Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1951, p. 9

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Barrister, Solicitor, Notdry Pubic Mortgage Loans Arranged Office Hours: Dajly 19 t9 5 poll- wa AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond Street West Plaza 8929 Richmond Hill, Thursday morning Maple, Thursday afternoon Phone 126 Barrister, Solicitors, Notaries N. Mathews, K.C. K. Stiver, B.A. b. E. Lyons, BA; Joseph Vale Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public 93 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Ofi’ice â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Richmond Hill 398J 36 Centre W Lang, Michener, Day 8: Cranston 50 King St. W., Toronto Waverley 2931 Phone 64‘. _ Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Department, Dramatic Art “HO MEWO O D HALL” Thornhill, Ont. Phone Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House‘- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 9. specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., ph. Agmcourt 52w3 Markham P.O.,>ph. Markham 346 From thelToronto Conservatory of Music w111 accept a number of -‘pypfls in . nun-nan“ FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE STRVICE Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Officu at THORNHILL and UNIONVILLE J. Rabinowitch, B.A. Dr. W. J. Mason‘ DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Phone 70 Richménd Hill PIANO, 012’G2i'1i1~ a'iid THEORY F05 information phone Mrs. Mylks Ri hmond Hill 58J 108 Yonge St. Arthur G. Broad, D.C. RICHMOND HILL ‘ 26 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and ‘ Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sules a Specialty Telephone Stouffville 67312 Address: Gormley P.0. REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, otc. “Evenings: Thursda'y, 8-10 p.61. Other evenings by appointment. 40 Yonge, Richmond Hill 229W ' “NEWMA'RKET OFFICE, 100 Main St. 6 Botsfprd St: We have them you hand in our Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office â€" phone Richmond Hill 9. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? Marguerite Boyle Stuart P. Parker Fire, Automobile, etc. Telephone 411 Richmond Hill Mathews, Stiver, Lyons& Vale. No sale too' big or too small Wright & Taylor Adelmo M elecci William Cook and Walsh T. C. Newman Ken & Clarke CHIROPRACTIC A 8- meer AUCTIDNEERS REAL ESTATE JOB PR1-ITING DEPARTMENT The Liberal R [1. Kane 1 A Yonge Street MUSICAL INSURANCE LEGAL DENTAL By Appointment Phone 89w Phone ' 20 MAPLE -â€"ANDâ€" Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 foigevs't. N., Richmond Hill Telephone 100 Centre St. E. Richmond Hi1 Hours: 9-11 mm. and by appoint ment Telephones: Office 24 Residence 513, Rich-10nd Hill Phone Thornhill 70 Dr. Jas. R. Langstalf Ofl'ices: MacNeil-Anstey Building, Thornhill ' Phone 82 Telephone 360W Hours 10-12 am. Weekdays only SECORD ANIMAL CLINIC GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sicknesz Farm Insurance 9. Specialty King City Telephone 28 Want a good attendance at that concert or bazaar or whatever it may be? Then try an insertion in the “Coming Events” column of The Liberal. It does the job for you at low cost. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 9. Dr. W. Allan Ripley 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 pm. daily Tuesday & Thursday evenings: 6-8 pm. Other hours by appointment Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. Toronto AD. 0311 J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Unt. Telephone 87 Telephone: Richmond Hill 306 Dr. E. A. CRAWFORD Plate Glass, Hospitalization 40 Yonge Richmond Hill General Insurance Dr. J, T. Sheppard VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street Office Hours 12 to 2 pan. and 6 to 8 p.m by appointment Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. Wm. D. Howe Elgin Mills Side Road West Dr. Cicely Wilson Obstetrics and Gynecology Mon. through Fri. 12 to 2 Tuesday evening 7 to 9 Wednesday 12 to 4 and by appointment Jack Walkington VETERINARY SURGEON 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill Phone Thornhil 388R5 Dr. J. P. Wilson Life, Fire, Automobile, W. SCHURMAN Telephone Maple 49R2 Roy W. Bick VETERINARY Or by appointment INSURANCE MEDICAL Branch Office Phone 407J At Dufl’erin Centre Street Richmond Hill Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 BU. 5197 Increased costs of buildings, furniture, clothing and even Claims have left many a per- son THOUSANDS of dollars short of today’s costs after a Fire or Auto Accident. Let us survey your present policies and make the necess- ary changes that will give you the “Peace of Mind” that comes with a better insurance protection and service. See With the increase of fire hazards property owners should review their insurance policies, and due ’6 the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them 1e caught som ,_A.-_J..'-u ....