Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jun 1951, p. 8

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On behalf of the Woman’s As- sociation, the minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, presented a life membership tothe W.A. to Mrs. A. Brilling‘er who on Tuesday, June 12, cele- brates her Golden Wedding Anni- versary. Mrs. Brillinger recetved the W.A. pin from Mrs. Morton who pinned this to the lapel 0; her suit, and at the same time offered A warm welcome wa. extended by Mrs. Morton of the Carrville W.A., to the representatives from Toronto Centre Presbyterial, Mrs. Bates, vice president and Mrs. Nelson, also to the members of flhe' congregation who were pres- ent. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church recently met at the home of Mrs: R. Gibson, Arnold Ave., Where Mrs. H. Craig gave a very interesting summary of the trip, training, home and work, of her aunt, Miss Cassidy, who left Canada '1351: fall as a missionaz y to Japan. Mrs. Craig’s talk was hi- liglhted with extracts from letters from Miss Cassidy. Her audience was very much impressed and a very lively discussion followed. United Church Notes The annual friendship meeting to which all the newcomers to the congregation receive a special in- vitation was held in the church lasfi Thursday afternoon. Mrs. N. L. Morton presided with Miss Boyle atvthe piano. Devouons were in charge. of Mrs. J. Wesley and Mrs. B. Weldrake. Mrs. Burke sang a beautiful and appropriate 5010 for this day. 8. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, June 14, 1951 W. A. Friendship Tea No. 7 Highway at Duiferin Maple 148 Feed - Water - Proper Management You provide the water and management and we will provide the feed to do the job 'A master Growingfeeds The three things which change baby chicks into Good Layers are WE BELIEVE IT TAKES A COMBINATION OF MANY FACTORS TO MAINTAIN A SOUND AND SUCCESSFUL SERVICEâ€"LIKE A RECOGNIZED POLICY OF FAIR DEALING TO FIT ALL CIR- CUMSTANCES â€"â€" A GENUINE INTEREST IN THE CUSTOMERS’ PROBLEMS â€"â€" TO SEE THAT BESTAVAILABLE MATERIAL IS ALWAYS DE- LIVERED â€"â€" AND PROMPTLY. YOUR ONE STOP AND BUILDING FOR SUPPLY STORES We will be pleased to discuss our Easy Pay Finance Plan with you ANSWELL LIMITED SERVICE with Can We Serve You To-Day ? The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thorn‘hill area contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her at Thornhill 239.1. ‘ The Sunday School picnic will be held in Thornhill Park, Friday, June 22, at 1 p.m. 'Dhere will be baseball games and swimming in The meeting then adjourned to the Sunday School Hall for re- freshments where the tables had been decorated‘with lily of the valley and tulips in memors of three former members of the W.A. who passed to their reward ii. this last year: Miss R. Harris, Mrs. R. J.'P. Robinson and Mrs. J. B. Dun- can. The lily of the valley were from the garden of Miss Harris. ,In the centre of a table was a wedding cake decorated in white and gold. The cake was made by the president, Mrs. Morton, and decorated by Mrs. Brillinger’s daughter, Ila. The afternoon and evening aux- iliaries of the W.M.S. packed bales which were taken to the W.M.S. headquarters for distribution. Mrs. Brillinger is a faithful member of the United Church and a very active one, especially in the a very interesting message on the Challenge to Christian Living. He was thanked by Miss S. Baxter. The guest speaker for the Jay, Rev. R. Morris, B.A., B.D., Secret- ary of the Sunday School and Youth work of. the M & M Depart- ment of the United Church, gave the congratulations of the Assoc- iation. Mrs. Brillinger received from the association a beautiful cut-glass tray trimmed with a gold band, this‘was .presente‘d by Mrs. R. Simpson. , SINCERITY ! Yonge St. Thornhill Thornhill 170 The York Division Rally of Guides and Brownies held its first rally in Newmarket park on Sat- urday, June 9 Six guide com- panies and seven brownie packs competed in the events. The first Thornhill Company won the chall- enge trophy presented by Division Commander, Mrs. D. R. Gunn, with a score of 27 points. Scarboro was second with 13 points. The Brown- ie challenge trophy presented by District Commissioner, Mrs. J. It was decided by the lodge to hire a. bus to take the members and their wives to Georgetown for the 112th of July. The next regu‘ lar meeting is to be on July 9 at which another initiation ceremony will take place. The executive will meet on Monday, June 18, at 8.30 pm. at the [home of Percy Poole. Sincere wishes for a speed,- re- covery are sent to Wor. M. J. Webster. Five new members were received four by affiliation: Jack Barton of Carrville, Albert Curtis of Lang- stafl", Herb Kilpatrick of Lang- staff and James Schurman of Steele’s Ave. W., and one by in- itiation, Ed Willett, Langstatf. York Division Rally The L.O.L. 