I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 17, 1951 Richmond Hill, Ont. Tests “Prove 20% Proiein Best Blatclzfordb " ' ~ For better growth, stronger t, . bodies and economy in feed- '9‘ < ing it pays to feed Blatchford’s ? Crumbled Chick Starter, a 20% G. protein feed. r-ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©d by chicksâ€"growth is ‘0, the resultâ€"try a bag todayâ€"you’ll 4 be more than satisï¬ed. V RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH DINNER & SUPPER Adults 75c PLAZA 5373 MAPLE BLOCK 8: TILE LIMITED MAPLE â€" ONTARIO Coal - Coke - Wood Let The Street Fleet Deliver Your Heat Telephones - Richmond Hill 156 - Willowdale 682 OUR FIRST BIRTHDAY 80 300“! RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ SUPPLY . Street 8: Sons Chic/r Starter LMay 24th SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM A 20% PROTEIN FEED CRUMBLED OR MASH Come To The It seems like only yesterday instead of 12 months ago since we brought complete B.N. S. banking service to Richmond Hill. A ser- vice we like to think is friendly and helpful. During this time, we have made many friends, and we hope we shall have the op- portunity of helping residents of this com- munity for many years to come. Mr. E. V. Croth, manager of our year-old Branch, has had many years of banking experience. Visit him soon. You’ll ï¬nd he’s a good man to know. Children under 12 50c 5m BuSmmms‘ IEXIUR‘ mm In“: m7: Telephone 139 MAPLE 6 Great-gmeat-grandfather Harry Walls, The Committee offers to completely outï¬t 86 years old, heads this outstanding 5-gen- all 5 male members of the winning family eration Canadian family. Is this 2. rec- for Father’s Day, June 17. The contest 0rd? The Canadian Father’s Day Com- closes May 31. If you think you are eli- mittee is looking for a 5-generation all~ gible for the prize, call or write The Fath- male family in direct son and father line. er’s Day Editor, The Liberal. Is there a 5-generation all-male Father family known to the readers of Son. The Liberal? If so, they may win _ . , a grand‘prize of a complete outï¬t If such a. family IS not found, (Gontmued from Page 1) of clothes for each member of the then the award will go to the next by M155 L CUYTY- family, which is being offered by best â€"- Perhaps to a 5-gen61‘ati0n Prize Winners w?†as.f°11°w‘ the Canadian Father's Day Com- family with 4 of the male genera- Class 1, Dafdefl, Single, < mittee in co-operation with this tions Still “Ving‘, and in the case bloomr Mrs- L- Howarth, Mrs. ~ . ' ' _ Gillard, M. B. Brazier. Cla s newspaper' Of.a..t1.e to the famlly. “nth We 91d human Anumn mm mam... SM Mrs. Fred McKean, 38: grand- mother Harold Desloges, 21: father Jerald Deslod’ges, 10 months: son It will be seen at once that the 5-generation allâ€"male line is inter- rupted at the third generation level and also at the fourth. What the Father’s Day Committee is looking for is a 5-generation family with all the male links living, namely: Greatâ€"great-grandfather Great-grandfather Grandfather Mrs. Neil Gow, 60: great-grand- mother ' Th; Toronto Telegram recently published a picture and story about the Bâ€"generation family of Harry Walls (ABOVE) of TorontO. It consists of: Henry Walls: great-great-grand- father , Can You Beat This Record ? If such a. family is not found, then the award will go to the next best â€" perhaps to a 5â€"generation family with 4 of the male genera- tions still living, and in the case of a tie to the family with the old- est living great-great-grandfather. We have heard many stories about long-lived reidents of this district and occasionally have found among our readers that thrilling rarity, a centenarian,, a man or wo- man over 100 years old. The latest census returns say there are no less than 50 of them in Canada. A 5-generation all-male family is said by the life insurance com- pany statisticians to be even more unusual than a centenarian. From time to time there have been re- ports of such a family in this dis- trict but to date we have heard of none. Is there one in this district? It you think you know of one who can qualify, get in touch with the Father's Day Editor, The Lib’eral. Class 11, Table arrangement, fol. iage only any variety, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Dr. Lillian