Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1951, p. 6

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A few vacancies are open for the care of sick and invalid people. The best of care and attention given. This home is approved by all doctors. Spacious lawns and verandahs for relaxation. Reasonable rates. _'_____.â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" ______i7 mmmmmmmuumu1\\mmuu\u\\um\mmumuuunmumnmmmuuuunununnummumumnnmllum“ullmumuumumumumt E-mummmm\\u\\\\\\m\m\\nmumml\mmummnnllulmi“mummummmnunmmunmunll1umuuuumuuuunnmnmuuumulmnfi CLAREMONT REST HUME The Claremont Rest Home is now being sfipervised by Mr. and Mrs. E. Austin, late of Sunny Acres Rest Home, Gormley. 'AIPAULINâ€"Profecis car 95p loads hem "in and dust. Sin 5' x 6' with In». lop. 11'“ n.......... "4.95 PLAZA 5373 (5) Heavy Duty Bumper Traller BonnecQorâ€"For bumpers with license fill“ in cenfre and where connedor must laden on outside 0' bumper guards. 36" Overall ......6_85 MAPLE BLOCK 8: TILE LIMITED (6) Late-Model Car 3 u m p e r - Trailer Connectorâ€"Especially design- ld for now" can with wide bumpers and gravcl skinings . . . . . . . . . . . . ........2_75 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 30, 1951 (3) Bumper Trailer Connecior â€"â€" Huvy steal damping; curved design, in: bumpers to 6" wide ..... ....1,15 (I) B." and Socket Coupler â€" Patonhd locking device ensures sal- operafion. InsOanf couplingâ€"no raffle. Sturdy malleable iron consfrudion; vi"! HQ" sMal ball and half .. 2,69 Heavy-Dun Ball and S o c k e t Couplerâ€"Larger and sfronger: recor- monded {or loads up to 5,000 lbs. WM! 2%" ball and be” 4,49 (2) Replacement Ball and Sonâ€"- For above and oiher couplers. W." Ball and Bolt ................ ,79 "A" Ball and Bolf ................ .85 IV." In" and Bo” ................1.25 .: TRAILER HARDWARE Don’t “clutter up" the interior 0! the car with bulky luggage â€"-carry it outside and leave more room for passengers Heavy Duty Bumper Traller necQorâ€"For bumpers with license I in cenfre and where connedor * laden on outside 0! bumper guards. overall .........\. . . . . . . . ....6_85 (10) Trailer Wheel and Axle Set â€"Build your own 2 or 4vwhee| frailer, 'arm-waggon. ech. wiih {his sturdy under-carriage. With I6" disc wheel: (in usa your old fires and tubes) and trailer mcunfing aHachmenfs ..........33_95 BARRY [DADS 0N TOP OF THE BAR Fast---Positive SAFETY TRAILER CUUPLERS PHONE CLAREMONT 4701 PHONE CLAREMONT 4701 Hercule: Car-Top Carrler . . . .8.68 MAPLE â€"‘ ONTARIO GAR-TOP BARRIERS and TRAILER HARDWARE ZEGAR-TOP CARRIERS "zEPHVR" LUGGAGE CARRIERâ€"A super-sin model for vacations, week-0nd hips. delivery work. 09c. Marine piywood consOrucOion vim suction cups and min” "rapt ..... ....13.95 "no..." “HERCULES"â€"Mou sold And qualer ulilily than any nth-r lop carrier on Nu market. Usa if lo carry boals, ladders. luggage. etc. Slurdy hardwood crow bars. handsomely finished in clear‘ wealher-ruislanf lacquer; Supporhd by l large suclion cups. and securely held by slronq safely sfrapr. Won't damage can lop or finish. Standard Silo ....... English car she Wheelbarrow Wheel â€"- Similar in above, buf with roller-bearing axle‘ Corn- plefe with fube. Universal fit “16.25 (9) Trailer Wheelâ€"For single-whad lrailers. Hi-speed boaring wifh 4â€"ph pneumafic fire and ,ube. Load vafing 465 lbs. Complete ...... ....21.75 (1). Improved Bumper - to - Frame Couplerâ€"Universal lilâ€"lor praclically all cars. new and old. Exerlx load pull on car frameâ€"very llllla bumper "rain. May be used wilh or wllhouf lha special brace rods shown . . . . . . ..3_95 S eclal Brace Rodsâ€"Take Hue drain of NI]: bumper. Pair ............3_25 (a) Car-To-Frame Coupler â€" A heavy steal bar lesions direcfly to flu car frame and ufilizos Hue bumper for strength. Safe and practicalâ€"hr mod cars “736â€"42 . ....4_75 Convenient, Low-Cost Electric Trailer Connector â€"- soft rubber caps .. ... .42 MAPLE 6 Mr. and Mrs. Clark Archibald and family motored to Shelbourne on Sunday to visit the Aubrey Ar- chibalds, and to bring their son Ronny back home. Lillian Archi- bald accompanied them back to Shelbourne after a week’s visit with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs E. J. Archibald in King City. An invitation to send members of Kingscrafts Guild to the Handi- crafts Exhibition in the Women’s Building, C.N.E., to act. as host- esses for a day was accepted. On Thursday of this week, Music Day, Mrs. J. L. Grew, Mrs. A. E. Jar- vis, Mrs. E. B. Johnston, Miss Evâ€" elyn Courtney, Mrs. H. Bryan of Maple and Miss Whitmore of Edgeley undertook to spend the day at the Exhibition. On Saturday afternoon, Dr. Er- ic B. Johnston was best man at the wedding of his friend, Peter W. Shenstone and Mary Catharine Legate at Central United Church, Owen Sound. One of the four ush- ers was John Neil of Thornhill. On Thursday evening a group of young people of the Canadian Bank of Commerce Main (Jr’fi2e staff of Toronto were invited to King by Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tetley. The young men are members of the Bank of Commerce baseball team, and in the early evening they had a fine game with the King Softball Club. Gord Orr pitched a great game, and the final score of the exciting game was 8-7 in favor of King. Afterwards re- freshments were served at the An- glican Rectory by Mr. and Mrs. Tetley and Mr. and Mrs. Bell, helped by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hobson who happened to come along in time to serve the coffee and sandwiches to the 30 guests. Mls Anne Grew has been visit- ing in Ottawa. Her friend Anne Jarvis returned with her and spent a few days at her home earlier this week. Mrs. D. Jefferson and daugh- ter, Miss Elizabeth Jefferson, of Rothsev. NB. are visiting Mrs. David Lewil. t. ‘ ' ’ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green spent the week at Drumkerry, Bracebidge. On September 6, Mr. an Mrs. Green will celeorate their silver wedding. Their daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Kemp, is plan- ning to have a family celebration at Niagara Falls on that day. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Ferguson of Ev- ersley, on August 24, at York Memorial Hospital, Newmarket. On behalf of the W.M.S., Mrs. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT. DRILLS Farmall Cub Cultivators 8% Ft. Heavy Spring Tooth Cultiva- ors 8% Ft. Regular Spring Tooth Culti- vators 7 Ft. Reg. Spring Tooth Cultivators 10 Ft. Reg. Spring Tooth Cultivators Farmall Cub Disc Harrow 7 Ft. Tractor Disc Harrow 8 Ft. Tractor Disc Harrow Spring Tooth Harrows 10 Plate Harrow Plows 6 Plate Harrow Plows 4 Furrow Tractor Plow, rubber 3-Furrow Tractor Plow, rubber 3-Furrow Tractor Plow, steel 2-Furrow Tractor Plow, steel Farmall A Plow Farmall C Plow Farmall Cub Plow C254 Two-row Cultivators Horse Scufflers No. 200 Tractor Manure Spreaders Fleury Manure Spreaders, hose hitch 13 Disc Fertilizer Drills, 2 horse hitch 15 Double Disc Fertilizer Drills, trac- tor hitch, power lift Farmall Super A Farmall Super C Farmall C Farmall Cub CULTIVATORS M. A. W I I. S 0 N KING, ONT. Telephone KING 48 KING CITY NEWS IT HAPPENED 30 YEARS AGO -- IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN. OUR 30th ANNIVERSARY SALE WILL START SEPTEMBER 1 Phone King 55R14 to members of all the congrega- tions of the community to attend the special service at Eversley Presbyterian Church on Sunday, September 9, at 8 pm. On that evening the W.M.S. Sunday will be observed. Mr. David Wother- spoon, the student minister, will present a moving picture entitled “And Now I See”. Fred Curtis extends an invitation Mrs. E. Lenhardt entertained for Mrs. Earl Robson, on Tuesday evening at a miscellaneous show- er. Twenty friends‘and neigh- bors were invited to Mrs. Len- hardt’s home to meet the bride, the former Miss Helen Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans and ba- by daughter have gone to Noran- da, Quebec, where they will re- main for the next three months. During their absence, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benson will occupy their house. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fleet and family motored to Ottawa last week to spend the week-end with Mr. Fleet’s mother. There were about 60 present at the second annual picnic given by the Ladies Auxiliary‘of the Cana- dian Legion. The picnic took place on Wednesday afternoon in the Memorial Park and the guests of the Legion Auxiliary were the mothers and children of the com- munity. The afternoon was just right for a picnic and races and prizes were the attractions that appealed to the boys and girls, not forgetting the hot dogs and ice cream that were generously ser- ved by the ladies to everyone. After ’catching her breath, Mar- ion thanked her guests in a few well chosen words. A dainty lunch ‘Brought the very lovely party to a close. Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 35811 Mrs. Robert Giles and Miss Phyl- lis Lanthier entertained Miss Mar- ion Robinson and about thirty of her friends at a surprise party at the home of Miss Phyllis Lanthier on Tuesday evening, August 21. The house was beautifully decâ€" orated with garden flowers and pink and white streamers. The surprised bride-to-be was escorted to an appropriately decorated chair after which Mrs. Giles read the presentation address, stressing the high esteem with which Mariun is held in the community. Miss Phyll- is Lanthier then presented Marion on behalf of the guests present with a beautiful tea set of dishes. rubber rubber steel steel BUTTONVILLE BE ATTY EQUIPMENT Shallow Well Pumps Deep Well Pumps Sump Pumps Pressure Tanks Manure Carriers Water Bowls Electric Grinder Wheelbarrow Tractors Farmall H Farmall Cub with cultivator attach. Farmall Cub with mower No. 2 Ensilage Harvester 2 Manure Spreaders on steel, horse drawn 1 Manure Spreader on rubber, horse drawn 10 Ft. Hay Rake 8 Ft. Lime Spreader 10 Ft. Lime Spreader USED MACHINERY We shall be glad to on request order ted in this advertisement any additional equipment not lis- Lean of Avenue “03;. was nurt when wtruck in which he was rid- ing struck a culvert on Yongehurst Road. Earl suffered cuts to his face and a bad shaking up. Mtg. J. Gardiner and Jim of Mill, " * " " Road returned'home Sunday after Mr. H. N. Smith, father of Neil spending three weeks at their cot- Smith of Yongehurst Road, jour- tage in Haliburton. neyed frgm New York to spend a ' ' “ ‘ ‘few days at the Exhibition before Helen and Bill Adams of Yonge-‘leaving on a trip to England. Helen and Bill Adams of Yonge- hurst Road were paid a surprise visit on Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kemp and two child- ren of Leamington, Ont., along with Mrs. O'Rourke from Ireland. Ed. Kemp and Bill were prisoners of war together in Germany. ‘ Sorry to hear that Mr. E. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Green and family of Mill Road spent three days in Midland last week. ¢ A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Street on Wednesday, August 22,‘at the Athlen Nursing The group of young people who charivaried Don Elliott and his wife a couple of weeks ago, got to- gether again on Saturday night with a group of other young folks and presented the happy couple with an electric clock and a Set of dishes. A few Edgeley people who are members of the Vellore Junior Far- mer’s Club and Institute attended the reception given for fifty Eng- lish girls at Brampton last week. Last Saturday 25 friends helped celebrate the birthday of Mr. Jas. Wheeler at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart. The euchre fprize winners were Mrs. N. Peelar, Mrs. C. Ash, Mr. Bob Howden and Mr. Louis , Eberschlag. Each guest tried “their luck at guessing the number of common pins in a box. Mr. Wheeler won the prize with his guess of 1009 pins, three less than the correct number. A corn roast and lunch complete with a large birthday cake was followed by old time and modern dancing. Mr. Chas. Ash called off and Nels. Peelar, Louis Eberschlag and Brian Booth supplied the mus- IC- The little red school will again beckon to the boys and girls next week. Some families will be send- ing their children to Edgeley school for the first time while oth- ers will be attending who are dir- ect descendants of those hardy pi- CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yongehurst Rd. CORRESPOP’DENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R, R. 1, Mame Telephone Maple 110R3 __ NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 EDGELEY NEWS ' At first teaching was all In Ger- man