Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1951, p. 10

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LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc32‘ RED MAPLE Bedroom Suite, 2 beds ‘34. size, chest of drawers, dresser, mirror, night table, chair, Chesterfield and chair, vanity table, buffet, 2 rocking chairs, 2 odd chairs, other articles, aluminum clothes reel, like new. Phone Rich- mond Hill 451J. "1w8 .SOFTW'O‘OD SLABS $15.00; Hardwood Slabs, $19.00; Hard- wOod limbs $21.00; Hardwood and fireplace logs, $25.00 per cord. All clean, dry wood, cut to desired length. Taylor’s Sawmill, Rich- mond Hill 463, Aurora 841-32. *4w8 BED, spring-filled mattress, com- plete $15; mantel clock, Cathedral chimes, $10.00; almost new Quebec _cook stove, high shelf $20.00; gui- tar and case $12.00. Thornhill 1081122. c1w8 VGLADIOLI BLOOMS, fresh cut, come and choose your own from the garden. Hughes Glad Gar- dens, Ruggles Ave., off No. 7 High- way, Langstafl", phone Thornhdl 296R14. *4w-3 COLEMAN oil space heater, 160 gallon tank, pipes and fittings, Qc'omplete $80.00. - Paperhanger’s ~aomplete kit, folding trestles and gste bo‘ards, $17.00. 209 Ruggles venue, Richmond Hill. *1w8 ‘140 RED BRICK, new; 1 enamel rsink, almost new; 1935 Ford Tudor, licensed, in running condition; of- fers apply 94 Wright St., phone Richmond Hill 472W. *1W8 seed whet, Panogen treated for covered smut, $3 per bushel, bags included. Leitchcroft Farm, Gorm- fey. Phone Thornhill 51R15. c3w8 ‘FI-NDLAY Cook Stove, reserv0ir, warming closet, good condition; also Quebec heater, practically new. Apply Mrs. S. Fitch, Maple 64R4. *1w8 N0. 1 REGISTERED Cornell 595 ‘LUMBER, ~ approximately 1200 Eteet, 3 inch tongue and groove 'and 2x4 scantling. Apply Cliff- 'ord Cragg, CFRB sideroad, half mile east of Yonge. *1w8 HONEY CONTAlNERS â€" Will customers bring as soon as con- j'énient or notify Abram, phone Richmond Hill 522 ring 1-3. *2w7 ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- OIL SPACE HEATER, large size, used three months. Apply Norm’s Shoe Repair, Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill. *2w8 BABY CARRIAGE, good condi- tion $10.00 cash. Mrs. D. Huntley, Yonge‘hurst Road, Richmond Hill, ph’one 553R12 Richmond Hill. c1w8 ICE BOX, steel, ivory; also dinette cupboard, reasonable. Stop 23 Yonge St, 2nd‘ house west. c1w8 1 4-CYCLE Iron Horse Gas En- gine, with gas tank, $20.00 or nearest offer. Phone Thornhill 333R. ‘ *1w8 for tourist cabin or small home Apply Mrs. Carman, Pine Grove ii GAS SPACE HEATERS, ideal? 791242 Woodbridge. cl'WB‘ iCE BOX, 50 lbs. capacity. Good 90ndition. Price $10.00 Rich- mond Hill 103. *1w8 600 NEW Red Pressed building brick. Bedford Park Floral Co, Richmond Hill. tch $25.00 GIRL’S BICYCLE: Nev_v iast year. Phone Thornhil 47 R 14. *1w8 SUNSHINE blue leatherette con- vertible carriage, in good condi- tion $26.00. ORchard 6387. c1w8 SPACE HEATER, Fess, large size, good condition. Thornhill 36R3. KETORCYCLE, 43-45 Harley-Da- vidson, excellent condition, reason- able. Phone Maple 130R2. c1w8 GIRL’S BICYCLE, in good condi- tion. Phone 123 Richmond Hill, 73 Mill Street. c1w8 BRAND NEW portable player 60 cycle, best offer. 8377 Willowdale. {QTCINDER BLOCKS. Thornhill 162M. c1w8 ICE BOX, Ice King, 65 lbs. White, like new. Phone Thornhill 317W. c1w8 EROST KING Ice Box. Apply C. Hannis, Sherwood, Ont. c2w8 STORM WINDOWS, all complete with glass. King ['0 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 23, 1951 CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 40c IF CHARGED, 4c per word, min. charge, all insertions . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 5% CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE 50c Classified adyertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES record Zone c1w8 sizes, 17r21. c1w8 c1w8 $15,500 NEW 7 large rooms, in- come from upper floor, oil heat, heavy duty wiring, 1 4-piece bath, rubber tiled, 2 piece washroom, kitchen floor rubber tiled, ample cupboards, extra storage, water heater, electric fixtures, combina- tion doors, etc., close to Yonge St. transportation. Write Box 15 The Liberal. c1w8 HOUSE 12x36, 3 rooms, insulated, sink, (few) cupboards, storm win- dows, blinds and chimney. Can be moved as is. Complete unit. Phone'Richmond Hill 21.1. *1w8 CHOICE LOT FOR SALE, 100 ft. frontage on Yonge. Phone Rich- mond Hill 102R13 mornings only. 5 ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated, easy to heat, boat included, inquire H. Zimmerman. Goyce’s Pomt, H. Zimmerman. Joyce’s Point, FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Femi, Thornhill 168. tfc46 100 FT. LOT for sale. Thornhill. reasonable. Thornhill 19W or 162 1933 OLDS COUPE Model 660, serial 44581, will be sold within 21 days if owner fails to pay repair and storage charges. Carl Mab- ley, 111 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill; phone Richmond Hill 347M. *3w6 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168 tfcll 1940 STUDEBAKER Champion coach. Good shape. Cheap trans- portation. $250.00. Richmond Iil! 359R32. \ c1w8 1939 PONTIAC Clu‘b Coupe, radio, Southwind heater, chrome wheel rings, good condition. Phone Rich- mond Hill 103 after 5 pm. *1w8 FORD 1931 SEDAN, good tires, brakes, seal beam lights, new bat- tery. Price $85.00. Phone Rich- mond Hill 374W. *1w8 dition, reasonable. Phone Rich- mond Hill 368R14. clw8 1933 FORD SEDAN rebuilt motor phone 258M Richmond Hill. c1w8 ’38 CHRYSLER ROYAL, fair con- 1946 DeLUXE DODGE, fluid-drive, exceptional condition. Phone 576W Richmond Hill. c1w8 month, $235; Holstein heifer, due Nov. 11, $210; Poll Angus and Holstein Bull, 15 months old $210; Holstein heifer, 1 year, $155. Call after 6 pm. Harry Keikebelt, R. R. 3 Woodbridge about 34‘ mile north of No. 7 highway on con. 7 Vaughan. c1w8 TROPICAL FISH: Angels, Bettas, and many other varieties. Special for this month. Red swordtails, 25c to 60c each. Fred Hare, Temper- anceville. Phone King 26~12. *3W7 1 SECOND CALF COW, due in GOATS, 2 kids and 1 nanny will trade for pigs or other farm stock, will sell $15.00 each. Phone Maple 491-32. c2w8 BAY MARE, good work horse, driver and rider. F. B. Titshall, May Ave., phone Richmond Hill 442R4. *1w8 2 KIDS, 1 nanny, 1 billy, sell or trade for chicken feed. Walters, Stop 23A Richvale. *1w8 WIRE HAIRED TERRIER, pure- bred, King 17r21. c1w8 FERRET-S for sale, good ratters, J. Tinkler, 4 Yongehurst Road, Richvale. . c1w8 BEAGLE PUPPIES, both sexes, $2 each. Phone 237R2V Richmond Hill. 3 SMART Sports Coats, fit boy of 14 or 15; 1 size 14 lady’s black faille all year round suit; 1 size 14 small flower print (imported) an- gel skin dress; 1 smoke gray hand tailored fall and winter coat; (worn twice) with full size silver fox col- lar; 1 lawnmower. All reasonably priced. Richmond Hill 193W. c1w8 WINDMILL, self-oiling, 30-foot tower Toronto. Mill good condition. $100 or best offer. Hillsdale Counâ€" try Club Maple 54R3. *1w8 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 9 cu. ft. capacity, slightly used. $379.75, terms. Used Northern Electric Range, $45.00; reconditioned. Apex Washer, perfect condition, $69.50; brand new Astral refrigerator unit, installed in a well insulated ice box, bargain at 79.50. Terms. Paris