Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Aug 1951, p. 7

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Just Two More Days Fri. 8 Sat, August 17 - 18 UNlCO's one-piece laminated rafters require no cross- bracing. The interior of your barn, garage or shed is completely clear of obstructions â€" giving you more Itorage space. More Usable UNICO LAMINATED RAFTERS are bolted together at the peak while on the ground. Three men can easily and “no light and rigid span. There are UNICO LAMINATED RAFTERS for every farm building. Ask for all the details on rafters for any building you’re planning to erect. LOCAL CO-OPERATIVE MARKHAM gun M00 5mde Hillbilliéé Now: UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Enquire at your affiliated with KiRSTEN *NOVOTNA -â€"Storoge shed built with Unico Laminated Rafters by Tomb Mc- Griskin, R. R. No. I, Unionville. TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 RM. MATINEE SAT. 2 p.m. IONTINUOUS SATUR- DAY TO MIDNIGHT. WWW ‘ WwM\W' Space ! DOROTHY ' THEBOM BLANCHE JARMILA Mr. Len. Dion and Bobbie and Mr. J. Thomas, Bobbie’s grands father, fishing at Miami Beach last Wednesday, caught a fish that weighed fivé pounds, ten ounces. Speaking of fish, they are bit- ing in Lake Wilcox this week. Your correspondent has heard re- ports of “big” ones being caugnt, and this morning saw a Visitoy, carrying a pike that was about twenty inches long, home for breakfast. Mr.-and Mrs. Fred Saunders, Freda and Eric, left on Sunday for a week in Providence, Rhode Island, where they visit Mrs. Saunders sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and their son Mervin, who came to America from Ireland last June. It is sixteen years since Mrs. Saunders last saw her sister at their home in Ireland. Mrs. Miller was then a girl of thirteen. Mr. Saunders visited the Millers when he was in Ireland last year, but it will be a firstl‘meeting for the other members of both families. Mr. Saunder’s meat market will re-open on August 21. Mrs. Roy Folliott (Anne Stew- art) a life long resident of King Township, passed away at her home “Sprucedale” on Thursday. _She was ' a member of the United Church of Canada at Temperance- lville. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Emerson Jennings (Edna) Uxbridge, and one son Ruston at home, and two sisters, Mrs. John H. C. Durham (Bernice), Mrs. Charles E. Cane (Almeda) Ham- ilton, and one brother, Melville Stewart, Bradford, Ontario Fun- eral service was conducted at the residence by Rev. G. Lynde, a for- mer minister at Temperanceville. with interment at King. The Henderson Sisters left last Tue'sdayifor a two weeks vacation in Iowa.. They will be singing at a Church Conference while they are away. * * ‘ * OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS Mrs. Roy Folliott Seven members of the Oak Rid- ges Junior Riding Club spent three days at the Sutton Horse Show, staying at Tally Ho Inn.. They took eight horses with them and returned with the following rib- Saddle pony class: 3rd John Woolley on Teddy; . 4th, Sheila Wilkinson on Cream Pufl’. Juniol Equitation, 3rd Anne Rowe on Teddy; 4th John W001ey on Cream Puff. Pony brood mare class: witc Gina-er 3rd. Ponv foal cmss: 2nd Shine. bons The Club plans to enter two horses» at the: Toronto Exhibition. Miss Katherine Gunn was' bridesmaid at her uncle’s wedding in To'r‘ontovrecentiy. Mrs. Gunn‘s brother Mr. Richard L. Mutch married Miss Ruth Playter, a member of on‘e of Toronto‘s oldest families. The reception was held at the United Empire Loyalist Headquarters on Prinze Arthur Avenue. 4 Mr. John Mabee, Yonge Street, is leaving this week for Montreal. He has been assistant manager of the women’s sport shop, Robert Simpson Company, Toronto, And goes to Montreal as manager of the sport shop in their store m that city. He has secured a house there and the family will follow as soon as it is ready for them. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Farquharson and Mrs. L. Farquharson and small David, returned on Friday night from a seven day trip that covered twelve hundred miles. They went to North Bay, Sault Ste. Marie and across into Nor» thern Michigan, down the coast of Lake Huron to Detroit, ‘whete they spent two days, and home via Windsor. The trip included two ferry rides on the American side which were very enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woolley are laymg the floor in their new house. They expect‘to Occupy it this winter. 