Kii"WWlfliiImmmmnunmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnuummuuuummnmuuuum BRETHEN SIGNS & DISPLAYS WWW“me mum“\mmmmmmnmmunuuuumum\mmmm To Guarantee Service order Estimates Cheerfully Submitted STONEWORK SODDING 44 Yonge Street South Rice’s Landscaping Service This coupon good for one free oiling and tension adjustment to your present sewing machine (all makes) 5249 YONGE ST. " SINGER SEWING CENTRE For Service at it's Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHlOND HILL DAIRY Anywhere in the district 'SINGER SEWING CENTRE Free Service Coupon 0 Good for month of May 0 All calls attended to in strict rotation â€" 2 ser- vice cars to serve you ‘ .Bring, phone or mail this coupon to your TRUCK LETTERING WINDOW DRESSING, ETC. LANDSCAPING Hose Ladies Tooke Tailored Shirts â€" long sleeved and short sleeved, all shades, reg. $3.95-$4.95, sale price $2.95 ea. We must clear out our suits to make room for summer stock. Several styles and colors. Beautifully tailored, guaranteed lining. REGULARNPRICE $24.95 . . . . Featuring American Golfer, Sailing Blues and Toinboy dresses, skirts, coulottes, shorts, bras, jeans and T-shirts, half sizes included. SPECIAL â€"- Ladies Gabardine Shorts, elastic inner ba_nd for perfect ï¬t. Ladies’ Gabardine and xWool Slacks, in checks, plaids and solid colors â€" sizs 12 to 20 TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL PHONE RICHMOND HILL 60.1 SPECIAL OFFER - LADIES' SUITS $5.00 Telephone Richmond Hill 490 Nights Thornhill 207-r-6 This coupqn entitles you to ï¬ve dollars on any suit in our store. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES SAVAGE’S [MILK] WILLOWDALE ZONE 8129 now for the Trade Fair $5.95 TO $9.95 Without Obligation DESIGN IN G $2.95 PAIR Lingerie VALUE Richmond Hill 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59.95. May Follow Suit (Continued from page 1) “I believe the whole cost Suould be borne by the bus line’A’ _declared Councillor Hooper, “We’re only getting 11% of the proï¬ts and why should we be assessed 25% of the necessary expenses.†“We’re getting some new roads out of it†commented Reeve L‘im- bets. “But we’ll have to bear the burden of snow removal in the win- ter months.†I don’t believe there should be any objection to 'having the cost come out of the general revenue of the bus line†commented Coun- cillor Robson. “Improvements for the old street car line always were paid out of the operating fund" suggested Councillor Hooper. It was ï¬nally decided to have Reeves Hostrawser and Timers reopen the matter with the other municipalities concerned. The matter of creating a ï¬le ar- ea in Thornhill was discussed briefly and inasmuch .as little had been heard from the villagu re- cently, there wasn’t much possibil- ity of action this year. Difficulty of getting personnel was emphas- ized as a serious obstacle to are- ating a ï¬re department in the village which is now served 1.1rly efficiently by Richmond Hill and North York. Thornhill Street Lights Clerk McDonald reporting on street lights for Thornhill, said M.- surance had been given by Chan'- man Robert Saunders of the Onâ€" tario Hydro Commission that the latter would ï¬nance installation of the lights and would collect later on an instalment basis. I: was decided to have this deï¬nitely un- derstood before further action is taken. The Department of Highways will be requested to have a rep- resentative come out and discuss with Township Engineer Babcock a project for laying a sidewalk north from Steele’s Corners to Thornhill. hoped to get. ac- tion on the project this summer. Will Cost $5,500 Clark Hoover of Markham re- ported that it will cast $5,500 an- nually to inaugurate garbage col- lection on the east side of Yonge St. from Steele’s Ave. to No. 7 highway and he had written the various ratepayers groups along the route advising them to this effect. He estimated that such a price would work out at about $13 a year per family and action is being held up pending further word from the property owners concern- ed. The council stipulated in ask- ing for bids that the collector must 'provide his own dumping ground. (Continued from page 1) ticket for the grand prize will re- ceive a special prize 9f $10. Ed Little assured the group that the Horticultural Society would put on a flower show the same as last year and the local rose grow- ers will be invited to arrange dis- plays. It is expected the Boy Scouts will cooperate in handling parking as they did last year. Trade Fair Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Richmond Hill Phone 86 New and Used Refrigerators, Stoves, Ice Boxes, Rangettes $5.00 Gloves (Continued from page 1) in the townships of North York and East York alike. In my dSYE I also urged that a University be established in the capital 01 this new province to form a bulwark against the inroads of Republican- ism. We wanted none of our youth to be tempted to American seats of learning "where their morals might become corrupt and their loyalty ovorthrown." In the Uninusity which now adorns the city of Tor- onto Iormerly known as York, I understand there is a hall which bears my name. I hope it will be a constant