v 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, July 26, 1951 VVVVVVvvvvaVVVVVVV 12 Yonge St. N. Telephone Richmond Hill 296 ‘9‘ ' i . WWW i -. muqu WWMMmlmlmmuummmumuu"_ For Service a} it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Bowden Lumber & Coal (30., Ltd. Comforfablo palm - grip knob clamps #0 steering wheel of fruck or fractor. Makes easiqr during and turning ... ..... .98 Made-ï¬o-Order Tarpaulins â€" Supplied in “any redangular sin cf CTC economy prf’tis; name and town sfencillad wifhouf charge. 33-PIEGE SOCKET WRENCH SET Spacial waterproofing process seals our the weather and resists mildew. Well- made th double-stifched seams, rein- forced corners, meral rope grommets and generous fie ropes. ONE CHARGED WIRE DOES THE WORK OF AN ENTIRE FENCEâ€"Effective low-cost Matter Electric Fancars protect field crops with least trouble and axpenso. Latest improved designâ€"ensures extra-lung battery life and thoroughly satisfactory all-weather operation. Takes minutos instead of hours or days to put up or take down tancas. Heavy auto body steel waatherproof cabinet houses mechanism and b-volt battery. Flasher signals when fence is shorted. With 56 insulators. 50 washers. tenco clips, ground11 clamp and instructions (less battery) ..... I Reinforced CANVAS COVERS l2 l2 l2‘ COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING ' MATERIALS HOUSES AND FARMS FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS WHEEL SPINNER Big Values In Water-Repellent Tractor Steerlng ’IEISE SUUKET WRENUH SH ron mzcunmcs AND HANDYMEN 1/,.|nch , Square Drive ‘ Richmond Hill Electrical Shop mmuuuumtmummmmuummmnmnnunmmmflmmmmmmnmmmmnmmuumunmumumumum Ask us about our deferred payment plan TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 1'me STOP 23 YONGE ST. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 608 ESTABLISHED 1880 RICH PHONE 404 Exceptional Valuel All - steel “non-rust" consirudion. "Snap- on" connedor ior all hydraulic limn‘gs. LII‘QI capacify; lengfh ovcrall 2|“; barrel II" x 2%". GREASE GUN Develops I 0.0 00 lbs. Pressure 17.40 26.10 36.55 41.75 46.98 54.80 Heavy Duty Lever Type Get {ull use from your tractor during busy seasons; enioy an abundance of illumination for night work. (1) Tractor Headlampâ€"Universal heavy xfeel mounting brackei fits all iraciors. Equipped with 5%†diam. sealed beam uni? 3_59 (2) Tractor Spotlampâ€"lnslall on back of fracfcr lo illuminate imple- manls. universal mounting bracket full swivel adiuslmeni; 500-“. beam; 4" sealed beam unit" .. TRACTOR HEADLAMP Powerful Sealed Beam i HILL. ONT' ' P. a FULL P’°"' 50! Includes universal iolnl. valve grinder, :paeder handlt and wide range of popular size sackefs. AS ABOVE â€" ln melal Oool be); . .... 11.50 3.59 Miss Doris Patton, who has been holidaying in Toronto and Dundas, came to King to help the Women’s Institute at their food booth at the Carnival. She was the lucky win- ner of the quit that was sold under the auspices of the Women’s Insti- tute. Miss Birdie Evans of Brad- Mrs. Beth Anderson is present at 113') every morning to close this class with piano music and singâ€" ing. The older children have made wooden blocks and jigsaw puzzles for the younger ones; and on their altars they have two collections of pennies, one collection being taken for the Blind, and the other to help with the work of the Canadian Bib. 1e Schools. The Bible Vacation School is sponsored by all the churches in the neighborhood. Miss Pat Wilson entertained at a linen shower on Friday evening in honor of Miss Louise Kelley whose marriage takes place on Saturday. The young guests, ï¬fteen in all, were former schoolmates of Miss Kelley when she attemï¬d the Aur- ora High School. The King City branch of the Women’s Institute, has voted that the sum of $25.00 be paid to the Langdon Coach Lines, as their don- ation towards defraying the expen- se; of the children who go to their swimming lesson at Thornhill twice weekly by the Langdon bus. Miss Maud Crossley has been vis- iting in Toronto for ten days. Mrs. Price Brown of Ottawa, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Louise Dinnick, returned to her home last week. A. E. Hobson, Suzanne