5 THE LIBERAII, Richmond Hill, Thurs, August 23, 1951 i PHONE â€" THORNHILL 256W III III-III.-III-IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII ._____________â€"â€"â€"â€"7, [.IIIIIII-III-IIIII-IIIIII-II-IIIII-I= Thornhill, Ont. My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" S E E â€"- Maple THORNHILL 12 Prompt, courteous, eï¬ficient, conï¬dential attention given “to all enquiries. BUYING DR SELLING â€" DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE! Our years of experience and thorough knowledge of your district enable us to provide an unparalleled service in all types of real proï¬erty. Fifteen telephones in our offices keep us in touch with all the markets daily. Six hundred signs now qovering the areas as far north as Orillia are one small indication of our activity. We pride ourselves on our sold signs. You have no doubt seen one on your neigh- bour’s property. REAL ESTATE Are You Interested .7 Salesmen from fourteen communities work from our centrally located suite of offices at the pulse of the suburban real estate world. .‘ FESS & AERO BURNERS DELHI BLOWERS EAS We specialize in re-rooï¬ng, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Insul Brick Siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? David McLean Limited MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD HEAD OFFICE THORNHILL FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES CALL 434 THORNHILL RE - ROOFING John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. OFFICES OPEN DAILY 8.30 A.M. T0 9 RM. N0. 7 HIGHWAY G. E. TA N Q U I Y OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE MAPLE 148 'AT DUFFERIN "’"R °§¢5RST°P LUMBER ANIS’UBP‘IJ’ILl-IglsNG Finance The Answell Way - 24 Months To Pay "SEE OUR DISPLAY AND DEMONSTRATION IN BATHROOM WALLS WITH Cermak BEVEL EDGE WALL TILE ANSWELL LIMITED BEAUTIFY YOUR KITCHEN AND C. RIDDELL Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s C_or_'ne§s) See Love For Lovely Lumber ARTHUR J. WELLS CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION DEVONSHIRE COURT AT THE Telephone Thornhill 350 Telephone Maple 99 EASKY WASHERS WA. 4338 Six guides and two leaders have returned from Camp Wilberforce where they camped for thirteen days under canvas with guides from Newmarket, Highland Creek, West Hill, Oak Ridges, Richmond Hill, Richvale and Toronto. The Lions Club at its last meet- ing of hte executive, accépted with Girl Guides The Thornhill Girl Guides will meet on Monday, September 10 at 7 pm. in the Scout Hut. Any girls 11 years old who wish t'o join this group will be very welcome. Twhe Oak Ridges Lions are plan- ning a corn roast on September 7 at Oak Ridges Schoolyard. It will be a community affair with music and fun for all. Tickets 50c. Nancy Simpson and Heather Bell passed their Senior Red Cross swimming at camp and Margaret McArthur and Phyllis Russell com- pleted their second class badge. Trinity Anglican Church Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Summers have purchased a home on Lake- England about three years ago and settled in Toronto. They have one son Tom jr. who will be a pu- pil at the new Lake Wilcox school. The big August Show of the Thornhill Horticultural Society is to be held this year in the United Church Hall on Wednesday, Aug- ust 2‘9. All exhibitors are requested to bring their exhibits to the hall on Tuesday evening, August 28, be- tween 7 and 8 p.m., they will also be accepted on Wednesday between 11 am. and 1 p.m. The show will be open to the public at 4 pm. and will remain open until 10 o'clock in the even- ing. All are welcome to this big flower show. This coming Sunday the Rev. Albert Lott will give the second part of his dramatic recital on the “Life of Joseph†at the 11 am. service. Plaï¬s are now being made for the annual Family Sunday to be held this year on September 2. It Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White form- erly of Richvale have purchased the Wheel House on Yonge St. They took possession last Wednes- day. Mr. White plans to develop the busineSS along the same lines as the former owner. Mr. and Mrs. White had to cut short their holiâ€" day recently, when their son Roddy aged four was accidently cut when their car made a. sudden stop, while in Buffalo. It took twenty-four stitches to sew up the wound. They had planned to travel thru the Eastern States, but returned home after this unfortunate ac- cident. Thornhill Horticultural Society United Church News From 2 to 3 pm. the nursery Sunday‘School will be held. There will also be Sunday School for students ten years and under. 7W1! we! mm The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill 15 Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her at Thornhill 239.1. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS THORNHILL 1 70 AT THORNHILL CORRESPONDENT: MRS. .C. L. STEPHENSON YON GE ST. Telephone King 97R3l Mrs. D. Ginty of Newmarket who is ninety years old, has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth for three weeks. Saturday afternoon she went to visit her old friends the Umeharas and had the misfortune to fall down their front steps. She was taken to York County Hospital for X-rays, and it was found that she had broken her right arm just above the wrist and injured her leg. qhe remained in the hospital for a few days. Mrs. Ted Bunker celebrated her birthday on Sunday. Her brother Mr. Frank Bolt, Aurora, presented her wibh 13. Bunny. (Mrs. Bunker’s nickname is Bunny). This one was very cleverly made of vegetable marrow body, carrots for legs, let- tuce and cabbage for ears, etc. It was very novel and quite com- plete even to a. diaper. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Macintosh were on holidays last week. They visited Balm Beach and Lake Sim- coe. Mrs. Len Harnden and the two boys, Paul and Ray, are spending this week at Powassan with their grandfather, Mr. W. Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murch and chil- dren visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Murch at their summer home at Beaumaris, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lancley Mills am. family and Mrs. Orville Mills all of Port Hope were guests on Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ash, Miss Joan Hare of Temperance- ville spent a week of her holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Ash. Mrs. E. Foerter and her cousin Mr. S. Savage of Richmond Hill are spending tvi'o weeks with Miss May Judge at her cottage at; Sau- ble Beach. Want a good attendance at that concert or bazaar or whatever it may be? Then try an insertion in the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. It does the job for you at low cost. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 9. - The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the barn and seeing the farm animals. A hike through the woods formed part of the afterâ€" noon and coloured slides were shown by Mrs. RobinSOn, whose hobby it is to take coloured pic- tures of the many interesting scenes around the countryside. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hen- ry are Mrs. L. Pettigrew, Guelph and Mr. Robert Paige, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyd visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarthy at King. is hoped all parishioners will join in the 11 am. service on this date. The annual picnic of the Parish Guild was held on Monday after- noon at the farm of Mrs. Joe Rob- inson, Bayview Avenue. Parish Guild Supper was served on the lawn surrounding the house. Plans were made to hold lthe annual bazaar in the form of a fair this year and to have it take place Saturday, No- vember 10. More details of this fair will be given later. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McIntyre visited Wasaga Beach last week. It was also announced that the ï¬rst meeting of the season is to be held at the home of Mrs. Reg. Byford, Arnold Avenue, on Tues- day evening, September 4. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tobey and family of St. Thomas and Nova Scotia moved to Thornhill last week. They have taken over the former Morgan estate at Yonge Street and Powell Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Tobey like their ew home very much and hope to get better acquainted in the near fu- ture. Mr. Tobey is a nephew of Dr. Sidney Smith, President of the University of Toronto. Mrs. Art Cane and three child- ren of Keswick are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert English. A wedding of great interest took place in St. Just, Puerto Rico on August 4 when Barbara Isobell Neil became the bride of Mr. Phil- ip Carter. A full account of this wedding is appearing under “Wed- dingsâ€. Many years of happiness are wished to Barbara and her husband from her many friends here in Thomhiil. regret, the resignation of Lion Secretary Gordon Rowe and ap- pointed Lion Douglas Stephenson to ï¬ll the vacancy. Mrs. Harry Hutchinson and ï¬ve other ladies all cousins, enpoyed a week’s tour, going as far as Garretsville, Ohio, where they vis- ited another cousin, Mrs. S. Wild- man. Miss Patricia. Hutchinson spent the week her mother was away, with another cousin, Mrs. Willard McLean, Mount Albert. Mrs. Acreman proved her abil- ity as a speaker when she address- ed the three congregations on Vicâ€" toria Square circuit last Sunday. Her topic “Sure Foundations.†Mrs. S. Boynton led the responsive reading. _ d ‘ At-Brown's Corners Mrs. Miller was soloist with the beautiful sel- ection ‘Morning, Noon and Night.’ Miss Orena Miller was pianist. The picnic planned by the mem- bers of Miss Ellen Boynton’s Sun- day School class, which was to have been held at Musselman’s Lake was rained out and plans drastically changed. Lunch was served in the church basement. The group then attended a show at the Richmond. ' Miss Janet Craig with her aunt, Mrs. of Colgan. Audrey May Harrison, Hender- son Ave. had her engagement ann- ounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison who reside at Cooksville, Ont. She as become engaged to Gerald George Daniels of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harr- ison, who formerly resided on John St., Thornhill. Audrey is the third eldest daughter. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Peters (nee Thelma Hobbs) on the birth of their 611). 202. daughter Michele Kathleen at Burnside Hos- pital, Toronto, Sunday August 19, 1951 at 1 pm. The shower had been planned for the spacious lawn of the Rob- inson farm, however wet weather caused withdrawal to the barn, which was an ideal place to ac- commodate around two hundred friends and neighbours. ' The evening was featured by Irish music. Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Miller gave a charming ar- rangement of “An Irish Lullaby.†As an encore Mrs. Stephenson sang “I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen.†Later they sang as a duet, “Galway Bay.†As an in- troduction to the speaker, Mrs. Purves sang “A Little Bit of Heaven†followed by 3 Button- ville Institute special arrangement of the piece. A delicious buffet lunch brought a pleasant evening to a close. Ar- ound thirty members and friends were present. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service Richmond Hill Phone 320W The August ineeting of the W0- men’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. G. Purves with Mrs. D. Brown and Mrs. Elliott assist- ing. Mrs. J. Robinson presided with Mrs. J. Rodick as secretary. Mrs. McGimpsey, the speakeï¬' gave a vivid, and being an Irish- woman, a humorous account of her early life in Northern Ireland, the work, habits, farming conditions of the people. Congratulations are also extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Brown of Clark Ave., on the birth of their 71b. 4oz. daughter, Lorna Helen at St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, on Friday August 10 1951. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Sealy and Family because of their be- reavement, the passing of Mrs Sealy’s sister. An open umbrella, full of con- fetti, a watering can, two tiny umbrellas in pink and white, one for Marion and the other for Clif- ford, made a ï¬ne shower setting. Numerous beautiful and useful gifts, and many best wishes were showered on the young couple. Lunch was served, bringing a hap- py community event to an end. Roll call was answered‘ by the name of a Canadian author. It was decided to hold a. euchre and bridge party with proceeds used'to buy material later. On Wednesday evening, August 15, a community shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson in honour of Miss Mar- ion Robinson. Sanitary Contractors THORNHILL, ONT. Everything Electrical House and Farm Wiring 3. Specialty Work done by Licensed Electricians. G.E. Oil Burners Sales and Service Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 35811 BUTTONVILLE C. STUNDEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Residence 296W Thornhill JACK BALE DONCASTER NEWS is visiting L. Hamilton CORRESPONDENT: MRS. L. SIMPSON Henderson Avenue David (Mickey) Teffler of Powell Ave. Doncaster came third on the consolation heat, but lost 3. Wheel in the feature at the twenty-mile mid-season championships races at Speedway Park. Attention residents! There is now a public telephone at the Post Office on Morgan Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Rosevear have sold their home at 4 Morgan Ave. and moved to Montreal to live. Mr. A. Rosevear is to open a new office for his ï¬rm there. Styled to make y beautiful Mr. Jack Maughan became ill ‘11 Saturday, August 18 and was tak- en to Wellesley hospital, Toronto. His friends and neighbors wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. William Chalmers of Morgan Avenue went to Detroit f0 visit relatives last week, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller and family spent an enjoyable vacation visiting relatives at Fenelon Falls, Ont. The tradesmen would be very pleased if the Doncaster residents would put their proper house num- bers up where they can be plainly seen. GRADING PHONE THORNHILL 141.] MR. STEWART Mrs. P. Diamond of Charlotte- town, P.E.I. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenshields of Henderson Ave. Doncaster. Mrs. Greenshields is Mrs. Diamond’s niece. Mrs. T. Westacott took a fey days off from her duties last week for a much needed rest. Mrs. West- acott spent her holiday with her gister, Mrs. J. Peters of Toronto. Mrs. R. Harrison of Cooksville spent the week end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. Thomp- son of Henderson Ave. The Knot family of Clark St. visited Mrs. Knot’s brother who re- sides at Niagara on the Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. Couper and fam- ily of Powell Avenue, returned on Saturday after spending a very en- joyable week's vacation at Musko- ka Lake, Ont. An enjoyable time was had by all who attended the corn roast held Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenshields of Henderson Ave. Mr. and Mrs. V. Dale and family of Proctor Avenue, took a trip to Niagara Falls during their vaca- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Angel, Clarke St., visited Mr. Angel’s parents at Tara which is twenty miles from Owen Sound. FILL 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale Mrs. Mary Shephard and child- ren of Proctor Avenue spent an- other enjoyable week at Wasaga Beach. Miss T. Wakeley, one of Clark Street‘s new residents spent an en- joyable two week vacation in the Severn River District. g1unnnmunmuumunummnmunmummmmmmmmmg nmummmw' muuu “mum lulluuuumlulnuuluuuuuIllululllmll T ELEVISION BLACKBURNS’ Phone THORNHILL 161 5’]!llR(“ï¬lmllllRmlmm““ll!\\ll“lll\l\“\\'\\\\llllll\l\lll\\\\\\“ME REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€" Curtains Bedspreads Ruth Delbrocco Phone for appointment THORNHILL 108R3 SOLD & SERVICED NORTH END EXCAVATORS your rooms GRAVEL SAND 3‘“llllllllll““\lllllllll“llllllllllll‘lllllllllll““I1ll!Hlullllllkllllullllmlllllll“llll\ll\ll\l\lklllllllmll!l\llm“lllll\\ll\l\\l\m\ml\“\lmmMINE THE HELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA THURSDAY, AUG. 30 North York Veterans Club MASTER GREEN PELLETS are designed as a supplementary feed wherever ad- ditional green feed -is necessary. MASTER GREEN PELLETS contain exra Cereal Grass, Riboflavin Supplement, Milk By-Products and Vitamins. vno DON’T FORGET WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR PULLE'I‘S T0 LAYING MASH CHANGE TO RED HEAD EGG MASH FOR BEST RESUL W. R. DEAN The Regular Monthly Meeting MEMBERS PLEASE A'I'I‘END If you haven’t service, we want you to know we're working at it. Your place on the list is being pro- tected and your telephone will he installed just as soon as possible. *Domim‘on Bureau "Avorago incngr; in cos! of "who of Sfaï¬sh‘cs in 1h. forrilory wt urvo Friendly, helpful telephone service I! one of today’s best buys (ompare these prlce increases during m pm hn yom FOOD* UP 111% will be held Thornhill, om. Telephone 54 We Deliver E. CONDY, Sec’y. COST OF LIVING‘ UP 64% TELEPHONE SERVICE“ UP 21%: .