6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, August 16, 1951} See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s Corners) Thornhill, Ont. Telephone Thornhill 350 a---a_.... ARE TUUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For FlREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" S E E â€"â€"-â€" ARTHUR J. WELLS Telephone Maple 99 Maple FOR OIL-BURNER oHEcK oven AND FURNACE CLEAN-OUT -â€"-â€" ciLi â€"â€"- Tanquiy Oil-Burner Sales 8. Service Phone THORNHILL 434 ' FESS, AERO, DELHI BLOWERS, KANGO ELECTRIC HAMMERS :9fgnufctuuuafagnggnrv-vuvm.-.n-unav-ur1 who,†I SERVICE TO ALL APPLIANCES wullillllilllllll YOUR FUURE Your future is determined by your character, molded through environment. Houses, as we know, often take on the character of their owners. A home is the largest single investment ever made by the individual, and is therefore often the balancing factor of your future security. The decision in buying or changing this important ballast in the journey of life cannot be treated too light- ly. Our salesmen, carefully trained and with an estab- lished knowledge of their districts and the many vary- ing problems that confront you can provide an unpara- lleled, efficient and conï¬dential service. :. Through the years we have helped thousands of ‘others, why not you? Members of the Canadian, The Ontario and the Toronto Real Estate Boards OFFICES OPEN DAILY 8.30 A.M. TO 9 RM. David McLean Limited HEAD OFFICE THORNHILL THORNHILL 12 fluw‘i“""3;’“=‘*f’ï¬i flea-fir as: aromasâ€".54. a t-olikfste twaï¬â€˜waww in user WA. 4338 ____â€"______d_.___â€"â€"â€"â€", The Liberal is always pleased to 23%. Thornhill Area Recreation Com. The annual Swimming Meet for Thornhill and District is to be held on August 23. Among the many events will be free style back stroke and breast stroke, also medley and novelty relay. Regis- tration for the novelty races will be cepted until Wednesday, August 22. Races are open for everyone from 7 years up. The Lions Club will present its annual trophy to the boy and to the girl who win the highest number of points. The races get under way at 7 pm. and the committee hopes that all the parents and friends of the partici- pants will attend, also anyone 5Mr. James I". Morrison Passes Mr. James Morrison Sr., one of Doncaster's older residents passed away at the Sunny Acres Rest Home, Gormley, Ont., Wednesday, August 1. The funeral service took place at the Wright & Taylor funeral chap- el, Richmond Hill, Friday, August 3, with interment in the Thornhill cemetery. The Rev. S. W. Hirtle conducted the funeral service. James W. Morrison was in his 78th year, husband of the late Margaret Cluston and dear father of James, George, Arnot, Margar- et (Mrs. Ackarat), Randall and John. The‘sympathy of the community is extended to the Morrisons and other relatives at this distressing time. OOOO A miscellaneous shower was giv- en Isabelle Rowbotham by her sis- ter, Mrs. Jean Walker and Mrs. Isabelle Evans, a cousin, at the home of Mrs. Evans’ mother, Mrs. F. Leffler on Thursday, August 2. 3 p.111, 7W†W Eal'oicl Thornhill area contributed by its readers. 1 Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her at Thornhill; DONCASTER DOINGS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. A. WATTS 173 Powell Avenue, Telephone Thornhill 243R2 .1 publish items of interest in the‘ Our representative in from the surrounding district who wishes to come. If it should rain the races will be held on the 24th. on Wednesday. August .._, this Thornhill senior girls will present a program of synchronized swim-r ming, with Thornhill Area Rc creation Committee awarding a trophy to the girl who proves to' be the most outstanding swimmer‘ of the club. Elizabeth English of the synchronized swimming club will do the judging. This pro- gram will take place between 6 and 7 pm. next Wednesday. Leavittsboro, Ohio; a sister and a brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Ryrzak of Newton Falls, Ohio; another sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Haines of War- rcn, Michigan. The bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gray of Tucson, Arizona, will be stay- ing with the bride’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett of Powell Ave., Doncaster for a month fol- lowing the wedding. The bride’s aunt, Mrs. H. Gillespie of Winniâ€" peg, Man. also attended the wedo ding. Other relatives of the bride from out of town included Mr. and