Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1951, p. 9

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Burrister, Solicitor, Nota'ry Pubic Mortgage Loans Arranged Office Hours: Daily 10 to 5 pm- n4n-.. H PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Bldg., 85 Richmond Street West Plaza 8929 Richmond Hill, Thursday morning Maple, Thursday afternoon U. .m- uyuuu, u“... - V_,‘ , NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 126 Phone '20 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 93 Yonge Street Richmvnd Hill Every Thursday afternoon Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 'J. Rabinowitph, 8:4: Barriâ€"st‘a'é, Solicitors, Notaries $1. Mathews, K.C. K. Stiver, B.A. C. E. Lyons, 71%.}; Joseph Vale - __.- “vu- Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public Richmond Hill 398J 36 Centre W Lang, Michener, Day & Cranston 50 King St. W., Toronto Waverley 2931 iignangs: Thursda'y, 8-10 pm. Other evenings by appointment. 40 Yonge, Richmond Hill 229W Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Steele’s & Yonge Sitihin Fenn Rea) Estate Office Hours: Tuesday: 7-9 pm. Wednesday: 1-6 p.m. Thursday: 7-9 pm. Saturday: 9 am. - 1 pm. Thomhill 168 Wa. Phone 70 Dr. W. S. MacKenzie DENTIST McNeil-Anstey Bldg. THORNHILL 78 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Rates for insertion in: this section are available at The Liberal ofiice .0. phone Richmond Hill 9. Phone 641 Arthur G. Broad, D.C. RICHMOND HILL : From the _Toronto Conservatory of Music wxll accept a number of 33119119 in _______ Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales 3 specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., ph. Agincom‘t 52w3 Markham P.0., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big ~r too small PIANO, on’dfifi’ a'iid THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks Richmond Hill 58J 108 Yonge St. Thornhill, Ont Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for me 26 Years’ Experience York County, Uxbridge and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales 8 Specialty Telephone Stouf‘fville 67312 Address: Gormley P.0. M athews, Stiver, Lyonsflé’c V9.1? . Stuart P. Parker DR. J. M. DRYER DENTIST Marguerite Boyle Donald Gordon Plaxton Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH William Cook and Walsh Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Deportment, Dramatic Art Adelmo M elecci Kpn & Clarke “HOMEWOOD HALL” ". C. Newman CHIROPRACTIC A. S. Farmer AUCTIUNEERS 1 A Yonge Street Open evenings Phone 655W LEGAL Phone 424 MUSICAL DENTAL By Appointment Richmond Hill Phone 89W Wa. 4531 Farms. MAPLE Dr. Jas. R. Langstafi Dr. Cameron Coqu BY APPOINTMENT ____ 106 fo;g;~étâ€". Richmond Hill Telephone 100 Centre St. E. Hours: 9-11 ‘ 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7, Willowdale PHONE ZONE 8222 X-Ray, Ultra Short Wave Therapy OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri. â€" -5, 6-8 ‘ Tues., Thursday â€" 1â€"3', 6-8 \ Mornings by appointment. Phone 82 Telephone 41 Yonge Street; South Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 pm. daily Tuesday & Thursday evenings: 6-8 p.m. Other hours by appointment Telephone: Richmond Hill 306 360W DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE Dr. W. Allan Ripley ment Telephones: Office 24 Residence 513, Richr-xond Hill REAL ESTATE rms, Suburban Properties, etc. INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, etc. Telephone 411 Richmond Hill Office Hours 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 p.m by appointment GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 THORNHILL and UNIONVILLE Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. Wm. D. Howe Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. J. Roy H errington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 DR. RALPH P. JOHNS Toronto Dr. J. T. Sheppard FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Dr. BICELY WILSON Dr. Jo P. Wilson VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street > Small Animal Practice Ofiice Calls â€" House Calls Surgery and Bdarding Elgin Mills Sideroad West Telephone Maple 49R2 VETERINARY SURGEON YETERINARY SURGEON Jack Walkington Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill Phone Thornhil 388R5 REAL ESTATE Roy W. Bick VETERINARY MEDICAL INSURANCE --ANDâ€" . Kane Richmond Hill and by aPPOim“ Centre Street Richmond Hill Maple, Ont. PHONE 3 AD. 0311 With the increase of fire hazards prOperty owners should review their insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other without protection. Thu cost is a minor amount to what it will cost if an accident A. G. Savage INSURANCE AGENT Richmond