Langstaï¬â€˜, Mrs. D. Gillard. Class 12, African Violet, Mrs. Wm. Risebrough, Mrs. I. Hord, Mrs. A. Hillaby. Class 13, Houseplant, any other variety, Mrs. Freeman Barker, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Mrs. I. Hord. Class 15, Nar’cissus, 3 stems, any variety, Mrs. W'lm. Ferguson, Mr. Wm. Fer- guson, Mrs. S. Strand. Class 16, Arrangement of spring flowers, Mrs. George Barker. The local War Brides Association held a special meeting on May 9 at the home of the vice-chairman, Mrs. E. Grigsby, Elgin Street, Thornhdll, to make arrangements for the refreshment booth which they will be having at the Agri- cultural Fair in Richmond Hill on May 24. In the absence of Mrs. S. Stroud, Mrs. Grigsby presided. The Overseas Parcel was won by a new member, Mrs. Jeff Elliott, Oak Avenue, Ric'hvale, and a night- dress case, donated by Mrs. James Rollinson, Garden Avenue, Lang- stalf, was won by Mrs. W. Pearson, Richmond Hill. Members are re- minded to bring their package for the overseas parcel to the next reg- ular meeting which is to be held on Wednesday, May 23, at the home of’Mrs. L. Hawkes, 95 Rose- view Avenue, Richmond Hill. Other war, brides are welcome to attend this, and future, meetings. , Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service Richmond Hill Phone 320W War Brides At Fair (Continued from page 1) by Miss I. Curry. Prize winners were as follows: Class 1, Daffodil, single, one bloom, Mrs. L. Howarth, Mrs. D. Gillard, M. B. Brazier. Class 2, Daffodil, double, one. bloom, Mrs. J. Dedlow, Mrs. D. Boyd, Mrs. Freeman Barker. Class 3, Collec- tion, 5 Daffodils, Mr. B. Brazier, Mrs. D. Gillard, Mrs. L. Haworth, Class 4, Collection of 3 bi-color long trumpet daï¬s, Mrs. Haworth, Mrs. D. Boyd. Class 5, Collection 5 short cup Narcissi, Mrs. D. Boyd, Mr. R. D. Little. Class 7, Tulip, early, one bloom, Mr. George Harte, Mrs. L. H~aworth, Mrs. J. Dedlow. Class 8, Tulps, early, col- lection of 5 blooms, Mr. R. D. Lit- tle, Mr. B. Brazier. Class 9, Table arrangement featuring daffddils or narcissi, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, Mrs. J. Dedlow, Mrs. B. L. Ander- son. Class 10, Table arrangement featuring other spring bulbs, Mrs. J. Dedlow, Mrs. George Barker. According to the 1949 edition of the National Safety Coun- cil’s statistical year book, “Ac- cident Facts,†accidents far out- rank any of the more generally feared childhood diseases as a cause of death among children 1-to-14 years old. There were 10,731 accidental deaths in that age group in 1947 â€" three ltimes more than were claimed by pneumonia the next .most important cause of death. And accidents caused 42 times as many deaths as polio. Moms and Dads Accidents are the 1 kid-killers in America! CARL E HILL, M.D., M.O.H. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Sanitary Contractors C. STUNDEN the greatest At the conclusion of the program Major McGinnis complimenteu the Corps on its steadiness, appearance and knowledge of general military subjects. The Cadet officers and N.C.O’s. were: O.C., Major Murray Johns- ton; C.S.M., Richard Edmunds; 2 110, Captain Gordon Burbidge; No. 1 Platoon, Lt. Bert Moorby, Sgt. Bruce Murchison; No. 2 Platoon, Lt. Len Creelman; Sgt. Robert Sel- by; 3rd Platoon, Lt. Ken. Jarrett, Sgt. Dave Grinnell; No. 4 Platoon, Lt. David Hogg, Sgt. Gerald Biller- man; Bugle Band, Sgt. Robert Green. Following the inspection and the march past, demonstrations were carried out showing different phas- es of cadet training. These consisted of a Physical Training display by the whole com- pany; ï¬rst aid by Grade XII; Bren Gun dis-play by Grade XI; map re'ading by Grade X. The 'Bu3g1e Band very ably play- ed a number of selected marches. On Wednesday, May 9, Major J. A. McGinnis, Queens York Rangers reviewed the Richmond Hill High School Cadet Corps. He was as- sisted by Capt. K. T. Busby, the Cadet Training Officer of Central Command. Inspecting Officer Lauds Local Cadets Two Persons Injured In Yonge St. Crash The Richmond Hill Scouts and Cubs collected 41/2 tons of waste paper last Saturday. The b’oys wish to sincerely thank Bradshaw Motors and R. D. Little & Son, both of whom loaned a truck. Neglia was in a car driven by [Joe Neglia of the Toronto address which was proceeding south on Yonge St. Another machine dri- ven by James Howell, husband of the injured woman, coming west on Markham, turned onto Yonge and collided with the Neglia ma- chine. Her brother, Doug., won the bronze medal in piano solo under 10 years with a mark of 84 at the same festival. Patsy is one (if those chosen to play at the Final Concert in the Woodbridge Memorial Auditorium on Wednesday, May 16. The papers were particularly well tied. Twp; of Markham TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Markham has constructed as a local im- provement a gravel road on Bak- er Avenue between Palmer and Markham Road, Registered Plan 2383. 