Mrs. A. Gillespie, Hamilton, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillespie, Tren- ton, Ont; Mrs. W. Mason, St. Ca- therines and Mr. and Mrs. B. John- son, Merriton, Ont. Following the wedding the bride and groom left for Phoenix, Arizona, where they will reside. .OOO Doncaster is about to be honored by another wedding, that of Irene Ethel Berta and Douglas Scott Clark on Saturday, August 18, at The wedding will be at Isabelle 1‘€C€iV8d many IOVEIY gifts Westmorland United Church, Tor- from her friends, neighbors andlontm . at the home of the bride's par- Of Phoenix» Arizona, W35 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berta, relatives. The groom Michael Klein The reception will be held present and everyone at the show. Henderson Ave., Doncaster, er was pleased to meet him. The wedding took place at the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, Cheritan. Blvd. and Yonge Street, Toronto, at 3 pm, Saturday, August 11. Mrsl Walker, the bride‘s sister was matron of honor and the groom’s brother-in-law, Mr. Ches~ ter Ryrzak of Newton Falls, Ohio, was the best man. The reception was held at the North York Com- munity Hall, Willowdale. Among the guests were many people from out of town, including the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mahay from Sanitary Contractors Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired I 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W BE AUTIFY YOUR KITCHEN, AND BATHROOM WALLS WITH Cermak BEVEL EDGE WALL TILE SEE OUR DISPLAY AND DEMONSTRATION IN ‘ I DEVONSHIRE COURT AT THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION ANSWELL LIMITED YOUR ONE STOP FOR LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Finance The Answell Way - 24 Months To Pay NO. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN MAPLE 148 YONGE ST. AT THORNHILL THORNHILL 170 Cpl. J. F Mason, RCAF, arrived from Washington D.C., Sunday, August 5, to visit his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore, Morgan Ave., during his furlough. O O O O Edward Kaptein. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kaptein, Morgan and Hen- derson Ave., Doncaster, left for Regina, Sask., to train for the RCMP. O O O O Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer of Seccomoe St‘. on the birth of a son on August 7, 1951. O O O O Denise Judith, baby. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Adkins, Proc- tor Avenue, was christened at St. Luke’s church, Thornhill, Sunday, August 5. O O O O Mr. and Mrs Lowrison and fam- ily spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodchild, Henderson Ave. Mrs. Lowrison was the former Adrey Goodchild. I O O O O Mr. Ted Westacott, Henderson and Clarke Avenue, took a few days vacation for a much needed rest last week. He spent his holi- dayvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs of Napanee, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs are Mrs. Westacott’s parents and have just moved to Napanee re- cently after residing in Doncaster for nearly thirty years. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. F. Lefl’ler Sr. and family, also Mr. and Mrs. L. Lef- fler Jr. and family enjoyed a two week vacation at Little Lake, Ont. 'O O O O The Doncaster Ladies Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mottershallfs, Clark Street, on Tuesday, August 7. The meeting was opened by singing O Canada and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs. Edgar read the minutes of the last meet- ing. The bazaar to be held Nov- ember 17 was discussed. Follow- ing the meeting lunch was served. The next meeting is to be held at the home of the club’s sewing con- venor, Mrs. Baker, Clark Street. Visitors will be welcome. NORTH END EXCAVATORS BOAM SAND & & FILL GRAVEL GRADING PHONE THORNHILL 141.] MR. STEWART 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale g‘IIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.b I TELEVISION; Tull“IIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIE 5 SOLD & SERVICED ’ BLACKBURNS' " Phone THORNHILL 161 NUIIIIIIIIIII NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 We welcome to our neighborhood the Dreury family who recently moved to Yonge Street and are now operating the Richvale Taxi.‘ O O O O Mr. and Mrs. G. Hopper of Yoneghurst Road are vacationing at Sturgeon Lake for the next two; weeks. O O O O The Ewart family of Batliurst Street spent the holiday week-end at Seabright, Ontario. coco Mrs. C. P. Holmes retured Sun- BLACKBU RN. Yongehurst Rd. day after enjoying a three-week holiday in Columbus, Ohio. O O O O Neil Smith of Yongehurst Road travelled to New York for the hOl- iday week-end. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. C. Cameron and family of Weston along with the Radford family spent Sunday last at the Blackburns. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. E. MacLean and (laughter spent the week-end in Campbellord. RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAYLOR Phone Richmond Hill 8671122 The holiday of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and family which had been planned to include a tour of the Eastern States was uncere- moniously cut short at Buffalo when their younger son, Roddy. aged four, was accidentally cut in the car at a sudden ston and had to be rushed to the doctor. Twenty- four stitches were req lired to sew up the wound. Roddy has recover- ed and is apparently none the worse for his narrow escape. O O O O Sunday School Picnic On Saturday morning two buses transported the children and adults to Woodland Park where they en- joyed the annual Sunday School picnic. The day was a beaitiful one and the water as well as a very full programme provided ey- eryone with somethig that was rather out of the ordinary to d). There was good natured rivalry among the contestants for the difâ€" ferent events, and those in which’ the children participated were won by: Jacqueline Einhoden, Arthur Chomiak, Muriel Ann Alexander. Richard Mottershall, Ann Watts, Brian Taylor, Elsie Nicol, Phyllis Ward and Jean Bain, Barbara Newman, June Long, Richard Mot- tershall, June Barber and Patsy Reynolds. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Burnes and family visited the 'Bill Mit- chells in Lindsay over the Civic holiday. They wished to be re- membered to their friends in Rich- vale. O O O O Mr and Mrs. George Smith have moved to Yonge Street and their home on Spruce has been purchas- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Lamber: Toronto, whom we welcome, to the community. O O O O The opening of the Richvale Coffee Shop on Yonge Street is be- ing awaited with interest by many. and the proprietor hopes to make an announcement to this efl'ect in I'm near future. Mrs. C. E. A. Smith spent a ' week's holiday at Nari-anal recently. O O O O Mr. and Mrs. Frei Biirnes are holi' . ying in New Liskeard. The: a". rcumpanied )7 their grand- daughter Helen Burner. O * O O Bobby Baker retiirne-l over the week-end from Owen Sound where he was the guest of his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Len. Baker. O O O O Mr Ed. Rowdon is able to be back at part-time work again, we are pleased to reporc. O O O O Friday night will be Parents’ Night at the Summer Vacation Bi- ble School being held this week in the Masonic Hall, and the parents are very welcome. O O O O Miss Loraine Dawson of Willow- dale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bigley. O O O O Mr. Wm. White has purchased .f the “Wheel-house" at Oak Ridges and is moving in the near future to assume the duties of his new business. O O . O Mrs. W. Cundy of Hunt‘s Lane. ‘iiiotored with her son William .iiid jhis family. to Ottawa and up Ithrough Algonquin Park. and spent a few days at Ballantrae. returning last week. O O O I I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Durie and Beverley returned on Sunday from a week’s holiday, during which they motored to Campbellford, turning through Algonquin Park, Lake Simcoe, Orillia, and then on to Bracebridge and North Bay re- Lakeï¬eld and Peterborough. 0..- Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Elliott mot- ored through the States to Indiana- polis to visit a niece. They were accompanied by her granddaughter Elizabeth and Christine and a ,friend Mrs. Sexton. O O O O Mrs. E. Meek and her two child- ren from Skeena Cressing, British Columbia, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Meek’s brother, Mr. Ted Einboden for a week. O O O Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and daughter- Carol, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Faweett, visited Picton, the Lake of the Mountains, and the Bay of Quinte on two weeks‘ vacation from which they have just returned. While there they watched the mot- orboat race between Canada and the States, and saw the Canadians take the cup during the Civic holi- day festivities. . Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Paul and daughters Pauline and Frances have returned from a trip to New York, motoring through the Alleg- hany Mountains, the Lehigh Vallâ€" ey, the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the Delaware Water Gap. They re- turned by way of Lake Seneca and the Catskill Mountains. Langstafl’ . Church Notes The Women's Fellowship of Au- gust 23, are going to Mrs. Jones’ home for the day and the bus will leave Richmond Hill Post Office at 10.50 and the Baptist Church at 11 o’clock, returning at 4 pm. REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€" Curtains Bedspreads Styled to make your rooms beautiful Ruth Delbrocco Phone for appointment THORNHILL 108R3 SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHEDMSTUNE, LUAM L. W. REID H E THORNHILI 247 . P 0“ Thornhill Centre St. _ -â€" / __________._._____._.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" lllIII-III.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I RE - ROOFING Cedar and Asphalt Shi O JACK ELECTRICAL THORNH House and Farm G.E. Oil Burners ,i We specialize in re-rooï¬ng, Estimates cheerfully given. C. RIDDELL PHONE â€"- THORNHILL 256W Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-lu-Ilalull-I Everything Electrical Work done by Licensed Electricians. Residence 296W Thornhill .. ._,_M 8: FILL p I ngles, Insul Brick Siding Insulating. .Illllllllllllllllll BALE CONTRACTOR ILL, ONT. 'V AOOOO ‘i Wiring a Speci... .y Sales and Service "OWOOOOOOG I ‘I I BARGAINS 2 BARGAINS! REFRIGERATOR. 7 cu. ft., 5 yr. guarantee n - ular S390, selling for . . , I' . _ _ . . ’. _ eggélï¬o Budget Terms We also have the new 1951 MONITOR WASHING MA_ CHINE, reg. $94.50 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89.00 J. FOX & SON Stop 24 Richvale Open Friday evening Phone Richmond Hill 618W PLAZA 5373 MAPLE 6 MAPLE BLCK 8. TILE inâ€... MAPLE â€" ONTARIO m A“ a 2 i=1 5 g E E E '2' i g E i S 5 E E E S 5 $100 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 60 This is the plan‘ â€" suppose you are not over 50, you make regular payments to the Sun Life of Canada. At age 60 you start receiving $100 a month for life or, if you prefer it, $17,149.00 in cashâ€"both amounts can be increased by accumulating annual dividends. If you are over 50, beneï¬ts are avail~ able at a later date. FOR YOUR FAMILY Should you not live to the age of 60, $15,000 will be paid to your family on your death. ‘Slightly varied for women. , . - By completing the enquiry form below you can obtain details suited to your personal requirements. The plan covers all amounts of premiums from as little as $5.00 per month and the cash or pension can in most cases commence at age 50-55-60 or 65. James E. Gray Representative SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 60 Victoria St. Toronto, Ont. Name ................................. . ......................................................................... Address ....................................................................................................... Occupation .................................................................................................. Exact date of birth .................................................................................. IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIllIlIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIItillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIII llIIllIIIIII\II\IlIIIRIlUIlIIIl For Finer PORTRAITS For wedding pictures â€" for birthdays â€" for the many anniversaries which de- serve recording â€" for the artistry which makes all the difference between an or- dinary photograph and a portrait â€" visit 0 Edmund Soame "THE STUDIO†1720 Avenue Road TORONTO Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment adhllllllllllllllllllllllillllIllllItIIIIIIlIIIIIIII\IIIIIIIllIlIlIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIRWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIRIIUUII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIRIIII is It’s Time To Choose flour Laying :â€" Mash = Anytime now you will be housing your pullets on which you have spent a great deai of time and money. Take advantage of the high egg prices by choosing the RIGHT. Laying Mash for your laying pullets. WE RECOMMEND RED HEAD EGG MASH AND MASTER LAYING MASH BECAUSE (I) Built on a grain base (2) Laboratory controlled I (3) Proved by many practical poultrymen USE MASTER FOR RESULTS ' W. R. DEAN Telephone 54 y ’ Thornhill, Ont. . AW e Deliver ’° 3333333 as WHO “I? “(0905 FVENTUALLV our MASTE