Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1951, p. 8

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8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 17, 1951 3“ Old Orchard Grove, Toronto *6.00/16 6.00/16 600/16 6.50/15 *6.50/16 6.50/16 6.50/16 6.70/15 Size 4.40 - SUPER-LASTIC TIRES are guaranteed for life against defects in workmanship and materials; 21150 are insured against Glass Cuts, Accidents, Blow-outs. Stone Cuts, Collision Damage, etc. In case of failure you GET A BRAND NEW TIRE â€" paying only for the service rendered. Super-Last'ic Regular Line Tires carry the same guarantee and are adjusted on a basis of 1-6 for each two months of service. (See complete guarantee form for full garticulars). 6.70/15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 35.00 6.70/16 . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 4 37.35 7.00/16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 46.45 7.00/16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 59.80 7.10/15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 40.70 7.60/ 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 44.60 8.05 8.99 9.10 14.85 8.00 9.20 27.95 29.35 37.35 44.95 32.70 35.40 *Tires so marked are number one quality Regular Line and carry a one-year road hazard guarantee. 7.00 7.00 7.10 7.60 After Allowance ‘See Below Regular List $23.20 C.7T.C. Price *6.00x16 Centre St. GUARANTEED WITHOUT TIME llMlT A BRAND NEW TIRE â€" IN CASE OF FAILURE SAND,’ GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL BIGGER TRADE-IN SAVES YOU $3.00 to $15.65 PRICE LIST SUPER LASTIC TIRES CANADA’S FINEST FIRST-LINE TIRES Here’s Unbeatable Value! Reguhr calls in Richmond Hill district GORDON KENNEDY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PHONE THORNHILI 247 L. W. REID Ply List Allowance Your Price (up to) Net Cost 18.90 3.00 «15.90 19.95 3.00 . 16.95 20.75 _ 3.15 17.60 20.75 3.15 17.60 31.95 6.40 25.45 25.30 4.85 20.45 ‘ 3.90 4.00 19.90 23.20 3.40 19.80 31.90 8.00 23.90 41.15 11.20 29.95 40.40 9.10 31.30 29.60 4.65 24.95 40.50 9.10 31.40 51.00 15.65 35.95 36.00 8.05 27.95 37.35 3.99 29.35 46.45 9.10 37.35 59.30 14.35 44.95 40.70 8.00 32.70 44.60 9.20 35.40 46.45 59.80 40.70 44.60 41.15 40.40 29.60 40.50 51.60 35.00 19-80 OOU‘OU‘UI ._. P‘Eot“$°:“9°9°:":>?’w9’ ,_. mHmâ€"mguxomkiâ€"AH momoo Thornhill [ TUBES RE. 3139 The Young People's Fellowship of the Edgeley United Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney Steventon on Friday evening. President Don Mitchell was in the chair and conducted the devotional part of the meeting and was assist- ed by Barbara Freeman. 539 Woburn Ave. Toronto, Ont. 0F During the business part of the meeting, it was decided to invite Teston and Hope Fellowships to a crokinole party to be held in Edgeley Hall on Friday evening, May 25. Lunch was served and the meet- ing concluded with the singing of “Taps” and a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Steventon who op- ened their home for the meeting. Mother's Day Service A There was a large congregation in attendance at the Mother’s Day service at Edgeley United Church. Mr. Frank Bagg, superintendent of the Sunday School, assisted by Mrs. Ant Avery and Don Hawks- worth, conducted the worship ser- vice. Correspondent: Mrs. R. Stuart, B. R. 1 Maple Tel. Maple 110R3 Edgeley United Church Sunday, May 20, 1951. Sunday School at 1.30 pm. Church service at 2.30 Daylight Saving Time. Young People Meet The members of the Young r'eo- ples’ Fellowship led the praise with Shirley Avery at the organ. Their anthem, “Give of Your Best To The Master" was beautifully rendered and very inspiring when sung by the young voices. Plant rugged heavy yield- ing Pioneer Seed Corn for silage and grain. Produced by the oldest hybrid seed company. See us or phone Stoufl’ville 66103. The regular meeting of the Edgeley Woinen’s Institute was held on Thursday afternoon, May 10, at: the home of Mrs. Jack Chapman with Mrs. Eldon Fier- heller, president, in the chair. The roll call was answered by stating “Why I am glad I was born a Canadian." Rev. P. J. Lambert preached an appropriate sermon. >Flo§vers in.the chancel were the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Poole. Institute Meets Miss Mary Bresser was 1 guest of the Puterbaugh’s on Tuesday, May 8, and in the even- ing attended the Junior Farmer and Junior Institute meeting at Veliore with Marian and Ruby Put- erbaugh. The two visiting clubs were from Schomberg and Bolton. Mr. Ed Pearson, assistant agricul- tural representative for York County was present. Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor and John spent Sunday in Brantford. OIL BURNERS & STOKERS REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS PROMPT SERVICE RICHMOND HILL 366R15 An ap‘beal was received from the YOrk County Children’s Aid Soc- iety for contributons of knitted and other articles of infant’s wear. An effort was made to meet the ap- peal at once and $10.00 was voted to be spent for wool and patterns, so that the ladies could get started as soon as possible on articles which are most badly needed. Ma- terials for this work will be uv'all- able at the next meeting and will be given to anyone who would like to help. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson have sold their home and have tern. norarily taken an apartment in their son Lloyd’s home until their new house is built. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henry and family had tea Sunday evening in Wexford with Mr. and Mrs. Kerr- Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. McCaig of Guelph Sunday. ' CHAS. J. GREENLEY During: the ten minute period set aside forthe progressive stuoy of the provinces of Canada, Mrs. Bert Cook gave a very interesting paper giving many pertinent facts about British Columbia and gonducted a “Name the Canadian Cities” con- test. The next meeting will be on June 7 at the home of Mrs. Eldon Fier- heller. Excavating Contractor backhose, loaders, dozers, trenchers Plumbing - Heating Eavestroughing EDGELEY NEWS J. M. FARQUHARSON, Gormley, Ont. OR. 7625 The Spinners and Weavers Giuld of Ontario are holding an exhibi- tion of handweaving‘ at the muse- um in Toronto, until May 24. On Monday afternoon sixteen ladies from the neighborhood who belong to the weaving group of Kingcrafts went in a group to view the exhi- bition. They were enthused over the beautiful things on display, es- pecially the drapery materials by the yard. They had tea in the mu- seum tea room with some of the ladies who were exhibitors. Mrs. Beth Anderson is convener of the weaving group. John Boyd ACl who is stationer at Uplands is enjoying a few days leave at his home near King with his mother Mrs. J. W. G. Boyd. Mrs. Fred Curtis was hOStEaS at a demonstration of Stanley Home Products of Canada last Monday night. The demonstration was put on'by Miss Lavon Doherty of Tor- onto and twenty-five friends and neighbors were present. A couple of quilting bees have been held lately at the home of Miss Jessie Gellately, when the 13- dies of the Presbyterian Church W.M.S. have joined her in setting up two pretty quilts. These have been sold to provide funds for the organization. The ceremony of baptism was performed at Laskay United Church on Sunday afternoon when Rev. M. R. Jenkinson was present. The infants were Barbara ‘nuth, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bryson, and Bruce William, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Folliott. For the third year there will be a sale of plants held at All Saints- Church under the auspices of the W.A., with Mrs. R. Burt in charge on Saturday, May 26. As in the past, vegetable plants will be for sale as well as the wellknown an~ nuals. A good supply of cabbage, cauliflower, pepper, onion and t0- mato plants have been ordered for the sale. The W. A. will also have a home baking sale in the church basement. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bhfliss were recent visitors in Brampton when they attended the Bee Keep- ers Banquet held in the Masonic HAIL, A hymn for Mother’s Day writ- ten by Miss A. A. Ferguson was sung by the soloist of the Trull Cadet Timothy Boyd, who has completed his first year at Royal Military College, Kingston, is spending his two weeks vacation with his mother, Mrs. J. W. G. Boyd. Later Cadet Boyd will take a course in aviation at Toronto. The results of the School of Ar- chitecture, U. of T., have been an- nounced, and we are delighted to congratulate James E. McDonald on his successful year in that fac- ulty. Mr. McDonald will enter third year in the autumn. Half way through now, Jim! At King United Church at the evening service, Mr. Jenkinson christened two babies, Dianne Marâ€" ie, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parsons and Baby Paul Raymond, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Love. Mrs. Love was formerly Miss Gloria Camp- bell. Miss Connie Purceij will be the speaker on Monday night When the annual Mother and Daughter Dan- quet will be held in All Saints church rooms. Miss Purcer is a graduate of the Anglican Training College, Toronto. Several children, accompanied by their parents, came from Oak Rid- ges on Friday night to the jamborâ€" ee given by All Saints Sunday School. Miss Elizabeth Bregg of TorOnto visited her