MAY 22 Tuesday. Spring Flower Show, sale of plants, etc. and op- tion distribution at Thornhill Hor- ticultural Society meeting Thom- lhill United Church Hall at 8 p.m. junior Society at 6.30. MAY 21 â€"â€" Monday. Meeting of Richmond Hill village council at Municipal Hall at 7 pm. Delega- tions~wishing to appear are re- quested'to advise clerk three days in advance. c1w46 AURORA: Aurora is to have an dditional constable on its police force council decided at its last meeting. In addition it was also decided to give extra pay to mem- bers of the force who were on duty on statutory holidays. BOLTON: Bolton’s tax rate has been set at 33 mills. AURORA: The Mechanic’s Hall will be sold to Aurora Lions Club for $2,500 council decided last week. MAY 18 â€" Friday. Euchre and dance sponsored by Carrville Girls Club at Carrville Public School. Good prizes ior euchre and spot dances. Music by Happy Walker; euchre at 8 pm. Dancing starts at 10 pm. Refreshments. AdMISS- ion 50c. c2w45 MAY 21 â€" Monday. Meeting of Markham Twp. Council at the municipal offices, Unionville at 7 mm. c1w46 ORILLIA: Industrial revenue re- ceived by the Water, Light and Power Commission for March Of this year totalled $12,260 it was shown by ï¬gures just released. AURORA: The congregation 01 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church is making plans for the erection of a church hall which will accom- modate about 250 people, and wnich will be in harmony with the church building. AURORA: Lions here celebrated the 7th birthday of the club on May 8. The Bank of Nova Scotia branch in Richmond Hill is celebrating its ï¬rst birthday this week. The mo- dern new banking structure was opened for business in May 1950 under the management of Ed. Croth, a director of the Business Men’s Association and managing director of the Trade Fair to be held next month. DEDICATION TUESDAY The Dedication of Trinity Church Thorn‘hill, by the Rt. Yev. A. R. Beverley, M.A., D.D., Bishop of Toronto, will take place on Tues- day, May 22, at 8 p.m. NEWMARKET: The administra- tion of a pound and employment of an inspector by the Newmark- e1; Humane Society were adocated by Rev. C. J. Loat at the society’s annual meeting last week. 'MARKHAM: Mr. Fred Spring, as- sessor, tendered his resignation to council at its last meeting. NEWMARKET: The town Clerk’s office was moved last Week into new quarters in the renovated town hall building. The hydro and wa- ter department offices will be lo- cated here also. MARKHAM: Business men [ere have agreed to close their stores all day Wednesday during two or three summer months. STOUFVILLE: James Thomas who [has been employed as part-time sports reporter for the Tribune for some time has joined the perman- ent staff as sports editor and news reporter. NEW‘MARKET: A new plastics plant will be built this year on Eagle Street if negotiations now under way are completed. Twenty- ï¬ve to ï¬fty persons will be em- ployed when the industry is start- ed. A six suite apartment build- ing will be built for key personnel. WILLOWDALE: In order to pro- vide telephone facilities for the many people awaiting telephone service in Willowdale’s new hous- ing areas, th Bell Telephone has placed 30 outdoor booths at coni venient locations. iamson, member of the local Pub- lic School staff was installed as president of the Business and Pro- fessional Women’s Club, by Miss Nazla Dane, president of Toronto B & P Women’s Club. STOUFFVILLE: The municipality paid $2,605.50 for the hydro con- sumed here during the last month, the highest bill ever recorded in town. STOUFFVILLE: Two motorlsts were charged $55 and costs for speeding through the town last Week. ' LET’S 60 Til THE FAIR - STOUFFVILLE: Miss Kay Will- YEAR OLD THIS WEEK NEWS From Next Door Coming Events JUNE 20 â€" Wednesday. Straw- berry Festival at Teston United Church. Further information lat- er. c1w46 JUNE 2 â€"â€" Saturday. Opportunity sale of used clothing and articles in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill at 2 pm. Tea will be served. Un- der the auspices of the Richmond Hill Business and Professional Wo- men’s Club. c1w46 VOLUME LXXII. NUMBER 46. MAY 29 â€"â€" Tuesday 2.30 pm. “My Trip Around the World" a talk by Mrs. T. C. Routley in Maple United Church Sunday School room under the auspices of the W.A. of the church. Afternoon tea will be served. c1w46 “When we have a ‘hard time try- ing to service the places already opened up, why give permission to open up new ones?