Hill 10 Yonge St. N. happens. Are You Properly Protected? Increased costs of buildings,‘ furniture, clOthing and even Claims have left many a per- son THOUSANDS of dollars short of today’s costs after a Fire or Auto Accident. Let us survey your present policies and make the necess- ary changes that will give yOu the “Peace of Mind” that comes with a better insurance protection and service. See Maple, Ont. Plate Glass, Hospitalization 40 Yonge Richmond Hill Phone 407.] W. SCHURMAN General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS W. J. SMITH & SON For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge at. District 2518 YON‘GE ST. (at St. Clements) Telephone MAfair 2245-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, J.F. Lynett Phone Richmond Hill 34316 213 Oak Ave., Richvale (J. Carl Saigeon Agency) General Insurance Leave Maple 8.10 a.m. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 L‘eave Maple 3.00 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 Phone 632W Richmond Hill General Contractors . Concrete Work . Building . Alterations and re- pairs T. & H. Construction Telephone Richmond Hill 528J or 288W SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Dilposal Plants, Slaughter Houses ’ Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. put of town day 0; night emergency serwce Phone Willowdaie Zone 8288 Maple 72:23 INSURANCE Cont. ERNIE BROCK GENERAL BUSINESS Langdon’s Coach, Lines Ltd. Coaches Fdr All Occasions SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Painting Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging W. J. Aldridge E. CHARITY ORDER HELEN SIMPSON ~ FLOWERS Telephone King 56 SCHOOL DAYS Consult Tel. 11 Horticultural Society One of the loveliest horticultur- al shows of the season is that which takes place in August and this year members of the local :0- ciety will display the results of their labours on Wednesday, Aug- ust 29, in Thornhill United Church Hall. Exhibitors may place their en- tries on the night previous, be- tween 7 and 9, and also on the day of the show, between 11 and 1. The Thornhill Horticultural Society’s August Show‘ is a revelation Of what can be produced locally and is well worth a visit. It will be open to the public from 4 pm. 0 10 pm. Mr. Edwin Garner, better known as “Red”, was rushed to St. Mi- c‘hael’s Hospital from work on Wednesday of last week. In the accident which he suffered, the muscles of his back were torn from his spine. At the beginning of this week he was progressing favourably and hoping that an- other week would see him home. , His neighbours, the local wrestâ€" ling fans and his Boys Club miss him. A pair of smart pyjamas ‘was sent to “Red” by the follow- ing boys: Raymond Thirgood, Charlie Martin, Doug. Betts, Nicky Callwood, D. MacKay, Allen Mc- Donald, Duncan Clark, Brian ROWe, Jim and Courtney Ablett, the Curr boys, Bobby Brennan, Doug. and Jim Suter,'Ian Ross and Frank Lycett. With their gift they sent e Correspondent . Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thornhill 36r31 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson, of Green Lane, entertained at a mi8< cellaneous shower for Miss Mar- ion Robinson and Mr. Clifford Cox on Wednesday evening, August 15. About 180 friends and neighbours were present to honour and bring their best wishes for the bride and groom to be. The shower was held in the red barn on the hill, which was beautifully decorated with white wedding bells and white streamers. The happy surprised couple was led to their approp- riately decorated chairs at the back of which was a large umbrella la- den with confetti androswpetals which now and then showered its contents on the surprised couple. The gifts were placed in and ar- ound a. decorated wheelbarrow. The four little helpers who assist- ed the bride and groom to be, by taking the opened gifts after they had been admired, to a nearby table were Misses Yvonne Robin- son and Maria Van Anker and Masters Roy and Billy Robinson. A sumptuous lunch .brought the very happy evening to a close. Deepest sympathy of the neigh- bours goes to Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt and relatives in the loss of a mother, Mrs. S. Plumridge, who passed away suddenly Monday morning, August 20, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Hunt, of John St. - - Miss Linda Jackson 'from' Tor- onto, was visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeJack- son, Bayview Ave., lastpweek. The latest report on Mr; 'McKean who is in Sunnybrook Hospital is that he is coming; along nicely afâ€" ter his operation last Tuesday. Mr. Ness is also progressing nicely with his leg in a' cast in Toronto General Hospital, The Thornhill Horticultural Soc- ciety Will hold the August Flower Show in 'Ilhornhill United Church on Wednesday, August 29. Exhib- itors will have an opportunity to place their eXhibits Tuesday even- ing between the hours of 7 to 9 p.m., also on Wednesday morning from 11 to 1 pm. The show will be open to the rublic from 4 pm. to 10 pm. This is the big flower show of the year, so please keep ‘the date in mind. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING PHONE RICHMOND HILL 292 23 YONGE STREET SOUTH Expert Designing Storage, Cleaning Pick-up and Delivery For appointment Phone HILLTOP ELECTRIC LINE WORK DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL THORNLEA NEWS ADAM REITER FURS CORRESPONDENT â€"â€" MRS. STAN. V. WORSDALE Telephone Thornhill 2571-12 Thornhill 345 LANGSTAFF NEWS the message: “A ldt of people’ near and far are interested in how_ you are and really looking forward to the day when you’ll feel good as new.” The summer months usually seem freer of illness than most of the others but this year has set out to be the exception to prove the rule. Mr. Howard Charles‘of Sus- sex Avenue was still in St. Mich- ael’s Hospital on Tuesday, having been under observation there for a week. ' ' Mr. Jak Wood of Langstafi Road West suffered a. stroke two weeks ago, spent ten days in bed and is now allowed up a short time each day. ~ - We’re glad to report that Mrs. Percy Pool was sufiicientlyrecav- ered from her recent illneSs to take a leisurely trip With Mr. Pool and Bobby to Picton.‘ Miss Blythe Gregorash was co- hostess at a miscellaneous shower held Monday evening at the home of Miss Gloria Parisi in Richmond Hill for Miss Claire Markey, whose marriage to Warren Willett takes place on September 15. Guests from Langstafi included Mrs. E. Willett, ' mother of the groom-to-be,‘ and tfhe Misses Lake. Mrs. J. W. Blackburn, Essex Avenue, who ‘is Spinning Conven- or of the Ontario Spinners‘and Weavers 'Asaociation, will be one of the demonstrators at the Cana- dian National Exhibition ‘Which opens this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Tudge and family moved on Saturday from Eairview Avenue 'to their new house .on Benson Avenue. With quite a number of new homes well on the Way to completion; the Boyle Sub-division changes in ap- pearance each day. Your correspondent would be glad to hear about your holidays and about your summei' visitors, as Well as any other items of news. Grandma would have Correspondent: Mrs. J. :J. Taylor Tel. Richmond Hill 367R22 Mrs. Walter Smith and Miss Iris Alton have returned from a week’s vacation at Port Bolster. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gordon, w-hose baby son was born on Monday, August 13, a' ‘brother for Lornierand a grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Gervais Hues- tis Sr. of Oak Avenile. ' Miss Jean Hobbs is holidaying with her family on Edgar Ave. Mrs. Hamlin, Mrs. Kaikonen and little son Donald, all of Toronto, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtz on Tuesday. The Ratepayers‘ special meeting is tonight (Thursday) at 8.30 in the school. A shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith on Friday evening when thirty-two guests arrived and presented Miss Phyllis Giles of Lansing, formerly of Richvale with] many beautiful and useful gifts. Her marriage to_Mr. William Rennie of Toronto is to take place on September 1. Modern Kitchen Installations is having an exhibit in the “Des- ign for Living” under Mrs. Kate Aitken, in the Coliseum at the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Baker are attending a convention in Bos- ton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tomkin from Florida have been visiting Mrs. Tomvkin’s sister, Mrs. Frank Millman. Mr. and Mrs. Millman accompanied them on a visit to Virginia Beach and Victoria Road, returning last week-end. About five billion meteors strike our Earth’s atmosphere every day. A. T. JUPP GARDENING 14 PROCTOR AVE., DONCASTER P.O. RICHVALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 28, 1951 Your _ Our service to you combineq expert a_dvice on your Insurance problems with a complete engmeermg service. District Representatlve 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. TOMENSUN, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT LIMITED 18 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 25R MEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 RM. ENGLISH TRAINED MECHANICS INSURANCE AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE HERBERT R. BUTT PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL is our business Phone Plaza 7671

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