up to $100 on your bathroom alone and have a nicer home. Helpful in- stalation diagrams with shipments. The smart Martha Washington and Richledge sets complete consisting of a ï¬ve foot recessed stainless sitting ledge bathtub, most modern vitreous basin and Sylent toilet with lovely chromed ï¬ttings $155 to $187. Luxurious coral, green, blue and yellow sets $274. Attractive powder room sets. Sink cabinet .mplete With chromed swing spout faucets, crumb cup strainer,‘ s.ainless enamel sink and plastic tops $98. Electric, coal, wood ves, refrigerators, oil burners, 1‘ names and pipes, shower cabin- e._, sanitary deluxe enamel laun- dry tubs. Guaranteed satisfaction. Also special plumbers and builders offers. You can’t afford to ignore these opportunities. Write or visit Johnson Mail Order Division, Streetsville Hardwar: Qtreetsville, Ontario: Phone 26- c4w461 BUILTâ€"IN BATHTUBS $55: Save USED POULTRY Equipment, founts large and small, feeding troughs, large egg crates, coal brooder, oil brooder, ï¬ve rolls of wire, good. W. Harris, Langstaï¬'. c1w46 f’ ‘ ator, the completely silent re- frigerator, no moving parts, 10 yrs. warranty, 3 size for every family and kitchen. Yerex Electric, phone 242.1 Richmond Hill. c1w46 ANNUALS and tomato plants, Hughes Greenhouse, Ruggles Ave., Langstaï¬', 2nd street east of Yonge No. 7 Highway. Phone Thorn‘hill 206R14. : *1w46 WESTINGHOUSE Fleetline Stove, table model, high side oven, warm- ing oven. Reasonable price for a quick sale. Phone 638 Richmond Hill. c1w46 COME IN and see the Servel Re- ELECTRIC 4~burner “Moffatt†range; man's CCM Bicycle. 28 Rumble Ave., phone Richmond Hill 269J. c1w46 WHITE ENAMEL kitchen coal stove, polished steel top, good oven, perfect condition. Phone 621W Richmond Hill. *1w46 TOMATO PLANTS, 6 varlzcies, cabbage, etc., petunias, many other annuals. Anderson, 165 Richmond Street. *3w46 PRINCESS PAT coal or wood range, in ï¬rst class condition, cop- per reservoir. Apply phone Wood- bridge 110R31. *1w46 ESSOTANE Gas Stove, large, "Ma- gic Chef"; Coleman space heater. Phone Richmond Hill 589R31. MAN’S BICYCLE in good (.vfldi- ition; 1 dining room table; orna- mental flower pots. Phone 409W Richmond Hill. *1w46 TOMATO PLANTS: BeefSLake, Bonny Best, John Baer, Early Rutgers. Place orders now. Rich- mond Hill 379W. \ *1w45 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigeraâ€" tion King 26R5. tfc44 DUOâ€"THERM Space Heater, 14†ï¬re box, used one month. Bruce Mountjoy, Langstat’f, phone Thorn- hill 215R4. *1w46 RCA VICTROLA Radio phono- graph standard ,78 rpm, plus 331/2 attachment. Apply Hilltop Elec- tric, Richmond Hill. "1w46 BOX TRAILER 4x8 with universal hitch, hardwood frame, bargain. Phone Thornhill 308J. c1w46 JERAND NEW 15.25.550-21 6-ply heavy duty tire. Mr. McLaughlin Temperton Cresc., Richvale. c1w46 ECG BUILDING 20x24 in good condition, formerly a house. Phone Maple 30R2. c1w46 TRUCK TIRES 650x20, good con- dition, reasonable. Apply 102 Benson Ave. c1w46 1Kch STUDIO COUCH, in good condition. Phone 218W Richmond Hill. c1w46 RASPBERRY CANES, Strawberry Plants, best varieties. Phone Rich- mond Hill 324W. *8w41 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 17, 1951 RASPBERRY CANES, $2 a nun- dred. Apply Walmer Road, phone 314112 Richmond Hill. tfc42 iDIANO apartment size, Weber, in good condition. Phone 124 Rich- mond Hill. c1w46 AFRfCAN VIOLETS in full bloom, makes beautiful gift. Phone Tnorn. hill 207R21. c3w50 IVIXNTEL RADIO in exchange for goat or what have you. Phone Thornhill 6r13. c1w46 CHILD'S CRIB and high chair. Phone 48132 Richmond Hill. c1w46 (E61012 CEDAR hedge tree», 1-2 it, 50c and 75¢ a piece. Phone 372R31 Richmond Hill. c1w4b CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 30 per word, min. charge .. 50: Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 400 IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. charge, all insertions . . . . 