‘. r--. time or other without protection. The cost is a. minor amount to what it will cost if an accident happem. A. 6'. Savage INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill 10 Yonge St. Are You Properly Protected? (J. Carl Saigeon Agency) General Insurance Maple, Ont. Tel. 11 For All Occasions Phone orders deb1¢ed anywhere in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) Telephone MAfair 2:45-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, J.F. Lynett W. J. SMITH & SON Phone Richmond Hill 343r6 Phone 372r5 Richmond Hill Buildings, Repairs, Alterations All work guaranteed. Phone Richmond Hill 343R13 Free Estimates Leave Maple Leave Richmond Leave Maple Leave Richmond INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town day or night emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 Maple 72r23 Yerex Electric RICHMOND HILL W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS GENERAL BUSINESS ERNIE BROCK 213 Oak Ave., Richvale SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Langdon’s ‘ Coach Lines Ltd. Coa‘ches For All Occasions INSURANCE Cont. We Do Anything Radio Repairs Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging R. BENTLEY E. CHARITY ORDER HELEN SIMPSON F IDWERS Telephone King 56 Phone 242] SCHOOL Painting Consult 8.10 am. Hill 9.10 3.00 pm. Hill 4.30 DAYS Mrs. W. A. Curtis, Worthy Mis- tress of the Ladies Orange Benevâ€" olent Association of Willowdale, at- tended the Chatham Convention last week. A Euchre is being held this Fri- day evening, May 18, at 8.30 It the home of Mrs. W. A. Curtis, 8 Morgan Avenue, (Boyle sub-divis- ion), Langstafl'. It is under the auspices of the Ladies Orange Ben: evolent Association of Willowdale and admission costs 35c. Everyone is welcome. The Safety Committee of the West Langstafi Ratepayers Assocâ€" iation met at the home of H. J- Suter,‘ Langstaff Road West, on Tuesday evening. Present Were Messrs. Art Gibson, Jim Youdell and, Glen Lunau. A report of their activities will be given at the next general meeting of the assoc- iation which is to be held on Mon- day, May 28. Orange Ladies Euchre West Langstatf Ratepayers Mr. and Mrs. Wlmv. Baker were guests at the wedding of Mr. Hak- er’s sister, Annie Baker, whose marriage to Mr. Cornelius Paula took place in the Langstaff Baptist Church on Saturday afternoon. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the West Langataff Ratepayers Association was held Tuesday night at the home of Douglas Boron entertained eight little friends on his fifth. birthday on Saturday. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent outdoors play- ing cowboys and Indians and eat- 1949 Hillman 1950 Hillman 1948 Austin Coach 1939 Mercury Coach 1941 Chev. Coach 1949 Ford Coach Phone 111 Richmond Hill BAKER SALES & SERVICE Storage; Cleaning Pick-up and Delivery Thurs., Fri.. Sat. May 17, 18, 19 Bud Abbott & Lou Costello “Meet the Invisible Man” Plus Robert Lowery, Frankie Darro “Heart of Virginia” Matinee Sat. 2.00 p.m.‘ COMING SOON: “Gunga Din” ‘Vengeance Valley’ ‘Ma & Pa Kettle Back On The Farm” “Three Guys Nam- ed Mike” “I’d Climb the Highest Mountain” TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 P.M. Expert Designing For appointment Phone ADAM REITER CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, B. R. 1, Maple Telephone Maple' 110R3 FURS USED CARS Mon., Tues., Wed. May 21, 22, 23 Jane Wyman Van JOhIISOIl Howard Keel Barry Sullivan Thornhill 345 AURORA cORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. STAN. V. WORSDALE Telephone Thornhill 257r12 LANGSTAFF NEWS “Kim” CONCORD NEWS Cecil Thirgood, Fairview Avenue. Members present included E. Bren- mm, B. F. Carley, H. Lee and S. Worsdale, and the discuséion cen- tre around the proposed constitu- tion. Mrs. J, Greenfield, Garden Ave., received an unusual Mother’s Day gift when one of 9her Legnorns produced an egg on Sunday dearly marked “C.G.”, the initials of her son, Clarence. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Spanton, of Yonge Street, spent last week holâ€" idaying in Detroit. On Tuesday they enjoyed a. pleasant afternoon watching the Detroit Tigers play ball. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Morris drove to Wilberforce Saturday evening to spend Sunday with Mr. Morris’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris. Donald Robeson, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Robeson, Boyle Drive, is in Sick Children’s Hospital under observation. He was taken ill Sunday evening, his trouble was diagnosed as appendi- citis and he was rushed to hospi- tal. 