Barry Collard of Victoria Square has joined the staff of Ernest Rid- out Real Estate, Yonge St. Mrs. David Hill, Yonge St., 15 leaving shortly for Blackstoc'k to spend the summer months there- Mrs. Frank Gardiner, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. Styany Mr. S. Tjnker attended 3. Scout rally at Mldand over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Richmond Street, left a short motor trip to treal and New York. Miss Carol Ann Read, Yonge Street, attended the Pauls-Baker wedding in Langstaï¬ Baptist Church last Saturday. Dr W. V. Ferguson of Lindsay spent the early part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith and family while attending the Ontario Dental Association Convention in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Little were in Owen Sound last week when Mr. Little was guest speaker at the Horticultural meeting. They were over night guests at the home of Mr. A. Jackman, vice-president of the Ontario Horticultural Associa- tion. The Richmond Hill Women‘: In- stitute Mother’s Day Tea and Bak- ing Sale on Saturday, May 12, was well attended. Mrs. A. L. Pnnpps and Mrs. Wm. Mylks poured tea. Mrs- Hanson, Mrs. Owens. Mrs. W. C. Cowan and Mrs. H. Reid were the winners of the draw prizes which were donated by Toronto de- partment stores. Mrs. Harry Bourne entertained at her [home on Bathurst Street on Sunday evening, May 6, at 2. din- ner party in honour of the seventy- seventh birthday of Mrs. J. Monkman, 53 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. Among the guests were three sisters and several nieces and nephews. 'llhe honored guest, Mrs. Monkman, was the re- cipient of many lovely gifts as well as best wishes from those present. At the regular meeting of Aurâ€" org Preceptory of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland on Thursday evening, May 10, Worshipful Sir Knight L. W. Zuefelt of Richmond Hill was presented with his Past Preceptor’s jewel, recognizing two years of service in the Preceptor’s dhair. The presentation was made by Very Worshipful Sir Knight Elias Gray, County Master of the Royal Black County Chapter of Mrs. Wm. Wagner, of Street, left last week on itOl‘ trip to Boston, Mon- White Porcelain Interior â€"- stain resistant A size to ï¬t every kitchen â€"â€" every family Be sure to see the Servel if you are buying a refriger- ator 76 Yonge St. Richmond Hill o S ER V E L 0 THE DIFFERENT REFRIGERATOR The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call. to Tdephone NO- 9 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W‘hxle copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each_week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if posslble to ensure its. publication. YEREX ELECTRIC Years ahead in convenience and beauty ONLY SERVEL serve 8 you so well 0 For 25 years, the motor- less refigerator has been ï¬rst in dependability O Operates on electric power of any cycle 0 Stays silent â€"â€" last longer Longest of any refrigera- O 10 year warranty, longest of any refrigerator 0 Huge Frozen Food com- partment 0 Simple Electric Element does all the work. There are no moving parts to Mrs. V. R. Johnson, R.N., and small daughter, Jennifer Ann, ar- rived via TCA from New York City to spend one month with her sister, Mrs. H. K. Roberts, 102 Arnold Crescent and her mother, Mrs. John G. Laughlin, 70 Arnold Crescent. York. Other visitors of distinction were: R.W.S.K. S. C. Reesor, Dep- uty Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of Ontario West, V. W.S.K. Bartlett, Deputy County Master of York. Two degrees were exempliï¬ed during the evening. The engagement is announced of Edna Winnifred, daughter of Mrs. Sanderson and the late Mr. Clare Sanderson of Victoria Square, to William Grant Nigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nigh of Stouffvide the marriage to take place Saturâ€" day, June 2, at 3 o’clock in the United Church, Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lumb an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Grace Marian to Donald Clarence Doner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ~H. Doner of Gorm- ley. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 2, in Gormley United Missionary Church at'3 o’clock. c1w46 Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Mitchell, Maple, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Lillian, to Lloyd Henry Avery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Athur Avery, Woodbridge Ont. The marriage will take place in Maple United Church on sutur- day, June 2, at 7.30 o'clock. *1w46 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. George Petrie, Miss Helen, Rev. George Petrie and May (Mrs. Alfred WilkinS) wish to thank most sincerely Dr. Wesley for all his kindness extended to them during the illness and passing of a dear mother, Mrs. George Petrie. c1w46 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Robert Ramsay and Marg- aret wish to take this opportunity to express their sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness, enquiries and cards and flowers, etc., sent to Mr. Ramsay while he was ill