Grew and Norma. Wells. At the same time Mrs. Jenkinson with her helpers, Rev. M. R. Jenâ€" kinflson, Mrs. McKay and Miss Hel- en Hunter had charge of 36 child- ren of 6 to 8 years Who were seat- ed at tables in the All Saints‘Au- glican Church basement, making stained glass windows ouWof card- board and tissue paper. The child- ren'were very quiet and very busy on this important job. - Then up at Crawford Wells hall, Mr. David Wotherspoon and Miss Carol Mutch had 42 older and noxs- ier fellows and girls drawing maps of the district, and then having the children draw pictures on the maps of all the churches from Temper- anceville to Strange. Some of the boys wanted to include every turn, and wiggle and bump on the road. One morning this ‘week we look- ed in at the United Church where 26 little pre-school boys and girls were getting ready for games on the lawn with Mrs. M. Gella’tely all prepared to throw the balls for them. Mrs G. Tetley is in charge of the pre-school group and her as- sistants are‘Mrsc I. L. Scott, Mrs. A. E. Hobson, Suzanne Grew and their relatives near Stouff'rille, and many friends around Snowball. The old Hutchinson farm is the Ev- ersley Farm now owned by Mr. W. A McLennan. Mr. and Mrs. Hut- chinson both attended Eversley School. There are 104 children attend- ing the Daily Vacation Bible School, and they are having a real- ly good time these two weeks. They will miss the classes and the fun when they graduate at the end of this week. The main theme is to teach the children what a church is, how churches work and how chur- ches care for the people. ‘Last Thursday evening Mrs. "Wilâ€" fred Anderson of Oakville enter- tained at her home, the guest of honor being Miss Louise Kelley, whose marriage to Mrs. Anderson’s brother, Mr. E. F. Wilson, takes place on Saturday. Mrs. Anderson was a classmate of Miss Kelley, when they were nurses in training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, and the guests Were 24 members of the same class who graduated together. In remem- brance of their student days they presented Miss Kelley with a Dun- can Fyfe style coffee table. Dr. David Pinkerton who has been serving as an Anglican miss- ionary in the Peace River, is hav- ing a holiday in England. When Dr. Pinkerton lived in King, his home was the building now occu- pied by the King City Bakery. glican Church in Canada when he has preached at All Saints Church. Capt. Taylor was the groom and Miss Dorothy Warden the bride. Miss Warden has been a mission- ary in India for several years, but she and Capt. Taylor will make their home at Church Army Head- quarters on Brunswick Avenue, Toronto. The ‘wedding was per- formed at St. John’s Church, West Toronto, and the officiating clergy- man \yas the rector, Rev. C. D. Cross, assisted by Canon Sunter. The church was ï¬lled and among the guests were six canons of the church. - On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tetley were present at a wedding of interest to King people, who have met Capt. Raymond Tay~ 101' of the Church Army of the Anâ€" Capt.. Taylor preached at All Saints Church here two weeks ago, as substitute for Rev. D. C. H. Mi- chell who is on holiday. )xbow, Mani tives and fnen ave called on CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT. and Mrs. Bert Hutchinson otored from their farm in Manitoba, to visit their rel- md friends near King. They illed on Miss Fisher and ousins, the Tawse family, latives near Stouh‘ville, and friends around Snowball. KENG CITY NEWS Phone King 55R14 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Tel. Richmond Hill 490 Nights and Holidays Telephone Thornnill 207R6 llllllll\llll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmmml‘lllllllllll‘ CONTRACTOR FOR CONCRETE OR STEEL SEPTIC TANKS ALSO FLOORS & SIDEWALKS LAID AND DRAINS DUG There were 464 persons checked at the chest X-ray Mobile Cll‘mC held in King on July 17. Many families came in a group to be X- rayed. The local ladies who relp- ed the attendants were: from Las- kay, Mrs. Laurie Boys, Miss W. Boys, Mrs. N. Etheridge and Mrs. N; Egan. From Temperanceville, Mrs. Gordon Baldwin, Mrs. Mc- Lure, Mrs. Palmer. From King: Mesdames