Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Aug 1951, p. 10

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GOATS. H. Robertson, Brooke- lide Road, Elgin Mills. c1w6 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $150.00, terms; used electric range $45.00; uged washer $69.50; rangette spec- ial type, can use oven and top el- ements at the same time, like new, $39.50, terms. Paris Auto Supply Ltd., phone 86 Richmond Hill. ch6 " amei finish any colour of tapes, ee estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverae phone charges. ,. tfc32 come and choose your own from the garden. Hughes Glad Gar- aens, Ruggles Ave., off No. 7 High- Way, Langstafl", phone Thornh=ll 2961214. *4w3 ICIFETIME all metal Veneti§1 Blinds. aluminum or steel baked FRESH PICKED every day rasp- Benies, red and black currants. Orders taken bfore 9.30 am. pre- férred. W. Cox, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. Phone Richmond Hill 221R. tfc2 MAPLE FINISHED bedroom suite, 2 dressers, 2 3’3” beds, can be used raineg or as bunks, side and ladder, springs and mattresses, good clean condition. Phone Richmond Hill 827J. ‘1w6 LESSOTANE 4-burner stove, auto- ‘matic control oven and grill, used ;only 6 months, clean, splendid con- .dition, reasonably priced at $90. 'Can be seen at 73 Pemberton Ave., Willowdale. c1w6 GLADIOLI BLOOMS, fresh cut, iarriage, excelient condition, $50. "Apply David McLean Ltd., Thorn- lhill, Ont. c2w6 ‘pump, tank, automatic control, complete; Stewart-Warner radio, mantel; arm chairs, leather, 147 ;Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill. ‘FURNAQJE Beach Senator, 2 years old, complete with all pipes $60. Forced draft system also available inc. room thermostat and limit con- trol $30 extra. Phone Thornhill 273 R2. c1w6 ONE SHALLOW WELL electric SELECTRIC Refrigerator, good con- dition, 6 cu. ft, new motor, reas- onable. Apply 109 Lucas Street, Richmond Hill or phone 436R. c1w6 ROUGH & DRESSED Lumber 2x45 6c per foot. Sheeting from $50 per M up. Timbers etc., sawed to or- raer. Taylor’s Sawmill, Richmond «Hill 463, Aurora 84R32. *2w4 z§0 PER CENT OFF on 49-50 Ford seat covers, top quality, a limited number only. Baker’s Sales and lService, Richvale. c1w6 (RE MINNEAPOLIS Honey-Well Electric Janitor, good as new. Ap- ply 76 Roseview Avenue or phone 319W Richmond Hill after 5 pm. - c1w6 “good heelers and watch dogs. Wil- bert Crook. Phone Maple 57r13. " *1W6 RABBITS. Apply George Elgin Mills sideroad west. BINDER, M.H., 7 foot cut, in good order. J. W. Palmer, phone Rich- mond Hill 5221‘32. c1w6 PTANO and large size Quebec heat- er, both in good condition. Phone 241M Richmond Hill. *1w6 DSED REFRIGERATORS, recon- djitioned and guaranteed, $100.00 5nd up. Apply Chalk Refriggrg- “'i‘YPEWRITER, Underwood. 12 in. 'COLLIE PUPS, seven weeks old, WILL TRADE: 2 Saanen Kids for 2 young pigs or sell $15 each. 1 Nanny for trade or sale $25. Phone Maple 49R32. *1w6 don King 26R5. CANNING MACHINE, hand or inotor power, only slightly used. 3am Tominson, Markham Road & Lennox Ave. *1w6 RED'RIVER Special Thresher, 28 :46, good shape, $750. Apply J. A. Gillham, 7th con. King, phone King 411'5. c1w6 WASHING’ MACHINE, practically new, $90.00. Phone 402R2 Thorn- hill. c1w6 POTATO SPRAYER, like new, with carrot and parsnip sprayer ozzles. Apply Harvey Mashin- __er, King 3R13. "1w6 I: CLASSIFIEDW 4.â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" PHILCO Refrigerator, used only two months, will sell at a big re- QUctlon. Phone 102R32 Richmond Hill. c1w6 io THE LIBERAL, Richmond mu, Thurs., August 9, 1951 CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 406 IF CHARGED. 4‘: Per word, min- charge, all insertions . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 5% CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, ‘ DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE 50c Classified advertisements should bet if as early in the week as possible LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE BIKEâ€"twitter than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES White, c1w6 "' 1W6 tfc44 AVON PRODUCTS offers wonder- ful earning opportunity to smart energetic woman in Richmond Hill, easy pleasant work. For personal interview write or phone Mrs. F. Walker, 809 Indian Road, Toronto, MU. 8708. *2w6 TRUCKERS urgently needed for steady work hauling from sand pit. Phone Maple 94 or apply to Super- ior Sand, Gravel and Supplies Ltd., Maple, Ont. c1w6 maids, to live in; boys privatla school, Toronto also a kitchen help- er. Phone Maple 144W. c1w6 DINING ROOM HOUSEKEEPER or elderly couple to keep house for 2 weeks com- mencing September 1. Apply Rich- mond Hill 451-22. c1w6 EXPERIENCED gracery, shelf & stock clerk. I.G.A. Market, Thorn- hill. c1w6 WOMAN for general ceaning. Le- dies Golf and. Tennis Club, phone Thornhill 60. c1w6 WOMAN for day work in Thorn- hill. Phone 270 Thornhill. c1w6 3 HP. BOLENS Garden Tractor, and implements; 600 x 16 tires, wheels and tubes, axle for trailer. Phone Willowdale 2952. c1w6 '6 H.P. EMPIRE Garden Tractor, and implements. P. C. Bxgwn, Clarke Ave., Doncaster, phone 191 r21 Thornhill. , *1w6 REDUCED for immediate sale. $18,900 or best offer. White stucco, 6 room custom built bungalow. Three-quarter acre, select district, close to schools and transportation, large living room, stone fire-place, 2 tile bathrooms, many extras. Phone Thornhill 366.]. c1w6 Thornhill 168. DUFFERKIN-WILSON 50x100 ft. lot, dry and level, east side of Duf- ferin. Present low rate $12.00 per foot. Thornhill 3901‘13. c1w6 HOUSE, reasonable, new 4-room bungaow now being completed. John Johnston, Aubrey Ave., lst road south of Windmill Inn, Oak Ridges. c1w6 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, 1949 DODGE 3-ton Special, 14 ft. IStake, stock racks, excellent condi- tion. Phone 365R12 Richmond Hill. *2w4 4‘8 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, green, white wall tires, visor, heater and defroster, good running condition, $1,350. Apply G. N. Grinnell. 8A Yonge Street S. Richmond Hill or phone 613. *1w6 frontage on Yonge. Phone Rich- mond Hill 102R13 mornings only. tfcw4 1935 HUDSON, $50, family car, takes family to start it. G. Taylor, 72 Mill Road Richvale. *1w6 1940 DODGE SEDAN, fair condi- tion $400 or best offer. Phone 288w Richmond Hill. c1w6 1936 FORD SEDAN, heater, radio, snow tires, very good condition. Knight, Yonge & Steeles Corners, 4th house west side. Terms arrang- ed. *1w6 Iii-4‘8 STUDEBAKER 3-TON Dump Truck, actual mileage 1‘0,- 000, excellent condition. Jones Coal 00., Richmond Hill phone 188. clw6 1933 OLDS COUPE Model 660, serial 44581, will be sold within 21 days if owner fails to pay repair and storage charges. Carl Mab- ley, 1‘11 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, phone Richmond Hill 347M. *3w6 LOTS FOR SALE, easy terms. Phone 37 King. Call evenings ex- cept Saturday. c2w6 CHOICE‘LOT FOR SALE, 100 ft. 1â€"936 DODGE SEDAN, good condi- tion, price reasonable. Apply R. Campbell, Boyle Drive, Langstaff. c1w6 1948 CHEVROLET, Stylemaster Sedan, perfect condition. Owner has moved and left car with me to sell. Make offer. Knight, 4th house north of Steele’s on Yonge Street west side. *1w6 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thomhill 168 tfcll USED CARS AND TRUCKS HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IMPLEMEN TS FOR SALE and dormitory tfc46 GOOD HOME on large farm for pure bred Red Setter, likes to hunt, disposition being ruined by being on a leash from June till Septem- ber. Est; one dollar’s worth of meal a week. Three year old, rais- ed by czvner, visiting privileges de- sired. King 9713‘. cle DOUBLE DISCS for Ford Tractbi J. M. Cruickshank, R. R. 2 Gorm- ley, phone Unionville 3034. c1w6 TOOL BENCH with vise, 2 4 ft. Phone McKay 354R mond Hi1]. ‘ BLACK AND CREAM German Shepherd, full grown, answers to name Brenda. Any information please phone Richmond Hill 656r3, or King 65r31. c1w6 DRESSMAKING, alterations and repairs, sewing of all kinds. Mrs. George Taylor, 67 Hunt Ave., phone Richmond Hill 576W. *1w6 4 CUBIC ET. Comtete Mixer, non- tilt. Calibrated water supply with hose connection. Feed Hopper. On rubber. $7.50 per day. Also Craftsman’s SkiLSaw $2.50 per day. Phone Richmond Hill 528J or 288W. tch41 WORK for reliable woman, Tues- day through Friday, 9-4, house- work considered. Phone T-hornhill 311W. c2w4 or elderly people. Phone Richmond Hill 307J. c2w6 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS with bath, separate entrance, possession September 1. Phone 355R Rich- mond Hill. c1w6 NEW HOUSE, 8 rooms, fully mod- ern, brick, air conditioned, furnish- ed or unfurnished, oak floors throughout, Oak Ridges, 65r5 King. J, B. Topper. c1w6 BABY SITTING, care of invalids THREE ROOMS, one bedroom fur- nished, young couple preferred. Apply to Box 10 The Liberal Office Richmond Hill. c1w6 F. BROOM, Haulage, Sand and Gravel. Phone Maple 4R2. c2w6 ment mixer rentals. Phone 226R5 Richmond Hill. c3w6 SAND, gravel, crushed stone and fill. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hi‘l 384.1. th43 SAND AfiD GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 PAINTING and paperhar.ging, first class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 6.1 or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. *43w32 CEMENT MIXER for rent, gaso~ line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll TWO-ROOMED COTTAGE, fur- nished if required. Hydro and wat- er provided. No children please. P. 0. Box 239. l‘klwd. GENERALiHAULING, Sand and Gravel. C. W. Cook, phone Rich- mond Hill 481'24. *3w6 CALL P. M. TONNER for Clean, fine work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharp- ened; window screens and doors. Phone 498R Richmond Hill, 32 Richmond St. SWANHOLM KENNELS, board your dog there while on vacation. Phone Richmond Hill 46R2. Pick up and deliver. tfc48 CUSTOM FARM PLOWING, cul- tivating, tilling and discing. M. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. *30w41 NILE TILE C0. Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar~ anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. *3w52tfc SEPTIC TANK FORMS and ce- ROOM AND BOARD for one or more: Apply Sam Tomlinson, Markham and Lennox Ave., Rich- mond Hifl. c1w6 CONCRETE AND DRAINS, septic tank form rentals. J. Bailey Rich- mond Hill 226R5. I"1W6 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired, work done by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Map. 1e 62R21. tfc43 EINBODEN & SON concrete conâ€" tractors, septic tanks, drains, floors. Phone Richmond Hill 364 R5. Will. 466. c26w40 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED TO RENT t19w39 ft. x Rich- c1W6 Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned for the position of caretaker of Char- les Howitt School, Pearson Avenue, duties to commence September 1. Address applications to Secretary, Township School Area No. 1, Markham and Vaughan, Thornhill, Ontario Get our practical advice. It’s free. Time payments arranged. We_ sell Plumbing, Heating and Hardware Supplies Oxford St. Richmond Hill 285M Est. Toronto 1913 Plumbing & Heating Contractor Repairs, Alterations, Remodelling LADY’S BROOCH, in Richmond Hill. Any information please phone Clara Mason, phone 236 Richmond Hill. clwb' BRAY HATCHERY can give im- mediate delivery on pullets, day- Qld and started. -Also mixed day- old chicks. Attractive summer pri- ces. Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill. c1w6 Tenders will be received up to 5 pm. Saturday, August 4, 1951, for the erection of a one room pub- lic school in S. S. No. 1 Whitchurch (Hartman’s Corners). Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Architect Herbert Horner, 259 Inglewood Drive. Tor- onto, Oht. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HERBERT HORNER, It.” Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tn: GIRLS RED WALLET, contain- ing sum of money, Rumble, Ben- son, or Yonge North of Wright. Any information please phone Richmond Hill 41-0W. *1w6 CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton Oak Ridges Poultry Grading étation. Phone King 59R14. tfcl7 SAT., AUG. 11 â€" Auction Sale at the new Stoufiville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, neifâ€" ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is your commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell LIGHTER, lady’s initialed, vicinity north end bus stop, Sunday. Rt.