91 held its regular meeting on Monday evening in the Masonic Hall in the absence of the W.M. J. Webster‘(Mr. Webster is in Toronto General Hospital fol- lowing a hemorrhage) the chair was taken by the deputy-master P. Poole. The county master, W. Br. Bousifleld and his fellow of- ficers attended this meeting and conducted the degree work for the Orange Installation Ceremony. A weiner roast was held by the Young People’s Union, on Monday evening which brought to 3, .lose a season of work, play and interest in community affairs. Miss Aud- rey Thompson, hostess planned a full evening of games and base- ball, followed by a bonfire in the garden of her parents‘ home on John Street. The young people gathered around the fire and weiners and marshmallows were roasted and enjoyed by the crowd. Thornhill L.O.L. 91 The Fortnighters Club met last Tuesday evening at the home 0f Miss Walsh, Centre Street. It was decided June 19 will be the day for the “painting bee” to be held in the church with the kitchen shelves first on the list to receive Y.P.U. The committee in charge will be Mrs. DoIan, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Henley and Mrs. Ross Dean. The show will take place in the United Church Sunday School Hall. The junior show will be held the same evening at 6.30 pm. a new “coat.” Will all the mem- bers kindly bring their own brush. tho pool. Arrangements have been made with the Area. School Board to have all the pupils of the United Church excused from school on this day. The next meeting of the Horti- cultural Society will be a rose and peony show. The special speaker for the evening will be Mr. Dalby of Willowdale, who is a former em- ployee of the Niagara Parks. , 4 Presbyterian Church News Thornhill Horticultural Society THORNHILL LANDSCAPE GARDENERS & TREE EXPERTS SODDING & GRADING OF FLAGSTONE & STONE WORK WE PLANT ONLY HARDY CANADIAN EVERGREENS & SHRUBS ART GOODCHILD Styled to make y beautiful Due to the illness of one Sani- tary Inspector, the entire load of work in environmental sanitation has been carried during the month of April by R. A. Craig, and Ihe has maintained an admirable perform- ance in view of the increasing demand upon Sanitary Inspec- tors' time in this Health Unit. The figures in the attached numerical report indicate the tremendous am- ount of work of one Sanitary In- spector during the month. It is still even more apparent that the trend in demand on the Sanitary Inspectors’ time is in the direction of complaints regarding waste dis- posal systems such as septic tanks both new installations and old in- stallations. It is highly desirable that new installations be previewed in order to prevent faulty systems becoming established, and it is im- perative that problems with poorly functioning old installations be dealt with immediaely. Municipal authorities are urged to provide, with the help of the Health Unit, provision of minimum standards and controlling regulations in the installation of all new systems.» The extensiveness of sanitary disposal problenls in several of the villages in the Health Unit in- dicates the probability that the respective village councils will be faced with solving waste disyosal problems on a Municipal basis in the very near future. Routine activities have predom- inated during the month of April in matters of Public Health in the York County Health Unit. The ex- tensive immunization of intants, preschool, and school-age children has continued. With the comple- tion of this immunization drive within the next few weeks, all pos- sible threat is removed of anything more than an isolated case of Diph- theria or Smallpox within the Health Unit area in the immediate future. It is not felt that the en- tire preschool population, nor even the entire school population is completely protected against these diseases because of persistent ap- athy and misguided misconceptions about immunization on the part Of some parents. ’Nevertheless the threat of international spread of disease is a very apparent reality, in view of today's rapid transpor- tation, and the need for protection against such diseases as Smallpox is probably more urgent today than it has been during the last fifty years. Disease Case Chances Rare In' The County ed to have their daughter Betty visit them last week-end at which time Mrs. Bone entertained sever- al of Betty's old friends. For the last ten days of June Betty will attend the Manitoba Conference of the United Church of Canada in the capacity of Christian Educaâ€"I tion secretary. Betty will then return home to spend a month’s vacation with her parents, resum- ing her regular position the first of August. E. McNeil was won by Highland Creek Brownie Pack with 37 points and Thornhill was second with 30 points. Thornhill Guides scoring Wu. as follows: 151: knots, Rescue, dre- lighting, low jump; 2nd erect a flagpole, tracking, compass; 