656 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 12c; min. charge 75c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ignore CAPONS. roasters and fowl, high- r visit est prices paid. Don’t sell until vision, contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak tsville, Ridges Poultry Grading Station. c4w46Phone King 59R14. tfc17 c1w46 POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- et prices. Any quantity. Will call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King 29R14. *25w29 SINGLE or married man, market gardening help, free house, must be good tractor man. Apply Har- vey Mashinter, R. R. 3 King, phone 3R13 King. tfc 42 GARDENING and odd jobs done by experienced man, part time. Phone Thornhill 6r13. tfc45 1947 (PURCHASED in Dec.) Ply- mouth Special DeLuxe 5 passenger Club Coupe, heater, slip cover». ex- cellent condition $1,395 or best of- fer. Sharpless, 66 Princess AVe., Willowdale. Phone Zone 5259. excellent condition, radio, heater, engine block heater; mileage 36,- 000, two tires only 5,000 miles. Phone 317W Richmond Hill. c1w46 32 AND 35 CHEV. Coaches, both with good tires and motors, sell for $110.00 and $225.00 cash tes- pectively. Cullen, Hagerman Rd., east 1 mile, Milliken. c1w46 1946 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Coach, 1937 CHEVROLET COACH, priv- ately owned since new, motor, paint, tires, etc., all in excellent condition. Apply Jack Walking- ton, phone 28 King. c2w46 1929 MODEL A FORD, 1 ton good running order, 5 good tires, new battery $60. Phone 522R25 Rich- mond Hill. c1w46 1937 CHEV. SEDAN with ’48 mo- tor, new clutch and transmiSbion. Apply 54 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. c1w46 1941 FORD Deluxe Sedan new tires and motor. Very clean. Reason- able. Phone Willowdale Zone 5226. Clw46 NUMBER OF USED‘CARQ in good condition. Hall’s Service Station, Elgin Mills. Phone Rich- mond Hill 191. c2w46 1933 FORD TUDOR real goou con- dition, new carburetor, fuel pump, sealed beams, $250. Joe Boron, Concord. Phone Maple 70r4. c1w46 1949 AUSTIN Station Wagon, carries ï¬ve or half ton, well main- tained and good buy. Thornhill 235W. c1w46 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Plea:e reverse phone charges. tfc32 GENERAL ELECTRIC StovU, 3- surface burners, deep well thrift cooker, heat control oven with 60 cycle clock for automatic itimlng, storage drawer, table top worming space, $150 cash. Phone Richmond Hill 639W. c1w46 SPECIAL for landscape gardeners: Ornamental evergreen trees. Five thousand to choose from. Austrian Pine, Mugho Pine, Blue pruce, Red Cedar, very reasonable. Phone Stouï¬'ville 60414. *2w45 OPPORTUNITY SALE of used clothing and articles in Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill at 2 pm. on Saturday, June 2, under the aus- pices of the Business and Profess- ional Women’s Club. Tea will be served. ' c1w46 CEDARS, beautiful nursery grown, any size. Perennials, shrubs, trees, etc., very low prices as we are clearing out all this stock. Clifford, Clarke and Seccomoe St., 1 mile east of Stop 14A Yonge. QUANTITY of BARLEY mlxed with Wheat, $3.00 per cwt. Also a quantity of buckwheat deliVered. Apply Samuel Winger, phone Map- le 62r22. c1w46 B.S.A. MOTO'RCYCLEL35'0 cu, in perfect condition. Mileage 2,500. Phone 541J Aurora. c2w45 DINETTE SUITE, natural, table, 4 chairs and large buffet. Phone Richmond Hill 280J. * 1w46 raspberry canes; bushes. Apply L. hurst Rd. STRAWBERRY PLANTS and USED CARS AND TRUCKS For Sale Continued EMPLOYMENT » WANTED POULTRY WANTED also red currant Haworth, Yonge- c1w46 *3w45 *2w15 40c 65c 25c 75c 4 CUBIC FT. Concrete Mixer, non- tilt. Calibrated water supply with hose connection. Feed Hopper. On rubber. $7.50 per day. Also Craftsman's Skil-Saw $2.50 per day. Phone Richmond Hill 528J or 288W. tch41 Iine_ day or week. C. VHiiggs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll 3-ROOM Furnished apartment. Phone 611J Aurora. c2w45 CEMENT MIXER EXPERIENCED single, market garden hand, good truck and trac- tor man. Apply Harvey Mashin- tcr, R. R. 3 King. Phone King 8R13. tfcw44 YOUNG MAN, mechanically in< clined to join junior organization. Must be steady and reliable. Phone Thornhill 251. c1w46 Richmond Hill 605; evenings N. C. McGibbon, Richmond Hill 271. CLERK for Maple I.G.A. Super- market. Good wages to right