7 The British United Press re- leased a report Monday morning SPIRELLA Ladies â€" good news â€"- The trade- in offer to August 25 Old Corset, any make .. $2.50 Old Brassiere . . . . . . . . . . .76 A total of $3.25 off your new order. Retailer: Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Maple MISS F. G. BRUCE mmummmumux1u\1num“ummmuuuummuumummmmmw CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Tel. Richmond Hill 490 Nights and Holidays Telephone Thornhill 207KB Announcing Your New Rétailer For This District Telephone 63605 Stoufl'villo CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON Telephone King 971131 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION that an eight-year-old Aurora boy had died in Toronto of polio. T'm'ee Aurora doctors and the York County Health Unit knew nothing .of the boy so it was presumed false and the B.U.P. were asked to deny it. ' . ~ n WWI-.. uv “‘0. _, Eight year old George Gourley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gour- ley, Lake Wilcox, who ia a patient with poiio in the Isolation Hospi- tal, Toronto, is. so his Toronto doc- tor reports, improving this morn- ing. He has a very mild case of polio with no paralysis as yet. erand Mrs. Herbert Roaney spent the past week with Mrs. Rooney’s mother and father Min; and Mrs. rank Wilkins. They a]:6_ visited _relatives in Owen Soundl and Mrs. Frank Wilkins. They also! Marion who is with them will stay} until she has visited the Toronto‘ Exhibition. ‘ ‘ Miss Florence Layton spent 1215 week at Furness Falls, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Canning, Lake-land Avenue, are holidaying In New York this week. Mg. and Mrs. Herbert English and Gail spent last week in Hunts- ville. Mrs. Mel Bahen and Gerald are spending two weeks with Mrs. Bahen’s father, Mr. Thos. White at Keaniey, Ont. At luncheon in the Georgian Room last Tuesday, in celebration of the closing of the Summer School, Miss Rosemary Howie poured tea. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ .1. (:Mr. and Mrs O. Hoika and Mr. and Mrs. G. French spent last week at Furness Falls, near Minden. Daltons (1834) Ltd. are holding: Mr. and NUS. John Kyle, Teston’ their annual corn and weiner roasn-and Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Kym in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. J. Maple, motored to Yorktom 535k" Cherney's home on Lakeland Ave. to visit their brothers, William next Saturday. Over 100 guests and Thomas Kyle. are expected, coming ky charter- .. . . , e‘d bus' - Mr; Edmund Harris is holiday- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cleiand and Miss Helen Rutledge, a newcomer from Scotland, spent the week- end with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cherneflr. Mr. and Mrs. Weatheraln and their two children have tenth Mr. Edward’s cottage on Lakeland Avenue for a month. Mr. Wea- therall is I. pilot with TCA. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blythe enter- tained Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins who were observing their 46th Wedding anniversary“ Mrs. Wilkins is Mr. Blyth‘s aunt. Fourteen guest. were present, the occasion high- lighted by an anniversary cake. Mrs. Wilkins was presented with a Ebrsage of réd idses. ‘ 178 Yonge Street, Maw meil’AWaFm Can? ANY’S the man who has paid far more for a fine car than the price of this beautyâ€"and got less than this gay and gallant traveller offers. Sweeping proudly past you, it has a distinction that few cars can equal. Stepping nimbly away from a' stop light, it has the willing surge of power that the very exclusive combination of a Fireball engine and Dynaflow Drive" delivers. It rides the road with majestic smooth- ‘Slandavd on RDADHAMEB «aria. opuonal at 9111a am an Cos-mu 531m. Eampmenl. acrelsmv‘es, trim and models .nn aubjed to change without notice. ant last Bradshaw Meters Limited 1 Mrs. George Jarrett of Toronto 'spent the past two weeks with her ldaug‘hter and son-in-law Mr. and l Mrs. Arnold Rumble I» Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wells are lvacationing‘ at Moon River, Bala. Mrs. Arthur Wells and Mrs. Wil- bert Cousins were their guests ‘there for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Park and Miss Agnes Couper have returned from a motor trip along the Blue Water Highway. Mrs cation Beach United Church Dr. Kenneth Beaton will be the guest preacher in Maple United Church