Groceries - ,Meats - Dry Goods - Pratt 8 Lambert PointsYWholesale 87mm) % 0‘ No Charge For Our Delivery Service 0 - YER»! cam-m Thornhill, Ont. Samuel Carlisle Frederick Norman J. A. McGinnis William Oliver Norman Porter Margaret E. Bates N. G. Gregorash Thomas Coyne Harry ’Dhompson S. M. Sinclair David McGibbon Norman Heise FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"ï¬EZALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" s E E â€"â€" Maple Fourteen experienced salesmen residents in your community. Take advantage of our years of experience. We have the markets, deal in conï¬dence. MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD THORNHILL 12 WA. 4338 We olfer a complete conï¬dential and friendly ser- vice to all prospective clients. We have helped hun- dreds of others, why not you. 60 CYCLE ONE ONLY LEFT AT TAX FREE PRICE . . . . $399.50 TERMS SERVICE TO ALL APPLIANCES THE LIBEIRAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 26, 1951 Donald Gordon Plaxton FDR Oll- BURNER EHECK OVFP AND FURNACE CLEAN-OUT â€"â€" CALL â€"-â€" Tanquiy Oil-Burner Sales'& Service Phone THORNHILI. 434 ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? REAL ESTATE BUYING or SELLING David McLean Limited John. C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. FESS, AERO, DELHI BLOWERS, KANGO ELECTRIC HAMMERS OFFICES OPEN DAILY 8.30 A..M. T0 9 RM. Connor Automatic Washer My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s gognefs) See Love For Lovely Lumber ARTHUR J. WELLS PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill Phone 86 For Tuesday 7-9 p.m. Wednesday 1-6 p.m. ; Thursday, 7-9 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Thornhill 168 Toronto Wa. 4531 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. New law office located at Steele’s and YOnge Street in Penn Real Estate Office, in Thornhill District. OFFICE HOURS Téiéï¬ï¬b'ne Thornhill 350 Telephone Maple 99 Richmond Hill 394W Willowdale 3488 Maple 68R5 Aurora 429R24 Bradford 189 Hyland 6015 Brampton 354W22 Brampton 1078J Erin 37R1 Stouf‘fville 67913 Thornhill 291R3 Beaverton 60 One of Thornhill’s older resi- dents, Mrs. Frank Findlay passed away at her residence on Centre Street on Saturday, July 14, and was buried from her home on Mon- day, July 16, with interment in the Thornhill Cemetery. The Rev. E. E. Kent conducted the funeral ser- Mrs. Frank Findlay VICE Mrs. Findlay, who was bedrid- den for two and a half years, is survived by her husband, two daughters and three sons. An- other son was killed while serv- ing his country in the raid on Dieppe during the last great war. Mr. and Mrs. Findlay celebratéd their 50th wedding anniversary last year. Our sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. Findlay and family. Christening The Rev. S. -A. R. Woods of- ï¬ciated at the christening of Mar- garet Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker, Yonge St., on Sunday, July 22, at Trinity Anglican Church. Baby Margaret was gowned in the same dress as worn by her mother and her aunts at their christenings, and was also worn by Mrs. Walker’s other two child‘ ren. Margaret Hendry of Edgeley spent a few days last week in Con- cord visiting with Sharon Baker. Mr. Hugh Bruce is Margaret Anne’s godfather and her two aunts, Alice Delf and Marion Wal- ker are her godmothers. Mr. Wal- Mark Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Snider, was seven years old on July 18 and celebrat~ ed the occasion with a birthday party, inviting a number of his friends and cousins to enjoy it with him. It was a very enjoyable party and everyone had a wond_er- ful time. ‘ During the past few years Conâ€" cord ladies have entered various competitions at the ONE. and have won numerons prizes too, es- pecially for their handsome cakes. For those who are interested again this year a new $100 contest is the Christening Cake competition. Any recipe, even ready-mix, can be used to make the christening cake. It must be a layer cake, be ï¬lled, frosted and appropriately decor- ated. There will also be nine pri- zes for the runners-up. You may get an entry form by writing ,to the Women’s