Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jun 1951, p. 10

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3‘5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto MEALE WILSON Maple, R. R. No. 1 WEED INSPECTOR FOR VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP requests THE RESIDENTS OF VAUGHAN ‘ TOWNSHIP to comply with THE PROVISIONS AND REGULA- TIONS OF THE WEED CONTROL ACT THE WEED CONTROL ACT provides for THE DESTRUCTION OF NOXIOUS WEEDS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, June 14, 1951 G uaranfeed â€"â€" in: life against defects in v_ maferial or workmanship Insured â€" againsf damage from accidenfs, glass curs, blow-outs, stone bruises, collision damage, efc. A BRAND NEW TIRE IN CASE OF FAILURE â€" Bummer pays only for service rendered. GET ALL THE FAcTS on the newl most generous TIRE GUARANTEE ever offered. Longer Mileage at Lower Cost THE SAFEST TIRE ON BART} Price List: "Super-Lasfic” Tires Size Regular calls in Richmond Hill district GORDON KENNEDY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT List Average Your Ply Price Allowance NetCosl John Hostrawser, REEVE List Your Price Cost Tubes RE. 3139 Last Sunday Rev. J. P. McLeod visited his daughter Mabel, in King City on a stopover on (his way to spend the summer at Thornbury, Georgian Bay, where his son Mal- colm has an orchard. Next day he motored with Mr. and Mrs. Bob McLeod to his destination. Mabel and Bob stayed at Thornbury for a couple of days, returning over the Blue Mountains. Bob is a former Great Lakes sailing yacht skipper, and he enjoyed seeing the beautiful Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Glass of nas- kay picked enough strawberries from their garden to make their first strawberry Shortcake of the season. For the summer months the Un- ited Church at King City will hold its morning service at 10 o’clock and Sunday School at 11 o’clock. There will be no evening service. At the Laskay Women's lusti- tute meeting plans were made for a strawberry festival to be held on the lawn of the Institute Hall on June 22. Committees were foamed to arrange the supper and the var- iety program that will follow the sxpper. Mrs. Norman Egan is in c arge of arrangements. Last Sunday afternoon M1. and Mrs. Allan Gellately and family and Miss Jessie Gellately, motored to Bellefontaine for a picnic, to see the Caledon Hills in the sprina. We extend Vavwelvcome to King City to our new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Coe and family of for- onto, who m6ved to their new home here last week. The new house is on the 4th concession, just opposite the school. There are two child- ren. A 14-year-old daughter, Noel, will be ready for Aurora High School in the autumn and than there is 7-year-old Tommy who started to- our local school. Mr. and Mrs. Coe are friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Scott, who mowed to King from Toronto, last fall, and who live next door, north of the Mr. and Mrs. W. Ball and their two sons, Donald and Gordo" of Toronto, have been new neigYfiiors since April 21. They are making their home on the farm on the King side road, formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowen, and they; have adopted Roy’s beautiful collie who refused to leave the farm. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ball enter- tained at a musical evening in honor of the 27th birthday of their elder son, Donald who entertained the guests with vocal solos, assist- ed by his accompanist, Mr. Earl Simard. Donald Ball is a profess- ional singer, and is fulfilling an engagement at Club Saphira in Toronto at present. Mr. Gordon Ball, the younger son, is empioyed at Sisman’s in Aurora. Coes. There are two daughtms in the Scott family, Nora, who attends Aurora High, and June, who win be going there next term. Miss Doris Helen Dixon is 1ore- paring to take part in a recital to be given this week in St. James’ Hall, Toronto, by the pupils of Madame Hicks-Lyne. Miss Dixon has been studying singing with Madame Hicks-Lyme for the past three years. Dr. and Mrs. David Lewis of Tor- onto, moved to King last week to live in Mr. Monkman’s house. How- ever they will not settle in xxng until August, as Mrs. Lewis left almost immediately for a long visit with her mother in Annapolis, N.S. Mrs. Lewis has been one of the nurses of the Royal Victorian Or- der in Toronto until this spring. Dr. Lewis is an intern at Sunny- brook Hospital and is a graduate of McGill University, Montreal. The young couple have spent many week ends in King with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grew, and we are happy to welcome them to this community. Eversley Auxiliary members were guests of Woodbridge W.M.S. as well as other auxiliaries of the neighborhood on June 1. An ad- dress was given by Mrs._ Claynam who had been a missionary to the Indians in the west for many years. A social half hour was held in the large Sunday School room, and a delicious tea was served, Mrs. T. L._Williams presiding at the tea table. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smeltzex and ESTABLISHED OVER 50 EXP 50 YEARS SAL HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY S'l‘. HARRY CHARLES, SELLING? List with Harry Bharles WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING - Some with all cash FOR ' S E R V I C E ACTION RELIABILITY CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT. \X/ILLOUGHBY KING CITY NEWS CALL ES, Richmond Hi”, Phone 435-R REPRESENTING Phone King 55R14 AND SONS Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer of Laskay were guests at the weuding ceremony of Sheila Kennedy of Hamilton and Charles “Chuck” Shields of King and Toronto. The ceremony was performed in St. John’s Chapel of St. Michael‘s Ca. thedral, Toronto and the recepoion that followed was held at Prince Arthur House, St. George Street. At Mrs. M. McMurchy’s home, at Laskay, the bale for the west was packed by the ladies of the Laskay W.M.S. when they held their mon- thly meeting. The Baby Ban met that day, too, and 17 pre-school youngest being Baby Ruth, 5- month-old daughter of Mrs. Jesse Bryson and Bruce, son of Mrs. Ross Folliott, six months old. The con. venor of the Baby Band is Mrs. Leslie Glass. Miss Ruth Williams has Jomed the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Miss Williams has been employed as part-time help in the King post office since leaving High School last .Vear. A special bus took 11 ladies 0” All Saints W.A. and 12 girls of the G.A. to Richmond Hill on Tuesday afternoon to attend the 80th anniv- ersary of the founding of the W. A. to the Anglican Church there. All the members of the WA. and the G.A. of the deanery were invit- ed and Mrs. R. Burt as president of the W.A. and Mrs. Ross Walker as president of the G.A. were pres- ent. Following a service of re~ dedication, a social hour was en- joyed when tea and birthday cake were served on the lawn. Mrs. James Rock, convener of the Home Economics and Health department of the W.I. gave a very splendid report of hte work of the various institutes in Central York during the past year, at the annual convention held at Pine Orchard. Mrs. Rock was re-elected as con- venor for the coming yea.. A number of ladies from the King City W.I. accompanied her to the convention and enjoyed a very pleasant day. They were Mrs. A. Jarvis, president, King W.I., Mes- dames A. Rumble, T. L. Williams, L. E. Rolling, J. Norris, C. Stewart and Miss Lin Anderson. Don Rawlings is planning a pro- gram of organ music to be played on June 27, when the congregation of All Saints Anglican Church are holding a strawberry festival. The music will be amplified so that all may hear. Valiant-Sindair On Saturday afternoon the wed- ding took place at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson, of Miss Florence Sinclair and Edgar Val- ifint, both of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson were the at- tendants, and Rev. Mr. Jenkinson performed the ceremony. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Norman Etheridge was re- elected convener of Historical Re- search and Current Events when the Annual District Convention of the W.I., of Central York mm; at Pine Orchard. Other ladies from Laskay who drove to Pine Orchard for that day were Mrs. N. Egan, Miss Winnie Boys, and Miss Helen Hunter. Shields-Kennedy A wedding of interest to King 'took place in St. John’s Chaps , St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto, when Shelia Marie, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Kennedy of Hamilton, became the bride of Charles Tay- lor Shields, son of Mrs. Shield. and the late Mr. Charles B. Shields of Toronto and King. The ceremony was performed by the bride's un- cle, Rev. Charles K. Kennedy of CONTRAUI‘OR FOR CONCRETE OR STEEL SEPTIC TANKS ALSO FLOORS & SIDEWALKS LAID AND DRAINS DUG Phone 481125 Richmond Hill E. J. HINSON Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove Oak Ridges ‘ or King 17R4 N. DOLSON 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN a Presbyterial meeting, at which She was to be chairman for the day. She noticed something un- usual, so slowly stopped the car, just as a wheel fell off. Two men passing came to her assistance, ‘and she arrived at Bolton only a Hittle tardy for her meeting. Lancaster, California. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Prince A_rthur House, Toronto, and the young couple left by motor on a three weeks’ holiday to Car- Raymond Burt has developed a special technique in dealing with the ladies while taking the census in King City and district. He takes his time while asking the first two questions in the routine, which are, name?, address? Then cames “age last birthday,” and be- fore the lady has time to add or subtract he says very quickly “married or single.” Mr. Burt has canvassed in the village all week, averaging 40 calls per day. His boundaries are from the 2nd con- cession on the east to the 5th con- cession. Then from the townline north to lot 15. Mrs. T. L. Williams narrowiy es- caped a serious accident last Week while driving to Bolton to attend on a olina The groom is a student at Mac- Donald .College, Montreal, and will graduate from there next Spring. He works the farm at King during the summer. He is a popular mem- ber of the King City baseball team and is also a rugby player. Wheel Drops Off Miss Lela Totton of Toronto who is Directory Advertising represen- tive of the Bell Telephone Co., has been in the local telephone office all this past week on business. Miss Totton has travelled to most of the offices in Ontario on'busi- ness and she has remarked several times this week on the'fine stafi" we have in King. She says that ‘she has never met such a congen- ial and courteous group