IIIIITOP ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LINE WORK DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL PHONE RICHMOND HILL 292 23 YONGE STREET SOUTH *â€" W TIME TABLE CHANGE Effective Monday, September 10 I.eave Richmond Hill To North Bay 9.12 am. 6.12 pm. x11.37 a.m. y8.37 p.m. x2.37 p.m. cz8.37 p.m. 12.26 mm. x - to Bracebridge only y - to Barrie only c - Fri.. Sat., Sun. & Hol. z - to Orillia only DAYLIGHT TIME Tickets and Informa- tion at E. J. Roberts, Agent ' Phone 177 GRAY COACH lINES UFFERIN IWIN-SCRIEN r! 23%†RIIIE-Ill 0.5.3:. , .(‘J‘p- t IIIIIII PLAIenounns i no». AITnEsuIATIIT smns ’ No. 7 Highway Two Miles West or Thornhill FRI., SAT. SEPT. 7, 8 I “The Fleets In" BETTY HUTTON EDDIE BRACKEN Comedy Cartoon News U.N. .2 i if The establishment of a United Nations medal for personnel serving with the U.N. land, sea and air Medal for Personnel Serving m Korea Insiiige‘iatnnmnIaom Ixncihnnsmmzn forces in Korea was announced recently at U.N. Headquarters. The medal, shown above, is made of bronze alloy and has an approximate diameter of 1% inches. It is attached to a ribbon with nine blue and eight white vertical stripes. One side carries the inscription “For Service in the Defense of the Charter of the United Nations,†and the other the U.N. emblem. . may)...“ ________________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- CONCORD NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple Telephone Maple 110R3 I I No License Plates In 1952 ' To Save Steel For Defense This year's motor vehicle license plates will be used again in 1952‘ and will be legalized by a sticker to be placed on the lower right hand corner of the windshield. the Department of Highways announ- ces. Reeve William Neal when questioned on this subject tOId The Liberal that he has already been informed by the Ontario GOV- ernment that there will be no new license plates in 19.32. Thus the government desires to co-operate with the federal defence‘ plan in saving some 750 tons of; steel, used annually to make the plates. This amount of steel, Hon. Geo. H. Doucett, Minister of Highways said, could be obtained f0r more vital purposes such as bridges or other necessary departmental pur- poses. The windshield marker will be printed in a yellow background, about three by ï¬ve inches in siZe, bearing “Ontario,†the Provincial Crest, and 1952. Mr. Doucett said that the an- nual registration plates of distincâ€" tive color is generally recognized as the most effective and cheapest ELECTRICAL, TIPS FOR THE HOME R, If You Use Several lamps and Appliances in the Bedroom . . . put up with "octopus" \ Install duplex outlets neor outlets and the inconvenience of disconnecting one piece of equip- ment in order to plug in another. each bed and within 6 feet of any spot where lamps, radio, clock and other appliances may be used. IACKES AVENUE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: â€" MRS. M. BELL, I 17 Jackes Avenue, Thornhill The Southâ€"East Vaughan Lad-- methOd 0f renewmg mOtOY VE‘I‘ide ies Auxiliary picnic to Woodland permits. Suggestion has been that they should be renewed onlyI every three or ï¬ve years but tO‘ 'manufacture a plate to last for ance. that length of time would cost con- siderably registration plate We welcome to the communityling their 48th wedding anniversary While tabs 01. strips are Used for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sanderson of Toronto who are taking up desi- dence in the apartment above Hollis’ grocery store, cated by Mr. and Mrs. Whaley. Mr. and Mrs. Whaley have moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bell. . O O O Miss Harrison, daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. Percy Harrison who at- tended Vaughan Road Collegiate, has made deï¬nite plans for the future. She is going to be a nurse and is waiting to enter the Tor- onto General Hospital training school in November. Douglas Kefl’er attended Rich- mond Hill High School and his ap- plication to enter the Ontario Ag- ricultural College at Guelph’ has been accepted and he will begin his studies there late in September. Their many friends in the com- munity wish these two young peop- le luck in their chosen careers. O O O C Mr. and Mrs. Machum of New Brunswick visited with their dau- ghter, Mrs. Bolster and family at their home in ConCOrd for a few days recently. 0 O O 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stewart of Brantford spent a couple of days W _ . last week in Downsvxew and Con- MON., TUES. SEPT. 10, 11 “,Task Force" GARY COOPER JANE WYATT Aircraft Action Cartoon I ___________._...._â€"â€"â€"â€" WED., THURS._ SEPT. 12, 13 “Lucky Jordan" '- Adult ALLAN LADD HELEN WALKER Gangster Drama 2 Cartoons News cIIIInIIEII :IIIIIlEII "Ir- ï¬ringsï¬nerc 2 snows Insertiâ€"IIAIIIaOII'CI‘EAn 50 YOU m BUY Y H A , GOODYEAR SUPER SURE- WEHAATK glFNFER’gNyE' GRIP TRACR TIRES .7 ,N TRACTION I KNOW now WHAT YOU MEANT WHEN YOU . . SAID GOODYEAR‘S OPEN CENTER TREAD M’S- Wmme R°a°h Leuzler who ‘5 DOESN'T SLIP, BUT REALLY PULLS AND THEY MAKE THE IdOB EASIER MORE WORK IN LESS TIME THAN 1 EVER BEFORE. SERVICE STATION E. H. HALL, PROP.. ELGIN MILLS _PHONE: 191 cord visiting friends and relatives. They also attended the exhibition before returning home. 3 t i . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Witty and son, Tommy, and Mrs. B. Witty with son Percy are travelling south to attend the wedding of Percy Witty News to Miss Joyce Tidwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Tidwell of Frederick, Oklahoma on Septem- ber 10. On their trip they plan to visit Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas, where the couple will at- tend school after a brief honey- moon in Texas. 3 O O O Celebrating’ the silver anniver- sary of their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan entertained ï¬fty- eight guests at tea on Tuesday af- ternoon, August 28. Mr. and Mrs. recently va- bridge, Aurora, Maple, Grimsby, Toronto and Elia called on the hap- py couple to offer them congratu-‘ lations. Also celebrating were Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Whittaker who were married three years on the 28th of August. Mrs. Whittaker was the former Isabelle Buchanan, daugh-l ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Buch- anan. o o a o Win Prize at Ex Michael Williams, son of Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Williams, brought honor to himself by wipning a prize for his lovely mural last week at the Canadian National Exhibition. The mural “Where I Live†was a Dominion wide school project and portrayed scenes in and around the community of Elia. William is entering the eighth grade at Elia school this Fall, and being an apt student of art, hopes to further that study in the future. 0 t It 1! Birthday greetings to Mrs. Fred Thompson on August 29 (a little late but none the less sincere) and to Mrs. Lloyd Thompson on Fri- day, September 7. . t t . Wayne Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson is visit- ing with his grandmother at A1- cona Beach this week. 0 O I The Sunday service in Zion Lu- theran Church has been postponed to September 16 instead of Sep- tember 9 because of the Harvest Home services being held in Un- ionville. O 0 O 0 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jackson and sons Peter and Philip of Troy, Ohio, spent two or three days with Mr. and Mrs. Roly Keï¬â€˜er recently. '00. Mrs. J. M. Jackson has been visiting this past week with her son, Mr. George C. Jackson and family and were the supper guests Weatherill of of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Buchanan Woodbridge, who will be celebrat- on Monday evening. DONCASTER NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. L. SIMPSON Henderson Avenue Honour Winnie Roach Mr. and Mrs. N. visiting one of their daughters and Thompson of Mr. Baker intends to do some ï¬sh- Henderson Ave. and Mrs. Thamp- ing in Quebec. son’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Justice of Willowdale at- tended a corn and weiner roast held at the. residence Cf Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lees, Concord. The en- tertainment was held in honor of the ï¬rst Canadian ever to swim the English Channel. Everyone Who attended the roast had an exceptionally enjoyable ev- ening. Speeches were given by Mrs. Winnie Roach Leuzler and her mother, Mrs. Roach. Mrs. Thompson says that both speeches were wonderful. Mrs- YOU.RE New†loo Thompson also obtained Mrs. Win- ie Roach Leuzler’s autograph. The corn and weiner roast was sponsor- ed by The North York Veterans Club of Newtonbrook. I I 0 fl 3 Miss Florence Harrison of Hen- derson Ave., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison of Cooksville. C Q . t The neighbors of Mrs. William Menzies of Morgan Ave. wish her a speedy recovery on her return from the hospital. 3 O i O Miss L. D. Wakely of Clark St. and her niece, Mrs Duncan all spent the week-end at Port Sydney, Ont. C O O 3 Mrs. Russel and children of Pro:â€" tor Ave. are spending a 5-week va- cation with relatives at Fort Fran- cis, Ont. Q l 0 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenshielcls of Henderson Ave., were visitel by relatives Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan of Charlottetown, P.E.I. not: Struck By Lightning The large elm tree behind the Moore residence was one again hit by lightning during the recent thunderstorm. Mrs. Moore had her washing hanging from a line which was attached to the tree and to a small shed at; the rear of the house. The clothes were ripped and burned. The shed was badly damaged. The fuses in the fuse box in the house were bliwn out of the box and a light switch in the same room was blown off the wall. Six windows were also brok- en at the home of K. Haber-lack who lives next door to Mr. and Mrs. Moore. 