J. L. Grew, G. Wells, H. Folliott, G. Brown, Ratclifl'e, G. Hately and Miss Kay Clark. ford pieced the quilt, which was made up in an attractive pattern with green being the predominating color. The ladies had held several quilting bees at Miss Jessie Gell- ately’s home to get it ready for the carnival. The quilt brought in about $50.00 to the W.I. through the sale of tickets, and at the car‘- nival Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. T. L. Williams were in charge of the ticket selling boobh. Previous to her marriage on July 14, Mrs. Patrick McGeean, nee McCormick, was the guest of honor at several functions. Her sister, Mrs. Fred Conron' of New- tonbrook, held the trousseau tea at her home. The graduating class of 25 young nurses of St. Michael’s Hospital School of Nursing held a linen shower at the home'of Miss Ursula Thomson in Toronto. At King, Miss Joan McCormick and Mrs. M. Noel were hostesses atia miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Harriet McCormick. About twenty ladies were present. The groom was also entertained by his friends who presented him with an electric razor at a stag party held at the home of Andy Mc- Cormick, 5th Line, King. , An invitation has been received by Kingscraft Guild, from the Canadian Handicrafts Guild of Ontario to send hostesses for a day to the C.N.E. to represent the King group. They were also inâ€" vited to send exhibits of work. Perhaps next year they will be ready to take part with a display. Miss Alison Hobson is working at the Bluewater Bible Conference at Waï¬aceburg for the summer, and reports that she is enjoying her work. CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP Mr. and Mrs. M. McGraw, ErIa and Tony of Aurora were guests at the McGeean-McCormick wed- ding which took place at Sacred Heart Church 1ast week. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Lamb of Toronto were present also. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burns and Miss Betty Burns of Montreal were recent visitors of Mr. Burn’s sister, Mrs.‘J. L. Grew and Mr. Grew. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryson' and their daughters, Mrs. J. Fletohqr and Miss Jean Bryson are enjoy- ing a trip out west. They will up motoring as far as the coast and will not return until the opening of school. Miss Bryson is a tea- cher at Richvale School and Mrs. Fletcher teaches at Maple. Miss Eleanor Cummings and Miss Merle Cummings of Toronto called on Mrs. Winters recently. umuul\umuumumumllm\mumuuummum“mumuumumummv 'Dhe infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lawlor was christened at Sac- red Heart Church recently by Rev, Francis McGooey. The baby’s name is Louis Paul. ‘ The young people’s group of f1": Laskay United Church enjoyed a weiner roast recently. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Glass have motored to the Paciï¬c Coast and will be away Afor most of the sum- mer. They were accompanied by Mrs. Glass’ niece Mrs. H. McCagnc and Mr. McCague of Richmond Hill Marie May Mulliette, 116 Glen- wood Crescent, Toronto, is spend< ing the summer with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levison at Temperanceville. She is attend- ing the vacation school with her cousin and is enjoying it very much. Phone 48R25 Richmond Hill FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION N. DOLSON The WA. and W.M.S. had their Secretary-treasurer, Mr. W monthly meeting at the home of ner King R. R. .3. Any an Mrs. C. Beynon. The scripture most greatly appreciated. was read by Mrs. Steven Steward- . o u . son and was' followed by prayer. Marie Mumette is Spend Mrs. W. Jennings read an article vacation on the farm with] on the theme the “House on the sins, the Levison children Rock.†Many beautiful verses per- * * * ,. taining to faith were the answer Lihda Lloyd, daughmr to the rcll call by the members 7 . present: Miss Mabel Jennings was and Mrs' AUbrey Llobd l a visitor at the meeting. tloning among her relatives .ul-£..