per- son. Phone Mchwan’s, Maple 23. ' c1w46 waitress. Summit View Drive-In Phone Richmond Hill 431R22. NIGHT WATCHMAN. Phone days ONE SHORT ORDER COOK. One W'OMAN for cleaning half day or ‘one day a week. Phone 317W Rich- mond Hill. c1w46 MAN WANTED for garden work, no experience necessary. Apply 639J Richmond Hill. c1w46 WOMAN to do housework Satur- days. Phone Richmond Hill 220 ev- enings. , c1w46 required (or junior organization. Apply Box 9 The Liberal. c1w46 TWO TO'THREE housekeeping rooms wanted for married man; also an additional two to three housekeeping rooms for married man. Apply Creaghan & Archi- bald Ltd. Stop 22 Yonge St. phone 605 Richmond Hill. c1w46 ROOMS with cooking accommoda- tion for three single Italians (do not speak English). Apply Crea- ghan & Archibad Ltd., Stop ‘22 Yonge Street, phone 605 Richmond Hill. c1w46 plant personnel on Monday, May 21, room and board for 10 men. Apply Creaghan & Archibald Ltd. Stop 22 Yonge St., phone 605 Rich- mond Hill. c1w46 STENOGRAPHIC-BOOKKEEPER ONE HEALTHY CALF from 3 days to 2 weeks old, of any breed. Phone Thornchill 207R13, Mr. Sara- bura, 54 No 7 Highway east, Lang- staf‘f. *3w45 CARETAKER for public library. Contact Mrs. R. D. Little, phone 28 Richmond Hill. clw46 ACCOMMODATION for new be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 6J or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. *43w32 LANDSCAPE Gardening and maintenance, reasonable price. W. McKinnon, 217 Oak Ave., Rich- vale 3‘68R31 Richmond Hill. c2w45 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will PAINTING and paperhar.ging, ï¬rst class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tich ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. , tfc LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired, work done by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Map- 1e 62R21. tfc43 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- v1ce, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 CUSTOM FARM PLOWING, cul- tivating, tilling and discing. Vv. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. '3x0w41 INSULATION, rock wool, blower method, try our prices, easy terms. For free estimate phone Richmond Hill 585W. tfc33 EINBODEN & SON concrete con- tractors, septic tanks, drains, floors. Phong: Richmond Hill 364 R5_ Will. 466.‘ c26w40 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharp- ened; window screens and doors. Phcne 498R Richmond Hill, 32 Richmond St. t1ow39 SAND, gravel, érushed stone and ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hill 384.1. tfc43 FLOOR SANDERS, rentals. Eddy’s 55 Yonge Street North. Phone 458J Richmond Hill. tfc31 CALL P. M. TONNER for clean, ï¬ne work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 372r5. tfc42 MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED TO RENT WANTED for rent, gaso- c1w46 c1w46 THURS., JUNE 7 - Auction 'Sale of brick house, large lot, on east side of Main St., in Markham vill- age; also the household furniture (antiques); dishes, glassware, wal- nut furniture, garden tools, etc. Property of Miss 'E. J. A. Thomas. Sale at 1 pm. DST. Terms cash, no reserve, except on the property which is sold subject to reserve bid. Immediate possession to property. All conveniences in dwell- ing. Terms on dwelling made known day of sale. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ‘7 pm. sharp. Auction sale of build- ings ,lumber and other articles at Heise Hill Church half mile south of Gormley on the 4th concession of Markham: 1 shed 54x90, good condition; 1 open shed, 20x45; quantity of used lumber; number of door frames; 1 stick timber 8x8 by 22; 2 galvanized 30 gal. tanks; 1 large box stove; many other ar- ticles. The large shed will be sold subject to a reserve bid. All other chattels cash. A. S. Farmer, auc- tioneer. SAT., May 19 -â€" Anction- sale at the new Stouffville Livestock Sale Arena, selling. livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, sheep, ‘calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is you: commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell it.