2. The cost of the work is $2,- 955.00 of which $nil is to be paid by the Corporation. The special rate per foot frontage is $1.20. The special assessment is to be paid in ï¬ve annual instalments. ‘ 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is ï¬ve years. 4. A court of revision will be held on the 4th day of June, 1951 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers, Unionville, for the purpose of fhearing complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage meas- urements and any other complaint which persons interested may de- sire to make and which is by law cognisable by the court. Unionville, May 15, 51. Mrs. Patricia Howell, age 23, of 296 Plynty Ave., Lansing, and Peter Neglia, 50, of 18 Simpson Ave., Toronto, were taken to Tor- onto General Hospital early Sun- day morning, following an auto- mobile crash at the corner of Yonge Street and Markham Road. Mrs. Howell suffered injuries to the liver While Neglia was in- jured in the arm and forehead. Constable Frank Moore was called and had the injured remov- ed to the hos-pita]. No charges have been laid in the case follow- ing a conference with the County Crown Attorney. Patsy Ramer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ramer of Centre Street East, Richmond Hill, won the Gold Medal with 85 marks. the highest marks given for piano solo under 13 years at York Music Fes- tival held at Woodbridge last week. Patsy was also awarded tWO sil- ver medals for second place in pi- ano solo under 15 Years and piano solo under 16 years with marl“; of 82 and 83. ‘ munnuunuuull\\ul1muuuuumuumuuululnnummummmuum Award Three Medals To Young Local Girl We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. ' Phones King 111 Aurora 46J JAMES J. WALL Arcoflame Oil Burner Cement Septic Tanks Agent for DELCO PUMPS AND PAPER COLLECTION CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor mmmmmmmxmmmmmmn 171 YONGE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 48 Corner 01d Weston Road and St. Clair West LY. 0661 TOR( WANTED 10,000 TONS 0f SCRAP |RON SHEATHING & FELTS BUILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS “BISCO†WALLBOARDS Triplex â€" Green Boqrd Burley Board â€" Burley Tile PLASTIC CEMENTS & WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS “FLEECE LINE" ROCK WOOL INSULATION ‘ “MICAFIL†Aggregates for Plaster, Concrete and Insulation ASPHALT SHINGLES 8. SIDING: ATTENTIION TRUCKERS! Highest Prices Paid For Scrap Steel, Cast Iron and Metals Trucks Unloaded by Magnet u ive yourself peace of mind and a pleased pride of ownership, by using BISCO Rooï¬ngs and Sidings on your home. BISCO products are fire-resistant, ensure protection against wind and weather for a lifetime, and beautify your house for years to come. Made by one of Canada’s oldest rooï¬ng manufacturers BISCO is easy to apply, requires no servicing, and is of the ï¬nest quality obtainable. Ask your dealer to show you BlSCO's attractive colours and styles now. higher egg, production inv iiiqiiiiié, SJï¬d‘yXJi‘pouiï¬yvï¬'JE: with CONCRETE BLOCKS, It'll be_'warm and dry and proof against rats and vermin. Phone Stoutfville 381W1 for complete degails. ' We deliver. 1’9 keep your flask v_igorpus, ï¬ealtfly gndrractiveu-to obtain FOR HEALTHIER CHICKENS - and better egg production! Blend: and Solid Colour: GORMLEY, ONT. Tel. Stoufl’ville 381W] ROLL ROOFINGS GURMLEY BLOCK CD. Asphalf and Tarred BUTLER and BAIRD Manufudurer: of S. FREEDMAN & SON 6 TOWNSLEY STREET ON SALE LOCALLY AT MEETS ALL A. S. T. M. SPECIFICATIONS ALL SIZES OF CONCRETE BLOCKS, SAND AND GRAVEL 9 See your BISCO dealer now! , M‘m J?†o. I. ~ ‘w‘mï¬x ROOFIHGS WW». f -.;5. ' T0 RON T0