Auto Supply, Ltd., phone 86 Richmond Hill. c1w8 For Sale (Continued) USED CARS AND TRUCKS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE tfcw4 c1w8 40c 65c 25c c1W8 FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR, hydraulic system, perfect every detail, $795.00. Richmond Hill 45r23. "'1w8 FULLY QUALIFIED, competent, mortgage appraiser requires priv- ate funds for first and second mortâ€" gage loans in Scarboro, West Hill, Agincourt, Markham, Richmond Hill, etc. Highest returns on good security. Write J. C. Findlay, 10 Glenrobert Drive, Toronto. Phone Grover 3106. c2w8 2-5 ACRES or more of land any- where within reasonable driving distance from Richmond Hill. B\". 16 The Liberal. *1w8 CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 SOMEONE in Richmond Hill to care for 3 children 9 to 5.30 daily Monday to Friday. Apply at 62 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill or phone Thornhill 170 between 9 and 5.30, ask for Mrs. Caseley. Person replying previously please apply again. c2w7 WANTED Young Girl to assist with light honsework, good wages, position and home for right girl. Apply Mrs. MacDonnell, Concord, Maple 117. c1w8 MAN WANTED to attend to coal furnace and walks during fall and winter. Apply P.0. Box 428 Richmond Hill. c2w8 TEMPORARY experienced office help. Summit View Golf Club. Ap- ply Mrs. Kirby, 205W Richmond Hill after 1 pm. ‘ c1w8 ed at'26 Yongehurst Road, Rich- vale. . *1w12 HOUSEKEEPER for 4 adults, wages $75 a. month. Please write Stop 14A Yonge Street, G. J. Spring Thornhill. c1w8 to all makes, new and Iused ma- chines, treadles converted to smart electric portables. For information call Reid’s Cleaners, Richmond Hill 625. tfc8 ADULT Raspberry Pickers want- SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS, be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 6J or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. *43w32 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc PAINTING and paperhérging, first class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed /workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. *3w52tfc LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired, work done by experienced workman. Phone Jos. Winger, Map- le 62R21. tfc43 vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- CUSTOM FARM PLOWING, cul- tivating, tilling and discing. \v. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. *3‘0w41 EINBODEN & SON concrete con- tractors, septic tanks, drains, floors. Phone Richmond Hill 364 R5. Will. 466. c26w40 tank form rentals. J. Bailey, Rich- mond Hill 226R5. *1w8 LAWN MOWERS and saws sharp- ened; window screens and doors. Phrne 498R Richmond Hill, 32 Richmond St. t19w39 your dog there while on vacation. Phone Richmond Hill 46R2. Pick yup and deliver. tfc48 FLOOR SANDERS for rental. Ed- dy’s, 55 Yonge‘St. N. Richmond Hill 458.1. tfc7 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, p‘hone 632W. tfc42 SWANHOLM KENNELS, board SAND, gravel, crushed stone and fill. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hi7: 384J. tfc43 CONCRETE AND DRAINS, septic F. B'ROOM, Haulage, Sand and Gravel. Phone Maple 4R2. c2w§ CALL P. M. TONNER for clean, fine work_ painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 GENERAL HAULING, Sand and Gravel. C. W. Cook, phone Rich- mond Hill 48r24. *3w6 MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED WANTED NILE TILE C0. People read it to find out. “what’s doing” â€" the “Coming Events” column of The Liberal. It does a job cheaply, easily. quickly. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 9. WED., OCT. 3 â€"â€" Auction sale of modern farm machinery, tractors, combine, pickâ€"up baler, farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 15, concess- ion 3 Vaughan Township, property of R. B. and D. S. McClelland. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Large sale. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. WED, SEPT. 26 â€" Auction Sale of herd of Holstein Dairy Cattle, milking machine, milk cooler, farm implements, etc., on lot 13, concess- ion 2 Scarboro Township on Old Danforth Road, property of Bert Thomson. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 22 â€"â€" Auction. Sale of Dairy Cattle, Holsteins, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, antiques, etc., on Lot 23, Concess~ ion 6 Vaughan Township. Property of John Julian. Sale at 12.30 noon Large sale. Terms cash. No re- serve. Farm Sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. it.” Sale every Saturday at 1 pm. D.S.T. Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet. Sell- ers and Atkinson, auctioneers. ttc SAT., AUG. 25 â€"- Auction Sale at the new Stoufl'ville Livestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heifâ€" ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be ar- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is you: commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell Owner may have same by paying for this ad. and applying at Lib- eral Office. c1w8 RING OF KEYS on Mill Road CLEAN Capable woman wants daily domefitic work, very reliable and good references. Mrs. Gil- bert, Oak Ridges P.O. clw8 ed. Reward. Mrs. J. H. Hewston, Carrville Road, Richvale, phone 64 R31 Maple. " c1w8 BLUE BUDGIE BIRD, pet, bind- 3 UNFURNISHED ROOM‘S in a 4 CUBIC FT. Cumrete Mixer, non- tilt. Calibrated water supply with hose connection. Feed Hopper. 0n rubber. $7.50 per day. Also Craftsman’s Ski1-Saw $2.50 per day. Phone Richmond Hill 528J or 288W. tch41 new home. Stop 13A Yonge Street. Phone Hargrave 0748 or Thorn- hill 3981'12. c1w8 line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll ment mixer rentals. Phone 226R5 Richmond Hill. c3w6 2 ROOM COTTAGE, adults, $25.00 SEPTIC TANK FORMS and ce- WANTED immediately to rent by small Canadian family, several rooms in farm house or a farm cottage. Hydro preferred but oth- er conveniences not necessary. Will decorate or repair if necessary. Ab- solutely non-drinkers and smokers. Phone Richmond Hill 344131 and leave message regarding directions etc. *1w8 per month. Phone King 17r21. c1w8 SALE REGISTERS CEMENT MIXER C.PJR. FOREMAN and family ur- gently require accommodation to rent by September 1, being evicted by new owner. Write or phone (collect) Frank Carroll, 693 Merton St., Toronto, MOhawk 0657. c1w8 HOUSE OR FARM. All inside con- veniences and telephone required. Couple and baby. Phone or write D. Mabp-herson, 96 Duplex Ave., Toronto, Mayfair 4368. c3w7 LIVING ACCOMMODATION for teacher at Langstaff school, pref- erably 3 or 4 room apartment. Write Box 14 The Liberal. *1w8 2 0R 3 FURNISHED ROOMS or cottage for working couple, must be reasonable rent. Phone 319M Richmond Hill. c1w8 2 OR 3 ROOMS for business coup- 1e. Apply Box 23 Richmond Hill P.0. c1w8 DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 EMPLOYMENT WANTED OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM also LIVESTOCK WANTED CAMPBELL MINK WANTED TO RENT TO RENT FOUND LOST for rent, gaso- Get our practical advice. It’s free. Time payments arranged. We sell Plumbing, Heating and Hardware Supplies ‘ Oxford St. Richmond Hill 285M Est. Toronto 1913 Plumbing & Heating Contractor Repairs, Alterations, Remodelling