Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1951, p. 7

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ll WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES Wild” has For Brick and Frame Construction Gen“ Fraules Sash Storm Windows Check Rail Sash Casement Sash Door Frames Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction 0333011 Window Frames and 8381: Combination Doors â€" screen and glazed ' Screen Doors and Window Screens Thoreughly Experienced Workmen OAK RIDGES GLASS & MIRROR 00; NOW . . . You Can Do Business at Home (Just North of Oak Ridges Public School on ngy. 11) TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT IN Gordon Howland BONDS ‘ OAK RIDGES GLASS- &_ MIRRR “‘ ‘ COMPANY STORE FRONTS â€" MIRRORS PLATE GLASS ‘ _ __MIRROR RESILVERING ’AND ALL ALLIED LINES AUBREY NICOL Milner, Ross 81 Co. 330 BAY STREET ELGIN MILLS Telephone Richmond Hill 1341'31 Members V The Toronto Star]: Exchange The Investment Deakrs’ Association of Canada Richmond Hill Ontario ‘. ROY HERRINGTON Orders Promptly Executed Telephone 87 Representing KING 59R13 STOCKS TORONTO Stan. Rule Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Sihiells. Willowdale Ave. on the birth of a son, Friday. in St. Mi- chael’s Hospital, Toronto. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Smith who have taken up res- idence on Morgan Ave. It was the unanimous opinion of the members that Mrs. F. S. Rum- ible purdhase a suitable book for the Tweedsm'uir history. Mrs. meble also gave a report on the conference. It was suggest- ‘ed‘that two minutes be given to the Standing Committees at each meeting. She displayed the new Institute Song Book. Mrs. Geddes advised injecting new vitality into Branches. Mrs. Futcher, Past President “of Federated Women's Intitute, had her new book on dis- play at Guelph “Abroad With Me.” The last day of the convention was devoted to Public Relations, Farm Press, D32in Papers, Radio and Weekly Papers. Lunch was sewed by the hastess and the committee bringing to a close a very interesting meeting. . CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. A. WATTS 173 Powell Avenue, Telephone Thornhill 243R2 Mr. A. Stevens, Morgan Ave., nett, Jr. who have move was admitted to the East General new home on Powell Av Haspitél recently for an operatmn ’ * " " on his arm. We are pleased to 1 Rev. A. E. Huston will be the special speaker at the Sunday School anniversary of Hope United Church on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. Thé service of praise will be led by the girls of the Community Choir which is connected with St. Mrs. A. Snider gave a report on the conference at Guelph. The first night they «had a Nellie Lewis get. together party. Dr. McCready gave the welcome. A girl from Jamaica taking a course at Guelph had been financed by Institute money. There were only two his- tory books from Wkest York, one taking second prize. She told of types of books recommended for the Tweedsmuir’history and what to have in them. Maple Women’s Institute had its meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Palmer on May 9, with 20 mem. bers present and several visitors. ’The Busy Bees Mission Band held its meetng at the home 01 Heather Miller with Marlene Orr in the chair and Helen Calder as secretary. The meeting opened with hymn 3‘99, followed With a prayer by Marilyn Watson and scripture. Twenty-two girls an- swered the roll call which was “Your Favourite Girl’s Name.” The meeting closed with the bene- diction. A dainty lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. Cal. Miller 3 Women‘s Institute Mrs. Leo Watson, the District President, conducted the installa- ation of the newly-elected officers. It was decided to purchase some wool and knit some very much needed articles for the Children’s Aid Society. Unfortunate Accident Mrs. F. S. Rumble, historical re- search and current event cnovenox‘ gave a very interesting report of last year’s work also Mrs. L. Pal- mer, convener of'citizenship and education. Young People's Union Maple Young People’s Union held its regular meeting in 'the Sunday School room on Wednesâ€" day evehing, May 8. Dorothy Jarâ€" rett, the mission convenor was in charge of the program. The topic was in the form of a radio mter- view. of an Indian girl from Bella Bella. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Walker. Special musical numbers were play- ed 'by Jean and Ralph Kefi'er on their guitars: Madeline Brown played a piano solo. Following some contests, the meeting closed with taps. Two days after his family had moved to this village, eight ,year old Fred Dellow [had the misfor- tune to break his arm very badly, causing him to be in the Hospital for Sick Children for two days. on June 13. Visitors welcome. Mrs. Leo Watson, District Presi- dent, spoke a few words to the In- stitute, asking them to make use of the booklets put out by the De- partment. If these could not be used by the members they might help our neighours. At the Guelph conference during the talk on his- torical research, it was suggested any historical place should be mar- ked. She ended her talk wnh a very timely poem “Let us be Frien- fly.” Friends‘of Mrs. James Rae will be pleased to learn that she has returned home after spending some weeks in