Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1951, p. 5

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Mr. Bill Zuefelt, Caledon East, spent the week-end at home. .Miss Rita Slaght of Oklahoma Clty is the guest of Miss Carol Mansbridge. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Atkinson of Ottawa. visited relatives here this week. Mrs. Alec Clark and daughter Karone are visiting friends in De- troit. Misses Beverley and Sandra Burr of Buttonville are holiday- ing with their cousin, Janice Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard and family, Mrs. Lockhart and Mr. Jas. Wigmore have returned from a week’s holiday at Fenelon Falls; Victor Mature in “Easy Living” combine for the double feature program at The ’Richmond next Monday and Tuesday. ’ Mrs. A. Chapman and Mrs. C. Gra‘ham left Thursday, August 16, on a tour to California by way of the Grand Canyon, returning by Salt Lake City. Louise Taylor, Bayview Avenue, entertained at an after 5 party on August 21, to make plans for the yearly Junior League dance. Mrs. E. P. Taylor poured tea and set- ving were Judith Taylor and Mrs. John Taylor and Mrs. John Benson Jr. Mrs. Benson is chairman 01 the dance committee for the 1951- 52 season. Miss Blythe Gregorash and MiSS Gloria Parisi entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower at the latter’s home on Monday evening in honor of Miss Clare Markey, a Séptem'ber bride-to-be. Twenty guests were present and many lovely gifts were received. “Last gf the Buccaneers? and R. D. LITTLE 8 saw roan 8 momma! - SALES a smvxcn Richmond Hill - Telephone 174 CANADA’S [OWEST-PRICED THREE-PLOW TRACTOR Iiyou are farming extra large acreage or working extra difficult land, you will want the English-built Fordson MAJOR. Five models: to select fromâ€"Standard Agricultural, Land Utility, Row Crop, Half-Track and Industrial. These models with gasoline engine are 3-4 plow capacity, with 6-cylinder diesel engine 4-5 plow capacity. The big, rugged, tried-and-proven Fordson MAJOR is noted for its exceptionally low first cost, exceptionally low running cost, exceptionally low maintenance cost. With all its size and power, it’s easily handled and smooth running. And you’ll be amazed at its reserve power in heavy going! We are headquarters for Fordson MAJOR parts and service. We have a fine line of basic implements for the MAJOR. You can be sure of replacement parts when needed . . . no worries about keeping your Fordson MAJOR working in top con- dition and working all the time. FOR TOUGH CONDITIONS . . . EXTRA POWER RICHVALE COFFEE SHOP o RICHVALE o IMPLEMENTS PARTS â€" SERVICE 'ree Ice Cream For Children On Opening Day ANNOUNCING The Opening OF MONDAY, AUG. 27 The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call. to Telephone No. 9 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church Organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W‘hile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each.weeky it is desirable to have it in earlier if possmle to ensure its publication. George Pollard FORDSON The usual matinee will be at the Richmond Theatre Saturday after- noon and next Wednesday, August 29. Matinee time is 2 pm. Ennndy at fixing things may buy it and do it over. Let him know about it through a Liberal want ad. Phone 9. Don’t throw away that old chair. Some other woman’grhusband who Colonel and Mrs. M. F. Slaght and family of Oklahoma City are guests this week of Colonel Slaght’s aunt, Mrs. H. B. Stirling before his departure to the Phil- ippine‘ Islands. The Rev. and Mrs. Wrixon mo- tored to Lindsay and Coboconk on Thursday last, where Mr. Wrixon ofiiciated at the funeral services of Mrs.- E. Susan Jackson, formerly of the Pattie House, Coboconk. Lady Calvert and her son-in-law, Hon. J. L. Vickers of Montreal were week-end guests in Richmond Hill, visiting Lady Calvert’s grand- daughter and Hon. Mr. Vickers’ daughter, Mrs. John Benson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Carlisle and boys of Centre St. West and Mrs. Lucy Carlisle have returned home after a most enjOya-ble trip to Prince Edward Island, going 'by way of Montreal, Quebec and New Brunswick and returning through Maine, New York and Niagara Falls. A short time ago Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McConaghy of Toronto, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Murray McConaghy and their two- year-old son Johnny from Rose- land, Virginia, U.S.A., had a short visit with Mrs. M. L. McConag‘hy. Mr. J. M. McConaghy is a son of Mr. Alex McConaghy, so Johnny is a. great-grandson of Mrs. M. L. McConaghy. The MAJOR can be adapted to a wide variety of extra work by the addition of optional equipment. This in- cludes Hydraulic Power Lift, starter and lighting on gasoline-engined model (push- button starting standard with diesel engines), power take- off and belt pulley. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN ‘ CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. Th., Rector Services During August Holy Communion â€"â€" ' First and Third Suniays 8.30 am. First Sunday 11 am. Morning Prayer â€" Second, Third, Fourth Sundays at 11 a.m. Visitors especiall; welcome. . RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1951 Sunday School is withdrawn during July and August 11 am. â€" Public Worship Preacher: Rev. H. S. Warren of Aurora RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1951 11 am. â€"â€" Public Worship Mr. James Butler, J P. Everybody welcome. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN 'CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1951 11 a.m.‘â€" Public Worship Mr. Donald Warne, B.A. of Knox College Come and Worship. PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Phone 86 Richmond Hill 5 Yonge St. South MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., minister At The Right Place At The Right Time Many success stories have been based on the above say- ing. For although a person may have the qualifiacations to make good, the opportun- ity is not always present. The same can be said for persons selling goods or ser- vices. The product may be excellent but buyers may not be aware of its existence. The Liberal want ad col- umns offer an easy solution to this problem. They give you a. powerful market place every week. For a quick success story, use The Liberal want ads. Just Phone Richmond Hill 9 LAND UTILITY MODEL WITH GASOLINE ENGINE (all us TO-DAY for u DEMONSTRATION of the MAJOR FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR 9 CU. FT. CAPACITY slightly used [AND UTILITY MODEI WITH DIESEL ENGINE ROW CROP MODEL WITH RUBBER TIRES $379-75 terms LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Sex-Vices Sunday, 11 3.111. â€" Bible Sch001 classes for all ages 7p.m. â€"- Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mis- sidnary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. â€" Young t‘eople: Soc. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 8.30 Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 a.m. St. Luke: 6: 46: And why call ye me. Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Sunday School 10 mm. Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 a.m. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. ~ Rev. E. E. Kent, Minister Sunday Service . . . . . . 2.30 pm. Sunday School _ . . . . . . . . . 10 am. OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 mm. Church Service . . . .. . . . 11.30 mm. MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL 10.30 AM. Remembrance Service 3.00 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Let’s start now to begin coming to Sunday School. All ages and denominations are invited to this Inter-Denominational Afternoon Session of bright singing and stories from the Bible. Parents t00‘will enjoy this at- ternoon program. GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: Mr. Hyde of England Scripture: John 3: 16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave 'His only begotten Son, that who- soever belieVeth in Him should not perish but have everlastfiing life.” CORRECTION In the obituary notice published in last week’s issue for the late Ernest Stiles, we omitted to men- tion. that he is survived by his wid- ow, the former Winnifred Hume, as well as a sister Mrs. John Ash of Gormley and two brothers, George of Gormley and Emmerson of Toronto. Mrs. William Holland received slight burns to 'her arm on Tues- day at 3 pm. when the petrolane gas stove which she was lighting in her kitchen exploded. The Aur- ora Fire Brigade was called and quickly extinguished the blaze. The fire originated from a slight leak around one of the burners. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1951 Sunday Services are withdrawn until September 9 ST-RATE meals. that keep you and your kitchen cool. are mighty Important on summer days. Let con- densed soup help you beat the heat. Ready in less than 5 minutes. soup ls a real summer treasure. You merely whisk it across the stove tor a quick warm up. And you know how well a satisfying dish like this goes with the popular cold foods. A big bowl of tomato or vegetable- beet is the perfect contrast to a crunchy sandwich or a chilled salad. Follow up with a refrigerated des- sertâ€"like melon or ice creamâ€"and a cold beverage to‘ronnd out this pleasant lunch or supper. ..â€"oâ€" .â€" _ __,..v. -- rinsuro yourself for summer meals Cut rims about V'ifilib’hm mic“ by stocking a complete soup shelt- brown 111° 3 little net‘shortening in Have seVeral cans of all the kinds km - . you like best. Mealtime then can be fiesta 6L Mix mth the heated Snag a calm. retreshing pause for you c o o “a "mum “11° game" “"115 PORK AND BEAN TIP: You’ll the table at your house. . find that pork and beans 1n tomato mWEN‘OOOL SUPPER sauce are available in cans of two Vegetable-Beef Soup sizes. Here's the way to figure sex-v. WEgsaudLm lugs. The 15 fluid ounce can con. Sandwich ; talus 1% cups of pork and beans. Pickles enough for 2 or 3 servings. The Baum Nut Sundae 20 fluid ounce can has 2% cups. we Milk or Iced Tea terminal: to:- 3 to 5 servings. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN BURNED AT WILCOX EVANGELICAL SERVICES EVERYBODY WELCOME Held in Kitchen-Cool Meals WALTON-SMITH. The wedding took plaCe on Sav- urday, August 11, of Murray Wal- ton of Buttonville and Miss Aud- rey Smith of Huntsville. The quiet ceremony took place in Woodbine Presbyterian Church Miss Edna Smith was her sister’s bridesmaid and Mr. Frank Bell of Markham was best man. Followng the ceremony 19. recep- tion, attended by immediate rela- tives and friends was held at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walton. On their return from their hon- eymoon trip to Northern Ontario, the happy couple will reside in Toronto. CARTER-NEIL The marriage of Barbara Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Neil of Thornhill, Ontario, to Mr. Philip Alfred Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cleveland Carter of Vancouver, B.C., took place in the chapel of the Episcopal Coll- age of St. Just, Puerto Rico on Saturday, August 4. Because the bride was far from home and her parents unable to‘ be present, her friends in Puerto Rico co-operated wonderfully 0 make her wedding a jéyous and memorable event. She was given in marriage by Dr. Harold Storms, former head of the Workmen‘s Compensation Board at Malton and at present in charge of the State Insurance Fund Hospital at San Juan, Puerto Rico, where the bride had been practicing Occupational Therapy. Mr. Wm. Richards, headmaster of the College of St. Just, was the groomsman, his wife was matron of honour and their small daughter Eve, ’was flower girl. Some of the teachers and pupils of the College decorated the church with garlands of daisies and tall standards of flowers. The organist and soloist from the Cathedral of San Juan perâ€" formed the wedding music. The Rev. Father Rans flew from the Isle of St. Croix to conduct the marriage ceremony. It was the first English service in the church and was read from the prayer book of the groom’s grandmother. The bride wore a three-quarter length ballerina style dress of white nylon net_ over ice blue silk and her veil was a white lace man- tilla. Instead of a reception line after the ceremony, the bride and groom followed the Puerto Rican custom of carrying a basket of “capas” (small souvenir gifts) which they distributed to all their guests. AAPPETIZER TRAY: Tall glasses of icy cold cocktail vegetable juiées make a wonderful afternoon pickup: or serve the beverage as an appe- tizer betore dinner. Put glasses of juice on'a tray with a. bowl of crisp potato chips and creamy pimiento cheese spread for dunking. Pleasant interlude on a hot day. SPAGHETTI 'N ONIONS: Prepared spaghetts In tomato sauce with cheese â€"- mixed with. plenty of browned onion and green pepper ringsâ€"is a supper to shout about. Cut rings about 154-inch thick: brown in a little hot shortening in a sigma. Mix with the heated spag- hat Veterans in the Toronto at- ea not afiiliated with any veto erans’ organization may get tickets for themselves and their families for Warriors' Day at any fire Toron- to and suburbs. These Warriors’ Day tickets entitle the veterans and their families to free admission into Exhibition Park and admission to the afternoon Grandstand show on Warriors’ Day, Satur‘ day, August 25. On this day, the grandstand show in the afternoon consists of the marchpast of the veterans and presentation _.of awards for competitions. ' Affiliated veterans may get their tickets through their or- ganization. Veterans’ Day At The Ex SOUP SCOOPS! matings Miss Phyllis Hennesy of Toron- to, who is head of the Physio-ther- apy Department at the State In- surance Hospital planned the wed- ding luncheon and some of the na- tives brought platters of special Puerto Rican wedding confections. The bride chose for her travell- ing outfit, a white suit with red accessories. After a three week honeymoon around the Carribean Islands and Puerto Rico, Mr. and Mrs. Carter will return to Toronto to live. ‘ At an afternoon ceremony on Saturday, August 18, in Westmore- land United Church, Toronto, Rev. Hunter solemnized the marriage of Irene Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berta, to Douglas Scott Clark, Scarborough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Scarborough. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown of white nyon net over white taffeta, fash- ioned with a. fitted bodice. A lace jacket with scalloped neckline and bishop sleeves was worn over the strapless gown. The full net skirt of ballerina length was dotted with lace roses around the bottom. The shoulder length veil was caught up by a braided cap. The bride wore a. single strand of pearls and car- ried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. The groom’s sister attended the bride as matron of honor and wore a gown of turquoise blue with a full ballerina length skirt. The fitted bodice had covered buttons extending from the waist to a. high neckline with a Peter Pan collar. The bride was also attended by her sister, Miss Nora Berta and wore a pale yellow gown of the same style as the Matron of Honor. Both at- tendants wore braided caps and carried bouquets of roses and corn- flowers surrounded by yellow glad- ioli. Mr. W. White attended his ifriend, the groom, as best man and the ushers were Mr. Louis Berta Jr. and Mr. A. Mason, the former a brother of the bride. Following the reception in the garden at the home of the bride’s parents the couple left by air for Montreal where they plan to hon- eymoon for a week. On their re- turn they will reside on Cowan Ave. in Toronto. The bride chose a- pale blue ’suit with pink and navy blue accessora ies for going away. She also wore a corsage of pink carnations. A miscellaneous shower was giv- en the bride by Mrs. D. Law at the home of the bride’s parents Tues- day, August 14, and the bride re- ceived many lovely gifts which she wishes to thank everyone for. ARCHIBALD â€" In loving memory of our dear son and brother, David Archibald, who passed away August 24, 1947. We love to think of you dear Dav- id In mansion bright and fair, There Jesus reigns in glory, There is no sorrow there. â€": rEver remembered by mother, father and brothers and sisters. BROOKE â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Os- car Brooke, who passed away August 24, 1945; also Gerald Pol- lock, beloved son-in-law and dear husband of Mae Pollock, who passed away August 29, 1946. You left us with a beautiful mem- ory A sorrow too great to behold. To us who loved and lost you Your memory will never grow old. -â€" Sadly missed by Brooke fam- ily. I c1w8 Mrs. Gordon Darling wishes to thank her many friends for their thoughtful interest and sympathy, also the kind neighbors for their assistance at the time of the recent loss of her husband. c1w8 CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS Mr. Walter Bone and family wish to extend their sincere appreciation to their neighbors and many friends for messages of sympathy and kindnesses extended to them during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Downey and family would like to take this op- portunity to thank their many friends for all the beautiful flow- ers, get-well cards, letters, tele- phone calls and gifts and espec- ially their prayers during Mari- lyn’s recent serious illness. Our appreciation also to Dr. W. R. Wes- ley for so ably handling the case. CARD 0F THANKS To advise people of 1. special ent at your church or school club use 3. “Coming Events” no Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until noon on Tuesday, September 4 for the painting of the ex- terior of the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill. Lowest or any tender not. necessarily accepted. For full particu- lars apply â€" IN MEMORIAM RUSSELL LYNETT , Clerk, Richmond Hill CLARK-BERTA TENDERS WANTED * 1w8 notice c1w8 c1w8 01‘ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 23,1951 8 Plant rugged heavy yield- ing Pioneer Seed Corn for silage and grain. Produced by the oldest hybrid seed company. See us or phone Stouffville 66103. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric Will. 3400 Phone 242-] Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimate: Phone Liberal Ofl’ice Phone Richmond Hill 414M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB \mmummnu\\uu“mmmummmuummlmnuummumnmmmn We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 111 Aurora 46J mmmmmmmmumummmmumummuumunmmuu A. ROLLINSON RAILINGS â€" AND IF IT’S IRON WE MAKE IT OR REPAIR IT TELEVISION PIANO TUNING ORNAMENTAL IRON RlCHVALE JAMES J. WALL 25 Years Experience SHINGLING J. M. FARQUHARSON, Gormley, Ont. . Painting Paperhanging and Repairing Electric & Acetylene Welding 01d and New Work First Class Work Reasonable Rates DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oi‘l Burner Cement Septic Tanks ROOF REPAIRS Tel. 9, Richmond Hill OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor C. BRETT 35 Newton Dr‘ S. Hofiman Agent for N ew tonbrook Richmond Hill , 7‘. ____._.___ > W TOP OF THE MORNING Coflee Ib- 96c SPECIALS CULVERHOUSE FANCY QUALITY Tomato Juice AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour LIPTON’S TOMATO & VEGETABLE HUNT’S FANCY Fruit Cocktail - Soup Mix MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing 3;? 30c 323'“ 53c Mazola Oil Baby Cereals GERBER’S FREESTONE‘ YELLOW FLESH Ontario Peaches FRESH DAILY Self Serve \' RlCHMOND HILL NO. 1 ONTARIO Tomatoes LARGE SIZE CLEAN Blueberries OATMEAL CEREAL RICE,BARLEY,MIXT’URE Bananas m- 19c GOLDEN RIPE N0. 1 MORLEY’S AUG. 23, 24, 25 15 oz. Tin 6 Qt. Bsk‘t. 20 oz. Tins 25c Pt. Tin 8 oz. Pkg. 29c 53c 25c 21c 39c 65c 25c

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