6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 17, 1951 III-IIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-ï¬ PHONE â€" THORNHILL 256W 5 i I II‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIEIIIIII. Samuel Carlisle Frederick Norman J. A. McGinnis Helen Sanderson Wm. Oliver Norman Porter Margaret E. Bates N. G. Gregoraah S. M. Sinclair MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD Thomhill 1'2 Thornhill Office WA. 4338 After hours and holidays_:_ _ For appiaisal and quotation of the best current mar- ket price for your district, contact: â€" are in growing demand. If you are interested in selling your property, we can relieve you of the troublesome details of advertising and interviewing. We specialize in re-rooï¬ng, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Insul Brick Siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. Houses ,I'arms 8: Lots David McLean Limited RE - ROOFING No. 7 Highway at Duï¬erin Maple 148 ANSWELL LIMITED Your One Stop 1. U E R A little extra care and better feed during the growing period will pay off in the form of eggs next fall and winter. 0n the Master Growing Programme PLANNING. . . THE INDIVIDUAL HOME In planning your home why not take advantage of the skill acquired by home-designing specialists through years of practical experience. Our books oï¬er you many of their design suggestions. Let us show you our beautiful instructive books that bring you new and practical ideas and help you create your own individual home. ’ Building a home is one of the greatest adventures 01’ your lifetime. It is a fresh, exhilarating experience from its very conception as a dream or idea through the months of happy anticipation to the construction and the superla- tive thrill of actual residence. Richmond Hill 394“! Willowdale 3M8 Maple 156W Richmond Hill 421W Aurora 429R24 Bradford 189 , Hyland 6015 Brampton 1610 Stoufl'ville 67913 IR and ‘Buiding‘ ' Supply Stores Yonge St. Thornhill Thornhill 170 Plans are being made to cele- ibrate the 1013t Anniversary of the Thornhill Presbyterian Church on lJune 3. Sports Mrs. '1‘. Empring‘ham, historical research and current events con- venor will give a history of the Thornhill Branch of the W.[. at the next meeting. Special project of the Senior Room at Langstaff Public School is the transforming of the cloakroom into a craft room, with the work being done by the boys and girls. The girls are doing much of the ï¬nishing and the boys are at pres- ent building a work bench. Light- ing the room is a problem n01. yet solved and suggestions regarding this and gifts of unwanted tools would be very welcome, Mr. D. C. Smith, the principal advises. iFor resuts of the present base- ball series, please see Results of Inter-school League. This will be held in the Masonic Hall in 'Dhornhill Thursday, May School News Following the tradition set by the late Miss Irene Chapman, who always provided flowers for the Mother’s'Day Services, those in the church on Sunday were placed there in her memory by Mrs. Hen- ry Harper. Those who were christened were John George, Lynn Ede and Eliza- beth Anne, children of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tanquiy, Arnold Ave; Franées Roberta. and Heather May, children of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Barrett, Jackes Avenue; and Mother’s Day was a. family day at Thornhill Presbyterian Church and included a Baptismal Service at which the Minister, the Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., officiated. Judith Violetfdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. K. Todd, Jackes Avenue; John William, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Antannacci, Jackes Ave. lOlst Anniversary of Pearson Avenue. Mrs. George Petrie passed away Monday at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. E. Wilkins, Dudley Avenue. The sympathy of the community is extended to the fam- ily in their sad bereavement. ’ Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. John Ellacott had their youngest daughter, Bonme Elizabeth, christened on Sunday May 13, in Wesley United Church, Brantford. Young John Lambert got a baby brother on May 12 when little Pet- er Andrew arrived at St. Michael’s hospital. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lambert are residents "‘Il|N[mumIII‘ll“!“lI“!nl'|'|I“mum!Illlmlllllllllllï¬ TELEVISION; . .\1l1l\“\\\llll\l“ll\\l\\\l\l‘1 BLACKBURNS' Phone THORNHILL 161 gnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmug SOLD & SERVICED CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. STAN. V. WORSDALE Telephone Thornhill 257R12 THORNHILL NEWS Only $2.25 ' AVAILABLE AT Hal. Harley’s Drug Store Phone Thornhill 326 SODDING & GRADING 0F FLAGSTONE & STONE WORK WE PLANT ONLY HARDY CANADIAN EVERGREENS & SHRUBS ART GOODCHILD THORNHILL LANDSCAPE GARDENERS & TREE EXPERTS The guest speaker was Miss Belle Jaeger, who is now studying Occupational Therapy. Miss Jaeger gave a very interesting talk, ex- plaining occupational therapy and its many crafts in connection with hospital work. The regular meeting of the Lad- ies Guild was held in the Sunday School Hall on the evening of Thursday, May 12. The contractor will have com- pleted his work this week and the Chairman of the Building Commit- tee, Mr. G. Crutcher, is asking for voluntary :help to do rough car- pentry and painting. Will anyone wishing to help, please phone Thornhill 167W. The May meeting of the After- noon Auxiliary (W.M.S.) of the Thornhill United Church was held at the home of Mrs. M. Balfour, Yonge Street. The theme of the meeting was “How We Can Work for Peace â€" Through Helping to Feed the Hun- New Building Affernoon Auxiliary (W.M.S.) Ladies Guild Arrangements were made f0. col- lecting articles for the annual bale. Good used clothing is to be left at the Parsonage for Mrs. R. Simpson Yonge Street. C.G.I.T. Paul Henry George, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chambers, John St., Thornhill, and The C.G.I.T. are holding a Tulip Time Tea and Bake Sale on Sat- urday at 3 pm. in the Sunday School Hall. Donald Alexander, son 0; Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ferguson, Steeles Avenue. Decorator Elm Grove Oak Ridge: or King 17R4 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII John David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brash, Roosevelt Drive, Langstaf’f; Glenn Alan and Linda Jean, children of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton O. Robeson, Boyle Drive, Langstaï¬; Helen Ann and Audrey Christina daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Drake, Seccomoe Street, Don- caster; Judith Ann, Gerald Howard and Ronald Wilfred, children of Mr. and Ms. Howard Charles, Sussex Avenue, Langstaff; Beverley Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Markle, Westwood Lane, Langstaff; The Junior Choir sang a beauti- ful number, ‘Mothers of the World' which was composed by Mr. LeLa- cheur, brother of Miss Ruth Le- Lacheur of the Senior Choir. Mrs. Burke gave a delightful solo “The Lord Is My Shepherd†by Little and the Senior Choir very acceptâ€" ably rendered “Oh Happy Home". A congregation that ï¬lled Thorn- hill United Church was present for the special service to communior- ate “The Festival of the Christian Home." Baptisms The following children were bap- tised by Rev. E. E. Kent in Thorn- hill United Church on Sunday, May 13: Karen Irene. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ralph W'hatley, VElgin Street; 17, at 2.15 p.m. The roll call an- swer will be a current event and as an aid to planning next season’s program members are asked to bring written roll call suggestions. Special Services Makes your plates ï¬t like new . . . stops rocking rub- bing, clicking, irritating dcnturcs...always remains soft,acushionforyourgums. Not a powder 01; pasgg, Phone 14R2 Thomhill E. J. HINSON Interior 4! Exterior 2. The cost of the work is $511.00 of which $40.26 is to be paid by the Corporation. The special rate per foot frontage is $040252. The special assessment is to be paid in ï¬ve annual instalments. 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Markham has constructed as a local improve- ment a gravel road on Henderson Street between Clark and the north boundary of Registered Plan 2368. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is ï¬ve years. 