- ward. Phone 389W Richmond Hill. *1w6 HOUSE, north of Toronto. Write Lyon, Doncaster P.O. c1w6 R. E. DAWSON BUNGALOW, 4 or 5 rooms, by de- sirable tenants, references provid- ed. Apply A. Dumais, Box 119 Richvale, Ont. *2w6 FOR ERECTION OF SCHOOL SALE REGISTERS Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 CAMPBELL MINK DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK EGG GRADING STATION Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104J Woodbridge Wholesale &( Retail all year round Special prices and arrange- menés fqr people who pick them up. CARETAKER WANTED OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM also LIVESTOCK WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT POULTRY WANTED TENDERS EGGS” LOST Architect. STOP 21 YONGE ST. $1.10 per hr.. 4% vacation pay Hughes-Richards Limited Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCachen and Mrs. McCachen’s sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Gillham of Detroit, left last Mon- day for a two weeks trip by motor, their first stop was to be Mani- toulin Island. The hotel will be closed until August 11. Mrs. Fred Saunders and her guest Mrs. Oakley and Eric, and Mrs. R. MacIntosh and the twins Ian and Barry, visited friends at the lake last Thursday. SHOWROOM OPEN EVENINGS R.D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. ‘ Ford & Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 174. RICHMOND KILL III-IIIIIIIIIQIIII Mr. J. Temple of London, Eng. land, was a guest of the Stephen- sons at the Prom concert last Thursday, when the Summer School choir led by Dr. Roy Fen- wick and accompanied by the Tor- onto Philharmonic Orchestra sang. Miss Anne Stephenson and Miss Rosemary Howie of Aurora were members of this choir. Mr. Tem- ple played with a British military band for twelve years. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cole and Mrs. Cole’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J; Temple visited Lake Simcoe last Thursday, enjoying the drive around the Lake Shore and their first view‘of some of Canada’s fine summer resorts. Major and Mrs. John Topper are occupying their home at Oak Rid- ges during the summer vacation. Major Topper is on the staff at Timmins High' School. He has been instructing at Petawawa durâ€" Black, Whitewall Tires Fully Equipped, Radio, Overdrive, 9,000 miles â€" Demonstrator Mr. Dan Cook who has the con- tract to build the new school at the Lake, says he expects to have it ready for occupancy by the middle of September. Mr. and Mrs. John Durham re- cently returned from a very en- joyable holiday at Sunset Lodge, Port Elgin, had as their guests last week Toronto cousins, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Pountnay and Mrs. W. H. Corbett. Week-end guests were Mrs. Howard Cane of Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cane Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Case also were recent visitors. The Bingos sponsored by the Ratepayers Association which are put on in the Community Hall are proving very popular. Last Thurs- day night Mrs. Muriel LaBelle won the jackpot that had been running for several weeks, amounting to $49.30. The committee in charge of the hinges is George Gourlay, Bill Hope, Earl Seale, Walter Bor- den and Johnny Borden. Mr. Stan. Hughes suffered a heart attack last Thursday while employed at Stunden’s Garage and died instantly. He had been mix- ing cement and fell into the mor- tar box. Mrs. Hughes is left with two children. Burial took place from Thompson’s Funeral Home on Saturday. This is the same fam- ily who lost all their possessions last winter when Stunden’ Garage was burned. They were occupy- ing an apartment over the garage. WIRING LINE WORK Phone Richmond Hill 589r11 STUART PAXTON fill-IIIIIIII'IIIII RELIABLE USED CARS 1950 FORD DELUXE COACH small mileage, clean car CONSTRUCTION LABOURERS WANTED OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS 1948 FORD V; TON PANEL 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Pearson Ave. School Job 1948 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH 1935 CHEVROLET COACH 1937 DODGE SEDAN 1951 FORD CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE Don’t Miss This One Electrician CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON new motor Telephone King 97R3l ing July. Flight Cadet Blain Topâ€" per was home for the week-end, with the family. He is stationed at Centralia. Miss Helen Topper is spending this week with Toron- to friends, at their summer home on the Severn River. Several trips have been taken this last month, first to Petawawa, and then to Port Burwell and another to HuntSVille. Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM County of York PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv- en that a Court of Revision of the Supplementary Assessment Roll for the Township of Markham will be held in the Council Chamber, Unionville, on Saturday, August 25, 1951, at 10 a.m., to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the Supplementary Assess- ment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the year 1951. All parties interested are requested to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. All of the above cars and trucks guaranteed for 30 days. E Patchéll gavé a party for the wedding guests after the reception on Friday night. A large number of relatives, friends and neighbors attended the funeral on Monday of Mr. John Bull, who died last Friday after a short illness. Mr. B‘ull was the fa- ther of Mr. Richard Bull, a former trustee of Oak Ridges School. Rel- atives were present from Winnipeg, Camp Borden, Wiarton, Guelph and Vineland. .Mr. George McEwan, C. L. Stephenson, Ed. Wood, and Leonard Dion, Harry Turrin, Fred Cummins, were pallbearers. Rev. erend A. R. Park of Aurora Bap- tist Church conducted the service at Thompson’s F eral Home and interment was ma. e in the Aurora cemetery. Mrs. Wm. Johnston has returned to her home in Toronto after spend- ing nearly three years with her daughter Mrs. Leonard Harnden. She broke her hip three years ago and has required constant care, but has now recovered enough that she can return home. Entertaining for Mrs. Robert Ed- mund Patchell before her marriage last week was her aunt Miss Ruth Rose, a. miscellaneous shower; Miss Edna. Marines, a. miscellaneous shower, at the home of Mrs. Law- son, Miss June Murphy a. pantry shower. Friends of the groom held a stag on Thursday night, and the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Miss Ruth Henderson and her Sunday School class of senior pu- pils from the Sunshine Sunday School, Oak Ridges, fi’travelled to Niagara Falls by Langdon’s bus for their annual outing. Dated at Unionville, August 7, 1951. 1941 FARGO V2 TON EXPRESS $450.00 1941 DIAMOND T 2% TON CAB AND CHASSIS Mrs. Herbert English entertained some of her neighbors on Lakeland Avenue last Friday to meet Mrs. J. Temple, 3. recent arrival with her husband from London, Eng. Buick, Pontiac, G.M.C. Trucks Phone 488 Elgin Mills Phone 653 1946 FARGO 1 TON EXPRESS in vet); good condition 30 day guarantee Bradshaw Motors Court of Revision USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1931 CHEVROLET COACH Clerk, Township of Markham 1948 PONTIAC COACH with radio and heater 30 day guarantee 1934 PONTIAC COACH in exceptional condition in running conditioa 1938 FORD COACT $250.00 1940 FORD COACH $525.00 QUALITY CHARLES HOOVER, $1,295.00 $295.00 $795.00 $400.00 $95.00 LTD. tires Perkins Farm & Home Equipment 23 MARKHAM RD. PHONE 21W RICHMOND HILL new bod: «lily- Myvhfle. lupin". 1mm Ioodl uny- ‘hrv on I“ 5 in- lidl turf-«II Add INTERNATIONAL NARVES'I'ER Our-All hull-g PHONE KING 100 3 DELIVERIES DAILY â€" 10 a.m. â€" 2 p.m. â€" 4 p.m. FROM ANY STORE IN THE DISTRICT T0 RICHVALE â€" RICHMOND HILL â€" ELGIN MILLS SHOPPING SERVICE We Do Not Sell The ‘Most 80 We Try To Sell The Best CARTAGE LONG’S PARCEL DELIVERY CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH CARS FARGO TRUCKS ‘ JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Bond Lake Garage WHITE ROSE GAS & OILS Menu dry noon. «00' Don I with nun-n moi-run on “ht DrLVlall (Iiiu' RICHMOND HILL 321J GOODYEAR TIRES 195', 7 CU. F‘I'. MODEL 70 loâ€"ldu Orr-flu No Inns-no belu- no opm moving pun. Nevmliully veiled unu; quit! u KITCHEN-SIZE FREEZER HOLDS m or MEALS SAVES Way; or SHOPPING "minaret. ROBERTS’ RADlAl STATION Pits small bomc or lputment kitthcnnl Takes only 28 by 4‘ in. space! Now. bring all (ht minute-quick :onvenirnce of froxen foods-suing: Ind luteâ€"delightsâ€" right into your kitchen. Shop on: a week . . . cook double, triple portion; . . . store for meals in minutesnnylimc! Other M sixes: 11.1 and 15.8 tuft. { 4/ tom in and m it today! AL FREEZER you need '5" din-n; of meals. ' O Fnuu moan, fruits, vouulcblu, olhu food‘ . . . buy in quantify. 0 Froun cabs, pin, I9de . . . com. pl". moo]: . . . ready to hm, unm. O Pruorvu ununul food: at low pvitol, 0h. nay hon" way. 0 Factory pro-u! to idocl Camper-9w. for your 'round Ironing. O 245 lb.¢c_IEadgy. “"0!” syn-whiny With Table Top and All Thou “BIG FREEZER" Advantages; PHONE I77 LIGHT MOVING OAKRIDGES

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