the General Hospital, Tor- onto, when she was very ill. She is progressing favourably. ' There is stration at be held at on June 13 Mission Band Mrs. Harris, District Secretary, also gave a short talk, one of the highlights was information regard- ing the Tweedsmuir History. A piano solo by Mrs. Noble was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mary Miller, North Bay, visit'ed with her brother, Mr. La Riveria. Best wishes to M1" and Mrs. Gar- to be a plastic demon- the regular meeting to Mrs. N. Payne’s hbme CORRESPONDENT â€"â€" M38. D. ALLEN Phone Maple 19R â€"â€"-â€" DONCASTER DOINGS MAPLE NEWS n. We are pleased to report than Heather Menzies is recovering fol- lowing her accident. A truck brushed her down on Morgan Ave. She received injuries to head and face. This could have resulted in a very serious accident had not the truck driver been one of those con- siderate persons. He said he saw Heather from a little distance and slowed down, but could not avoid her entirely. Hope United Church: The three dgughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Isaacson were baptized Sunday morning. The worship for Moch- er’s Day was conducted by Mr. Gordon Orr, assisted by Mrs. Elmer Orr and Jim Thomas. Mrs. Law- rence Clarke rendered a solo. the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Gordon Orr sang an appropriate selection. Beautiful spring flow- ers adorned the chancel. nett, Jr. who have moved into their new home on Powell Ave. Maple United Church: Mr. M. J. Kinnee conducted the worship for Mother’s Day Service in the Sun- day School Sunday morning. The Junior choir of twenty-five voices led the praise under the- direction of Mrs. William Woods. Nine jun- ior children sang- a special number and Jill Neufeld rendered an hp- propriate solo. Mr. and Mrs William Ingram.Mr. Maple Lions Club held its regu- and Mrs. Gordon Ingram and farm ily and Heather Miller spent Sun- ay with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Black and family at Kettleby. St. Stephen’s Anglican: ,The christening of the infant daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Codper, Dr. Clem and Mrs. Reades and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunt took place. Friends of Mr. Robert Ramsay will be pleased to know he has re- turned home from St. Michaels Hospital Toronto, where he under- went surgery and is progressmg nicely and that Mr. Blake Yake‘ though still in the General Hosp- ital, Toronto, is slightly improved. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian: A special Mother’s Day Service, with special music and Mr. Magee ren- dering‘ the solo “Bless This House". The infant children Tbaptised‘~ were Janet Louise, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ray Phillips and Richard Samuel, son of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Johnson J nr. Colombo. United Church in Toron- to. Mrs. Gordon Orr will preside at the organ. The public is hear- tily invited to this service. Mr. Bruce Jones of Galt visited with his parents, Mr. and Mn. Al. fred Jones. . The chancel of the church was beautifully decorated with spring flowers. Beginning June 3, the church service of Maple United Church will be at 11.30 am. with Sunday School at 10.30 sum. Mrs. Ralph James of Kenora and Mrs. George Barker of Headford visited with Mrs. Russell Noble last week. Hope United Church The Vellore Junior Farmers Annual Church service, was 'held in Hope United Church, Sunday evening, May 14th. Mr: and Mrs. William Weir are spending a few days with MYS- Weir's sister, Mrs. Gibson in Phil- adelpthia. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Tesbon side road on the birth of their daughter, a sister for Bobbie and Ross in St. Mich- ael’s Haspital, Toronto, Monday, May 14. The worship was conducted by Carl Boynton assisted by Marjorie Grimsley. The special preacher was Dr. Archer Wallace, who brought an inspiring message to a congregation which filled the; church ti) capacity,The Junior Far- mers Choir was under the direct- ion of Mr. Gordon McGillivary with Mrs. Gordon Orr at the organ. The churches of the village were well attended on Mother’s Day with special events taking place in the following churches’. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manning of Guelph had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Laver on Sunday. They also visited Mr. Manning’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua. Manning and Mrs. Manning’s sisâ€" ter, Mrs. H. Ireland, Teston,-who has been very ill but her many friends will .be pleased to know she is improving. Hope to see her up and around again. ‘ Miss Flo Turner of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with Mrs Arthur Lawrie and family. Children baptised in the Maple United Church, Sunday afternoon, May 14, were Lawrence Michael son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson and Elaine Inez Tilley daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth Tilley and at the evening service Janice Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keffer. Maple Mothe's Day Services Maple United Church. Non-Porous Concrete Construction .Flush or Dribble Systems. Vaughan, Etobicoke, North York Townships Paper Drive Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Gervais Heustis Sr., Oak Avenue who éelebrated their 47th wedding anniversary last. week. 4. A court of revision will be held on the 4th day of June 1951, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers, Uni0nville, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage meas- urements and any other complaint which persons interested may de- sire to make and which is by law cog‘nisable by the court. Unionville May 15, 1951. General Contractors 0 Concrete Work ' Building . Alterations and re- pairs T. & H. Construction Telephone Richmand Hill 528.] or 288W Mr. and Mrs. H. Arbon spent Mother's day with their eldest son Ernest and family in Beamsn'lle where they were joined by the youngest son William and his wife from Hamilton. .. 