONCRETE OR STEEL SEPTIC TANKS ALSO FLOORS & SIDEWALKS LAID AND DRAINS DUG Have your sewing machine ready for Spring Free oiling and tension adjust- ments Estimates given on repairs Free pick-up and delivery SINGER 'SEWING CENTRE 5249 Yonge St., Willowdale Phone Zone 8129 Apply Box 10 The Liberal Phone 48R25 Richmond Hill CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple N. DOLSON POULTRY FOR SALE CONCORD NEWS Telephone Maple 1 10R3 Fencing work began last weex on the site of the new Maplewood Church of Christ. The property was purchased from Mr. Teasdale and it is hoped that building will commence in the near future. Sun- day morning services are at pres- ent being held in Concord school house. Elia Supper Served The Pot Luck supper served by the ladies of the Women’s Assoc- iation in the Elia United Church, April 20, was a great success. Many attended and enjOyed a supper consisting of many and varied kinds of food. The Pot the ladies iation in 1 April 20, v lea in a couple of sing songs and Mr. Wm. Agar of Nash- ville showed. four sound ï¬lms. The instrumental numbers pres- ented by Fred Thompson, pianist and by Cameron McClure and He]- en Thompson, voilinists, were much appreciated and greatly enjoyed. The Women of the Lutheran Church met at the home of Mrs. Sam Cave on Wednesday at 2 pm. The president Mrs. Wilmer Keï¬â€˜er was in the chair. The topic was taken by Mrs E. J. Fischer and called “Soil Conservation in the light of the Christian Message.†The Sunday School has invested $50 for books. maps and lesson helps as a start for a new S. S. library. Next Sunday a ï¬lm strip on the Ten Commandments will be shown in the Sunday School. Lutheran Church News Sherwood News R. D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174. RICHMOND HILL III-IIIIIIII'IIIIEE' RELIABLE USED CARS 1949 PONTIAC MAROON COACH radio and heater, 30-day guarantee 1949 MERCURY If; TON PICKUP 1947 CHEV. SEDAN New 1951 motor and completely overhauled 30 day guarantee Buick, Pontiac, G.M.C. Trucks Phone 488 Elgin Mills Phone 653 1948 PONTIAC TUDOR SEDAN radio, heater, 30-day guarantee 1940 BUICK CLUB COUPE New paint job â€"- very clean $1,695.00 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DeLUXE SEDAN 1945 FORD V2 TON PICKUP Bradshaw Motors 1950 G.M.C. ‘fz TON DeLUXE PANEL in exceptional condition actual mileage 4,000 1949 G.M.C. 1.1 TON PICKUP 30 day guarantee QUALITY USED CARS AND TRUCKS SPECIAL THIS WEEK $75.00 1930 C'HEV. SEDAN Running condition 1947 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY Excellent condition 30» Day Guarantee 30 day guarantee $1,725.00 $1,695.00 $1,425.00 $1,125.00 $1,200.00 $1,050.00 $1,425.00 $695.00 $7 25.00 LTD. TELEPHONE $1fll‘lllllllllll!“Il\lllllllllllllllulllï¬ï¬‚lmllll\l\l\l\ll\\“\\1\l\l““lll\ll“lull\l“ml\\\\\\\\l“ullllllmml\\l\\\\\\l\l\mm“l“lllll\\\\\\\\l\l\l\\\\\\\|\\\\“\l\\‘g g\l\\\\\\\l\\l\\l}\l\l\l!!1m“l“hm\lll“I“11ml“!!!lll1‘“leml“\i\l\\l\\\\\\l\\\\l\\\ll1\l\llll\\ll\l\l\l\lllllllllll“11mmmlllllmï¬mllll\l\lllllllllllllllll“HE FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"IiEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" s a: â€"â€"â€"â€"- Maple 1 1944 FORD FERGUSON 9N Model 1 1941 FORD FERGUSON 9N Model 1 1947 FARMALL “A†Model with side mower, lights & ‘Heat-houser’ R. D. LITTLE AND SON LTD. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 STORE YOUR WINTER GARMENTS SAFE FROM FIRE - THEFT - MOTHS (FULLY INSURED) Chester Cleaners & Dyers, Ltd. SAVE MILK and RAISE GOOD CALVES You make a big saying on whole milk . . and calves make quick, somad gains on NORM BOOREgAGENT 99 Hunt St, Richmond Hill, Phone 99W ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? FUL-O-PEP CALF MEAL PELLETS! '1. D. RAMER & som HORSES . . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . . . . $7.00 each CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 each SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE FOR SPEEDY PICK-UP PHONE BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 00., ND. ‘ Richmond Hill 47R4 Toronto LY. 6237 Notice to Farmers 739-743 Broadview Ave., Toronto USED TRACTORS My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For Highest Prices Paid For Dead or Crippled Animals Ready For Spring Work 'ARTHUR J. WELLS SPECIAL PRICES Telephone Maple 99 RICHMOND HILL 10