R. E. DAWSON At Hillsdale Country Club, 21/2 miles north- west of Richmond Hill on Dufferin St. Clubs for rent. Greens fee 50c per day. Come and enjoy the rolling hills of Hillsdale. ' Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Munici‘ pal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work, and any owner may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice file with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so he may appoint a time and place when any objeca tion's to the said work will be con- sidered. 3” measured northerly therefrom to the west limit of lot 193. Thence northerly along the west limit of lot 193 to the north limit of said lot. Thence easterly along the north limit of lot 193 to the north- east angle of said lot. Thence southerly along the east limit of lot 193 to the north limit of Pal- mer Avenue. Thence westerly along the north limit of Palmer Avenue to the south-east angle 0) lot 165; Thence southerly along the westerly limit of Lennox Avenue, Plan 3801, to the south-east angle of lot 30, Plan 3801. Thence wes- terly along the north limit of Farm Lane, Plan 3801, to the easterly limit of Yonge Street. Thence northerly along the easterly limit of Yonge Street to the north limit of Palmer Avenue. Thence east- erly along the north limit of Palm- er Avenue to the south-west angle of lot 88, Plan 2383. Thence nor- therly along the west limit of lot 88 to the point of“ commencement. The said estimated sum of $2,- 950.00 shall be levied against the rateable property in the said des- cribed area in twenty, annual in- stalments in the estimated annual amount. DATED at the Township of Markham this let day of August, 1951. as follows, namely: COMMENC- ING at the north-west angle of lot 88. Thence easterly and'par- allel to the north limit of Palmer Avenue, Plan 2383, and distant 1'51’ ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Mark- ham, in the County of York, and being those portions of lands laid out according- to registered plans of subdivisions numbers 2383 and 3801 more particularly described The cost shall be paid in part by a. frontage tax on lands fronting on the said work and the balance by an assessment upon all the rate- a-ble property in the hereinafter described area. The total estimated cost of the work to 'be charged by frontage tax is estimated tq be $1.61 per foot frontage and is‘ to be paid by twenty, equal, annual instalments of the estimated annual sum of 37 cents per foot frontage. In addition to the estimated frontage tax, as aforesaid, it, is estimated that the sum of $2,950.00 shall be charged upon the follow- ing described area, namely: TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town- Ship of Markham intends to con- struct as a local improvement wa- termains on the following high- ways as laid out according to reg- istered Plans numbers 2383 and 3801 of the Township of Markham, namely, Church Street from the south limit of registered Plan 2383 to Harding Boulevard, Harding Boulevard from Church Street to Lennox Avenue, Palmer Avenue from Church Street to Lennox Avenue, Lennox Avenue from Harding Boulevard to the norther- ly limit of lot 168, Plan ‘2383, Rug- gles Avenue from Harding Boul- evard to the north limit of lot 140, Plan 2313, Baker Avenue from Palmer Avenue to the north limit of lot 116, Plan 2383. The total estimated cost of the said work is $16,000.00, of which no part is to be paid by the Cor- poration. EGG GRADING STATION Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104J Woodbridge Wholesale & Retail‘ all year round Special prices and arrange- ments