sister, Mrs. Gordon fit- ley at her home, the Anglican Rec- tory last week-end. Miss Bregg is director of nurses at the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT, At Hall’s Service Station SEE THE SKODA CAR COACH $1,559 SEDAN $1,639 STATION WAGON $1,709 RRICE COMPLETE WITH SPARE TIRE KING CITY NEWS ELGIN MILLS, ONT. OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Phone King 551114 Phone 293M Richmond Hill Hour at 1.30 o’clock last Sunday afternoon. The words are set to the tune of Mother Machree. Mrs. A. D. Lockhart is the proud grandmother of a new baby grand- daughter born at Perth on May 11 to Dr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson. The baby's mother is the former Miss Louise Lockhart. Little Doris Wood, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wood. Kettleby, has made her parents and her music teacher, Miss Dorothy Armstrong very proud. Miss Doris entered three classes for piano at the York County Music Festival held in Woodbridge last week. Nine chil- dren took part in the under 9 years class, and Doris received 81 marks. She entered the under 10 years class with 16 others, and received 82 marks. Then she entered the under 11 years class with 18 other children and again made a mark of 82. The pieces she played were “Billy Boy," “Tambourine” and Bouree.” On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart of Toronto, aunt and uncle of Miss Carole Musk, called on Miss A. A. Fergus- on. Miss Musk is expected to re- turn to King this week, having been in Victoria B.C., since last October. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerby are caling their litfle boy Wayne. This is a very popular name at present. Last Tuesday night if you saw bonfires blazing in the grounds sur- rounding All Saints Church it was just a cleanâ€"up that was really getting under way. M's. Alfred Bayliss was the organizer of the job, and she got over 30 people, men, women and youngsters out ,to work with rakes and shOveIs. The bonfires made it a merry scene, and later the tired crowd gathered in the church basement where a substantial 'snack was awaiting them. Children Entertainer! The younger members of King City were entertained at a wonder- ful party on Friday night when the Sunday School of All Saints Church gave them a free concert. The noise and applause showed that a most wonderful time was be- ing enjoyed by the hundred mild- ren, and some parents, who filled the MacDonald and Wells Hall. A magician amused them With his tricks for fifty minutes and two fine movies “God's Wonders in Your Own Back Yard,” and Lawn- ey’s “Hockey Cavalcade” were ap- plauded. It was interesting to note that the former picture was of greater interest to the younger children than the hockey. Then there was a balloon blowing con- test which was won Dy Bert Arch- ibald and a pie eating contest won by Johnny Martin who reports that it was a swell lemon meringue pie and he could have eaten more. Mr. Gordon Tetley was the chair- man and organizer of the party and he is grateful to Crawford Wells for the use of the hall, to the King City bakery for the don- ation of five lemon pies, and to Staney Watson who gave a bag of potato chips to each child preaent. Addresses Handicrafts Thor Hansen} whose handicxafts and designs are well known for their excellence, will address the members of Kingcrafts when they meet at the home of the president, Lady Favelle at “Kingswold." Mr. Electrical Houses and Farms B. W. HOULE iring Hansen is on the staff of the B-A Oil Co. and is being loaned by chat company to interest the country in handicrafts of good design. He’will bring pictures of his work to the meeting. Christian Family Week This is Christian Family Week celebrated in the United Church of Canada and Sunday was “Family Day” in the United Church at King City. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson chose as his text “And Jesus went down to Nazareth, and was subject unto them, and He grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Mr. Jenkinson said that out of a humble setting but with home teaching, came the greatest Life ever lived. Surely then out of many godly homes that dot our land, and many lands, might well come saviors of tomorrow. He stressed the fact that behind the misdemeanors of a child is often to be found the lack of vigilance on the part of a parent. He cited two cities, one Canadian and one American, where wickedness was not juvenile delinquency, but adult badness. Visitors in King for the recent United Church anniversary were many. ‘Some of those who signed the guest book at King- United Church were: Mrs. Gordon Patton, Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilkshire, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Love, Mrs. E. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Neild, Mr. D. J. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pat- ton. Miss June Brown, Mrs. West- cott, Miss Lorraine Westcott, Mr. and Mrs. J. Semple, Mrs. H. K. Holley, John Holley, Miss Marjorie Stone, Mr. and Mrs. James Dur- rant, Miss Mildred Gillies, Mrs. Sarah Badger, Miss Ethel Willows, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Archibald and family, Mrs. W. Thomson, Mi. and Mrs. W. B. Thomson, Mrs. K. Sim. All were from Toronto. From Aurora came Mr. and Mrs. A. Cairns and Miss Bernice Cmrns also Mrs. A. M. Clarke, Mrs. Geo. Teasdale, Frank Teasdale, Mrs. Lorna Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Linton. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Stewart, Newmarket; Mr. and Mrs. Norman McMurchy, Hillsburgh: Mr. and Mrs. John Julian and Ivan Shear- down, Wood‘bridge; B. J. and L. R. O'Brien, Islington; A. T. 1' Rob- son, Winnipeg; Mrs. Russel hlslop and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Folliott, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mc- Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cruickshank. Milton; Mrs. H. Whitney, Elmvale; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Proctor, Schomberg; Mr. and Mrs. Farren and Glen, Kettleby. SPRAY PAINTING Aurora ' TREES . SHRUBS 0 ROSES 0 PERENNIALS . BEDDING PLANTS NORTH TORONTO NURSERIES Ruggles Avenue Langstafi BARNS â€" ROOFS SPRAY PAINTED & STAINED I, EASILY APPLIEDâ€"WITH ' THOROUGH Because it is finely ground,'you'll find it easy to apply AERo-puos* FLORIDA NATURAL PHOSPHATE with any good lime spreader or fan-type spreaderâ€"and without loss of time, because it does not clog. Following application, AERo-PHOS" can be easily disked into the soil to get a uniform distribution, thus making it immediately accessible to roots. When you apply AERO-PHOS‘ at the rate of from-1,000 to 2,000 lbs. per acre, this single application will supply ad’equate Phosphorus to the soil for from 6 to 10 years. The lasting efl’ect is due to the leaching resistance of AERo-Pnos", so that the Phosphorus is only removed by the plants; 2, PROLONGED BENEFITS Replenish Your Soil with NATURAL Phosphorus and Win Five Ways ' C. LAWSON For Madam, prize! and how AERO-PHOS' «In In elm-Ind, 'phona or wvlh M: DISTRIBUTION Phone 639W 'T.M. Reg. US. Pat. OE. 2mmu\nu\\u\mmmmnummu“um\lmumummmumnumnnummum\mmuImu11mmmummumnmumummmmmmmmg 5|l\llin“llllullllll“1llll1mll“ll\\lllll\l\l\l\“\\ll\ll\\\\l|lil\l\\\\llll\lllll“llllll\l“lm‘lflmnmmlllllll1\“HM!l““llllllllllllll\\ll\ll\1mmmlfi Unlike most birds, the female KINGFISHER is more brightly colored than the male. She has an extra band of rusty, red across the chest. Get to know nature and you'll be going all out for conservation. Nature holds a vast treasure of interesting facts and colorful creatures. It's yours to protect and yours to enioy. Can you tell the difference? LOW FIRST COST MAKES THE RUGGED, DEPEND- ABLE, FORDSON MAJOR THE OUTSTANDING TRACTOR BARGAIN IN CANADA. AVAILABLE IN SIX MODELS, THERE'S A MAJOR TO MEET YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS 0R REQUIREMENTS. YOU SAVE AS MUCH AS $500 AND GET A BIG, POWERFUL, PROVEN TRACTOR THAT IS LOW IN COST TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN. FOR EVEN GREATER POWER AND ECONOMY, EACH MODEL IS AVAILABLE WITH SIX CYLINDER DIESEL EN- GINE AT EXTRA COST. R. D. LITTLE AND SUN LIMITED Ford & Monarch Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL flN' MAJOR Canada’s. LoweSI Priced 3 Plow Tractor YOU SAVE UP T0 $500.00 Nature Unspolled YOURS TO PROTECT â€" YOURS 'I'O ENJOY MALTON R.R.3, ONT. PHONE BOLTON 2277 CARLING’S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOD ONTARIO J. N. DUNCAN The low cost per unit of P205 (Phosphorus) in AERO-PHOS' FLORIDA NATURAL PHOSPHATE arises from the low cost of finely grinding the Florida natural pebble rockâ€"the only form that lends itself to this gn'nding. You can apply AERO-PHOS“ to the soil at any time of the yearâ€"or at any point in a rotation if field conditions are right. This means that labor can be used economically in the slack season of the year. AERo-PHOS* is also excel lent for top dressing existing grasslands. 4. LOW COST PER APPLICATION 3, LOWER LAQOR COSTS TOP-DRESS YOUR PASTURES OR ESTABLISHED LEGUME! FORDSON 5I NATURAL PHOSPHORUS l8 NON-CORROSIVE AERo-Pnos", being NATURAL Phosphorus, does not corrode metals. Hence, you have no delays in repairing or cleaning implements used for spreadingit. ONTARIO

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