Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1951, p. 10

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ARTICLES FOR SALE BED three-quarter, camp cot and mattress, arm chair, and dining chairs, wash stand, incubator and broader stove, chicken feeders, tables, some tools, ladders, quart sealers, portable wringer, electric fan, reagonable. 70 Edgar Ave., Richvale. Thornhill 219R13. c1w4 1 VIKING Electric refrigerator with new 60 cycle motor, priced right. 1 Astral Refrigerator, works either 25 or 60 cycle slight- ly used. These refrigerators are ideal for cottage. 1 75â€"1b. capacity ice box, cheap, $15.00. Floyd Per- kins, phone 21W Richmond Hill. LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc32 2 dressers, 2 3’3” beds, can be used singly or as bunks, side and ladder, springs and mattresses, good clean condition. Phone Richmond Hill 327J. *1w4 FRESH PICKED every day rasp- berries, red and black currants. Orders taken bfore 9.30 am. pre- ferred. W. Cox, Oxford St.. Elgin Mills. Phone Richmond Hill 221R. tfc2 MAPLE FINISHED bedroom stiite, ROUGH & DRESSED Lumber 2x45 6c per foot. Sheeting from $50 per M up. Timbers etc., sawed to or- der. Taylor’s Sawmill, Richmund Hill 463, Aurora 84R32. *2w4 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 26, 1951 1 COOK STOVE (Quebec) 1 Dining Table and Chairs, 1 Buffet & small tables, ISet of (blue) Dinner Dish- es, Mrs. 1. Watson, Keele St. 8th., Maple. RECONDITIONED Kelvinator re. frigerator, perfect condition, $165. terms. Used electric range $45. Ice boxes, $10 to $20. Paris Auto ‘Supply Richmond Hill 86. c1w4 RASPBERRIES for sale 15c pint, $5.40 a crate, bargain; pick your own if desired. Apply J. Han- chor, Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill. "1w4 RASPBERBIES, place your order for Latham raspberries now, fresh picked daily, reasonable prices; also green peas suitable . for looker. Phone King 59R14. c3w2 HORSE MANURE Phone Thornhill 18R11. *c1w4 ONE PORTABLE GRAIN Thrower IcOmplete with pipes, near new, price $75.00. A. Mitchell & Sons, phone Maple 62‘R4. *1w4 2 'USED Men’s Bicycles, $15.00 'each. Northtown Servicentre, 4882 Yonge St. (opp. Loblaw’s) Lans- ing, Ont, Zone 8978. c1w4 one space heater; one Q‘uebec cook stove. 288 Houndslow Willowdale (Stop 9). c1w4 fa}?- ‘Dâ€"igngtos. phone 43R5 Rich- mond Hill. c1w4 GOLF CLUBS and bag, ladies, al- most new. P‘hone 640J Richmond Hill. *1w4 Hill. POTATO SPRAYER, like new, with carrot and parsnip sprayer nozzles. Apply Harvey Mashinâ€" ter, King 3R13. c1w4 SEED POTATOES, Certified Foundation A Katahdin and non- certified Katahdin. Apply Harvey Mashinter. King 3R13. afc47 150-YEAR-OLD VIOLIN, good condition, made in Scotland. Write S R. Elkins, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. *1w4 FER SALE orr Exchange: 8 “Bob- by Jones”, 4 wodds, registered, in exchange for 3 2-year-old ewes. ONE AUTOMATIC smug PUMP; $20 5 600x16 USED TI‘RES. Phone Thornhill 47R14. c1w4 LADIES English tailor-made caV- alry twill jodhpurs, small size. Phone Thornhill 406. c1w4 ICE BOXW “Ice King”, good con. dition, $10.00. Phone Richmond Hill 498.1. c1w4 We MACHINE, Acme, in good working order, $25.00. Phone 317W Richmond Hill. c1w4 good 992. FRESHLY picked raspberries, Mrs. Svanefelt, 46R2 Richmond mu, c2w3 ICE BOX, Frost King, 75 1b. $12. Phone Thornhill 158M. ‘1w4 Maple 65114. QUANTITY_ OF standing mixe .nnr n:-1_ GENTS BICYCLES, $1§ eaicl}; CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. charge, all insertions . .. . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 5% CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 Classified, advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. condition. Phoner Willowdale *1w4 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES *c1w4 c2w3 *1w4 MALE OR FEMALE for refresh- ment counter, 7-11 pm. Monday to Friday, 1-11 pm. week-ends, Dufferin Fairways, Dufi‘erin St. at No. 7 Highway next to DriVe-In Theatre. c1w4 CARETAKER-Handyman, under 55 years, pleasant work, references required. Dufierin Fairways, Duf- ferin at No. 7 Highway next to Drive-In Theatre. c1w4 HOUSEKEEPER, for 4 adults, live in, $75 a month, in Thornhill. Apply Mrs. Geo. Spring, Stop 14A Yonge Street. Phone 149 Thorn- hil]. ‘lw4 CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 POULTRY WANTED. Best mark- et prices. Any quantity. Will call immediately on request. Phone A. Magee, King 29R14. *25w29 BRAY DAYOLD CHICKS, mixed and pullets. Also started pullets. Special July prices. Immediate delivery. Get these for the good continuing egg markets. Prices from Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill. c1w4 1949 MORRIS Convertible A1 condition. Rhone Richmond Hill ‘368R22. c1w4 1 SHELAND COLLIE DOG, male, 1 year old, useful on farm; also English Collie.pups, parents good cattle dogs. Phone Agincourt 588J 3 *1w4 SPECIAL CLEARANCE DEM- ONSTRATORS: 1 1951 JOWett Javelin Standard Sedan, grey, reg. $1985, for $1695. 1 19-51 Jowett Javelin Deluxe Sedan, blue, reg. $2235 for $1895. Northtown Ser- vicentre, 4882 Yonge St., Lansing, opp. Loblaws, phone Zone 8978. CHEVROLET 175 Ton Panel, in good condition, 5 new tires and paint job $160.00. Phone Richmond Hill 285M. *1W4 194-8 CHEV. Stylemaster Sedan, perfect condition, heater and de- froster $1395.00. Terms. Knights, Steeles Corners, phone Thornhill 135R22. '1w4 1943.45 HARLEY DAVIDSON mo- torcycle, excellent condition. Maple 130R2. c1w4 1949 DODGE 3-ton Special, 14 ft. Stake, stock racks, excellent condi- tion. Phone 36~5R12 Richmond Hill. *2W4 MID-SUMMER SALE OF FLOOR MODELS: at Northtown Servi- centre, 4882 Yonge Street, opp. Loblaw’s, Lansing, Ont, Zone 8978. 1 Norge Space Heater, 57,800 B. T.U.’s per hour, reg. $139.95 for $110.00; 1 Norge Automatic Elec- tric Water Heater, 30 gal. cap- acity, reg. $169.50 for $130.00; 1 Norge 6’6” cubic feet Frig., reg. $314.60 for $295.00; Vacuum Cleaners and attachments, reg. $124.00 for $99.00; 1 Norge Gas Range, universal jets for Consum- er or Essotane Gas, reg. $149.50, for $125.00. . c1w4 DURANT FOUR SEDAN, good shape, cheap, or swap for ton truck. 145 Markham Road, R. Lee. clw4 1930 DURANT, good running con- dition, best offer. Phone Maple 28 R23. c1w4 1950 GMC 1/2 TON Pick-up truck, driven six months, $1,250.00. Phone Richmond Hill 613. *1w4 ’37 FORD COACH, perfect shape, hydraulic brakes, half down; ’42 Indian, also perfect for $175.00. Richmond Hill 3591132. *1w4 For Sale (Continued) DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 CAMPBELL MINK USED CARS AND TRUCKS HELP WANTED OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY _ FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED also 50c 65c 25c c1w4 SUMMER BOARD required mt two quiet women, abstainers, non smok- ers, vicinity Richmond Hill, Mark- ham. Farm preferred; Write Box 8 The Liberal. *1w4 TRANSPORTATION WANTED from Thornhill to Front and Bay Street, daily, leaving Thornhill 7 a.m., returning 5.15 to 5.30 p.111. Phone Mr. Sawyer, Thornhill 397w. c1w4 TRANSPORTATION WANTED from Richmond Hill arriving at Temperance and Yonge at 9 a.m., leaving at 5 pm. Phone Rich- mond Hill 377W. c1w4 MAPLE DISTRICT: Woman, 35, wants day work, 8 am. to 4 p.m., $6. No laundry, no Fridays. Will transport self. Apply Box 9 The Liberal. c1w4 WORK for reliable woman, Tues- day through Friday, 9-4, house- work considered. Phone thornhill 311W. c2w4 TRANSPORTATION LOWER DUPLEX or house, un- furnished, adults, willing to take long lease. Phone Junction 4218, collect evenings. 