I,_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"~i III-IIIIIIIII-III...-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII; : PHONE â€" THORNHILL 256W I {II-III-II...-III-.I-II-Ill-I‘III-Ila Thomhill, Ont. FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"ï¬Ã©lum AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE 7__ â€"â€" S E E â€"â€" Maple DELHI BLOWERS EASY WASHE FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES CALL 434 THORNHILL R‘ï¬a We specialize in re-rooï¬ng, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Insul Brick Siding Estimates cheerfully given. Insulating. C. RIDDELL Snmue] Carlisle Frederick Norman J. A. McGinnis Wm. Oliver Norman Porter Margaret E. Bates Thomas Coyne Harry Thompson S. M. Sinclair David McGibbon Norman Heise ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS °COVERED ? THORNHILL 12 WE OFFER A COMPLETE CONFIDENTIAL AND FRIENDLY SERVICE Our salsmen living in your community will be pleased to help y0u with your real estate problems and to put you in touch with the many prospective clients on our books. David McLean Limited John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD HEAD OFFICE THORNHILL OFFICES OPEN DAILY 8.30 A.M. T0 9 RM. G. E. T A N Q U I Y OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE MAPLE 148. 'A'l‘ DUFFERIN BUYING 0R SELLING NO. 7 HIGHWAY BATHROOM WALLS WITH Cermak BEVEL EDGE WALL TILE SEE OUR DISPLAY AND DEMONSTRATION IN “"R °F'L‘R“°" LUMBER “2.1115255†Finance The Answell Way - 24 Months To Pay BE AUTIFY YQUR KITCHEN AND ANSWELL LIMITED ARTHUR J. WELLS My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For Yongo Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s gogneys) gee Love For Lovely Lumber FESS & AERO BURNERS - ROOFING CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION After hours and holidays; DEVONSHIRE COURT AT THE uv; n... 5:, Telephone Thomhill 350 Telephone Maple 99 EASY WASHERS Richmond Hill 394W Willowdnle 3488 Maple 156W Aurora 429R24 Bradford 189 Hyland 6015 Brampton 1078J Erin 37R1 Stoufl’ville 67913 Thornhill 291R3 Beaverton 60 WA. 4338 Trinity Church News On Sunday, August 26, Susan Mary and William Christopher, children of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Austen, were christened at Trinity Anglican Church by the Rev. S. A. R. Wood. Irene Hall, Ethel Ludlow and Robert Cutler were Godparents for Susan, while Orval' Austen, James Hall and Eleanor Bisset acted as Godparen’cs for Christopher. For this special service Christo- pher was gowned in a white baby dress which had been worn by his father. Parish Guild 1;;t the horhe of Mtg. R. VByford, Arnold Avenue. _ “Meinbiers please note -‘â€" the ï¬rst meeting of the season is to be held next Tuesday evening, September Crutcher's Numery and Kindergarten School will com- mence on Monday, September 10. Thornhill Community Kindergarten 7WM3W Nursery News The Thornhill Community Kinâ€" derg‘arten is pleased to announce the appointment of a new teaching stafl’. The new Supervisor is Mrs. C. N. Gage, who is well known in the Thornlea district for her active interest in the Home and School Club. Mrs. Gage has just com- pleted a course in Nursery School Training. Her assistant is to be Mrs. C. H. Pearce who had considerable Day Nursery experience during World War 2. ‘ A special program for children of kindergarten age is being ar- CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple ‘ Telephone Maple lhDR3 ‘Mr. and Mrs. Boron, Douglas, tember 4, at the home of Mn. Jeffrey and Karen Whalley visited Law. with Mrs. Boron’s parents, Mr. " ’ ‘ ‘ and Mrs. S. R. Bailey of Orange- Sunday visitors at the home of ville over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan Were The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. C. H. Bolton and you may reach her at Thornhill 239.1. Mr. Pete Barnes of Aylmer spent the week-end with his sis- ter, Mrs. Gordon Darling and fam- ily. John Witney is able to be out and about again since his accident over four weeks ago. John’s knee cap u'as crushed when it became jammed between two moving ma- chines while at work but seems to be well on the mend now. Mrs. Church is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Paul Snider. Mrs. Church returned recently from Cleveland, Ohio, .where she spent three weeks with her daughter and son-in-law. Mrs. Baker and son Arthur have left to spend two weeks at Fene- lon Falls. ELIA ' The Womag’s Association of the Elia United Church win hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, Sep- RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street South Telephone Richmond