on Sunday, August 19, at 11.30 pm. He has been a miss- ionary in China for twenty-five years. Sunday School will be at 10.30 pm. Many happy returns of the day are wished fpr'Mrs. H. C. Bailey, who celebrated her eightieth bigth- day on Sunday, August 12. Many more are wished for her. Mr. Frank Foster has returned from a three weeks motor trip to California, going 6,500 miles in the round trip, having to detour 100 miles around the Kansas floods. He visited many points of interest and marveled at the enormous red wood trees and the great expanse offidfiesrert, and the beautiful coun- try in California. Flowers Were ev- erywhere. Mrs. Harold Wilson has returned home from the Toronto General Hospital where she underwent an appendectomy. Mrs. in-g at Bay. F.0. Ronald Kyle had a short stay home from Europe, but has now returned to Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker visited on Sunday in Oakville with Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson, Mrs. Walker’s parents. Mr. Bruce Jones motored to Ed- m nton, then on to the Calgary S mpere and is now employed in Banff and is enjoying the beauti- ful scenery in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey entertained on Saturday, August 11, with a family dinner party in honor of Mrs. H. C. Bailey and Grace Robson spent her va- at the Lefroy Washago and Niagara Falls. Edmund Harris is holiday- Triple Bay Park, Georgian CORRESPONDENT 4 MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS __.____â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__ii , , , , m m Am“ An! ll'IL‘I BUICK mu. mm Phone Maple 19R ness, and comes to a smooth and gentle halt, in response to the finest brakes. that Buick engineers ever developed. Inside, it has spacious room, from side to side and front to back and seat to roofâ€"plus a softness of cushions and a richness of fabrics which the custom standards to which bespeak it is built. All you want in a fine car r. is here in abundance. deciding “it’s too rich for me.” rut don’t let that fool you into Mrs. George Bailey, who cele- brated their birthdays. Mrs. Albert Hill, Miss Agnes Hill and Mrs. John Browning, all of Nobleton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey. Mr. George Bailey is spending his vacation at Fern Cottage, A‘therley. Mr‘ and Mrs. John Downing, of Teston. motored to the coast hav- ing cov'ered over seventy-five hundred miles. ' ‘ Four year old Sharon Manuel of Toronto is visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Bryson. She is a grand-niece of the latter. "Mr. George Lund is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Clifl’ord Stephenson in Fenwick. . Good going Thursday, August 23 :0 Saturday, September 8, inclusiva Return limit-September 12 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE AUGUST 24 TO SEPTEMBER 8 EXHIBITION TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE Ivll information {rom any agent. ROUND TRIP TO THE [Tl-IE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 18. 1951 ‘, 7 gmnummlmu\\h1mmmu\\\u\mm“\mmmmmunummmuuummnnuu“mumn\\m\1\\\\\l\\\\\mm\\\mmum\\mmmmuug §Bowden Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. MAINTAIN ANIMAL HEALTH WITH AYERST VETERINARY PRODUCTS “COXINE” FOR COCCIDIOISIS IN CHICKS “BOO-JEES” FOR MASTITIS “PIG-IRON” FOR LITTLE PIGS “KAOMYEIN” FOR SCOURS “HISTANE” FOR BLACKHEAD IN TURKEYS - MAPLE, ONT. â€"â€" PHONE 164 Desirab‘e Location and at ReasonabIe Prices Write 0: Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, Phone 435-R REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 EXP 50 YEARS SAL. HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. Richmond Hill, Ont. . CEILING &'BATHROOM TILE .DONNACONA BOARD & LATH .GYPROC BOARD & LATH . INSUL BRlC SIDING . ASPHALT SHINGLES 9 ROLL ROOFINGS .WEEPING TILE o SEWER PIPE . INSULATION ' .PLYWOOD . BRICK Attractive [Town And Country Properties For Sale \X/ILLOUGHBY erry’s Pharmacy If you’ve looked into 1951 car prices generally, you’ll discover this: You can own a BUICK for little more than an ordinary car will costâ€"and for several hundred dollars less than the price tags usually found in "the fine- car field." Why not look into this today? A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE STOP 23 YONGE ST. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 60$ AND SONS {M ” 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 0-32.51.

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