0 I O 0 Mr. and Mrs. M. Klein (nee Isa- abelle Rowbotham) have arrived safely in Phoenix, Arizona follow- ing their honeymoon. U U C . Mr. and Mrs. R. Kindness of Henderson Ave. were given a sur- prise anniversary party by friends in Richmond Hill on Saturday, Sep- tember 1. m Rink Manager Wanted The municipality of Richmond Hill wants a Rink Manager to op- erate the local arena for the sea- son 1951-52. State salary expect- ed. Apply Mr. Floyd Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Baker left Friday Chairman Rink committee- for their vacation. They Will be W later this year! were honored renewals in some jurisdictions. Iguests- [these have been found to be un- GueSts from SUdbury’ WOOd' satisfactory, are lost, stolen, 01‘ counterfeited, with resultant loss in revenue. With two years of, service re- quired for the present plates, Mr. Doucett urged motorists to be careful with their present plates, placing them in such a position as to prevent damage from bumpers, etc. snow or HANDS Frequent and careful washing of the hands in soap and water is one of the best safeguards we have against many common dis- eases. The hands and ï¬ngernails should be kept as clean as possible at all times, but particular care should be taken to wash up be- fore meals and after using the toilet. Remember most germs on- ter the body through the mouth, many of them via the hands. Canadian Army Active Force Armour - Artillery - Infantry If accepted you begin training at Camp Borden as an oï¬cer cadet to qualify as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Force. .You will receive Second Lieutenant's pay while in training. .This training will consist of three courses totalling a period of twenty-eight weeks. When you are granted a commission you will then serve for periods of 3, 4 or 5 years as you choose more than the annualI now in use. a dip_ Park last Saturday got off to a good start with the weather perfect for the occasion and 96 in attendâ€" Upon arrival at the park a ball game was held by the young fry nd some taking to the pool for Games and races were run with nearly all participating â€"â€" includ- ing the fathers and mothers. Prizes Were given for each event and ev- ery child received a favour to take home. Ice cream, soft drinks and balloons made quite a hit with the children and the grown-ups. After supper a ball game was contributed both ï¬nancially and and gentlemen playing â€" ending up with everyone happy. A great time was had by all and there is talk already of next year’s outing. The ladies of the picnic commit- tee wish to thank all those who contributed both ï¬nancially and by donating prizes and those who so willingly supplied their cars for this wonderful picnic. C t t I A shower was given by Mrs. Geno on Tuesday for Miss Ann McKinley and a wonderful even- ing was spent. Beautiful gifts were presented to the bride-to-be. Refreshments were served and en- ljoyed by all her friends. ,I in the Telephone Thornhill 294R: I Commissioned Officers Young men recently graduated from High School with a minimum educational standard of Junior Matriculation, may become ofï¬cers in the Canadian Army Active Force. On Friday, August 31, Miss Ann McKinley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinley, became the bride of Mr. Clifford Canning, at the Thornhill United Church. The bride wore a pale blue ball- erina length taffeta dress with net and a blue feathered headdress with shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of roses and lilies. As bridesmaid, her sister wore pale green taffeta with flowered headdress, and the groom’s sister wore yellow sheer with flowered headdress. Each carried roses. After the wedding a reception was held at the bride’s home for 85 guests. groom left on a honeymoon to Ni- agara and the United States. 0 C l I! Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell and daugh- ter Betty have returned home after a two week vacation at Fairport Bay. Betty returned to Ajax with Mr. and Mrs. Duchour for an- other week. Her parents spent La- bor day in Ajax and Betty return- ed with them. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Javai and son Roy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bell at Fairport Bay. Roy Jarvai has passed his flying test and later ex- pects to take up transport air fly- ing. WM under the Short Service Commission Plan. At the end of this service you may apply for a permanent commission. This is a chance to serve Canada at a time when 'defence stands as a most important national concern;‘The training and experience in leadership will be invaluable assets to any young man ~â€" throughout his whole life. TO QUALIFY YOU MUST BE; 0 Single 0 Physically Fi'l' 0 Between 18 and 25 years bf digâ€"3 O A Junior Matriculation Graduate No. 13 Personnel Depot. No. 5 Personnel Dep Canadian Army Recruiti No. 7 Personnel Depot, W Army Recruiting Centre, g Centre, James of. Army Recruitin APPLY. TODAY. in pe Wallis House, Ri Artillery Park. 309 “5 Station. olseley Barracks. Street AIMOWY' deou and Charlotte Sh. or St., Kingston, Out. 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, 02;“. Elizabeth Street, London, North Boy, Ont. St. North, Hamilton, Aases-o 230 Main Street West, 200 James Out. .1». Trained United Strength is. needed to prevent Aggression 'I’HE LIBERAL'. Richmond Hill, Thurs. Sept. 6, 1951 T 9 @MALT?’ . . . We are fully equipped in our JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT to handle THE LIBERAL JOB PRINTING DEPâ€"T. all your needs . . . So try us next time you have a printing job that requires distinction and class we can handle it . . . TEL : RICHMOND HILL 9 LIIESTCII SALE MAPLEWUOD JERSEY DISPERSAL : at the farm located 1 mile south of Maple Tuesday, September 11, at 1 pm. 70 head of fully accredited and calfhood vaccinated SALES MANAGER Box 64, Oakville I _______________________________._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"--