but gradually merged into English. Among the early teach- ers of English was William Irvine, Mrs. James Hoover’s grandfather, lSchoolmaster Sergeant of the 79th Highlanders, who after the Battle of Waterloo, found his way to Can- ada and taught at Edgeley in 1835. Home, Mill Road. Ellen Doreen is the baby’s name. We regret that Mrs. Davis Sr. of Yongehurst Road‘ hurt her wrist last week and has her arm in a sling. , , CALLING ALL WAR BRIDES! A corn roast is to be held on Wednesday evening, September 4, at the home of Mrs. Ena Lunau, 35 Recsevelt Dr., Stop 2-0A, start- ing at 8.30 pm. Everyone is in- vited, the admission being 75c per couple. The proceeds go towards helping the girls get home for a visit. Those wishing to attend kindly contact Mrs. Lunau, Thorn- hill 261R5, by Monday, September 3. Come one and all and your friends. oneers who settled in Edgeley and buflt the first school house in the year 1824. The school was then located jusr, east of the graveyard, on the town- line and known as Stong‘s School. There were well-filled classes in those days as few families of early settlers were found with less than eight and sometimes fifteen child- ren. The teacher was paid monthly ‘5 cents or fifty cents for each pu- nil and certain requisites if he was married, but boarded around week- ly by the parents if he was single. The first school inspector was Duncan McCallum, who married Margaret Kaiser, daughter of Jac- ob Kaiser Sr., who was one of Edgeley’s pioneer settlers. The school continued to function until 1839 when the township was laid out in school sections. The present site then became the school center and the old school ceased to operate as such, the building later being transformed into a residence for the minister. The school opens for the 128th term this Fall and when it, does, two young ladies will attend, Franâ€" cis and Evelyn Stong, daughters'oi Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ,Stong, who are the sixth generation of direct descendants of Seward Stong who helped to build the first little school house so long ago. The September meeting of the Edgeley Women’s Institute will be held on September 13 at the home of Mrs. Chas. Greenley, 539 Wo- burn Avenue, North Toronto, and will take the form of a. bake sale. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hendry and family attended the Snoddon re- union in Orillia on Saturday. Mar- garet Hendry is holidaying in Brantford with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morris. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Elliott were Miss Barbara Berst and Mr. Andy Ma- dill Post Hole Digger For Rent RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street South Telephone Richmond Hill 426 The NEW FRIGIDAIRE HUMIDIFIER Is the wonderiul new electric appliance that provides effective protection against moisture damage. 5 YONGE ST. SOUTH PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. bring gmmumummuuuuuumumiummm\mummmnnnuInumum1II\mnummmmmmmumuI“mummum!lulumum\mmmumummwz fin“mummmmm“\\umuunumununummnu\munmmnnmummum“m“munmm1umnu!1nun}!mummmmmmumwummfi Fur Sale. Remember in this great event you get MORE FUR â€" MORE STYLE â€" MORE VALUE for LESS MONEY. We invite your inspection, no obli- gation. WIGGINS FURS 968 ST. CLAIR AVE. W. STDP!-£ao/z!-ACT! Member Retail Furriers Guild of Canada Also Better Business Bureau P.S.: For all information call Richmond Hill 165 where Mrs. C. H. Sanderson will be happy to speak to you. 30 Elizabeth St. 5. Phone 507 Bowden Lumber 81 Coal Co., Ltd. ’ fumw [04 ” Q CEILING & BATHROOM TILE .DONNACONA BOARD & LATH Q GYPROC BOARD & LATH Q INSUL BRIC SIDING Q ASPHALT SHINGLES 0 ROLL ROOFIN GS Q WEEPING TILE Q SEWER PIPE Q INSULATION Q PLYWOOD O BRICK See It At The COMPLETE STOCK OF FARM & GARDEN FENGNG TIE RAIL STEEL POSTS. CEDAR POSTS ALL STZES w: DELIVER It is not too late to take advantage of our August -ELECTRIC- DEHUMIDIFIER Model 3.0.1. $175.75 FRIGIDAIRE WW FENCE MATERIALS NORMAN BONE TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 86 STOP 23 YONGE ST. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 608 TORONTO, ONT. Richmond Hill KE. 0322

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