†queried boun- oillor Hooper. It was suggested that at the rate things were going, taxes would eventually get so high chat people wouldn’t want to move in~ to the townships, anyhow. Tighten Up Regulations Markham May Follow Suit Barring New Sub-djyisions Members of both councils de- cared they were not quite satis- ï¬ed with the proposed ï¬nancing of the two turnabout loops to be built by the TTC at Langstafl" and Steele’s Corners. Present plan is for a 25 percent assessment ag- ainst Markham, Vaughan and North York townships the balance to be borne by North Yonge Raih ways. Markham township council may follow the lead of Vaughan and clamp down on new subdivisions within its borders until such time as the existing ones have been rea- sonably well built up, it was .indi- cated at a joint meeting of the two councils held in Maple on Monday night. There was no deï¬nite action tak- en but sentiment of the council seemed to be strongly in favor of such a move. The meeting was called for a round-table discussion of problems that are common to both municipalities, most of them dealing with the urban deve10p- ment along Yonge St. Reeve John Hostrawser of Vaughan presided. Major H. C. H. Miller, building inspector for Vaughan township gave an outline of the council’s resolution covering new subdiv- isions which has already been re- corded in The Liberal. Mr. Miller declared that in subdivisions in the First and Second Concessions, 50 percent of the lots are still avail- able for building which he said would seem to refute the sugges- tion that new territory should be opened up because people couldn’t find a. place to live. Carrying the point still further, he said that an analysis of the subdivisions opened up in .he three years ending December 31, 1950 showed that four new lots were provided for every person wanting to build a new home. First requisite would be to ï¬le with the township engineer in ad- dition to the subdivision map, a detailed plan of the streets to be opened up, designating elevations and other details. This plan would have to be approved by the engineer and the developer would be required to pay a. fee of $100 for his services. The developer would then be re- quired ot lay his roads with a six- inch stone base and comply with other requirements as'to the type of construction. Following approv- al of this work by the engineer, the developer would be required to post with the council a sum equiv- alent to the estimated cost of pav- ing these streets, a job which the council would undertake only utter two-thirds of the area had been built up. Different Financing MAY 26 â€" Saturday. All Saints Church, King, will hold its annaal sale of bedding and plants on the church grounds; also a home bak- ing sale beginning at 3 pm. “I believe we ought to follow suit†commented Councillox Clark. Dealing further with the same theme, both councils decided to give consideration to a plan that would tighten up on subdivision regulations particularly ngl res- pect to roads to be built y the developer. (Continued on page 3) c1w46 mm Eï¬hmmflo Everyone going to the fair on May 24 and if the weather holds up the way it has the past few days, there’s no reason why most Qf us won’t, anyhow. It’s the 102nd birthday of the annual event, staged by the Richâ€" mond Hill Agricultural Society and every effort is being made to maintain the high standard that the fair has maintained in the past with attractions for young and 01d through the day and evening. On the lighter side there Will be the midway and a big dance in the evening with Kit Carson and his Trail Blazers providing the music. The Salvation Army band will play on the grounds throughout the day. Mack Clement, Richmond Hill hockey product, who re- turned to his home here last week after spending the win- ter in Scotland where he dis- tinguished himself with the Ayr Raiders hockey team. Councillor Wes Middleton, chair- man of the grounds an buildings committee, announced "this week that he is hoping to have bleacher seats installed for the event. This will not only be a welcome innova- tion for‘ spectators who can watch the show in comfort but will tend to minimize parking on the grounds by persons who wish a seat to view proceedings. Plans for the event will be pol- ished off at a meeting of the offi- cers and directors of the society to be held in Richmond Hill muni- cipal building on Friday night at 8 pm. The “Parish Shov.