3rd, camp gadget. Miss Joan Birtch, young daugh- ter of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Birtch of London, Ontario, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. Bone last week- end. The ’I‘Ihornhill Brownies scoring was as follows: lst, parcel tieing. fire lighting, skipping, fire race, second, knots, semaphore, compass; third, obstacle race. On Friday, June 15 at 6.30 pm. Brownies and Guides along with their mothers are invited to a pic- nic supper in Thornlhill park. Ev- eryone is asked to bring his own lunch; drinks Will be served at the park. If it is a rainy night the picnic will be cancelled and the guides’ annual meeting with the ‘Brownie Fly-up will take place in the Scout Hut at 7 pm. LaGrove Variety Store, Thorn- hill has a full summer stOCk. Visit our bargain counter. REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€" Curtains Bedspreads Mr. and Mrs. P. Bone were pleas- Phone 14R2 Thornhill Ruth Delbrocco Phone for appointment THORNHILL 108R3 your rooms JUNE 29, 30 AT THORNHILL PARK FUN! GAMES! PARADES! PRIZES! $1,000. WORTH OF PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY STAGE SHOW! FIREWORKS! ‘ Ml\l\\l\\lll\\\\\\\\\\ “mm 3 E :3 E E z E E g g g 5 E E Z 2 :5: i z i g \mulumlummmummum“ l E GRADING PHONE THORNHILL 141J MR. STEWART 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale A man being tried for murder had bribed an Irishman on the jury to hold out for a. verdict of manslaughter. The jury was out for a long time and finally return- ed with a verdict/of manslaughter. “I’m much obliged”, whispered the prisoner to the Irishman. “Did you have a hard time of it?” ' “The devil’s own time”, said Pat. “The other eleven wanted to ac- quit ye.” Mr. Snelgrove began his interest in atomic chemistry when he was stationed at a radar station in Scotland during four years of war, while serving with the R.C.A.F. Mr. Snegrove has other interests besides his radar and atomic re- search, for he finds his little dau- ghters Anne and Ruth well sup- plied With youthful spirits and en- ergy. He was only a mouse at home but he turned out to be a rat out- side. LOAM FILL James A. Snelgrove is a serious young student who has done ex- ceptionally well while attending U. of T. He rhas been a consistent winner of scholarships, but this year he won the best yet, the one given by the federal government for atomic research. This is known as the National Research Council Fellowship, and besides the honor it carries with it a cash award of $1,200 for the continuation of study for the year ahead. He will con- tinue study with his professor for the summer with only three weeks’ vacation, and will complete his studies next year when he hopes to accomplish fhis Ph. D. degree. Miss Florence Griffiths spent; the week-end in Woodstock and Brant- ford. She returned after a motor trip with friends, Ma 'orie Bond and brother Jim, Dou Lewes of King Student Wins Atomic Scholarship 3mm“mmmmunumuutmun“uunnmmlmumumlmumnm11mmummmumuuuuuuuunmumlmunnmmummmmnmuumuummmg The South-East Vaughan Rate- payers Association will hold its meeting at the Powell Road school at 8 pm. June 20. Refreshments will be served as this will be the last meeting of the season until September opening. The Oak Ridges Pony Club, did themselves proud once again on Saturday at the Aurora Horse Show. Betty’s two week old foal, took first in the Hunter’s foal \Iass winning over foals which were much older. Johnny Woolley took Mr. Grant McCachen, who woks those delicious meals at the Ridge Inn, is convalescing at home after his recent operation, the staff car- ried on nobly during his absence, but everybody will be glad when ‘he can take his place beside the big range once again. Neighbors on Lakeland Ax-nue entertained at a surprise party at the home of Mrs. Ross Farcjuhar- son on Thursday afternoon to bid farewell to Mrs. Johnny Bradbury who moves to Cooksville next week. Spring flowers decorated the tea table and the guest of honor was presented with a gift of china. Mrs. Farquharson Sr., T01 ,nto, and the Rev. Mr. Michell dropped in during the afternoon. Mrs. Leonard Dion entertained at a trousseau tea last Weunes- day for (her daughter Helen, who was married last Monday in St. Mary’s Anglican church, Rich- mond Hill, to Mr. 1. Williams of Langstafl’. Assisting in the tea room were the bride’s aunts, Mrs. Wm. Tippel, Toronto, and Mrs. B. Thomas and Mrs. E. Thomas of Toronto, and the bride's sister, Miss ‘Marion Dion. The bride’s grandmother, Mrs. D. Dion, Aurora was also present and assisted in the evening. One hundred and fourteen friends and relatives call- ed to offer best wishes and view the beautiful trousseau and show- er gifts. The four tiered wedding cake occupied a table in the dining room where the tea table was cen- tred with snap-dragons. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS BIGGER! BETTER THAN EVER! Thornhill District Lions Club AfgféLc-ARNIVAL NORTH END EXCAVATORS JACKES AVENUE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: â€" MRS. M. BELL, 17 Jackes Avenue, Thornhill Telephone Thornhill 294R; GRAVEL SAND After lunch some found the horseshoes, others the ball diam- ond and the others participated in the program of sports and races. The highlght of the day was when president Charlie Haines of New- market equipped with a set of scales undertook to guess the weight ofi any lady within three pounds or forfeit a giant lollipop. These tasty tokens were fast dis- appearing when some of the ladies undertook to estimate the avoir- dupois of the men but with not too much success. Non-Porous Concrete Construction .Flush or Dribble Systems. Vaughan, Etobicoke, North ' York Townships While the weather had been threatening in the morning, the weatherman was kind and even kept the thermostat at the “no mosquito” mark. That is some- thing for this year. On Monday last about 300 York County Holstein enthusiasts ga- thered for theimnnual club picnic which was held this year at Springwater Park, Midhurst where young and old enjoyed looking ov- er the birds and animals in the miniature zoo. The ladies pro- claimed this year’s the best picnic ever because arrangements had been made for serving up the lun- ches they had brought and every- one sat down at once to a most enjoyable lunch, during which a few stunts were worked ofl’. The South-East Vaughan Wo- men’s Auxiliary will hold its meet- ing at Powell Road school at 7.45 pm. on June 21. Refreshments will be served. As this was the last meeting till fall the social convenor Mrs. Robt. Ash served tea and cake, which was much appreciated. Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie of Brantford. Mrs. Mary McLean of Toiunto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Griffiths. . 1799 Jane St. Weston .. Phone 1398 Teachers representative, Mrs. R. Appleton, visual aid, Mrs. S. Troy- er; citizenship, Mrs. Gilroy; music and arts, Mrs. J. Gemmill; Health, Mrs. S. Troyer; home education, Mrs. 0. Harrison; membership, Mrs. Woolley; press, Mrs. E. W. Musson; radio, Mr. A. Anderson; publication, Miss E. Nicholson; so- cial, Mrs. Robt. Ash. second riding Miss Hawman’s Ted- dy. Katherine Gunn riding Clay- burn, owned by Lew Ruby, Toron- to, and Donald Christian, riding his own horse, Don Casino, tied for second place in the amateur jumping class. In the jump off Miss Gunn was second and Mr. Christian third. Miss Shirley Ryman on her own horse Surrender, took 4th in the equitation c1355. Donald Christian was third in the consolation. A new boarder at the Hawman stables is Spanish Baby owned by G. L. Ratz, Tavistock. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Stephenson spent the week-end at Dorset, Lake of Bays. President, Mrs Stuart Acheson; vice president Mrs. F Coon; record- ing secretary, Mrs. G. Gamble; treasurer, Mrs Gallagher; executive members, Mrs. A. Knckly, McMill- and, A. Arland, D. Gunn, 'A Com- fort. Home and School Meets The 1951 Oak Ridges Home and School Executive held their final meeting for this term at the school Monday night and finished ap- pointng the heads of commttees. The following is the complete exec- utive for next year: BLACKBURNS’ Phone THORNHILL 161 gillllllllll\lllllllllllll\\llllllllllll\\\llll\l\lll\\l\l“llllllllmfllfllmllg F711l“\“llhlllllullllll‘l“\lllllmllllll“fill!“m11“\llll“lll\ll\\\l\mfi YORK HOLSTEIN PICNIC SOLD & SERVICED E. C. TAYLOR SEPTIC TANKS RE - noorifié i PHONE â€" THORNHILL 256W : EllIllIIllIllllllllllllllllll‘llllllli Thotnhil] Office Brampton Ofl'ico Bradford Office Stoufiville Ofiice Orangeville Ofiice Benetton Office Through th many prospective clients and enqmries already on our books. We will do our best to help you solve it. Through our offices centrally located in active real estate centres. and Through the many prospective clients and enquiries We shall make every effort to dispose of your prop- erty with as little inconvenience to yourself as possible. Have You A Real Estate Probiem? FDR OIL- BURNER CHECK OVER AND FURNACE CLEAN-OUT -â€"â€" CALI. â€"â€" Tanquiy Oil-Burner Sales & Service Phone THORNHILL 434 SERVICE TO ALL APPLIANCES We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Insul Brick siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. Centre St. 'ou never thought you'd Iiye to see the clay they'dmake such a great motion picture! David McLean Limited MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD FESS, AERO, DELHI BLOWERS, KANGO ELECTRIC HAMMERS Royal Theatre SAND, GRAVEL, fififléfiffi's‘ffifii} LOAM & nu 4 HEART WARMING DAYS Aurora STARTS MONDAY, JUNE 25 C. RIDDELL PHONE THORNHILI 247 - REID Waverley 4338 or Thornhill 12 Brampton 1610 Bradford 189 Stoufi'ville 67913 Erin 37R1 Beaverton 60 Thornhill

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