02w3 weeks, while on holidays. Phone 289 Richmond Hill. *1w4 4 CUBIC FT. Cunnrete Mixer, non- tilt. Calibrated water supply with hose connection. Feed Hopper. On rubber. $7.50 per day. Also Craftsman’s Skil-Saw $2.50 per day. Phene Richmond Hill 528J or 288W. thW4l DUPLEX or house' wanted to rent. Phone JU. 4218. *1w4 CAMP COOK STOVE for two unfurnished, breezeway and gar- age, close to Yonge St. No chil- dren preferred. Phone Richmond Hill 243J evenings. *1w4 nished if required. Hydro and wat- er provided. No children please. P. O. Box 239. *1w4 PAINTING and paperhanging, first class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 ROOM ANID BOARD available at 22 Hunt Street or phone 494J Rich- mond Hill. c1w4 TWO-ROOMED COTTAGE, fur- MODERN BUNGALOW, 5-rooms, LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired, worlg done by experienCed workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Map- 1e 62R21. tfc43 SEPTIC TANK FORMS and ce- ment mixer rentals. Phone 226R5 Richmond Hill. c1w4 CUSTOM Roto-Tilling. Phone Thornhill 135R12 after 6 p.m. *2W3 SWANHOLM KENNELS, board your dog there while on vacation. Phone Richmond Hill 46R2. Pick up and deliver. tfc48 EINBODEN & SON concrete con- tractors, septic tanks, drains, floors. Phone Richmond Hill 364 R5, Will. 466. c26w40 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 2616. tfc38 Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. *3w52tfc ‘be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 6J or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. ‘43w32 CEMENT MIXER for rent, gaso- line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll LAWN MOWERS and saws sharp- ened; window screens and doors. Phone 498R Richmond Hill, 32 Richmond St. t1cw39 CUSTOM FARM PLOWING. cul- tivating, tilling and discing. \w. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. *30w41 CONCRETE AND DRAINS, septic tank form, rentals. J. Bailey Rich- mond Hill 226R5. *1w4 SAND, gravel, crushed storm. and fill. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hi‘“; 384J. tfc43 SAND "XND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CALL P. M. TONNER for clean, fine work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED TO RENT WANTED NILE TILE CO. TO RENT Get our practical advice. It’s free. Time payments arranged. We sell Plumbing, Heating and Hardware Supplies Oxford St. Richmond Hill 285M Est. Toronto 1913 Plumbing & Heating Contractor Repairs, Alterations, Remodelling FOR ERECTION OF SCHOOL Tenders will be received up to 5 pm. Saturday, August 4, 1951, for the erection of a one room pub- lic school in S. S. No. 1 Whitchurch (Hartman’s Corners). Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Architect Herbert Horner, 269 Inglewood Drive. Tor- onto, Ont. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. E. DAWSON [Three monkeys sat on a cocoanut tree Discussing things as they're said to be. Said one to the others -â€" “Now listen, you two, There’s a certain rumor that can’t be true, That man descended from OUR noble race -â€" The very idea is sure a disgrace. No monkey ever deserted his wife, Starved her babies and ruined her life; And you’ve never known another monk To leave her babies with others to - bunk, Or pass them on from one to an- ‘ other Till they hardly know which one is their mother. And another thing you will never see - A monk build