1799 Jane St. Weston .. Phone 1398 Your bundles of papers and mag- azines will be looked for eagerly on Saturday morning by the nich- vale Guides and Brownies and Scouts and Cubs. The area is from May Avenue to Garden Aven- ue. On June 8, there will be a, Choir from the school competing in the Music Festival Markham is holding on that date. 2. The cost of the work is $3,- 404.00 of which $126.54 in to be paid by the Corporation. The special rate per foot frOntage is $146345. The special assessment is to be paid in five annual instal- ments. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is five years. 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Markham has constr'ucted as a local improve- ment a gravel road on Elm-wood Avenue between Baker and Lens nox, Registered Plan 2383. The remainder of the articles in the baskets left 'over from the “Thing” were won by Mrs May Miller, Garden Avenue, at the last meeting of the LOcal Association of Guides and Brownies. Thé Guide Dance which was planned for June 8, has been post- poned to June 15, as the former date conflicts with the Markham Music Festival in which members of the Richvale School will be com- peting. At Oak Ridges first Horse'bhow on Saturday Junior Miss Pauline Paul came third in the Costume Class and fourth in the Pony Hack Hunter Class, and little Miss Fran- ces Paul won third in the Lead Line Class for 7 years and under. Guides and Brownies Many thanké are extended to all who supported the Cookie Day. ' The next immunization day at the school will be on Tuesday, May 22, at 10.30 a.m. ‘ The Pre-School registration for those expecting to enter in Sep. tember will be held in Richvale School on June 11. at 1.30 pm. Carol Hirtz Who sang in the Junior Girls Solo class at the York County Music Festival at Wood- bridge on Saturday, came seventh in a class of 42, under 13 years, competing. In the Junior Boys Vocal under 13, Gary Blackburn came fourth in a class of 11. The pupils of Richvale School were among those competing in the York Music Fetival at Wood- bridge last week. The Senior Choir won second with 81 points, the first graders came third with 80 points, and the Grade 2 choir won second with 81 points in their separate classes. TAKE NOTICE THAT The Senior Girls played an ex- citing game of ball on Monday af- ternoon with Langstaff winning 11- Mrs. Crist returned bomb on Monday afternoon. His many friends will be aorry to learn that Mr. Ed Rowdon is on the sick list. Correspondent: Mrs. J. J. Taylor Tel. Richmond Hill 367R22 Twp. of Markham E. C. TAYLOR CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk. SEPTIC TANKS RICHVALE Open to 12 Midnight Every Night MERCURY . LINCOLN - METEOR - PREFECT MERCURY - THAMES TRUCKS 1940 International â€" 4 ton platform, all new, 825x26, 10 ply tires 1941 Ford â€"â€" 1/2 ton pickup, you might get home in it 1946 Dodge -â€"â€" 3 ton stake with fruit body, excellent, body, motor and tires 1946 Mercury â€" 3 ton stake, truck was working till time it came in â€"â€" still can and wants to do a lot more 1948 Ford â€" 1/2 ton panel truck â€" red â€" perfect run- .. ning order 1949 Mercury â€" 1 ton express â€" green 3-1949 Fords â€"4 1%; ton pickup â€"â€" all in excellent running order You will be able to save HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS through this volume sales plan. Listed below are some of the vehicles that will be auc- tioned ofi‘ at “give-away” bids on Saturday, May 19, starting at 2 pm. ' We’ll sell anything else around the place that is in de- mand â€"â€" it will be possible to pick up, a brand new half- ton pick-up or Prefect at rock bottom prices. ' Our terms will be 50 percent down on all automobiles with 12 months to pay â€" 33 and a third percent on trucks with up to 24 months to pay. v 1931 Desoto Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1934 Ford Tudor v 1935 Oldsmobile Coach 1940 Mercury Fordor â€"â€" Completely} reconditioned 1941 Lincoln Fordor â€" Exceptional shape ‘ .‘ 1941 Chevrolet Fordor â€" Not the best on the road 1947 Ford Club Coupe â€" Top Notch , ' ‘ 1947 Pontiac Tudor â€" Black, exceptional ' . 1947 Mercury Fordorâ€"118” W.B. Black, Custom radio 2-1949 MERCURIES â€" One gray, 1 green, both Tudor; 241950 Fords â€" Just like new ' 1950 Meteor Delux Tudor â€"- Blue 1937 Ford â€" 1% ton stake with racks and new motor USED TRUCKS USED CARS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 17, 1951 7, l / ///// Tel. Aurora 153 or 154 ECT - CONSUI. CARS

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