B THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 9, 1951 YERN GRIFFIN - THORNHILL - PHONES 13 of 331 Groceries - Meats - Dry Goods - Pratt 8 Lambert Paints'(Wholesale § Retail) 0 No Charge For Our Delivery Service 0 Thornhill, Ont. FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"IiEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" s E E _â€" Maple The Don Valley Conservation Authority Suggests to the residents of the Don Valley Watershed area that their wasteland can also produce a crop â€" A CROP ()F TREE91N PERPETUITY. A forest area controls erosion, regulates water flow, supplies a home for birds and wildlife, creates a recreational area and increases the general value of' the land WRITE NOW for an application form to the Reforesta- tion Division of the Ontario Departmerï¬ of L‘ands and Forests, uvu u......y.. v- -.. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. These forms must be re- ceived by the Reforestation Division before August 15th in or- der to obtain tree seedlings for delivery next spring. These tree seedlings are supplied FREE for reforestation purposes. Please do not apply for tree seedlings for hedges or other or- namental purposes. THORNHILL 12 Our years of experience and thorough knowledge of your district enable us to provide an unparalleled service in all types of real property. ‘Fifteen telephones in our offices keep us in touch with all the markets daily. Six hundred signs now covering the areas as far north as Orillia are one small indication of our activity. We pi'ide ourselves on our sold signs. You have no doubt seen one on your neigh- bour’s property. Salesmen from fourteen communities work from our centrally located suite of oï¬ices at the pulse of the suburban real estate world. Prompt, courteous, eï¬'icient, conï¬aential attention given to all enquiries. OFFICES OPEN DAILY 8.30 A.M. TO 9 RM. MEL‘. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL SERVICE TO ALL APPLIANCES REAL ESTATE Are You Interested .7 FOR 0|L- BURNER CHECK OVER AND FURNACE CLEAN-OUT â€"â€" CALL â€"â€" Tanquiy Oil-Burner Sales & Service Phone THORNHILI. 434 ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? COMPLETE STOCK 0F PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 ‘P.M.. ENGLISH TRAINED MECHANICS PLANT MORE TREES David McLean Limited MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD HEAD OFFICE THORNHILL John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. FESS, AERO, DELHI BLOWERS, KANGO ELECTRIC HAMMERS Conserve what AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE BUYING 0R SELLING â€" DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE! My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s gafnefs) See Love For Lovely Lumber ARTHUR J. WELLS is yours, the Don Valley Watershed. For Telepho’ne Thornhill 350 Tdephone Maple 99 WA. 4338 Thornhill Area Recreation Com. In spite of the weather approx- imatelyrthirtyâ€"ï¬ve teen-agers ga- thered at the swimming pool on Friday evening, July 27, to take part in the teen-age party sponsor- ed by the committee. Everyone enjoyed themselves; the swimming races were “lots of fun" and the ï¬lms on swimming were educatiom 8.1 as well as entertaining. Cokes and doughnuts were served later in the Scout Hut. The swimming meet will take place on August 23 and anyone in the area may enter and compete for the trophies. Should it rain on the 23rd the competitions will 9 held on the 24th. On Sunday, July 28, at Thornâ€" hill United Church, Deborah Jeanne infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Byer, was baptized at the United Church The Carrville United Church con- gregation is cordially invited to at- tend church services in Thornhill United Church as Carrville church is closed :for the month of August while Rev. E. E. Kent is on holi- days. The service is at 11 am. each Sunday morning. 7Wflwxam. .. Mr. Fred Evringham and family of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood. Mr. E. G. Perring is home from the hospital and coming along ï¬ne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton visited on Saturday evening in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Kenny. Mr. Art Harrison of Toronto spent Sunday with the Barton fam- ily. ' ' Mrs. Ralph Risebrough and MiSS Linda Risebrough of Toronto spent Wednesday with Mrs. E. Bone. Con. and Mrs. Ernest Bone :had tea on Sunday evening with Mrs. Bone's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rich of Lansing. During these last two weeks, which were Mr. Bert Middleton’s holidays, ,vour correspondent, hus- )and and family have had :1 won» derful trip to Niagara Falls, and travelled on to Fort Erie to see the Old Fort and its Museum. Shown through by a guide, this was mos» interesting. From there we came back to Queenston Heights to see Brock’s Monument, and Marion and Robert climbed the steps to the tap of‘the monument. Returning to Niagara Falls we had dinner at the Refectory and stayed to see the illumination of the falls which many of our readers know is a most beautiful sight. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howe of Tor- onto visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lamb of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Farrow of Newcastle, Ontario, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family. Mrs. J. Clement and a group of friends had a lovely trip to Mid- land and on to see the Martyrs Can-ville Girls Entertain The members of the Canrville Girls Club entertained their moth- ers and other ladies of the neigh- bourhood at the home of their lead- er, Mrs. J. McEwen, on Monday evening. Due to the absence of the president, Miss Evelyn McCarthy, Miss Marion Middleton was asked to preside and Miss Nancy Kyle was secretary. Following the sing- ing of the favourite hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,†Miss Mary Brennan read the scripture and all repeated the “Lord’s Pray- er.