Let The Street Fleet Deliver Coal - Coke - Wood Telephones - Richmond Hill 156 Window Frames For Brick and Frame Construction Cellar Frames Sash Storm Windows Check Rail Sash Casement Sash Door Frames Colonial Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction Octagon Window Frames and Sash Combination Doors â€" screen and glazed Screen Doors and Window Screens The Council of the Village of Rich- mond Hill extends a warm welcome to those who will visit the Trade Fair on June 15 and 16 and congratulates its business men on their initiative and foresight. We ask all residents of Richmond Hill to-decorate their residences and places of business in honour of our visit- ors. WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES Ken Tomlin To Our Business Men and Women C. Street 8: Sons IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO BE PRESENT AT THE FAIR TO WIN ONE OF THE NUMEROUS PRIZES RICHMOND HILL TOP ATTRACTION OF THE SEASON RICHMOND HILL ARENA FRIDAY & SATURDAY JUNE 15th & 16th WELCOME To Our Visitors Congratulations AUBREY NICOL William Neal, Reeve Tom Taylor, Deputy-Reeve Floyd Perkins, Councillors Russell Lynett, Clerk 9 RM. â€" Oflicial Opening by Civic Oï¬iaas 10.30 p.m. â€" Draw on radio & record player Telephone Richmqnd Hill 134r31 ELGIN MILLS Entertainment FRIDAY EVENING Courtesy of H. J. Mills Co. Ltd. Bedford Park Floral Co. Ltd. Richmond Roses Ltd. Wes. Middleton ROSE SHOW Willowdale 682 our Heat Rose Show ORGAN MUSIC 7-10 FRIDAY Carrville United Church em- bers are invited to attend a joint communion service at Thornhill United Church with the members there on Sunday, June 24, at 11 a. m. Carrville elders will aSSist the Thormhill elders with the commun- ion service. The annual cemetery decoration and service will be held on Sunday, June- 24, at 2.30 pm. An invitaâ€" tion is extended to all who are m- terested in Carrville cemetery day to come and decorate the graves of their loved ones and join in the worship service in the church. The Carrville Woman’s Associa- tion held its June meeting on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wm. George, Richmond 11111. There were 18 members and 2 vis- itors present. Miss E. Slheppard, the president, was in charge of the meeting. Following the opening exercises Mrs. McEwen led the de- votions reading the scripture and explanation entitled “In Quemess and Conï¬dence.†Mrs. Kent read a most interesting story from the book “Gateways of the Stars. and Mrs. J. Baker favoured with a piano solo entitled “Wihen the Or- gan Played at Twilight.†Arr age- ments were; maue for all who could of the Cariiville W.A. to visit the Thornhill W.A. On June 7. Con- siderable discussion took place in connecton with having a strawberry festival. The date is Wednesday, June 27. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 pm. and will be held in the Carrville United Church. Rev. Kent spoke on the project of the Board of Stewards, which is to erect a building at the back of the church and asked the W.A. to sup- port this effort. Mrs. Oliver moved, seconded by Mrs. Kirk that the W. A. give their full support both ï¬n- ancially and any way they could assist and also anyone who is in- terested in this eï¬'ort and would care to send ï¬nancial support, it would be m0st sincerely appreciat- ed as any who know Carrville at all knows that a building is very necessary for all their social tune. tions and other meetings. Mrs. B. Middleton mentioned the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Van- denburgh of Lansing, Ont, will be 50 years margied June 20. They were former residents of Carrville so we all join in wishing them con- tinued years of happiness together. The Carrville Girls Club are hav- ing a baseball game and weiner roast on Friday, June 22. T11~ 'all game is to be played in the Carr- ville Public School grounds between Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Lewis as- sisted the hostess, Mrs. George, in serving refreshments. PARKING SERVICE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE CO-OPERATION OF THE RICHMOND HILL BOY SCOUTS ADMISSION FREE CARRVILLE NEWS Com: Mrs Ben Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 Grand Prizes The Carrville Woman’s Associa- tion attended the friendship meet- ing of the Thornhill W.A. Thurs- day, June 7, in Thornhill United Church. 'Dhose present were: Miss the Rosebuds and Maplebuds. The weiner roast is to be held on the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. R. A- Kirk, close to the school. E. Sheppard, Mrs. Wynn, Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs- Read, Mrs. George and Mrs Mid- dleton. The ladies had a most en- joyable and helpful afternoon at Thornrhill. C. S. Carrubhers, Markham; Mr. Geo. Hewitt and Miss May Bowers Peterborough; Mrs. Selena Middle- ton, Port Whitby; Mrs. Geo. Sears, Orillia; Mrs. Cliff Ball, Warminster Mr. and Mrs. Armour Middleton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver & Helen, Richmond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton and John. Executive meeting was held at heme of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middle- ton, to make plans regarding the Middleton reunion to be held July 2., Monday at Springwater Park, Midhurst. Those present were Mrs. Miss Gail Young spent the week- end with Marian Middleton. Carrville Public School children attended the Thornhill Field Day and congratulations to William Bevin who won an honour for Carr- ville school. Quite a number of parents went to Markham Arena to hear the Festival of Songs under the direc- tion of Mr. Hugh Martin, when all the schools under his music dir- ectorate took part. Most appreciated were the re- freshing cold drinks served to the ï¬eld day held in Thornhill Park last week. The ladies in charge who so kindly gave their time were Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Gage, Mrs. F. Harris, Mrs. Rivers and Mrs. Lil- lian Kent all from Thornlea. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wood, Johnson Street had a pleasant vacation dri- ving through Vermont Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt, John St. have had Mr. Hunt’s uncle, Mr. Joseph Willa: of Vancouver Island staying with them for a few days. Friends of Mr. John Dunlap will be glad to know that he is pro- gressing veryrnlcely. SATURDAY AFTERNOON 2 RM. â€" Mutt Show 3 RM. â€" Drawing for cocker spaniel Donated by Swanholme Kennels ï¬lmy/tame 6/ EM Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thornhill 361-31 THORNLEA NEWS FLOWER SHOW Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Background by Colgate-Palmolive Peet Cut Flowers by Theo. Van Wieringen FGSI‘IIOD Show SPONSORED BY RICHMOND HILL BUSINESS MEN’S ASSOCIATION Plenty of prizes Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Morgan Ave., have returned from a. ï¬shing trip at Lake Nipissing, reporting a good catch. Little Joâ€"Ann Bragan, Murgan Ave., who had her tonsils removed is reported doing nicely. Mr. Davis, Morgan Ave., was ad- mitted to hospital this week. We hope we shall soon see him home again. Many Doncaster parents attend- ed the Markham Musical Festival last Friday. An enjoyable even- ing was had by all. Our thanks to N Hugh Martin for the Wonder- ful way he is training- the child- ren’s voices. Mrs. Mizen, Seccomoe Ave., re~ turned to her home last week-end after a very enjoyable but stren- uous vacation spent in the Old Country. Welcome home, Mrs. Mizen. Ladies Club Meets The DOUCHStT. community Lad- Plant rugged heavy yield- ing Pioneer Seed Corn for silage and grain. Produced by the oldest hybrid seed company. See us or phone Stoufl’ville 66103. on Canada’s Foremost Dnving Range and Sportiest 18-Hole Tournament MINIATURE GOLF COURSE Practice and Competition for the Beginner -â€" Now Booking â€" Miniature Golf Tournaments Something new and exciting! For information Phone PL. 5406 Have Fun! Keep Fit! at the DUFFERIN FAIRWAYS Dufferin Street (north of Wilson Avenue) Next to Duflerin Drive-In ‘ Theatre Open from 10 am. to 11 pm. daily Professional PLAY GOLF! DAY OR NIGHT J. M. FARQUHARSON, CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. A. WATTS 173 Powell Avenue, Telephone Thornhill 243R2 2-5 AND 7-10 SATURDAY DONCASTER DOINGS Gormley, Ont. Flower Show Amateur ies club met Tuesday, June 5, at the home of Mrs. Mottershall, Clarke Ave. The meeting called to order by the President, opened with “O Canadaâ€, and The Lord’s Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secret- ary and the Treasurer’s monthly report given. Roll call was an- swered by 14 members. Mrs. Ste- vens and Mrs. Bradley were our visitors of the evening. During the business meeting that followed, plans were discussed for the Afternoon Tea and Bake Sale which it is planned to hold the lat- ter part of the month. Another topic of interest was the Commun- ity Picnic to be held with the Don- caster Ratepayers’ Association. A tentative date for Saturday, July 28, has been set. At the conclusion of the meet- ing demonstration was given by a representative of the Singer Sew- ing Machine Co. The members found it very interesting, and re- ceived some worthwhile tips on sewing. The evening {was brought to a. close by a delicious lunch, ser- ved by the hostesses, Mrs. Law, Mrs. Westcott and Mrs. A. Mor- rison. I Organ Music Proud of its long association with the Richmond Hill district â€" it has served the area as its “Home Paper" for' seventy-three years I municipality for its second Trade Fair. To both exhibitors and visitors, to old friends and new friends, it oï¬ers its best wishes for a happy and enjoy- able event. It pledges them its help in carrying on the splendid traditions of yesterday â€"â€" its determina- tion to play a part with them in building for an even brighter tomorrow. Joins in extending, with the other businesses of Rich- ;mond Hill, a warm welcome toAtlilose W110 >visit the 8 RM. â€"â€" Fashion Show Bobby Rosenfeld, Master of Ceremonies 9 RM. â€" Official opening by Civic Officials Alex McKenzie, M.P.P. 10.30 P.M. â€" Draw on Television Set TRADE EXHIBITS RETAILERS EXHIBITS CAR & IMPLEMENT EXHIBITS MANUFACTURERS EXHIBITS. jack Swat/t, MJ). 4 1878 - 1951 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, June 14, 1951 5 SATURDAY EVENING (Eb: liberal The Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries is prepared to supply day-old young pheasants for raising by residents of Markham Township. Persons willing and with the necessary facilities to raise large numbers of these birds until they reach the age of eight or ten weeks, when they are considered ready for release, are requested to get in touch with the clerk of the muni- cipality. In submitting applications, please state terms under which you are willing to raise these pheasants. Applications must be in the hands of the ‘clerk by June 16, 1951. Pheasant Bearers Wanted Mutt Show TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM CHARLES HOOVER, Township Clerk