for people who pick them up. GOLF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE EGGSI! CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk Buick, Pontiac, G.M.C. Trucks Phone 488 Elgin Mills Phone 653 1941 FARGO V2 TON EXPRESS $450.00 1941 DIAMOND T 2% TON CAB AND CHASSIS good tires, air conditioned, heater low mileage R.D.I.ITTI.E 8: SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service SHOWROOM OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 174. RICHMOND HILL fill-IIIIIIIIIIIIII only 8,000 miles, overdrive. whitewall tires, many other extras No. 7 Highway Two Miles West 0f Thornhill Thur., Fri. â€" Aug. 23, 24 “City Lights” CHARLIE CHAPLIN Comedy 1950 MONARCH SPORT SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE SEDAN Bradshaw Motors 1946 FARGO 1 TON EXPRESS in very good condition 30 day guarantee RELIABLE USED CARS 1951 BUICK 2-DOOR SEDAN STUART PAXTON 1938 DODGE 1 TON STAKE TRUCK $225.00 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1950 FORD DeLUXE TUDOR excellent condition 1948 CHEVROLET COUPE very nice 1948 PONTIAC COACH Driven only 2,200 miler New car warranty 1949 PONTIAC COACH very clean, one owner unusual value 1937 FORD FORDOR 30 day guarantee QUALITY mechanically good Electrician $1,625.00 $2,950.00 $1,295.00 $400.00 $7 95.00 good tires 5mmnumuumlmmm“mu\\unmmllnumum“immuumuummuumummummuumum1mmmunxI1uulumuuuuumnmfi g l l \ l mu ll ll l l H 1 mm mun 1“ H1 ll uuuuumuuluulluuuunuumulll1llnnuunumuummumg 1 Tabletop-all [Ell mm“- $403.75 see icuol Perkins Farm & Home Equipment 23 MARKHAM RD. PHONE 21W RICHMOND HILL‘ TELEPHONE 10 - RICHMOND HILL 'A VERY LARGE QUANTITY OF. SMUTTY WHEAT HAS BEEN HARVESTED LOCALLY DUE TO UNTREATED SEED SOWN LAST FALL. THIS WHEAT CANNOT BE SOLD ‘TO MILLS AND IS A HEAVY LOSS TO THE FARMERS. WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF SERESAN AND BY ALL MEANS TREAT YOUR SEED. THE COST IS LOW. ‘IT DOES PAY.’ |. D. RAMER & SON T0 FARMERS WWé/fmm-ZZW Way ~ LOOKING ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION. 1950 HILLMAN SEDAN â€" only 8,900 miles â€"â€" clean car 3 DELLVERIES DAILY â€" 10 am. â€" 2 p.m. _ 4 p.m. FROM ANY STORE IN THE DISTRICT TO RICHVALE -- RICHMOND HILL â€" ELGIN MILLS SHOPPING SERVICE CARTAGE WE ARE CLEARING OUR STOCK 0F ENGLféfi USED CARS AT AMAZING REDUCTIONS. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY 1950 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN _ only 20,000 miles good appearance $99500 ENGLISH . CAR BUYERS Centre St. LONG’S PARCEL DELIVERY SAND, GRAVEL, ‘c‘R'u‘sHEIi' STONE, LOAM s. FILL FORD & MONARCH SALES & SERVICE RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL 321J . LITTLE 8: SUN LTD PHONE THORNHILI 247 Models 1" and 158 ‘. REID with NEW OVER-All: FAST FREEZING! Makes period freezing truly carefree! LIGHT MOVING Over-All Fun Franc Anaâ€"25 sqfr. of fast freeze area in Model Illâ€"over 33 sq. ft. in Model 158! Drl-Wall Cublnolâ€"slops exces- sive moisture on outside of cube incl. Silonl-Soalod Opuaflon â€" no (an, no noise. PLUS . . . Frost-Lek self balanc- ing lid . . .Vac-U-Seal insulation . . . aulomatic interior light . . . handy baskets. divide"... "Tight Wad" 5-year warranted refrigeraxion unit. Ind many more features. See them todnyi KI‘ICHIN SIZE MODEL 70 Place food urn/urban on all 5 in- sidesurfacesandit'ua/zlyfrozen for momhs of scaled freshness! freezing is as much fun as serv- ing the treats you've stored from every season of the year! And thcre's room for months of meals for most any size family! New, Exclusive Features TWO HUGE SIZES Thornhili

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