reminder to graduates and undergraduates alike that Can- adian Education should still be for Canadians. We hope the Univer- sity places a just value on out- standing achievement, and is not designed primarily to permit 35 many students as possible to grad- ‘uate with as little effort as possible ‘for themselves or their instructors. Don Valley I am happy to participate in this excursion of the Don Valley Con- servation Association because of my own early familiarity with this area. My summer home was on the lower Don; and in 1793, while seeking a path between Lake On- tario and Lake Huron, I discover- ed a ï¬ne trail from Holland Land- ing to the mouth of the Don. We breakfasted near the source of a small branch, now known as Ger- man Creek, at what I understand is now approximately the site 0f Elgin Mills. We travelled six or seven miles further to the east branch of the Don' and there en- camped. This would be about two miles south of your Thornhill. We later reached the west branch ab- out a mile and a half below your York Mills, near which there was in my day a most excellent spring. This Don Valley was replete with historicak associations even in my time; and for this reason as well as for its magniï¬cent natural beau- ty it should be protected and pre- served. May I thank you for the welcome we have received on my own be- half and on that of Mrs. Simcoe, and our companions, Captain and Mrs. Macgill. We hope you will call us from the past whenever we may be of service to the cause in which we are all interested. “The Don Valley Conservation Association has brought the resi- dents of entire streets together in a common appreciation of the woodland wealth at their doors†declared President Sauriol. “We as an association have sown seeds of conservation which will produce their own way for gener- ations to come. Today we are a factor and a power for the common good of all.†Brought Together “We do not bargain our time for money in the matter of conserva- tion, for conservation is priceless: The planting of a tree, the pro- ducing of a trillium from seed, the protecting of a river bank, the pre- serving of a spring, are minor acts of conservation which carry their own rich reward. "We love our tiny part of this immense Canada, down to the very life-giving soil itself. We are en- amored of the beauty which that soil casts through growth across our landscape, and we want it to endure. We will protect it and ï¬ght for it against its woud-be des- poilers. It is our heritage, yours and mine, and our children's. “A century ago Wm. Lea pioneer settler of Leaside wrote these lines, he was speaking of the Don, ‘If the object was to contemplate the works of the creator here was quiet; only the rippling of waters over a stony bed, or the whlrr of wild ducks . . . - This might truly be considered a temple not made with hands! “Thankful are we that some of this heritage has been handed down to us. Another generation may well thank us for the modest work in conservation which we are doing today. “Last fall a number of us made a. trail in a previously inaccessible woodland of the Don valley â€"- so long as the trail was not made, no one passed that way â€" but no sooner it seemed, had the soil been cut with the spade and the ground cleared than the trail was discov- ered. Already its ground is pack- ed hard with the impact of many feet. “Today we have blazed a new trail, a trail to the thinking of thousands of our citizens who will discover for themselves that the paths of conservation lead to good citizenship, to the preservation of an heritage, to mutual undertand- ing and love and respect of fellow men. May it also make us cons- cious through gatherings sucn as this of the efl'ort of the pioneers and the history makers of our country to whom we owe so much. There were also brief addresses by Art Uren president of the Rich- mond Hill Business Men’s Assoc- iation, and Harry Simpson, reeve of East York. HUDSON-HARVEY Lillian Anita Harvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey, May Ave., Richmond Hill, became the bride of Albert George Hudson eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hudson, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. The marriage took place in St. Mary’s Anglican Church Sat- urday, May 12, 1951. Rev. W. F. Wrixon officiated. PETRIE â€"- Mary Stuart, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Wilkins, 8 Dudley Avenue, Thornhill on Monday, May 14, 1951, Mary Stuart, beloved wife of George Petrie, and dear mo- ther of Helen, Burford, Ont. and Rev. George 7â€â€œ and May (Mrs. Albert Wilkins). , m“ WEDDING DEATHS SIMCOE RICHMOND HILL Agricultural Society * Horse Show & Jumping Events * Jersey Cattle Show X» Guernsey Calf Show * Salvation Army Band * MIDWAY . ‘ * Fun For Young And Old ' Admission To Fair 50c Dalton Rumney, President Guest Star: JOSH KING of CHUM Valley , Radio Programme Gala Fair Night Dance WITH KIT CARSON’S Trail Blazers 102ml ANNUAL SPRING FAIR In The FAIR GROUNDS RICHMONDHILL Thursday, May 24th Dance Admission 50¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, 'rnursaay, May 11, 1331' Margaret Burton, Secretary-Twas.