†Miss Kirk, the secretary, read minutes of several former meetings which were very interesting and the girls reported a bank account of over $150, so they’ have been a very busy group. One of the high- lights of_ the year was the turkey supper they sponsored which was held at Mrs. A. Read's home. Mrs. McEwen then read a most interesting reading and poem from “Streams in the Desert.†The reading was most helpful for these troublesome times and the poem seemed to tell us if we had a little more faith in God that the wuuu' troubles wouldn’t distress us quite as much as they do. Misses Mary and Carol Ann George sang a solo The ladies were asked to take part in some contests for which Mrs. R. Kirk and Mrs. W. Wynn received prizes. In another con- test Mrs. S. Wood and Miss Mary Read had most points. The ladies were invited to the dining room to be served a most delicious lunch. Miss E. Sheppard’poured tea and coffee. (ARRVILLE NEWS Com: Mrs Bert Middleton Telephone Map]. 1301-8 The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her at Thornhill 239J. - 11 am. service by the minister, the Rev. E. E. Kent. August 12 the Rev. "C. E. Fock- ler, B.A. of Markham will be the guest ministel’ at the morning ser- vice. ‘ On August 11 and 24 the Rev. Albert Lott will be in charge of the morning service. Rev. Lott who is blind, will talk on the “Life of Joseph†in two parts. The conâ€" gregation will remember the dra- matic recital Rev. Lott gave during the winter months on the “Book of Ruth†Which was so thoroughly en- joyed by all those present. Presbyterian Church The WA. and W.M.S. held their joint end-of-the-season picnic on Thursday, July 19 at the home of Mrs. Clifford, Doncaster. Many games were enjoyed but the Biggest part of the day was spent relaxing beside the river. Shrine near Port McNicholl on Sunday. ' Miss Lydia Haver of Toronto spent several days with Mrs. Fred Broom Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hough and sons Scott and Tommy are vacat- ioning at Home’s Point, Lake Sim- coe. Friends of Carrville United Church are asked to keep in mind the building project being under- taken by the congregation. It is proposed in the near future to go ahead with the construction of a basement for an addition to the church and equip it for immediate needs. The sponsors are sure they will have the whole-hearted support of the community in the undertak- ing, and we know they will not be disappointed. R. A. Kirk is chair: man of the Building Committee and Jack Oliver is secretary-treas- urer. The Carrirille Women’s Associa- tion met at the home of Mrs. J. Oliver, Richmond Hill, on Wed- nesday evening. There were ten members present, ‘also Mrs. C. Clarke, a former member and Mrs. L. Baker and Mrs. Hicks as visit- ors. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and family had dinner Sunday evening at Newmarket with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker and John, Vflfén Rob- ert Middleton celebrated his 11th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and family of Miami, Florida, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. D Perring. . Mr. Frank Evringham and dau- ghter of North Bay spent the week nd with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Woods. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Delbrocco on the birth of a son at Grace Hospital, August 6. Miss Evah Sheppard presided over the meeting. Following the opening exercises Mrs. S. Wood read the scripture and explanation entitled “Labourers in the Vine- yard.†Mrs. E. Lewis read a piece from “Streams in the Desert.†Mrs. Wm. George favoured with a piano selection. Following the reading of the minutes a discussion was held in regard to how much the W.A. could turn over right away to the new building project. The W.A. voted that $200 would be given now, and in the next two years to raise another $300. With faith and prayer and much work it is hoped to complete the church building as soon as possible. The meeting was brought to a close and a social half hour spent. Mrs. E.-Bone and Mrs. R. Middle- ton assisted the hostess Mrs. 01- iver with the refreshments. The September meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. J. Anderson, Bathurst Street on Wednesday, September 5. This will be an afternoon meeting. Lynn and Beverley Morris, chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. L. Morris, are home again after spending the month of July at “Pioneer Camp†near Port Sydney. The children report an excellent timei at camp. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirk spent the holiday week end with Mr. and The W. A. is having a corn and marshmallow roast in the front flats at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk on Friday evening, Aug- ust 24, at 8 p.m. to which all in the community are invited to at- tend and support. You will ï¬nd the charge very reasonable.. Miss Mary Read and Mrs. A. Middleton’are in charge of dm tions and Mrs. J. Oliver and Mrs. R. Kirk are the social convenors. Mrs. R. A. Kirk. The president, Mrs. Harper, assist- ed <‘heir hostess and later a. picnic lunch was served on the lawn. Nice weather and lovely surroundings helped to make this a lovely day and was enjoyed by all. The new arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Harley is a daugh- ter, Susan, a sister for Greg, Dav- id and Linda. Susan arrlved on Wednesday, July 18. New Arrival The friends of Mr. L. Denby will be interested in knowing that Mr. Denby is feeling much better these days_ after an attack of bronchial pneumonia. 