†with its 27 classes sponsored by the York County Jersey Club is expected to be of interest to cattlem‘en as- will be the Guernsey calf competition under th' euspices of the York- Simcoe Guernsey Club. Victoria Day Is Fair Day Here HISTORY RE-ENACTED: Governor John Graves Sim- coe’s trip up the Don in 1793 to map a transportation route from Toronto to Lake Huron was relived on Sun- day afternoon when members of the Don Valley Con- servation Association made a train trip up the valley from Toronto to Richmond Hill and four East York Collegiate students dressed to resemble the governor’s party presented a scroll to Deputy Reeve Torn Taylor. "In Essentials, Unity; Members of the East York group of the Don Valley Conservation Association went cruising up the river on a Sunday afternoon but the cruise was made in a special railroad train of seven coaches, the object of the trip being to em- phasize the natural beauties of the Don and the advantage of main- taining these beauties as intact as possible. The visitors included real-live “ghosts†of historical ï¬gures in the early-recorded days of the Don valley. Governor Simcoe wh-o ex- plored the Don in 1793 in an en- deavour to set up a communicauons route between Toronto and Lake Huron, his aide-de-camp, Captain Macgill and their wives. \ The trip was headed by Charles Sauriol, president of the Assucia~ tion and the group disembarked from the train at Richmond Hill Sunday to the skirl of kilted pipers from the East York Memorial Band. The visitors were met at the Canadian National station by a large representation of folk from Richmond Hill and district. Trip Through The Don Valley Is Made By Conservation Group These important personage: of 150 year ago were represented by four students from East York Jol- legiate as follows: Governor John Graves Simcoe (Eric Pullam); Mrs. Simcoe (M. Evans); Capt. Mac- gill (Robert Day) and Mrs. Mac- gill (Lois Young.) Welcomed by Deputy It is ï¬tting that my return to these once familiar scenes should be sponsored by the East York Board of Education. I was in my own day an ardent advocate of scholarship in the wilderneSS of Upper Canada. In 1791 I wrote to the president of the Royal Society seeking to lay in a literary way the foundation stone of some society that might thereafter conduce to the extension of science. During the Revolutionary War, when the United States came into being, schools had been shamefully negâ€" lected, a condition which I under- stand recurred during a recent war and which is now being remedied by extensive building: programmes (Continued on page 3) The group was officially wel- comed to Richmond Hill by Deyuty Reeve Tom Taylor and Governor Simcoe presented him With the fol- lowing scroll addressed to the reeve and council of the village. By virtue of the pOWer invested in me by the Don Valley Conserva- tion Association and the East York Board of Education, I bring you greetings. ' Douglas D. Garrick, creuit manager of Republic I"’nance Corporation of Toronto, will be the guest speaker at we regular meeting of the Rim- mond Hill Business Men’s As- sociation in the Public School Auditorium on Tuesday night. Mr Carriek’s talk is expected to be helpful to the business men in their plan to set up a credit bureau in the village. The meeting does not start un- til 9 p.m. '2 'i ' Speaks Tuesday In Non-essentials, Liberty; In all Things, Charity. †RICHMOND HILL, ONTARlO., THURSDAY, MAY 1m. 1951 V Plans are shaping up nicely for the Trade Fair under the auspices of the Business Men’s Association on June 15th and 16th, it was indi- catedzat a meeting of the directors of the group under chairmanship of the president, Art Uren, Tues- day night. than have marquees erected out- side. He will prepare a detailed plan of the building for present- ation'at the general meeting next Tuesday night. Tickets are going briskly for the draw with the 17 inch televis- ion set procured from Yer-ex nlec- tric and the combination radio and record player from Hilltop Elec- tric being drawn for on Saturday and Friday nights respectively. There are a large number of other prizes already available with .nore to come. Salesman of the winning (Continued on page 3) Ed Croth, chairman of the Fair Committee, reported that all space in. the arena had been taken up and it was hoped that the event could he confined to the building rather An invitation is being extended to Premier Leslie M. Frost of Ont- ario and J. E. Smith, M.P. for North York, to address the gather- ing on Saturday night. On Friday night, Reeve Neal of Richmond Hill will officially open the show while invitations nave been extended to the chief execu- tives of Markham, Vaughan, Aur- ora and Newmarket as well as to the boardS‘of trade in the latter two places. A fashion show is again defin~ it:er on the cards for this year, Jack Hart reporting that arange~ ments were well under way and it was hoped to