a fence ’round a co- coanut tree And let the cocoanuts go to waste, Forbidding all other monks a taste. Why, if I put a .fence around this tree Starvation would force you to steal from me. And here’s something else a monk won’t do â€"- Go out at night and get on a ‘stew’ Or use a gun or a club or knife ‘ To take some‘ other poor monkey’s life. ‘ Yes, man DESCENDED â€"- the or-, nery cuss â€" ‘1 But, brother, he didn’t descend from US!” ‘ UMBRELLA, blue top with plastic handle, about 2 weeks ago. Finder please phone Richmond Hill ‘ WOODEN BROOCH, sea gull, be- tween Stop 27 and Oxford Street on July 18 or 19. Phone 295R Richmond Hill. c1w4 A PEARL NECKLACE, 3 strand oh Thursday, July 19, on Church St. or Centre St. Finder please call Richmond Hill 85, reward. WATERLOO Garden Tractor with lawn mower and other attach- ments. H. Nelson, Gormley, phone 62504 Stouffville. *1w4 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., JULY 28 â€" AuctiOn Sale at the new Stoufi'ville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, neif- ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is you: commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell It.” Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson. auctioneers. tic FRI., JULY 27 â€" Auction sale of household effects, dishes china, glassware, etc., south of No. 7 highway in Concord, Vaughan Twp. Property of Fred Hill. Sale at 2 frontage on Yonge. Phone Rich- mond Hill 102R13 mornings only. tfcw4 FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fem, Thornhill 168 tfcll CHOICE LOT FOR SALE, 100 ft. ER REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 SALE REGISTERS EGG GRADING STATION Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104J Woodbridge Wholesale & Retail all year round Special prices and arrange- ments for people who pick them up. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE HERBERT HORNER, Architect. IN MONKEYDOM TENDERS EGGS!! LOST *1w4 c1w4 Plans and requirements may be seen at the clerk’s of- fice. I Lowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted; Russell Lynett, Clerk, Village of Richmond Hill Tenders for the re-Wiring of the Richmond Hill arena will be received by the under- signed up until Saturday, August 4, 1951. ffl The building committee is com- posed of Mr. Wm. George, Mr. Jack Barton, Mr. Jack McEwen, Mr. Ernie Bone, Mr. Bert M'iddle- ton. Mr. Frank Lamb is to be asked if he will assist on the building committee. The finance committee is composed of Robt. Kirk, Miss Evah Sheppard, Mrs. E. Lewis, Jack Oliver, Mrs. Jack Mc- Ewen and Dr. Walker. Publications are in the hands of Mrs. E. Bone and Mrs. R. Middleton. When the canvassers call please assist the very best you can as this building is a MUST in Carrville. Mrs. Harvie Ness is )holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. Milton McDowell’s of Aurora. Mrs. Ness attended the 89th birthday party of Mrs. Bur- ridge of Aurora. Mr. Albert Evringham and dau- ghter Barbara of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Wood and family also Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weir and son of Weston call- ed on Sunday evening Mr. James Wark of New York, U.S.A., visited with his brother and sister-inâ€"law Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark last week. James called on several of his old acquaintances and friends. Oak Ridges, Ph. King 94 SELLS GOOD TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS POWER MOWERS The Carrville Woman’s Assoc- iation had an ice-cream social on the church lawn. The Carrville girls played the Carrville boys a baseball