Division, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. Deepest sympathy is extended to the Darling family in the loss of a loving husband and father, Mr. Gordon Darling. Mr. Darling was almost instant- ly killed on July 20 when his car went out of control as he drove along No. 10 highway near Bramp- ton,‘and careened 550 feet and rolled over. The guests present were Ruth and Jimmy Pearson, Margaret Warren and Ethel Jackson and Billie and Jerry Darlington. Mrs. Campbell Snider also came and brought along her son, Garry, so that he too could enjoy cousin Mark’s party. Mrs. Jim McDon- ald was also present with her two children, Dugald and Sheena. Mrs. C'has. Snider, Mark’s grandmother, also enjoyed the party with her family and helped to entertain the little guests. The children were then served a {hearty lunch complete with birth- day cake and all that goes with it. The afternoon was spent playing games after which their neighbor, Mr. Harry Lepofsky treated all the children to some watermelon. Mrs. Campbell Snider then told them a story which they all appreciated very much. 7W1! and .‘bm‘u‘cz . . . It is beliéved that Mr.‘ Darling YOUR ONE STOP FOR No. 7 HIGHWAY 'AT DUFFERIN MAPLE 148 Centre St. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple SAND, GRAVEL, You Can Finance Your Home Improvements At ANSWELL LIMITED LUMBER & CONCORD NEWS PHONE THORNHILIU 247 L. W. REID Telephone Maple 110R3 AVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LDAM & FILL The Liberal is always pleased 1:0 publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her-at Thornhill 239.]. ‘ ker’s father, Mr. T. Walker, stood proxy for Mr. Bruce Who was un- able to attend. Following the service a tea was held at the parents’ home. Among the guests were Mr. Blackham, the guests were Mr. Blackham, Mrs. Walker’s arents, Mr. and Mrs. Delf and h r sisters Barbara and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. David Bell and their daughter Diane, Mrs. David Smith, Mrs. George Tolman and Mr. Gordon Orr. Trip North Baby Margaret received sever- al gifts commemorating the oc. casion. Mrs. R. K. Doan and her daugh- ter Beverley have left on a trip to Churchill, Manitoba, where they will join Sergeant Doan who is on duty in that area with the RCAF Rada? Division. Travelling by train to Winni- peg they will then board a plane to fly them north to their destin- ation. ' Mrs. Doan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sinclair of Yonge Street. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sinclair for the past week were their nieces, the Misses Anne Jackson, Helen and Bernice Evans, of Stayner, Ontario. New Arrival Jimmy, son of Mr may have fallen asleep at the wheel. He was alone and there were no witnesses. A passing truck driver found him lying at the rear of his car. Mr. Darling was a singer with radio station CKCL or seven years and since has been a teletype op- erator. There was a good attendance of the Women of the Lutheran Churdh at their regular meeting in the home of Mrs. Roy Keffer on Wednesday evening, July 18. Mrs. Wilmer _Keï¬â€˜er took the topic “A Glimpse of Liberia.†which was a missionary topic in dialogue form showing a business woman’s and a housewife’s visit to a missionary in Liberia. He is survived by his widow and two children, Richard, 4, and Don- na Jean, three-and-a-half months. During the past few weeks con- siderable work has been done on No. 7 Highway in Concord around Bathurst Street and Dufferin St. The roadway is being widened and built up in places, the hill cut down and culverts extended which should all add up to better driving conditions in the near future. Mrs. Percy Adh, Mrs. Rosendale and Miss Margaret Witney return- ed home on Saturday after spend- ing a week at Wasaga Beach. Sherwood Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday, July 29, 1951, Sunday School at 10 am. and Sunday Service at 11 am. Pictures on the Fifth Command- ment were shown on Sunday 'afâ€" ternoon in Uhe church. The next in the series, the Sixth Commandâ€" ment, will be shown on Sunday afâ€" ternoon, August 5, following the service. A “touch and take†table spon- sored by Mrs. John Ash and Mrs. Chas. Ash realized for them the sum of $11.00. Mr. and Mrs William Young of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer. Carl Kefl‘er of Unionville also spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer. Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants brought a pleas- ant evening to a close. & BUILDING ' SUPPLIES YONGE ST. AT THORNHILL THORNHILL 170 Thornhill and Mrs. Robt. Grainger is pleased to welcome a new baby brother, John Cameron, to his home on Thornhill Avenue, Ball sub-division. Teen-Age Party Friday, July 27, the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee is sponsoring a teen-age swimming party for all local teen-agers. There will be swimming, dancing, movies and refreshments. So come on, all you teen-agers and join in the fun. A good time is predicted and we are looking forward to seeing you at the swimming pool. The date is Friday, July 27, the time 7 p.m., the charge â€" FREE. ' The thrill of picking oranges and grapefruit right from the tree was experienced by Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirby of Arnold Avenue, on their recent visit to Florida. Motoring through the different States they saw many things of interest. In Gettysburg, famous in Civil War days, they saw the monuments to famous soldiers and along the road were plaques and monuments com- memorating historical actions, also the gathering of gum from the pine trees for the purpose of man- ufacturing into turpentine. This gathering is similar to the way we extract sap' from the maple trees for making maple syrup. A section of bark is stripped from the tree at which point holes are drilled to allow the gum to flow out and run down a trough made of sheet metal in the form of a “v†which carries it into a large pail. The pail is then emptied and contents taken to the manufacturer to be processed into turpentine. Florida Holiday They enjoyed southern fried chicken as only the Southerners can cook it, ï¬shed in the Gulf of Mexico and ate fresh lobster and shrimps. As far as prices for the differ- ent groceries compare, on an av- erage they work out much the same as ours. While some articles are cheaper others are consider- ably dearer. Mr. George Selkirk has returned from Winona Lake, Indiana, where he attended the International Youth For Christ Conference. The scenery was lovely and dri- ving was .a pleasure. 'l‘nere was so much to see that .there was never a dull moment. Little Jacqueline Einboden is spending a week’s vacation with her aunt, Mrs. J. Bays in Toronto, and Master Kenneth is visiting his aunt, Mrs. E. McMann in Oshawa this week. ' Guests at the Hirtz-Wiliams wedding on Saturday were Mrs. George Wilkinson and Mrs. T. Hamlin of Toronto, grandmothers of the groom and Mrs. Frances Broderick, aunt of the groom from New York City who was accompan- ied by Miss Ruth Dean and Miss Esther Aikins. Miss Dean returned to New York by plane on MOnday. Mrs. F. W. B. Dejean of London spent a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Taylor, this week. Mrs. George Fisher entertained at 8; miscellaneous shower last Thursday evening, in honour of Miss Dorothy Hudson of Richmond Hill, whose forthcoming marriage to 1W1“. Ralph Baker, is to take place on Saturday. Mrs. D. Tansley has accepted an appointment to teach at the new schooLat Humber Summit, Ont. Telegram Carrier George Mere- dith was one of the winners in the recent Telegram contest for the most number of new orders taken by a newsboy. The prize was a new_ bicycle. George also has the distinction of winning another bi- cycle in a similar contest held by the Globe and Mail. Mrs. Brian Bailey, Baby Susan and Heather have left for a months holiday with Mrs. Bailey’s parents in Laurier, Manitoba. Miss Wanda Smith has been en- gaged as 2. Kindergarten Teacher at Dublin Schoool, Haviland, Ont. BLACKBURNS’ ELEVISbN ï¬llllllllllllmlllllIll““\lllll\\\111ll\\lll111lll\“111lllllllllllfllllllllluï¬ Phone THORNHILL 161 flllllllllllllllIlllllllll\lllll1lllllllll\ll111llll\l\l\1\lllll\lllllllMINNIE Correspondent: Mrs. J. J. Taylor Tel. Richmond Hill 367R22 SOLD & SERVICED RICHVALE Correspondent: Mrs. Allan Doner Phone Stoutfville 67104 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Heise and daughter from Dallas Centre, Iowa, are visiting this week with the Heise family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Heise and family of Richmond Hill visited Saturday evening in the Heise home. ' Quite a number of Gormley Brethren in Christ Young People attended the Youth Conference at Wainfleet over last Week-end. Mrs. W. Bruce and Genevieve, Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce and Karen enjoyed a motor trip over the week-end as far north as Manitoulin Island. We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Eric Morby, newly- weds from Toronto who have rented a part of the former Fal- howski home. The rest of this home is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doner. Had you been in New Gormley last Friday night â€".or closer to Saturday morning â€"â€" you would have been awakened by the music of the “charivari†gang who visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Donald Donet. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bennett and Miss Grace Doner had supper last Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt. Three of our local school teach- ers: Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Pope and Miss Miriam Heise, are taking Summer Course in Toronto. Messrs. Donald, ’Jim and Mur- ray Brown spent a week’s vaca- tion in the north and last week- end called on the Terry’s in Owen Sound. Miss Bliela Heise is visiting Mrs. D. Hilts. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cameron of Woodbridg‘e 3159 My. and Mrs. A. Jones and Joyce of Dixon Hill visited Sunday with Mrs. A. T. Gooding, Mr. and Mrs .Ken Jones. Guests of Mrs. E. Jones Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones and family. Miss Judy Wilcox also Miss Mary Latimer are holidaying at Camp Ashunyoong. . WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 589r11 STUART PAXTON Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon Wed., Thurs. â€"- Aug. 1, 2 ’YoungManWIthAHorn’ “Admiral Was A Lady†EDMOND O’BRIEN Mon., Tues. â€" July 30, 31 “Phantom oflhe Opera†Sun., Mon., Tues. August 5, 6, 7 “John Loves Mary†RONALD REGAN JACK CARSON PATRICIA NEALE Of Thomhill Fri., Sat. â€" July 27, 28 “ Sudan †Fri., Sat. â€" Aug. 3, 4 NELSON EDDY SUSANNA FOSTER Adventure Romance DORIS DAY LAUREN BACALL MARIA MONTEZ TURHAN BEY Electrician Wanda Hendrix Comedy Romance KIRK DOUGLAS GORMLEY Musical Drama (Colour) News News News News News ?n\\\\\\\\\u\\\u\mmmnmuunnnmmuuumunun1mmmuummmnmugmmummuummmmu\mmmumnummmuummmmmlmnm? How can we sell everything at such low prices, you ask. The answer is simple . . . I.G.A. unites major units of food distribmion: THE INDEPENDENTWRVETiAILER in your com- FRESH AND CURED MEATS. HOW CAN WE DO IT? munity, the INDEPENDENT WHOLESALER, the MANUFAC- 'I'URER, the FARMER and YOU. All work together in a well- knit, smoothly running organization, with operating costs as low or lower than those of any other system in the food indus- try today, plus the combined purchasing powar of all Canadian I.G.A. stores . . . WE CAN sell foods at LOW PRICESEV- We are happy to announce that we, along with many other independent grocers throughout Canada have joined I. G. A. Our store is all newly decorated and laid out for your shopping convenience and we invite you to call and inspect both it and the many savings you can make by buying the I.G.A. way. A one stop shopping centre where you can buy everything you need in GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Thornhill I. G. A. Market ERY DAY. Proprietor Bart Edwards THORNHILL ONTAR -0 AMERICA’S FOREMOST INDEPENDENT GROUP OF FOOD STORES, FAMOUS FROM COAST TO COAST FOR LOW PRICES EVERY DAY I We Have Joined Anytime now you will be housing your pullets on which you have spent a great deal of time and money. Take advantage of the high egg prices by choosing the RIGH'I. Laying Mash for your laying pullets. (1) Built on a grain base (2) Laboratory controlled (3) Proved by many practical. poultrymen WE RECOMMEND RED HEAD EGG Ml AND MASTER LAYING Ml BECAUSE MASH MASH