get a prominent newspaperwoman to emcee this part of the affair. President Uren reported that arrangements have been complet- ed for organ music for the dura- tion of the show. Plans Shaping Up Rapidiy For Trade Far The deputy at right is welcoming the party to Rich- mond Hill. Others in the photo, from left, are the aide-decamp to Governor Simcoe, Captain Macgill (ROb- ert Day), Mrs. Macgill (Lois Young), Governor Silucoe (Eric Pullam) and Mrs. Simcoe (Marion Evans). Direct- ly behind microphone is Charles Sauriol, president of the East York group of the Don Valley Conservation Assoc- iation. Large crowds from Richmond Hill turned out. Advertisers and correspOnd- ents are advised that all deadlines must be advanced one day if readers are to be assured of securing their cop- ies of The Liberal before the holiday. Deadline for display advertising will be 5 pm. on Monday, May 21 and for classiï¬ed noon on Tuesday, May 22. Correspondents should, have their copy in Monday in order to ensure publication. In view of the fact that May 24, our regular publica- tion day, is a holiday, The Liberal will be published one day earlier that week, on Wednesday, May 23. One Day Early Community activities was the theme of the May meeting of Rich- mond Hill Women’s Institute held in the Public School auditorium on Thursday, May 10. Reports were given by the sec- retary on the year’s work, the ï¬n- ancial report by the treasurer and reports on Historical Research-and programs. All these showed an ac- tive interest in the Women’: In- stitute work as well as a thriving society. Women’s Groups Hoid Joint Meeting And Discuss Work Mrs. H. H. MacKay, the new president, asked for the same friendly co_operation that had ex- isted in past years. Having received an appeal from York County Children’s Aid for hand knitted baby garments, it was decided to purchase wool to be giv- en to members for knitting; Mrs. J. Pollard was ,ppointed convenor and any member who will. knit baby garments is requested 'to get in touch with her. The annual picnic is to be Tues- day, June 19, at Niagara Falls. More particulars later, but if you wish to go please let Mrs. Zucfelt know immediately as there are only 10 morevseats left on the bus. Members were requested to earn talent money during the summer months to be handed in- at the Sep- tember meeting. Will Have Booth Arrangements for-the Women’s Institute Booth at the Trade Fair were left to the executive. It was announced our organaation wbuld have charge of ï¬rst aid, the same as last year. The District Annual Meeting is to be held at Washington United Church, Kingston Road, under the auspices of the Lakeview Branch, on Wednesday, June 6. Mrs. Mac- Kay, Mrs. Svanefelt, Mrs. Sayers, Mrs. O. L. Wright and Mrs. Zue- felt were appointed delegates. There were several cars offech to take members who wish to attend this meeting. If you desire to go please contact Mrs. MacKay. Local Service Organikations were DOUBLING UP: Shortage of space is so Rushlow, Joyce Smith, Carole Hamilton, acme 1“ RIChmond Huh pubhc SChOOI that Judith Pritchard, Barry Smith, Alastair some of the classes have to double up. This is grades four and ï¬ve which are taught by Paul Wagar. Back row from left, Wayne Koning, Wayne Gates, Gordon Charity, Douglas Creen, Gerry Phipps, Gary Kozak, Billy Bunker, Gordon Brad- shaw and Mr. Wagar. Third row, Bob Cunningham, Mary Williams, Audrey Grant. Second row: Sandra Stewart, Joan Robertson, Susan Sweeney, Janet Hisey, Betty Johnson, Joan Bettridge, Berry An- derson, Betty Dubkowski. Bottom row: Billy Rice, Bob Whalley, Sam Williams, Kenneth Dawson, Ronald Cooper, John Sims, Douglas Ramer. i DC - ‘ . y The Busmess and Professional Women’s Association was repre- sented by Mrs. Rabinowitch'. She said this is an international club and their program is to improve ‘t wasiwomen’s standing in business and would i the professions and the guarding of “ame women's rights. One recentobpec- tive gained was equal pay for equal work. They had initiated the idea of the organized play pro- gram in the park last year. rmen’s : Fair ing ls Jnited er the ...