Hill 426 THORNHILL 170 AT THORNHILL Saws Sharpened and Set YONGE ST. CONCORD NEWS ranged for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each Week, and children of Nursery school age will attend Thursday and Friday for 8 special program adapted to their age group. Calling All War Brides A corn roast is to be held on Wednesday evening, September 5, at the home of Mrs. Em; Lunau, 35 Roosevelt Drive, Stop 20A, starting at 8.30 p.m. Everyone is invited, the admission being 75¢ per couple. The proceeds go towards helping the girls get home for a‘visiï¬tf Come one and all and bring your friends. Thuose {ï¬shing to attend kindly contact Mrs. Lunau at Thornhill 261R5, by Monday, September 3. Thornhill Athletic Association A good time was had by all at the club’s corn roast which was held last Saturday evening in the Thornhill Park. Bobby Booth and his orchestra led the sing song with everyone joining in. Corn, hot dogs and soft drinks kept everyone hap- py and “a good time was had by all.†Thornhi'll Public School Parents are reminded‘that birth certiï¬cates for beginners starting school on September 4, 1951, must be presented to the Principal 011 Opening day, if they were not pre- sented at the spring registration. John Neil of Thornhill was an usher at the S‘henstone-Legate wedding in Owen Sound last Sat- urday. ‘ Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan were Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Whittaker and son David of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buchanan and Anne, Mr and Mrs. J. E. Buchanan and daughter Elizabeth of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Noble of Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Chapman of Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trigget of Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacRelby of Sudbury. Walter Jackson is spending the week in Toronto with his cousin Ralph Stephenson and Dorothy and Margaret Jackson are holi- dying in Richmond Hill with their aunt. Miss Vera Jackson. ...-L , SHERWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Jack Denby and their son Jack and :his wife at- tended the funeral of Fred Evans last week. Mr. Evans died sud- denly of a heart attack while at work on the farm of Mr. Fred Hamilton in Ravenshoe. He was born in England and came to this country about 30 years ago and spent quite a num- ber of years in this community and Elia before going to Raven- shoe. No services will be held at the Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday but Sunday School will be held at 1.30 pm. Some interesting facts about Lutheran Church groups is that 951 ministerial students are en- rolled in Lutheran seminaries and 1200 in preparatory colleges. Of an estimated 270,000 congregations belonging to over 250 denomina- tions, 16,500 belong to Lutheran. Sixty chaplains are on active duty with the armed services. Val- paraiso leads all Lutheran Coll- eges in enrollment with 1,692 stu- dents. A corn roast is to be held on Wednesday evening, September 4, at the home of Mrs. Ena Lunau, 35 Roosevelt Dr., Stop 20A, start- ing at 8.30 pm. Everyone is in- vited, the admission being 75c per couple. The proceeds go towards helping the girls get home for a visit. Those wishing to attend kindly contact Mrs. Lunau, Thorn- hill 261R5, by Monday, September 3. Come one and'all and bring your friends. LOAM GRADING PHONE THORNHILL 141J MR. STEWART 20 Elmwood Ave., Willowdale FILL CALLING ALL WAR BRIDES! He was buried Mr. and Mrs. Public, put your services . . . your wants before a market of more than ten thousand readers in the North Yonge district for the nominal sum of 50 cents up. It's Easy to Place an Ad in THE LIBERAL NORTH END EXCAVATORS Opportunity Knocks In The Want Ads! Richmond Hill 9 in Queensville. GRAVEL in the SAND Attention boys and girls of Doncaster, Uncle Vic and his mu- sical box will be at the Doncaster Sunday School, corner of Clarke and Willowdale at 3 p.m. sharp this comi‘ng Sunday, September 2. Parents are also invited. While on holidays Mr. and Mrs. V. Askin of Ottawa visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenshields of Hen- derson Ave. Mrs. J. Greenshields also held a stork shower for her cousin, Mrs. Askin on Friday, August 24. Mr. Foster Hagan went to R0- chester N.Y., for a few days hol- idays. Mr. and Mrs. Hull and family of Timmins, 0nt., visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kindness of Hender- son Ave., during' the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. D. Clark (nee Ir- ene Berta) returned from their honeymoon at Jasper Lodge, Que. on Thursday, August 23. On Saturday, August 25, David (Mickey) Lefl’ler of POWell Ave., Doncaster came ï¬rst in the con- solation heat, also fourth in the feature at the auto races, Speed- way Park. 4 Miss ‘Jackie’ Richardson and Miss Yvonne Leportavaine, visit- ed Miss Richardson’s grandmother of Scarborouw on Sunday, Aug- ust 26. Luau. Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenshields of Henderson Ave. spent a few days of their vacation at Tanners’ Beach, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. R. Evans of Clark St. held a corn roast Saturday, August 25. Many of their friends attended and had an enjoyable time. The Wattersons of Clarke St., held a corn and weiner roast on Saturday, August 25 and enter- tained around 35 friends and rel- atives including many from the Isle of ’Man. A very enjoyable evening was spent singing old Manx songs and discussing old times. Previous to this date, Mr.,and Mrs. Watterson and family at- tended the North American Manx convention held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Manxmen from far and near attended this conven- tion. Plans are being made to hold the 1952 convention at the Isle of Man which will be a. home-going for many. Fri. Aug. 31, Sat. Sept. 1 ‘Fort Worth’ Wed., Thurs., Sept. 5, 6 Double Feature Caged’ with Eleanor Parker Terrors and torments of girls in prison Caged’ Joan Fon'taine Robert Ryan with Eleanor Parker Zachary Scott ‘errors and torments of girls in prison 'Adult Entertainment SUNDAY MIDNIGHT: SHOWING, SEPTEMBER 1 “The Thing†WHAT IS IT? SEE FOR YOURSELF, David Brian Phyllis Thaxter Starring Randolph Scott DONCASTER NEWS MARKHAM CORRESPONDENT: MRS. L. SIMPSON Henderson Avenue sister, Mrs. Ted Gibner and Mr. and Mr. William Trimm 'of G-alt, Ont. Audrey and Florence Harrison of Henderson Ave. spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Harrison 0! Cookaville. accompanied by her ï¬ance, Mr. G. G. Daniels. The community wishes to wel- come Mr. and Mrs. W. Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Bonser, Mr. and Mrs. Nickel and Mr. and Mrs. Dry- burgh into the district. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orvis and family of 72 Henderson are mov- ing to‘Lake Wilcox on Saturday, September 1. 1951. The residents of Doncaster are pleased to see Johnston Ave. be- ing complveted through to Clark Street. V. Moore of Morgan réturned to Washington, D.C., on Sunday. Cpl. James Mason, RCAF, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Mrs. V. Moore‘s father, Mr. William Mason of Oakville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. V. Moore and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett’s daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. G. Gray left for their home in Tucson, Arizona on Tuesday. A corn roast is to be held on Wednesday evening, September 4, at the home of Mrs. Ena Lunau, 35 Roosevelt Dr., Stop 20A, start- ing at 8.30 pm. Everyone is in- vited, the admission being 75¢ per couple. The proceeds go towards helping the girls get home for a visit. Those wishing to attend kindly contact Mrs. Lunau, Thorn- liill 261R5, by Monday, September 3. Come one and all and bring your friends. Extension Ladders To Rent RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street South Telephone Richmond Hill 426 REASONABLE MADE TO MEASURE Drapes â€"- Curtains Bedspreads Styled to make your moms beautiful CALLING ALL “'AR BRIDES! Mon, Tues., Sept. 3, 4 Natural or Supernatural from another world ‘The Thing’ What is The Thing? See For Yourself Wed., Thurs., Sept. 5, 6 ‘Born To Be Bad’ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 80, 1981 I gum“1mummulllllllll\\\\\\u\1\mmnunuulluuuumuuu\umuuummumuuu“\ulmmmmmnumummmuuummmulmmmmm HORSESnvnmn.mmmmmmu$1M CATTLE . . . . . Tnunanvmnm$5m SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE FOR SPEEDY PICK-UP, I , PHONE ' BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 00., LTD. Richmond Hill 47R4 Plans for a home-made treater from your Agricultural Representative on re- quest. Secure clean seed then use a mercury dust â€"â€" Mix Thoroughly. . Seed Cleaning Plants do Seed Treat- mg. Smut is costing Tens of Thousands of Dollars. Ask for new bulletin “Control of .Grain Smut.†131 Steele‘s 'A'venue Eat K EXPERT CU’I'I‘ING AND PERMANENT WAVING FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE glaine HAIR STYLIST WHEAT BUNT or STlNKlNG SMUT Notice to Farmers CAN‘BE PREVENTED BY SEED TREATMENT W. M. Cockburn, Agric. Rept. Ontario Department of Agriculture, Newman-ket Highest Prices Paid For Dead or Crippled Animals Toronto LY. 6237 Zone 5915 $7.00 each $5.00 eagh