€&" The totaJ receipts from the strawberry supper amounting to $35.47 is to be turned over to the building fund of the church. The Woman’s Association is holding a pie and ice cream social 'at the home of the president, Mrs. W. Jennings on July 30. Mrs. M. McClure, Miss Margaret Beynon and Mr. W. Jennings will be in charge of the entertainment for the evening. This is another effort on the part of the ladies to raise funds to be used towards the building fund. Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to having a large crowd. The oil furnace has been our- chased and is in the basemenr. of the church, ready for instalring. Anyone who wishes to contribute toward the expenses of the work done in the church forward dona- tion to “The Building Fund of the Temperancevflle United Church" Mr. George Roughton of Wick- cliffe, Ohio, grandfather of Mrs. Robert Arbuthnot and Mr. and Mrs. John Sikes from Lynd‘nurst, Ohio, and daughter Florence, spent the week-end with Mrs. R. Arbuth- not, homeward bound 1mm Mont- real and Quebec City. Mr. Rough- ton is 83 years old and expects to return for the Exhibition on Labor CORRESPONDENT â€"â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yongehurst Rd. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R C1551! TRUCKS N EW ECONOMY â€" Chevrolet’s famous valve-in-head engines that breathe more easily through improved carburetion. mani~ folding and exhaust system. They’re the smartest looking trucks on the road â€" feature for feature you can’t beat the leader â€" Chevrolet Trucks. They’re Canada’s overwhelming favourite for every kind of operation and why not . . . NEW SAFETY â€"with the new twin-action self-energizing hydraulic brakes. NEW COMFORT â€" with the new No-Draft Ventipanes plus improved driver seat con- struction with "tilt-back†action. ¢ , y / WW I I n , z TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS NORTH RICHVALE NEWS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 GARAGE connonw Miss Mabel Jennings who is now visiting in ‘this community has spent some two weeks of her va- cation at Hearst where she and he: sister, Mrs. Andrews of Aurora, motored to visit with Mrs. An- drew’s only daughter, Margaret. Linda Lloyd, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Aubrey Lloyd is vaca- tioning among her relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare motored to Fort Erie on Wednesday to vis- it Mr. and Mrs. Bruels (Fred's sis- ter and brother-in-law). They now operate a summer resort hotel near Fort Erie which they bought this spring. Marie Mulliette is spend vacation on the farm with Ir sins, the Levison children. We are very happy to report that George Gilham is convalescing favourably and is now at home with the family. Miss Millie Umehara is home on holidays from Hamilton where she is a member on the staff of the Institute for the Blind. Day. Mrs. A. Ryder and Mrs. M. Holmes visited with Mrs. Kelly of Toronto on Thursday last. A plastic demonstration was held' at the home of Mrs. Bill Adams Jr. on Thursday afternoon. Refresh- ments were served. KIN( Wx////% / M. A. WILSON WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES Window Frames For Brick and Frame Construction Cellar Frames Sash Storm Windows Cï¬eck Rail Sash Casement Sash Door Frames Colonial Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction Octagon Window Frames and Sash " Combination Doors â€" screen and glazed Screen Doors and Window Screens Mc-WD 9 Diesel Tractor - Super C Tractor C Tractor A Tractor Cub Tractor 22 In. Thresher 6 Ft. Combine. engine drive Tractor Fertilizer Drili. 15 marker, single disc, double disc. steel wheels and rubber tired Horse Fertilizer Drill, 13 single disc, steel wheel Tractor Cultivator, 7 ft., 8% ft., 10 ft. [ Heavy Spring Tooth and Regular Tractor Discs, 7 ft. and 8 ft. Tractor Plows, 2, 3 and 4 furr0w, steel and rubber tires Manure Spreaders, tractor and horse Harrow Plows, 6 and 10 disc Milk Cooler. 6 and 8 can size ' Wagons. rubber tired Hammer Mill No. 6 Side Rake. 3-bar Beatty Manure Carriers, Shallow well and deep well ‘ and sump pumps Horse Mowers, Horse Manure Spreaders Ensilage Harvester Cultivators 7 Ft. Binders Farmall H Tractor NEW MACHINES [IN HAND AUBREY NICOL ELGIN MILLS Telephone Richmond Hill 134r31 USED MACHINERY W / //A ///2 ONT- Ontario Lime Spreader ‘2 Furrow Plow W6 Tractor Cub Tractor 10 Ft. Rake