†Sale every Saturday at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tic MON. EVENING, MAY 21 â€"â€" At SAT., MAY 19 -â€" Auction Sale of herd of registered and grade Hol- stein cattle, pigs, threshing ma- chine, new Ford Tractor, farm stock, implements, furniture, etc. on lot 12, con 8 Vaughan Twp“ on No. 27 Highway, 11/2 mile north of No. 7 Highway. Property of Mrs. F. Murray. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers, Markham, 0nt., phone 346. PULLETS, dayold and started, from Bray Hatchery, immediate shipment, also some light and med- ium breeds in mixed chicks. Ask us for prices. We’re also taking orders for June mixed chicks. Fred Wise. Brav Brooder, Richmor ‘ "i" c1w46 that good egg and poultry prices will continue. Get Bigâ€"4 Hatchery spring pricelist. Bargains in many breeds, crosses. Agent Wesley Clark, R. R. 2 Gormley. clw46 real value $8,000. One house, 8 moms; one cottage four rooms; and one two rooms; barn and chicken house; 2 acres of land; 1 acre strawberries; fruit trees; grapes, etc. Close to Highway 11, school and stores. *2w45 AT NOBLETON small Cottage with large lot 66’ frontage, 170’ dept'h, newly decorated. Phone Bolton 662. tfc46 BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, all con- veniences, quiet residential street in Richmond Hill. Possession oune 1.$4,50'0 cash, vendor will take oack mortgage for balance. Apply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill. tfc37 FARM FOR SALE: $6,500 cash, A FO‘REGONE CONCLUSION NICELY LOCATED LOT, 45 x 168. Apply 97 Wright Richmond Hill. Thornhill 168. TRANSPORTATION WANTED leaving the vicinity of Queen and Yonge St. 4.30 to 4.45 pm. Phone Richmond Hill 388J. *1w46 TRANSPORTATION wanted leav- FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn USED GARDEN Tractor three and a half h.p. with cultivator, disc, plow, seeder and ï¬eld mow- er. This is a real bargain. Apply A. Mitchell & Sons, Maple 62r4. c1w46 ing Stop 23B at 7.15 a.m. to nloor and Bay vicinity, returning 5 p, m. Phone Richmond Hill 366R6. c1w46 FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fem), Thomhill 168 tfcll RABBITS, chinchillas, flemish giants. Phone Richmond Hill 258w 115 Centre St. W. *1w46 TRANSPORTATION SALE REGISTERS Hourly} Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18.112 CAMPBELL MINK DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Also 40 or Street c1w46 tfc46 l RICHMOND HILL I HARDWARE _ Phone 426 J mmmlmumnnmmmlmnmmnnmmmmmnmnmmnmmnm Linda Lee Bradbeer celebrated her 7th birthday on May 12; she invited 20 of her little friends to celebrate the day with her. Games wer played with other entertain- ment. Later refreshments were served leaving the little ones de- parting very happy. The South East Vaughan Wom- en’s Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. M. Cornhill, 53 Jackes Ave. on llllllllu\l“I111llllllm“llllll\\l111l1ll\lll\\lllllll\lllllllmum“\llllmulllllll“ The daughter of Mr. Matson of Jackes Ave., underwent her second operation which proved a. success. She is out of danger and on her way to recovery; we hope she will be home soon. Class II of Powell Road School chartered a. 'bus to attend the :ork County Music Festival at Wood- bridge. Class II won a. shield as ï¬rst prize. Little Judy McCharles of Jackes Avenue is back home from the hospital and doing nicely. .IIrs. McCharles wishes to thank the Women’s Auxiliary for the gift that was given to Judy. The afternoon session was very interesting. Mrs. M. D. McLellan As president of the Carrville Home and School I had the pleas- ure of attending the annual meet- ing of York County Home and School Council which was held,at the Y.W.C.A. on McGill Street, Toronto, ThUrsday, May 10. Mrs. P. A. McClelland, the presi- dent was in charge of the meet- ing. Following opening exercises, Mrs. R. A. Taylor, past-president of York County Home and School, was presented With a lovely cor- sage. When all the busines; and reports were completed the vice- presidents of each area introduced the presidents of each society. Mr. Welland, a 'member of the Culsus 3oard spoke a few important words )n the taking of the census