7 Although he is still in bed he hopes to be up and around in the very near future. A speedy recovery is wished to Wendy Anstey who suffered a bro- ken leg in an accident near hm‘ home recently. Shower Many lovely gifts were received at a recent shower held in honour of Ada Mizen prior to her main riage on July 26. Mrs. L3. Russell, Mrs. J. Peacock and Mrs. Wm. Cole were the hostesses and they plan- ned a very entertaining evening. Miss Phyllis Waterson entertained with many songs; the guest of honour also rendered several 50102.. Miss Mizen’s many friends wish- ed her many years of happiness in her new life with her future hus- band Mr. Fred Rowe. " Mrs. Anthony Croutch and her daughter Margo have just returned from a ten day holiday at Temis- kaming, Que. , ‘ Trinity Church Those who listened to the reli- gious period which comes over CBC National Network at 2.30 p. m. every Sunday heard a broadcast from Trinity Church last Sunday afternoon with Rev. S. A. R. Wood and the church choir taking part. Mr. Eli Dennie of NobietOn spent a day recently visiting friends in our community. Mrs. Taylor and daughter Shir- ley of Oakville spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Bennett and Ray. Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and family, Miss Margaret Canning and Mr. Lloyd Canning spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyn- ton and family at their cottage, Port Bolster, Lake Simcoe. The Mortson Reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Mortson on Civic Holiday. Mrs. Annie Mortson of Edgeley spent a few days last Week with .her son, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and boys. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Att- wood at Uxbridge. , The Baking Sales sponsored by the W.A. that have been held for the past three weeks have provexA very successful. The ladies would like to thank everyone who has contributed or helped in any way. The church service on Sunday, August 12, at 2.30 p.m. will be in charge of the local W.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and family of Agincourt had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. .Empringham. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett, Mrs. Taylor and Shirley ‘spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lyons and family at Uxbridge. For letting people know about your euchre or bridge try the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. Telephone Richmond Hill Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square Telephone Stouï¬ville 67509 telephone 33 VICTORIA SQUARE Clarke's pharmacy we are agents For marquis, the different kind of chocolates and summer sweets (For complete drug service Bobby Jordan, Richvale’s pride and joy, won the favour of the large crowd present at the Rich- mond Hill Arena last Friday as he pinned Baron Von Sieber for the odd fall in three to take the main bout from the handsome German youth. The Baron won the ï¬rst fall with some of the cleverest grappling seen this season but J or- dan, who is no slouch himself, took the second and third falls "and the match. ‘ Mangler Mangotich Mauls Rocky Bollder The Semi-ï¬nal was 'a wild and woolly affair which saw slippery Glen Yoe paired off with the Black Knight. The Knight won the bout but was extended to the limit by his lighter opponent who at one time almost unmasked the mystery man, much to the delight of the aficianados. Ed “Mangler†Mangotich Who is certainly No. 1 Public Enemy in these parts, mauled Rocky Bollder for 15 minutes. This\bout saw a more experienced grappler mangle a lighter and less experienced boy. Mangotich had Bollder covered with blood at the end of the bout and if the police hadn’t been present, the fans would have mobbed him for his brutal display. Johnny “Hot Rod†Parisi added another win to his record as he spread Harold “Dicky†Van Dyke after 12 minutes of strenuous grappling. g!uuumummuuIhumunuuumuuuuumunmuuumumumgg BLACKBURNS' ETELEVISION Phone THORNHILL 161 51mmmuI\\l\\mlmlummmumummmmuumummnuuumï¬ HERE'S HEALTH SOLD & SERVICED richmond hill gmuluuumummmullIllu\ln\mummm\\\n\u“mumnwmummnmmumummmmu\tuuuumum\“111mm\ulmummuuuuuuu; Centre St. This is the plan‘ â€" suppose you are not over 50, you make regular payments to the Sun Life of Canada. At age 60 you start receiving $100 a month for ‘life or, if you prefer it, $17,149.00 in cashâ€"both amounts can be increased by accumulating By completing the enquiry form below you can obtain details suited to your personal requirements. The plan covers all amounts of premiums from as little as $5.00 per month and the cash or pension can in most cases commence at age 50-55-60 or 65. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Address Name Occupation Exact date of birth James E. Gray 60 Victoria St. SAND, GRAVEL, "Eilfsï¬iï¬' STONE, LOAM & FILL Anytime now you will be housing yOur pullets on which you have spent a great deal of time and money. Take advantage of the high egg prices by choosing the RIGHl Laying Mash for your laying pullets. ( 1) Built on a grain base (2) Laboratory controlled (3) Proved by many practical poultrymen WE RECOMMEND RED HEAD EGG Ml AND MASTER LAYING Ml BECAUSE PHONE THORNHIL]. 247l . REID annual dividends. If you are over 50, beneï¬ts are avail- able at a later date. FOR YOUR FAMILY Should you not live to the age.of 60. $15,000 will be paid to your family on your death. I"Slightly varied for women. MASH MASH Thornhill [ Toronto, Ont. Representative