Mrs. Jack Atkinson and Ev. Watling are spending Labor Day week-end at Penetanguishene. 178 Yonge Street, N. ‘ Richmond Hill, Ont. Dorothy and' Margaret Jackson are visiting their aunt, Miss Vera Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reynolds spent the week-end witn Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kent in Warminster. Dr. Cicely" Wilson and Mr. A. K. Wilson sail for Britain and France or. September 6 for a two month vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Russel] Lynett have returned from a four-day motor trip to North Bay and Stur- geon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. Soderberg and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stong are spending Labor Day Week-end at Six Mile Lake. Misses Joan and Betty Wright of Parry Sound are visiting with their’grandmother, Mrs. 0. L. Wright. It may be junk to you, but some- one may be glad to pay you cash 101‘ it. List it in the want ad col- umns of The Liberal. Call Rich- bois Mrs. Sadie Freethy, Matron of the Orange Home, eight senior children of the Home, Rev. and Mrs. Wrixon, were among; the many guests at the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition luncheon on Mon- day of this week. Mrs. Kate Aitâ€" ken, Director of Women’s Activx- ties, presided at the luncheon. mond Hill 9 Richmond Hill’s representative at the women's luncheon at the Canadian National Exhibition on Labour Day will be Mrs. Paul Du- A com roast is to be held on Wednesday evening, September 4, nt the home of Mrs. Ena Lunau, 85 Roosevelt Dr.,'Stop 20A, start- ing at 8.30 pm. Everyone is in- vited, the admission being 75¢ per couple. The proceeds go towards helping the girls get home for a visit. Those wishing to attend itindly contact Mrs. Lunau, Thorn- hill 261R5, by Monday, September 8. Come one and all and bring your friends. CALLING ALL WAR BRIDES! "Dollar for Dollar and Feature for Feature you can't beat a Bradshaw Motors Limited General Mob: Value lllusfrufodâ€"‘l'ho Catalina " ntia And remember â€" besides the Catalina sit and Catalina eight, there are sixteen other models to choose from in the three great Pontiac series. See your Pontiac dealerâ€"soon! And the Catalina is a Ponziac.’ That means there’s downright, Ibedroc-k quality and character under its gay dressâ€"all the famous features that have earned for Pontiac such phenomena] acclaim all across the land. Yes, here’s the car that’s causing the stirâ€"the eager, colorful beauty that’s drawing the oh’s and ah’s of all Canada! It's the Catalinaâ€"with ultra advanced styling â€"â€" that cuts a ï¬gure like a convertible, with racy lines, disappearing side-posts, extra-special color schemes. And it protects you with an all-steel top! Brilliant colors in both sixes and {ï¬ghts Sumdard equipment, tux-«wrist and trim illustrated an subject to cling. withau: nodu. Deputy-Reeve W. J. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, Yonge Street, and [ML and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Lorne Avenue, enjoyed a motor trip through northern Ontario over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Powell, May Avenue, have gone to their cottage at Port McNichol. land. David A. Graham, May Avenue, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. R. J. Maitland, Block Island, Rhode Isâ€" Mrs. Frederick J. Haywood and her nephew, Joe Cherry, both for- merly of Gormley, Ont. motored here from New Bedford, Mass., U. S.A. They visited Mrs. J. Cherry Sr. and family in Barrie. Mrs. Haywood was in Richmond Hill all last week staying with Mrs. R. Walker Hall. Mr. J. Scott McNair and daugh- ter Miss Alice McNair, Elgin Mills have returned after a delightful motor trip to London, Seaforth, Clinton and the Bay of Quinte dis- trict. This is an annual trip and this year as always they feceived a hearty and royal welcome from more than ninety relatives visited. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grainger and Mrs. S. Pipher won ï¬rst prize for three wins at Brampton last Sat- urday, August 25. Mrs. E. Charity and Mrs. N. Chatterley entered the ladies’ doubles tournament at Bairie last week and were high for two wins. Mr. A. A. Eden and G. Yerex won ï¬rst prize at Aurora last Sat- urday. Don’t forget the local tourna- ments at the Richmond Hill greens every Monday and Thursday nights. Mrs. N. Chatterley, Mrs. R. Lyn- ett, Mrs. S. Pipher and Mrs. Al. White are representing Richmond Hill at the Globe and Mail Ladies’ Doubles today, August 30. in Tor- onto. The Mrs. L. H. Clement Memor- ial Trophy will be played for Satâ€" urday, September 8. Bowling Notes ROVED Rev. C. G. Higginson, Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1951 11 a.m. â€" Public Worship The Minister. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1951 11 am. -â€" Public Worship Everybody welcome. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L. 'l‘h., Rector Sunday, September 2 Trinity 15 8.30 a.m. â€" Holy Communion ’ 11 a.m. â€" Choral Communion The Rector at both services. All tire welcome. SUNDAY SCHOOL and EVENING SERVICE will be resumed on Sun- day, September 9 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A., Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1951 11 am. â€" Public Worship Mr. Donald Warne, B.A. of Knox College Come and Worahip. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1951 Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . . 10 am. Church Service . . . . . . . . 10.30 am. anle Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 mm. Church Service . . . . . . . . 11.30 mm. Edgeley Sunday School . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm. Church Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm. All are welcome. Rev. E. E. Kent. Minister Sunday Service 2.30 p.m Sunday School _ , . . . . . . . . 10 am LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pator, Rev. A. R. Jones Serflcel Sundny, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes {01- all age: 7p.m. -â€" Gospel Service. Wed.) 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pan. -- Women’s Mis- Sunday School . . . . . .. . . . 10 mm. Wonhip . . . . . . . 11mm. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. OARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH siénary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. -â€" Young People: Soc‘ MAPLE CHURCH NOTICES Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., " minister ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH The pioneer automatic drive that has been acclaimed for over ten yearsâ€"now further im- Broved with new Instant Reverse! HYD -MATIC RIVE is an automatic transmission pl fluid driveâ€"that's the secret of its flashing perfor- mance! Optional at extra cost on the Catalina and Chieftain models. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1951 Sunday Services are withdrawn until September 9 » Sunday School at 1.30 pm. CHQRCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at: 8.30 Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. St. Luke: 6: 46: And why call ye me. Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Let’s start now to begin coming to Sunday School. All ages and denominations are invited to this Inter-Denominational Afternoon Session of bright singing and stories from the Bible. Parents too will enjoy this a!» ternoon program. GOSPEL SERVICE Scripture: John 3: 16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who- soever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.†SANDLE -â€" Mr. and Mrs. William Sandle (nee Marian Boynton) are happy 0 announce the birth of a daug ter, Margaret Anne Phyllis, on Monday, August 27, 1951, at the Newmarket Hos- pital. Everyone ï¬ne. STREET â€" To Bob and Doreen Street (nee Andrews), 3 baby girl, Ellen Doreen, on August 22, at Mrs. Master’s Nursing Home, Mill Road. c1w9 to Warren Edward Willett, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Willett, Lang- staff. The marriage will take place September 15 at 7.30 pm. in St. Mavv’é Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. c1w9 Mr. and Mrs. George Catto an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Agatha Claire Markey- EVAN GELICAL SERVICES EVERYBODY WELCOME ENGAGEMENT Pontiac Held in MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL 10.30 A.M. Remembrance Service 3.00 P.M. SUA'DAY SCHOOL BIRTHS P4251! A great deal of time, energy' and money has been spent during the last few weeks in order to make the church a place of beauty and comfort in which to worship. It is with a great deal of gratitude to all those who have assisted in this endeavour that we cordially invite everyone who can possibly do so to attend the re-opening of the church on Sunday, September The morning service will be held at 11 o’clock with Rev. G. A. Wood, C.A., B.D. of Bedford Park United Church, Toronto, officia- ting. In the ‘evening at 7.30 Rev. Mr. Moddle [will conduct the ser- vice with Rev. Huston of Victoria Square as the guest minister. The music for both services will be by the Temperanceville choir. Soloist in the morning will be Mrs. M. McClure, in the evening Mrs. F. Boys, with Miss Shirley Hare sing- ing the solo in the anthem. Friday evening the ladies '- re requested to come to the church prepared to do any necessary dust- ing. Our sincere sympathy is extend- ed to Mrs. Clifford Folliott, her family and to the Folliott broth- The services of Carrville United Church will start again on Sun- day September 2. Worship service at 2.30 pm. MCDONALD -â€"- In loving memory of a loving mother, Savah Mc- Donald, who passed away Aug- ust 25, 1941; also a dear father, Murdoch McDonald, who entered into rest September 8, 1931. They say time heals all sorrow, And helpq us to forget. But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to ï¬ght it And courage to bear the blow But what it. meant to lose you No one will ever know. At the time of writing this news there is no deï¬nite arrangement for Sunday School. Rev. Kent is not home from vacation so nothing can be decided. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wynn and sons John and Bob spent several days last week at Bonsecour, Beach on Lake Simcoo. The Woman’s Association of Carrville United Church will meet on Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber 5 at 2 pm. at. the home of Mrs. J. Anderson, Bathurst St. Devotions by Miss Mary Read and â€"- Ever remembered by iamily and grandchildren. *lwz) Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Quinton in the recent death of Mr. Quinton’s father. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Edwin “Red†Garner sin- cerely thanks everyone for the many kindnesses shown him fol- l'owing his recent accident, espec- ially the Boys Club and the Lang- stafl‘ Recreational Committee. c1w7 Woman's Association a paper by Mrs. R. Middleton. So- cial convenors are Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Oliver. All ladies in the community are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. A. Quinton and family wish to thank their many friends for their thoughtful interest and sympathy, also the kind neigh- bours for their assistance at the time of the recent loss of a hus- band and father, especially Dr. Ar- cher Wallace for his words of com- fort. c1w9 A corn and marshmallow roast was held on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk. A good crowd was present to enjoy all the delicious corn and marsh- mallows they cared for. This was sponsored by 'the Woman’s Assoc- iation and was one of many social functions they hope to have in or- der to raise their neW'objective toward the building fund which is to be $300 in the next two years. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R. 3,) KING IN MEMORIAM Far Service at it’s Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMoND HILL DAIRY TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 1801's Bort Middleto- ers in the sudden death of Mr‘ Clifford Folliott, Kettleby. Mrs. M. McClure is the proud possessor of the T. Eaton CO. trophy awarded to the person re- ceiving the highest number of points for exhibits during the year in the Horticulture displays. The annual fair was held on Saturday, August 25, at which time Mrs. McClure received this. honour. .After a period of ï¬fty-one con- secutive years Mr. James Paxton has retired from the threshing business. ’Perhaps with a slight feeling of regret he sold his threshing machine last week. David McClure received a phone call from his sister, Mrs. June Watson of Florida, on his four- teenth birthday, August 25. A very pleasant surprise birthday gift. The Sunday School will not be held as planned on September 2. This is due to the holding of two church services. However, we ex- pect to hold Sunday School the following Sunday at 10.30 am. in the church basement. Mrs. J. Clement and Mrs. Stan Wood and son Drew spent the week-end at St. Catherines visit- ing their niece. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams and George and Margaret of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hayter. A splendid reading was given by Miss Eva Baker. Impromptu speeches and good wishes to the bride and groom were given by Mr. and Mrs. S. Winger, Mr. Bill Baker, Mr. Cliff Winger, Mr. Floyd and David Winger and Mr. Bert Middleton. Advice to the bride was given by Ruth Patï¬eld, which was very good and a little humorous. Mr. Murray Wideman gave some good advice to the groom, at least the ladies would think so, as he suggested for him to be generous with his money and help around the home. Recollection» of school days at 0. Bl. was given by H. Stickley who was a college pal of Bruce and his bride. Miss Redtha, Margar- et and Mr. Bruce Steckley har- monized very nicely in a song. The bride and groom were then presented with many useful and beautiful gifts. They thanked the friends and neighbours for their gifts and good wishes very ï¬tting- ly. The hostess, Mrs. Winger assisted by several of the young ladies served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Winger are leav- ing shortly for California where Bruce will attend Upland Bible College. / A very enjoyable evening was had at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winger on Monday, when a miscellaneous shower was iven to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W1 get. This was held on the lovely lawn at the Winger home. There was a large crowd in attendance repâ€" resenting Carrville, Concord and Markham communities. The young people of the Brethren in Christ Church put on a most enjoyable program. The chairman was Mr. Lewis Heise. The evening com- menced with all singing “Showers of Blessing†and a prayer by Mr. Murray Wideman. Miss; Erma Heise led In several sing-songs in her own lover wa_.y. uuuumuummmmumlllu\m\\mm\llum1mmunmummummnulv 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Tel. Richmond Hill 490 Nights and Holidays Telephone Thornhill 207R6 \lllllllll\llllllllilllllillll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmI‘lllllllllll‘ CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHDP FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 30, 1951 5 Two Deliveries Daily 10 am. and 3 p.m. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street South Telephone Richmond Hill 426 Plant rugged heavy yield- ing Eioneer Seed Corn for silage and grain. Produced by the oldest hybrid seed company. See us or phone Stouffville 66103. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street South Telephone Richmond Hill 426 ' BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT Yerex Electric |ll\lllllmlllI“lllllll\lll\l1lllllll“\m1\lllll\\lllllllllllllllllllllllllmmlï¬‚ï¬ Phone 242-] Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimate: Phone Liberal Office Tel. 9, Richmond Hill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII We solve your deep and shallow well pressure system troubles. Phones King 111 ' Aurora 46J nummmnmmmmmmmmnnmmunnmunmmmmuum Will. 3400 Phone Richmond Hill 414M g Richmond Bill S Telephone 5-.I i WOOWW ERiéHligï¬bwï¬i'iflleéiï¬ii £2 51 YONGE ST. SOUTH A. ROLLINSUN PIANO ‘TUNING and Repairing JAMES J.‘ WALL OAK RIDGES, ONT. Plumbing & Heating Contractor TELEVISION Caulking Guns To Rent 25 Years Experience Painting Paperhanging First Class Work Reasonable Rates SHINGLING J. M. FARQUHARSON. Gormley, Ont. DELCO PUMPS AND Arcoflame Oil Burner 01d and New Work ROOF REPAIRS Cement Septic Tanks C. BRETT 35 Newton Dr. . Hoï¬man Agent for Richmond Hill N ew tonbrook N ABOB Jelly Powders 3 Pkgs- 25c MORLEY SPECIALS METCALFE’S KELLOGG’S Pork & Beans AYLMER Tomato Catsup 11311.02. 196 Corn Pops "MORLEY’S YORK Peas SOCIETY CLUB HOUSE Oranges Dog Food NO. 1 ONTARIO Potatoes :1? 35c Peanut Butter 52;†39c PASCAL GREEN Celery Stalks CALIFORNIA SUNKIST PRESERVE NOW Self Serve RICHMOND HILL Aug. 30, 31, SEPT. l FREESTONE PEACHES 20 oz. Tin Tins Pkgs. TELEPHONE 223 Lge. Stalks CHOICE QUALITY 19c 15c Doz. 27c 35c 21c 35c