in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. SCHOOL MEET TONIGHT Home and School group execu- tives have been asked to attend the meeting of the board of School Area No. 1 to be held in the Thorn- hill school tonight. Members of Vaughan and Markham councils are also expected to be present. ENGAGEMENTS wear out 0 No Motor required 0 Fully adjustable shelves; they lock securely in place 0 Dew action fresheners give you ideal moist-cold stor- age space for fresh fruits and vegetables. ‘Dew’ falls from the under side of the glass covers to keep salad greens and other produce crisp and flavorful. c1w46 "no Hil-luijnited Church will celebrate the Seventy-ï¬rst Anniversary of u... uy. v the Laying of the Come-Stone of‘ the present church on Sunday, May 20, with services at 11 a.m. end 7 pm. Rev. Martin Jenkinson, M. A., B.D. will be the special speaker‘ ano the choir will provide special music. This congregation traces its beginning in Richmond Hill to a little group of worshippers meet- ing in a little log school-house nearly one hundred and ï¬fty years ago but the building of the present church ediï¬ce was a signiï¬cant milestone in this church’s history and the seventy-ï¬rst anniversary of the laying of the corner-stone is an occasion worthy of the at- tention of the general public as well as of all members and ad- ;herents, past and present. Women’s Groups (Continued from page 1) ing the morale of the boys. A moâ€" ther can Gleer the Cub or Scout so much by encouragement. and inter- est. The auxiliary also help; the mothers by discussing problems peculiar to boys and scouting. Speaks For Guides Miss Edna Izzard, District Com- missioner of the Richmond Hill Girl Guides stated that the Girl Guide setâ€"up was different from the Boy Scout organization. The local association here consists of thirty members who lend their sup- port to the Guiders and Brown Owls in their work. It is not an auxiliary and members do not have to have daughters in the company 01; pack. At present there are tWo Guide Companies and two Brownie Packs, all very active. Mrs. W. Sayers speaking for the Women’s Institute said that she thought the motto “For Home and Country†showed what the Worm. en's Institute stood for. Its aim is to develop better homemakers, hap- pier and more useful citizens, stim- ulate and train leaders and encour- age an appreciation of the things near at hand. Since the president of the Wom- en’s Auxiliary of Veterans was un- able to be present because of ill- ness, Mrs. Sayers briefly paid tri- bute to the splendid work they had done for ex-service men between World Wars I and II and during the war years of War II when pai- cels and cigarettes were regularly sent to many service , rsonnel, and als‘) quilts, knitted goods and cloth- ing were sent to Great Britain. Mr. Ra-binowitch with his cello and accompanist, Mrs. Harwood, supplied the musical interlude. The members listened with much pleas- ure to his rendition of “The Swan†by C. Saintâ€"Saens and “The Lone- ly Heart†by Tschaikowsky. The meeting c105ed with thmait- ional Anthem followed by the friendly chat over the tea-cups. Hostesses were Mrs. Wm. Cook, Mrs. L. Clement, Mrs. N. Glass. The congregation of Richmond Phone 242J RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951 10 a.m. -â€" The Bible School 11 a.m. â€"â€": Preparatory Service Everybody welcome. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951 7lst Anniversary of The Laying of The Corner-Stone Special Preacher â€" Rev. Marï¬in Jenkinson, M.A., ED. 11 am. â€" “Three Great Affirma- tions†7 pm. â€" “The Potter’s Wueel.’ Special music by the choir. All are Welcome. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. Th., Rector Sunday, May 20. Trinity. 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Prayer. last of the Evening services until Fall. Sunday, May 27. â€" 11 a.m. Open- ing and Dedication of new Rectory Rev. E. E. Kent, Minister Sunday Service . . . . . . 2.30 pm. Sunday School ,‘ , . . . . . . . . 10 21.111. OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day at 11 am. Gospel message and Communion Service Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. St. Luke: 6: 46: And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Mr. and Mrs. G. Hopper, Warren and Leigh of Yongehurst Road spent a recent week-end in London visiting their people. Mr. and Mrs. Culmer and family formerly of Yongehurst Road have sold their home and are now on their way to their new home in Cal- ifornia. Mrs. Wlm. Adams Sr. is spending a holiday in Manitoulin Island at the home of her sister and family. Congratulations to Mr. Ruland Davis of Yongehurst Road who was a winner in the Star Know Ontario Contest. Mrs. Flavelle of Yonge St. has gone to viSit with her mother for two weeks. Howard Foster of Roselawn Farm is home again after his re- cent stay in Sick Children’s Hos- pital. Howard is coming along nicely after his bout of virus pneu- monia. Sorry to hear that Mrs; Kinders of Hunt’s Lane is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. McLean and dau- ghter of Avenue Road spent last week end in Campbellford. We