start- ing on June 1, and he stressed four of the most important questions to be asked and must be answered correctly. They are Nationality, Origin, on male side of the fam- '1y, speciï¬c occupation and salary. The members of the Home and School are invited to attend a special broadcast at the CBC Con- cert Studio, 9 McGill Street, for- onto on May 23. The audience is requested to be on hand at 8.15 pm. EDT. Tickets are not re- quired. Attend Meeting The meeting was adjourned for he morning session and a luncheon was enjoyed by mostly all the del- egates. The meeting was adjourned and a. social time was enjoyed. Mrs. S. Wood, social convener, assisted by Mrs. Wynn and Mrs.. Morris served refreshments. A tribute was paid to Mrs. Wood for the execxlent work she has done as social con- vener. Mrs. Wynn, nominations conven- er, gave the names of the officers for the coming year to Mrs. Le- Masurier who installed the follow- ing: Mrs. LeMasurier led in a. ques- tion and discussion period in many phases of Home and School work. Try the Dutch Pastries and Annual Meeting Mrs. H. E. LeMasurier of Lang'- staï¬', vice-president of the North Area, was asked to come forward and presented with a corsage wniCIh she was very pleased to be given and thanked the association very much. Following the business ses- sion and reports, the women dis- cussed purchasing a teacher’s desk for the school using some or the money raised at the Gala night held in April. PI'esident, Mrs. R. Middleton; vice-president, Mrs. L. Morris; re- cording secretary, Mrs. E. Lewis; corresp‘onding secretary and treas- urer, Mrs. C. Nunn; executive members, Mrs. S. Wood, Mrs. G. Bradï¬eld, Mrs. B. Bailey, Mrs. J. McEwen and Mrs. W. Wynn. The annual meeting of Can-ville Home and School Association was held Thursday, May 10, in the school. The meeting was called to order by the president and Opened with 0 Canada and The Lord’s Prayer. at Richmond Hill’s Famous REFRESHMENT BOOTH Be Sure To Visit The War Bride Association’s Garden Tractor and Power Lawn Mower MAY 24TH FAIR TO RENT English Tea JACKES AVENUE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: -â€" MRS. M. BELL, l7 Jackes Avenue, Thornhill CARRVILLE NEWS Com: Mn. But Middleton Telephone Thornhill 294R3 Telephone Maple 130:3 $1,895.00 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH heater, slip covers, whitewall tires g = a". a a Sharia] 7 ‘_v-_--. _ 1950 PONTIA 5 PASS low mileage, S] 30 day ‘ 1950 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 5 PASS. COUPE low mileage, spotless condition 2 30 day guarantee ‘ l lllll“Illlmull“ll\\llllllll“\lll\“l““\“llmmnmll\llllll\l\“llll“ll\\llf muumuumuuuuum $650.00 1946 FORD HALF TON PICKUP Allll-l-I-l Ill-m H ull1lll1111mll\uummlmuumum\\\mumunux\1mmumnuuuuumg . I E Special This Wop]: g L unumu CASH â€" TRADE â€"- TERMS R. D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL Many homes on Jackes Avenue are being remodelled now that the nice weather is here and people and able to be out to build and lay their sod, plant shrubs and flowers to beautify thei homes. Every week is bargain week in the classiï¬ed ad. section. Use it for buying or selling by telephon- ing Richmond Hill 9. May 10 to discuss their next meet- ing- and also to say farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Cornhill and wish Mr. Cornhill best of luck in his practice in Vancouver as a. chiropractor. Re- freshments were served and a pleasant evening was spent by all. The Auxiliary will hold its next meeting on May 24 31:8 pm.rat the Powell Road School. Any new members Wishing to joinwill be most welcome; refreshments will be served after the meeting. Mr. and Mrs._ Clarence Read and sons John and Bruce of Stouffville had supper Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Baker and family. Kenneth Baker celebrated his 12th birthday on Sunday, May 13. Happy birthday Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Read and May and Carol Ann of Richmond Hill attended the wedding of Mrs. Read's niece Miss Annie Baker and Mr. C. Pauls in Langstaff Baptist Church on Saturday, May 12. We are pleased to report