__,.L Miss Helen Haldane representing the Women members of the busi- ness Men’s Association said they were not out to make money but to help the community. They had found that by discussing their problems they had beneï¬tted greatly. The Trade Fair is de- signed to show what the local busi- ness man has to offer to his cus- tomers. They had sponsohd a hockey team of older boys, also the store window and out-of-door .lec- crating of homes at Christmas. But behind it all is the idea of ad- vertising Richmond Hill. » The long‘ and short trumpets of yellow daffodils heralded the ï¬rst flower show of the season for the Richmond Hill Horticultural Soc- iety, on Thursday last, in the Pub- lic School auditorium. It was a beautiful 'show, aaï¬o- dils of different vareties seemed to glow like sunbeams amid the nar- cissi and early tulips which were plentiful owing to the timely rains this spring and the warm sun at intervals. In the house plant section par- ticularly, African Violets had the judge, Paul Angle, almost at a. loss to select the ï¬rst prize win- ner, for the plants were extremely large and just a mass of blooms. Orchid Lady seemed to be the fa- vourite variety exhibited by sev- eral members. the guests and each sent a repre- sentative to explain the aims and accomplishments of their organiz- ation. ' Represéntatives Speak A Cactus literally covered with large bright red flowers and owned by Mrs. Freeman Barker demanded keen attention, and nat- urally enough, it won ï¬rst prize; second prize was awarded for the Crown of Thorns exhibited by Mrs. B. L. Anderson, and Mrs. I. Hord received third prize with. her pot- ted frilled petunia. The president of the Boy Scouts Mother’s Auxiliary, Mrs. F. Gard- ner, congratulated bne Institute on the idea of having this joint meet- ing of these women’s organizations so we might each learn about the other. She said that any live BOy Scout organization means there is a live Mother’s Auxiliary behind it[ Any woman who is interested in Scouting may belong. They help materially by making and supply- ing equipment also providing re- freshments, ï¬nancially and in rais- (Continued on page 5) Horticultural Society Stages. First Flower Show Of Season During the judging Frank Maw, HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878- Enthusiasm for a projected plan for joint operation of a dog con- trol program in the area was voic- ed at a meeting in Richmond Hill on Monday night attended by ï¬ve municipalities of the area. Representing Richmond Hill was Councillor Ken Tomlin who acted as chairman oï¬ the meeting. Oth- ers were Deputy Reeve Dalton Rumney of Markham, Councillor Harry Rutherford of Vaughan, Reeve Alex Bell of Aurora and Councillor Painter of Newmarket. Mr. Lamb, who lives in Wood- stock, was a member of a team from that city which scored second prize in a tournament which was under the direction of the Ameri- can Contract Bridge League and which attracted players from as far aWay as Florida. The ï¬rst pace team with 19 points out'of 28, was only one point ahead or the Woodstock entry. Joint Meeting Held To Discuss Canines The plan projected ï¬rst some weeks ago was for a pound to be utilized by all municipalities and a common dogcatcher, costs to be apportioned on a basis to be ag- reed upon. Mrs. Askew, president and other officials of the York County Humane Society, attended, explained the setup that would be required and gave an approximate estimate of the cost. Donald C. Lamb, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb of Richmond Hill won signal honors at the annual two-day Western Ontario bridge tournament in London last! week. Each of the four members of the club was presented with a sil- ver platter. Representatives of each mu..ici- pality will carry a report back to their respective councils for action. President of the Thornhll Horti- cultural Society, spoke briefly on the wonderful workithat his Soc- iety had done with the juniors, and the splendid co-operation and. time given to the youngsters by Mrs. Wm. Banks. His talk was followed by an educational half- hour of questions relating to the problems of gardeners both 010 .md new, which were dealt with and answered by experts in the aud- ience. The show was conducted most efficiently by Dr. A. W. R. Dosh, and his committee, viz: Mr. N. L. Brown, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson and Miss Clara. Mason. Prizes ft the various exhibits were donated by the Society and the r‘.oor prize was given by Mr. Homer Ford and won In giving his opinion of the daffodil show as a whole, Mr. An- gle expressed his delight at such ï¬ne exhibits; in the arrangement section, he was extremely proud, he said, of the talent that the Hor- ticultural Society had to boast, for each show seemed to emphasize more and more this wonderful art of arranging flowers for various occasions. ON SECOND TEAM (Continued on Dag. 5) By making use of the Classiï¬ed Adver- tising columns when you have something to buy â€"- something to sell. It’s so easy to place an ad â€" just telephone Richmond Hill 9 by noon any Wednesday.