are pleased to know chat Mrs. Huston of Yongehurst Road is home from the hospital and do- ing nicely. - .Sugar and Spice Club met at the home of Mrs. G. Fenwick Thurs- day evening, May 3. Cards pre- ceded business and winners were as follows: lst Mrs. J. Ashworbh‘, 2nd, Mrs. A. Blackburn, consola- tion, Mrs. L. Wainwright. Hostess. es of the evening were Mrs. S. Styan and Mrs. R. Cartier. Next meeting, a pot luck supper at the Blackburns. Scout mothers of the executive met at the home of Mrs. S. Styan, Tuesday evening, May 1. Thirteen ladies were present with Mrs. J. Gardiner of Mill Road in the chair. Future meetings were discussed and ï¬nal plans for the annual din- ner were completed. Refreshments ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 'HONE RICHMOND HILL 292 2:1 YONGE STREET SOUTH HILLTOP ELECTRIC LINE WORK DOMESTIC & lNDUSTRIAL ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yongehurst Rd. 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. TOMENSDN, SAUNDERS, SMITH 8: GARFAT LIMITED Our service to you combine< expert advice on your insurance problems with a. complete engineering serv1ce. District Representative 18 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 25R Your INSURANCE NORTH RICHVALE NEWS HERBERT R. BUTT Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951 11 a.m. â€" Public Worship Mr. Donald Warne, B.A., Knox College 11.30 am. â€"- The Bible‘ School 12.10 p.m. -â€" Dr. Glen’s Bible Class Come and Worship. Hope Sunday School Anniversary 11 am. Public Worship . . . . . . . . . . 11 a.m.- Edgeley Sunday School . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm. Public Worship . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm. Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 am. Church Service . . . . . . . . . .7 ‘7 p.m. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 am. Worship . . . . . . . 11am. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951 Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 Morning Service . . . . . . . . 11 LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Service: Sunday, 11 a.m. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. -â€" Women’l Mis- sic-nary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. â€" Young r’eoples 80¢. were served. MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., minister Results of Canadian Legion Eu- chre held at the home of Mr. Ar- bon, Spruce Ave., are as follows: Ladies 1st, Mrs. Davis; 2nd Mrs. Skippon; consolation, Mrs. Titshall. Men's lst F. Arbon; 2nd G. Stamp; consolation, S. Arbon. Refresh- ments were served. ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson Jr. and Jimmy have just returned from a week’s holiday in Bancroft. On Tuesday evening, May 8, Gary Skippon and Garry Black- burn entertained Thornhill Orange Lodge in the Thornhill 'United Church. Movies, were shown and refreshments served at the close of the meeting. Mr. Gardiner, grandfather of Gord. Hopper of Yongehurst Rd., spent Sunday with the Hopper family. Mrs. rankland, Mrs. MacArthur and Mrs. Ryder spent last Wednes- day at the home of Mrs. W; Holmes of Yongehurst Road. Mrs. Funk- land is flying to England very shortly. Mrs. Art Ball and Arva spent last week end in Sudbury. Art has just completed a three week job in that area. Mrs. F. Gardiner of Mill mead was presented with a cup and saucer from the Ladies Auxiliary of Richmond Hill Scouts on Thurs- day evening at Auxiliary’s annual dinner. Mrs. Gardiner is to be congratulated on the splendid job she is doing as president of the organization. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Adams (son of Mrs. W. Adams, Yongehurst Road\ on Monday, May 7, at Nitro, Quebec. Tommy is stationed at Lachine, Quebec. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peg‘g (formerly of Yonge St.) at St. Michael’s Hospital, May 9. Chris and baby are doing ï¬ne. . ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. E. J. Fischer, pastor If L. Watson does not call for oil tank left at 170 Rich- mond Street, within 21 days, same will be sold. SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951 Will 738 01d and New Work ROOF REPAIRS 25 Years Experience C. BRETT 35 Newton Dr. SHINGLING is our business Phone Plnza 7671 Newtonbrook Coaches Music Group To National Honours This writer is no particular judge of music but even to this inexper- ienced ear, the Spring Concert which was put on by the pupils of the Fort Erie High school last Fri- day night was tops in entertain- ment and could very easily nave ranked as a professional entertain- ment. Richmond Hill interest in this lies in the fact that Eugene Lazar, musical director of the school, who was mainly responsible for the success of the entertainment has been engaged as director of musiâ€" cal activities at the Richmond Hill district high school and is slated to assume his new duties here in Sep- tember. The concert which climaxed the school’s musical activities for the year reflected a very high degree of talent on the part of the direc- tor and- drew plaudits iron. the principal, H. E. Thompson who ex- pressed gratiï¬cation