that Mr. E. G. Perring is home from the hospital and is improving slowly each day. His many friends hope he’ll soon be out again. Mrs. Clarence Stong and Mrs. Elmer Stong and daughter Fran- ces of Edgeley had dinner one day recently with Mrs. ‘Walter Bone. Sunday, May 13, was Mother’s Day and a fairly large congrega- tion was present to take part in the special service. Rev. E. E. Kent was in charge of the service and several of the Sunday School scholars took part. There are plans being made for a. Sunday School anniversary service. This is probably to be held May 27. Once again we draw your atten- tion to the special night the Carr- ville Girls Club are having at the school on Friday, May 18. Read the coming events column for fur- ther notice. Mr. and Mrs. Art Reid and son Gordon of Highland Creek spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton and u07hn visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Usher. III-IIIIIIII'IIIIF RELIABLE USED CARS Mrs. Beatty, guest soloist, sang very beautifully two songs “By the Bend of the River†and “Every- where I Look’ which received great applause. Mrs. R. A. Taylor con- ducted the installation ceremony. Mrs. P. A. McClelland was re- turned to the office as president again and Mrs. H. E. LeMasurier of Langstaf’t‘ was named vice-presi- dent for the north area again. The meeting was closed with the Nat- ional Anthem. Girls Club of Brantford, president of Ontario Federation of Home and School As- sociations Inc., was guest speaker, introduced by Mrs. Salter. Mrs. McLellan spoke on “My Trip to Goose Bay, Labrador,†where she went the end of January and form- ed a Home and School Association at the request of the people from Goose Bay. Mrs. McLelland described her trip in her own excellent way and was most interesting. When she was through speaking, one felt as though they had taken the trip too. Mrs. Brookbanks moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. McLellan. $1,495.00 1949 METEOR CUST. COACH $1,225.00 1947 PONTIAC 2211 COACH exceptional condition 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN new motor, completely overhauled 1947 OLDSMOBILE COACH 2-tone Custom, radio, heater, sun visor and hydromatic drive 1949 PONTIAC MAROON COACH fluid drive, radio, heater, sun visor, and whitewalll Quality Used Cars & Trucks ~_ WWI“ Mm 1mm mummummmw mm 1949 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1E WWII“\“llmlllmlllulnuIlulllmlull“\llllllllllllmull“lllllllllll\lllll“\llll\llllIllnllllllllmllllllllllHIHIlllllll“llllllllmlllllllllll“ll\\lll\l\“\\l\ll\\llï¬ visor and hydromatic drive I 1949 GMC % TON pICK_UP $1,295.00 $1,175.00 All of theahove Cars and Trucks Guaranteed FOR 30 DAYS BRADSHAW MOTORS LIMITED - RICHMOND HILL, ONT. BUICK - PONTIAC - a.M.c. TRUCKS Richmond Hill Elgin Mills Used Car Lot Phone 488 Phone 653 FOR SPEEDY PICK-UP PHONE BANNER RENDERING & PACKING (30., LTD. Richmond Hill 47R4 Toronto LY. 6237 HORSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00 each CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 each SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE Maple For , FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" S E E -â€" ARTHUR J. WELLS 1948 PONTIAC COACH radio and heater ARE YOUR INSURAXCE NEEDS COVERED ? Have a beautiful arborite sink top in- stalled. 29 colours to choose from. We also install rubber, linoleum and mastic tile. N 0 job too big or small, Used Car Lot at Elgin Mills Open Until 10 pm. FRIDAY and SATJRDAY NIGHTS. Notice to Farmers $1,395.00 1948 FORD COACH radio and heater radio and heater $1,795.00 $1,695.00 $1,250.00 $1,400.00 All workmanship guaranteed MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN Phone Richmond Hill 480M Highest Prices Paid For Dead or Crippled Animals My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE 1950 GMC HAL .‘ 0N DeLUXE PI P $1, 5.00 1950 GMC HALF TON PANEL DeLuxe, driven only 4,000 miles 1949 MERCURY HALF TON EXPRESS $1,050.00 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY $1,175.00 1949 FORD SEDAN heater and whitewalls Telephone Maple 99 $1,575.00 $1,695.00 $1,095.00