of girls, and we should be very proud of our operators. Large Shower ' There was a large showu‘ of miscellaneous gifts for Miss Leona Smith of Woodbridge on Tuesday night, when 80 guests attended a party in her honor. Miss Smith was chief operator at the telephone exchange, Woodbridge, ano has left that office because of her ap- proaching marriage. The girls from the King ofi'ice were inuted, but Mrs. Bruce Hall was the only one who could attend. The party was held at the home of Mrs. James Espey, and Mrs. Lorna Begg was the ’other hostess. Gordon Tetiey preached his first sermon in King at All Saints Church on Sunday morning. Mr. Tetley is a lay reader and has been superintendent of the Sunday School ever since coming to King a year ago. The text of his ser- mon was “He calleth his own sheep by name,” and Mr. Tetley showed clearly how Mary Ma’gda- lene, the taxgather Zaccheus, and Praises Operator BETTER GASOLINE results from such chemical additives as levraethyl lead and other petroleum compounds supplied to Canada’s expanding oil induser by C-I-L. THE FARMER and the family table, both benefit from greater crops and better quality, through C-I~L's devel- opment of modern pest control products and methods. -I. CHEMISTRY star's serving Canhdians early. Here’s a modern pram covered with smurf, durable "Fobrilile". Long lasting and beauti- ful in purses, luggage, belts and upholstery foo. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson Was a member of the graduating class of Emmanuel College, Toronto in 1931. On Thursday the class held a re-union after 20 years in the ministry, and Mr. Jenkinson at- tended the luncheon which was held in Woodgreen Community Centre, upon the invitation of Rev. Ray McCleary. The guests of hon- or were Rev. McTaggart who was president of the Toronto Confer- ence in 1931 when the class grad- uated, and Rev. R. Langford, a re- tired professor, who was on the teaching staff at that time. The original class numbered 38 young men, but as several are now in the mission fields of the Orient and far-away posts in Canada, only 12 members of the class were able to be present. the Pharisee Saul, answered the Good Shepherd when He called them by name. Mr. Tetley is a member of the Bank of Commerce staff in Toronto, and this Week was transferred from the Spadina and College branch, to the busy City Hall branch of the bank. Hold Re-union Notice to Credltors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Albert Leonard Line, deceased, ‘ All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Albert Leonard Line, late of the Township of Vau- ghan in County of York, who died on or about the 3lst day of March, 1951, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under- signed on or befose the 13th day of July, 1951, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of wnose claim they shall not then have no- tice. Dated at Toronto this 12th day of June, 1951. Roland Samuel Line & Elmer Roy Kefl’er, Administrators. by their solicitors hereii. Mackenzie, Saunderson, Wood & Goodchild 80 King Street West, Toronto Skinnymen,women gain 5,10,15lbs. 691 New Pep, Vim, Vigor 'I'HE HELPING HAND OF CHEMISTRY In town and country, in the home, in industry or on the farm, life is daily made better for Canadians through the ever growing aid of chemical research. In health, comfort and economy Chemistry, as applied at C-I-L, is ever reaching out to solve new problems, ease old burdens, through the development of products like those pictured here. Such progress is sym- bolized by the C-I-L Oval, the trademark of Canadian Industries Limited, the Company "Serving Canadians Through Chemistry”. Get Lovely Curves Don’t. fear getting T00 (at. stop when you'vs gained me 5. 10. 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costs little. New “get acquainted" slze only 606. Try famous Ostrex Tunic Tablets {01' new rigor and nrlded poundg. this very day. A: an druggists. "bean-Dole” look. Th u- sands of girls. women. men, who never could gun he- foya. are now proud of shanely, healthy-looking bodies. They thank the spe- clul vigor-building, flesh- bullding tonic. Ostrex. Its tonics. stimulants, invigora- tors. iron. vitamin B.. cal- cium. enrich blood. improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength md nourishment; put. flesh on bare bones. What a. thrill! Bany ilmbs fill out; ugly hol- lows an up: neck no / longer scrawny; body loses half-s_tarved. "sickly CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED MONTREAL HORSES . . $7.00 each . . . . . . . v . . . . . . ». ‘‘‘‘‘‘ each SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE FOR SPEEDY PICK-UR PHONE BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 00., LTD Richmond Hill 47R4 Toronto LY. 6237 Notice to Farmers COLOURED SPONGESI C-l-L Is now making {hose wonderful cellulose sponges in four pastel shades to harmonize with bath- room or kitchen colour schemes. Highest Prices Paid For Dead or Crippled Animals THREE TIMES GRETER cciches resulted when w: of GM nylon were put to the test. A far cry from 9'°m°'°”’ :Oockings, but another use for chemicoily produced nib"- TEAM PLAY between businesses large and small. is exemplified by "Cellophane". Made by 0le ii is supplied lo other manufadurers, food pack- ager: and stores '0 protect and Show thejhingl you buy. m1: 0'

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