game, the girls winning with a score of 7-6. Umpire Was Rev. E. Kent. Following a re- freshing repast of ice-cream, cake and soft drinks the minister held a meeting in regard to the new building which the board is plan- ning on undertaking this fall. Carrville W.A. will hold its Aug- ust meeting at the home of Mrs. Jack Oliver, 109 Wright Street, Richmond Hill on Wednesday, August 1 at 8 pm. Qarrville United Church will have no services during the month of August but are invited to at- tend the morning services at Thornhill at 11 am. each Sunday. STAN TROYER THE GARDEN TRACTOR Mrs. Albert Hayter spent Wed- Baker’s Sales 8 Service RICHVALE Phone 111 Richmond Hill TENDERS For Wiring Arena YOUR ONE STOP FOR NO. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN MAPLE 148 BAKER’S SALES & SERVICE RICHVALE, ONT. IS NOW A DEALER IN PHILLIPS APPLIANCES REFRIGERATORS -â€" ELECTRIC STOVES RADIOS, console, table models MAN You Can Finance Your Home Improvements At ANSWELL LIMITED LUMBER “ TELEVISION SETS CARRVILLE NEWS Now on display at Com: Mrs Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130:8 94r24 Buick, Pontiac, G.M.C. Trucks Phone 488 Elgin Mills Phone 653 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and family spent several days with Mrs. D’Alton Teskey at Warmins- ter and Mr. Geo. Walker at Vic- toria Harbour. Last reports of Mr. E. G. Per- ring were he is doing fine and ex- pects to be home from hospital soon. 1941 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE All of the above cars and trucks guaranteed for 30 days. $1,395.00 1950 HILLMAN 4 DOOR SEDAN nesday afternoon with Mrs Nab at her summer home, Ellen Farm, Carrville Road. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McLean and son Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson all of Torontorspent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bar- ton and attended Carrville United Church. SHOWROOM OPEN EVENINGS R.D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL RELIABLE USED CARS 1947 1-TON FARGO EXPRESS $7 95.00 Bradshaw Motors $895.00 1948 FORD '/2 TON PICK-UP $1,795.00 1950 FORD DeLUXE COACH Exceptional car, low mileage 1941 DODGE CLUB COUPE TRUCKS $1,195.00 1950 FORD V; TON PICKUP $295.00 1938 BUICK CLUB COUPE USED CARS AND TRUCKS $250.00 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH $650.00 1941 MERCURY SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH $525.00 QUALITY YONGE ST. AT THORNHILL THORNHILL 170 radio, heater radio, heater 10,000 miles 9,000 miles $650.00 $600.00 & BUILDING SUPPLIES Mc- Glen PHONE KING 100 1. In times like these it’s best to have your bin fill- ed when you can get the kind of cqal you want, “blue coaL” PHONE 10 3. You can get clean delivery immediately, and avoid heating worry all winter long. We recommend “blue coal”, the best anthracite coal. Impurities are removed. You get pure coal that burns clean, lasts longer. Fill your bin today! We Do Not Sell The Mest 30 We Try To Sell The Best 3 DELIVERIES DAILY â€" 10 a.m. â€" 2 p.m. â€" 4 p.m. FROM ANY STORE IN THE DISTRICT TO RICHVALE â€" RICHMOND HILL â€"- ELGIN MILLS SHOPPING SERVICE CARTAGE LONG’S PARCEL DELIVERY I I. D. RAMER & SON CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH CARS FARGO TRUCKS JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Bond Lake Garage 2. Prices right now are the season’s lowest. THIS IS WHY IT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER T0 WHITE ROSE GAS & OILS RICHMOND HILL 321J GOODYEAR TIRES ROBERTS’ RADlAl STATION PHONE 177 RICHMOND HILL LIGHT MOVING OAK RIDGES

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