4. A court of revision will be held on the 4th day of June 1951, at 4 o’c10ck in the afternoon at the Council Chambers, Unionville, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage meas- urements and any other complaint which persons interested may de- sire to make and which is by law cognisable by the court. Unionville May 15, 1951. Twp. of Markham TAKE NOTICE THAT Garden Tractors & Power Lawn Mowers M., West Hill District, for the Scouts. The group for the Rovers was taken by John Snow, A.D.C.. York Central District and Group Committeemen had a discussion panel under E. A. Jarrett, Presi- dent of the Lakeshore District As- sociation. Under the Chairman- ship of Mrs. A. E. Standing, As- sistant Provincial Commissioner, various solutions to common prob. lems were shared in the discuss- ions by members of Ladies' Auxil- iaries. Opening remarks were made by the Regional Commissioner, Rob- ert H. Johnston, after which the meeting broke up into small groups for spirited discussion. New Scout and Cub Leaders were taken to St. Margaret’s Parish Hall for a session under Robert Taler, A. D.C., Humber Valley District, for the Cubs, and Robert Ansell, D.S. The guest speaker at the dinner which followed was the Chief Ex- ecutive Commissioner, Major Gen- On one of the loveliest days that we have had this spring the Scout- ers Conference for the Ontario Re- gion opened about three o’clocx on Saturday in Knox Presbyterian Church, Midland, with a registra- tion of about 250. R. B. Moï¬att, District Commiss- ioner for the South Georgian Bay District welcomed the delegates af- ter which there was 9. Flag Break, followed by prayer by Rev. A. B. Cathcart of Midland. Official wel- come from Midland was given by Mayor Charles Parker. Phone Thornhill, 161 3 H.P. $279.00 BLACKBURN’S APPLIANGES CHAS. HOOVER, clerk Stop 22A Yonge St. Cooney’s Service Station o ANNOUNCING o KAISER AND HENRY] CARS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AT District Scout and' Cub News There were special Church Ser- vices on Sunday morning at 9.30 followed by a trip to the Jesuit Martyrs Shrine and the Indian Museum, with R. B. Moï¬'att, DC. in charge. After dinner in St. Margaret’s Parish Hall, W. :1. J. Tisdale, Provincial Commissioner for Ontario addressed the delegates and the conference closed at half past two after an experience none would have missed for a good deal. CONTRACTOR FOR CONCRETE OR STEEL SEPTIC TANKS ALSO FLOORS & SIDEWALKS LAID AND DRAINS DUG During the evening session there was a Campï¬re and skits with Ray Leonard, D. C., of Humber Valley District and Robert Taylor, A.D. C. of Humber Valley, joint masters of ceremony. eral D. C. Spry. Phone 48R25 Richmond Hill N. DOLSON Service to Television, Radios,Refrigerators, Washers,etc. Steele’s Corners BE WISE GET YOURS TODAY Look'- Look - Look WASHERS from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.00 RANGES ELECTRIC, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ $49.00 REFRIGERATORS, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99.00 Each article receives a thorough cleaning and recon- ditioning and carries an unconditional guarantee. 3145 Yonge Street MA Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Till 9 pm. Just North of Lawrence Ave. Milwin Radio And Appliances Ltd. With the purchase of any reconditioned Range, Wash- er or Refrigerator you will receive a beautiful set of dishes absolutely free. This offer for a limited time only and subject to cancellation. 16 in. Television Con- sole, floor sample, reg. $539.00 for $459.00 61/2 Cu. Ft. Norge Re- frigerator, floor dem- onstrator, reg. $314.50 for $285.00 LES. LINDSAY APPLIANCES FREE - - FREE - - FREE BEAUTIFUL SET OF DISHES THAT THE 80 Yonge St. S., Wanted - Trucker Call Maple B or Kenwood 5373 MARGARET PLOMLEY Phone Richmond Hill 635 Phone HY. 3405 Toronto DISPLAY AT JUNE’S GIFT SHOPPE Bt. S., Richmoml mu PHIPP’S SPECIALTY SHOPPE MacNeil-Anstey Bldg., Thornhiu Enquire Within PORTRAITS PIT WORK New Car Radios ' $59.50 Service & Installatlon to all makes Heavy Duty Electric Stoves 4 Burner $179.50 Norge Table Top $329.50 IN THE HOME BY Phone Will. Zone 5177 MA. 7671