that enough interest in music had been created to bring a crowd of 500 people Out to see the pupils’ show. Main feature of the show was Fort Erie High School GleeClub made up of girls 18 years and un- der. This organization scored de- cisively the previous week at the Niagara Falls Musical Festival when they earned highest national honors and won the highly-coveted Borden trophy. The Fort Erie girls defeated larger choirs from Wood- bridge and Niagara Falls. Hivgh commefldatioï¬ was given at the Festival to Conductor Lazar’s coaching and management- Victoria L.O.L. 2368 and Empire L.O.B.A. 894 held a social evening on Thursday, May 10, in the Mas- onic Hall. The master of Victoria Lodge, George Fen'wick, welcomed those present and turned the pro- gram over to Mr. W. Turner as Master of Ceremonies. Hold Social Evening Three married couples played a. game of “Rate Your Mate" and all were successful in saying whether their mate would know the an- swers to questions asked. A orief sing-song was enjoyed and Mr. J. Cross of the High SChQOI Staff showed pictures he had taken himself in Richmond Hill, of an Orange Walk in Port Hope last year and d0wn the St. Lawrence to Montreal and Quebec as well as the capital city, Ottawa. Films on flowers unfolding and the Eskimoes were much enjoyed. A few swift games of bingo and a carpet ball game, ladies vs men which the men won by a nuge score rounded out the eVening‘. Following the program all present gathered around tables set in the lodge room where a delicious lunch was served by the committee. MARY STUART PETRIE After a short illness, Mary .a‘tu- art Petrie, formerly of Teronto, passed away Monday, May 14, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Wilkins, Thornhill. She w -a in her 77th year. A native of Scotland, Mrs. Petrie had lived in Toronto for the past 26 years. She came to live with her daughter the latter pan. of February. The deceased is sur- vived by her husband George Pet- rie, Thornhill, two daughters Helen and May (Mrs. Albert Wilkin., of Thornhill) and one son, Rev. Geo. Petrie of Burford, Ontario; 4 grandchildren, George and Doreen Wilkins, Thornhill and David and Howard Petrie of Burford; one sis- ter in England, Mrs. Robt. For. The funeral was ‘held Wednesday from the SaIVation Army Earls- court citadel, Dufferin Street, Tor- onto. with interment in Mount Pleasant cemetery. Pall bearers were Mr. Gwrge Wilkins, Mr. Howard Petrie, Mr. David Petrie, Mr. Jas. Clark, Mr. Victor Brooks and Mr. Lloyd Stiff. 9blue coal’ is the only coal colored BLUE with harmless dyeâ€"a. positive protection for youâ€"an assurance that you’re get- ting “the world’s ï¬nest anthracite}! Wm Else Wants PAID-UP Winter Hea‘i'? THE SOONER YOU STAR‘Ij THE SMALLER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BE . THE SOONER YOU STARt THE SMALLER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BE . ‘ a Works 1‘ Club. Sp] m‘ents. N: By our Music Critic look always for the BLUE Color PHONE 10 OBITUARY I. D. RAMER 8 SON THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 17, 1951 5 WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 359r11 STUART PAXTON BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric Phone 242-] Formerly of Gerrard Heintman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimatel Phone Liberal Office III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII \mmnm\lumnmuml\\\mmumuuuum\\mumlmmuummuumun Phone Richmond Hill 414M LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING FLOWERS \m1n\1\u1mmlumumunumuummuummumnmwvnmmm' RICE’S FLOWER SHOP AUSTIN - SALES 8: SERVICE Repair shop open until 10 pm, forrservice and repairs on all makes of cars. TELEVISION ‘ Phone 12 A. ROLLINSUN . 44 Yonge Street Soutn Richmonu l-Iill Tel. Richmond Hill 490 Nights and Holidays Telephone Thornhill 207R6 PIANO TUNING MEL. MALTBY oWorks like a Christmas Club. Spreads out pay- ments. No red tape. This plan is the easy way to buy your heat and enjoy free- dom from “all-at-once†fuel bills. COME"! 0R PHONE TODAY ‘Authorized Dealer for Richmond Hill and District Painting Paperhanging and Repairing First Class Work Reasonable Rates FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Cities Service Garage Tel. 9, Richmond Hill Electrician CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS S. Hoï¬man Richmond Hill Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL ' Convenient S-P-R-E-A-D out pay- ments . . . easy terms to suit you. No worries! Coal is delivered in Elenty of time . . . you're all paid up efore next winter. With this 'blue coal’ plan, household budgets run more smoothly all year ’round. AYLMER Tomato Catchup El?" 19c LAUNDRY SOAP. Sunï¬ght FANCY Keta Salmon 3 BIG ADVANTAGES SPECIALS CLARK’S Pork & Beans EVAPORATED Carnation Milk DEVON SWEET Mixed Pickles DOMESTIC OR JEWEL Shortening FANCY GRADE Spy Apples FLORIDA SWEET Juicy Oranges 3:20.35 Doz' MARSH SEEDLESS Grapefruit 31$: FIRM CRISP Iceberg Lettuce Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S MAY 17, 18 & 19 2 3:1: 31c 20 oz. Tin 16 oz. Jar Va’s Tin 21c Pkg. 6 Qt Bskt Lge. Size Head For ;: 73c 39c 16c 27c 19c 25c