'ing hot dogs and birthday cake. Each little guest received a comic book and all in all, everyone had a grand time. Janice Jean, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keffer, was christened on Sunday in the United Church at Maple. Relatives and friends attending Were: Mrs. Jesse Phillips of Wood< bridge, Janice's great-grandmoth- er; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Phillips, of Humber Summit, and Mr. and Mrs. Keffer, Maple, grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker of Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Phillips. Daughter Christened All were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keft‘er for tea. on Sunday afternoon. Mrs Stoddard, Steele’s Ave., was hostess to ladies of the commun- SW at a. Wear-.ever brush demon- stration in her home last Wednes- day evening. Many useful and practical artic- les were shown and the evening thoroughly enjoyed by those” at- tending. Brownies Karen Whaley ahd Nancy HollaWell canvassed the neighborhood recently and tom: orâ€" ders for Girl Guide conkies, which they delivered on Saturday. Betty Stuart, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stuart was admitted to the new Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto last week, suffering from a double mastoid condition brought on'after she was struck on the head with a ball while playing near her home. An operation this week will be nec- essary before Betty wil be home again. Sunday School will be at 3.00 p m. and church service at 4.00 pm next Sunday, May 20, in the Fish- erville United Church. The pmceeds realized will be us- ed to further the work of the W0- man’s Association. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Whaley and children spent, the Weekend. in Or- angeville with Mrs. Whaley’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bailey; Mrs. Whaley is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Warren Bailey. Mrs. Sawyer of John St. went to Guelph over the weekend to enter her Pekinese dog in the kennel club show. Yungâ€"C'hoo-Lee placed second in his class and also be- came a reserve winner in his breed. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wicksey and family of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gribblee on Sunda). Congratulations to Miss Phyllis Waterson in winning a third place certificate at the York Music Fes- tival. Phyllis sang in a duet with Miss Helen Gilmour of Newton- brook. The competition was Keen imall classes of vocal and piano. Junior and Senior Elocution and reading classes at the recent York Music Festival held in Wood- bridge. Neweomers to the district are daughter Julie who have recently arrived from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. Mr. and Mrs. Ghirardi have taken up residence on John St. A welcome is extended to them. Please keep in mind Moliday, May 21 at 8 pm. for the special school meeting, which will be of interest to all ratepayers and par- ents in the Thornlea School dis- trict. Mr. K. Richan and Mr. Jackson Taylor, membersmf the school area No. 1 board will be in charge. Tuesday, May 22, at the United Church, Thorn=hill, the Horticul- tural Society are holding an in- teresting affair. Tulip and spring flower show, a chance to pick up your options, and also a sale 01 plants for your garden. Sounds like an interesting evening. The juniors will meet under the direc- tion of Mrs. Wm. Banks and they will receive their gladioli bulbs. mu“mumn\\lumm“\mmmuml\lumumuuumuuumummmm CARPENTERING RENOVATING & REPAIRS Estimates on request l\\\\\l\lll\R““lll“l\mllll“llll\l\\\\llm\\ll!l\nm\\lll\\\\lll\‘l“l\llll\llm\|ll LOAM FILL GRADING PHONE THORNHILL 1411 MR. STEWART 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale 1950 2-Door DeLuxe ' Chevrolet 1950 2-D00r Chevrolet GORDON’S GARAGE King Telephone 50 Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thornhill 361'31 1951 1 Ton Pickup Thornlea News 1946 Chev. Coach 1936 Chev. Coach radio and air conditioner NORTH END EXCAVATORS radio and air co'nditioner Stop 17A Yonge St. Thomhill 40J USED CARS heater, new paint job H. J. JUHL new GRAVEL SAND THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 11’, 1951 9 A\n\mmmmumfiummlmummmmlmm“muum““mumu\m\ulmmmuum“u\“Imummmmmnu\muummuumummmunui “mM11“M““WNWMIM“fillMW“ll\“WWW\\\\\\\l\llll\l\ll\lll\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\“\lNml\\\ll\\\l\\ll\ll“\lllulumll\l\h\l\\\\lM\\l\\\\\Ml“ mammal“Mm1mmnn“mummmmmmmmnmnmmumumummu“umm“umumulmuummm \NWWWMWWHMMWN‘WW“mllmm|Ill“Ill“WNINMIHN\llllllllMlllWMWMl STORE YOUR WINTER GARMENTS .SAFE FROM FIRE . THEFT . MOTHS (FULLY INSURED) Chester Cleaners & Dyers, Ltd. 99 Hunt St., Richmond Hill, Phone 99W For wedding pictures â€" for birthdays â€"- for the many anniversaries which de- serve recording â€" for the artistry which makes all the difierence between an or- dinary photograph and a portrait â€" Visit FOR THE BEST IN LANDSCAPING PHONE RICHMOND HILL 497-W 739-743 Broadview Ave., Toronto Edmund Soame Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment LEN’S LANDSCAPE SERVICE Shrub & Perennial Borders PORTRAITS FOUNDATION PLANTING SODDING NORM BOORE, AGENT TORONTO ROCKERIES “ THE STUDIO "- 1720 Avenue Road or rlner

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