2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs. Sept. 6, 1951 A great number of them will certain- ly not have to work. A combination of events such as the savings they have ac- cumulated during their working years, plus industrial and government pension plans will keep them secure without the necessity of working. But on the other hand there will be many Canadians who although actually in this happy position, won’t want to stop working. They will wish to carry on with their labours throughout the twilight years. There will be a certain number of our citizens who due to their ï¬nancial insecur- ity will ï¬nd it necessary to continue work- ing, but unfortunately they will be con- fronted with the prejudice against em- ploying elderly people. The pride and normal functioning ‘of these pe0ple will be endangered. So will their health, because a great deal of the fading away and deter- ioration that usually sets in with old age is deï¬nitely attributed to enforced idle- ness With the planned introduction on Jan- uary 1, 1952, by the Federal government of a new system of old age pensions Can- adians as a whole are naturally becoming more and more conscious of the old age problem. According to the latest statis- tics within the near future Canada will have. about two and one-half million people age 60 years or more. This fact â€"â€" wheth- er it comes because of the advances made by medical science to improve the indivi- dual‘s longevity or simply because better living and eating have combined tn com- bat more successfully the ravages of dis- ease -- is a cheerful one, but it poses a problem: what to do if these people are not satisï¬ed with retirement and want to keep on working? As The New York Times observes, the smear campaign is “not only tremendous- 1y harmful but also tragically unnecess- ary.†The United States government has enforced such rigid tests of loyalty The Senate committee’s net of in- nuendo is cast so wide that even a Cana- adian diplomat, though he has the full conï¬dence of his government, cannot es- cape it. No wonder Canada protests. Not content with undermining public conï¬- dence in their own government, the witch hunters recklessly create frictiOn with the United States’ best friend and neighbor. . . .«When one American, who had done nothing wrong, is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Am- e‘r‘icans are in peril.†‘ - The witch hunters, the President said the other day, “have created such a wave of fear and uncertainty that their attacks upon our freedoms go almost unchallenged The American Government and a sub- stantial part of the American people evi- dently Understand the feelings of the Can- adian government when it protests the smearing of a Canadian diplomat by a Witch-hunting Senate committee. Pro- tests against what President Truman calls a campaign of character assassination are rising on all sides in the United States. A breakdown of how the U.S. con- Burner spent his dollars is given for four teparate periOdS (in each case fuel in- cludes electricity and gas.) A recent survey of the National In. dustrlal Conference Board in the United States is very interesting in that it shows how the average American consumer spends his income now as compared with how he spent it at various times during the past half century. The study using as its source labour statistics reveals one very deï¬nite and signiï¬cant trend: necessities, like food and clothing are absorbing an appreciably smaller percentage of the moderate in- come family’s dollar than they once did, while at the same time a steadily increas- ing share of the dollar is being spent on optional or other items such as recreation, cars and house furnishings. The accidental death of a young child on the public street is a community trag- edy. Fatal accidents have been increas- ing rapidly this year, although the num- ber of children involved has remained un- changed at 61 for the ï¬rst half of the These beginners, Inosfly around 5 years okL are the Inost erly \icthns of street and highway accidents. Year after year, age 5 is the most frequently men- tioned age in reports of chfldren kiHed in motor traffic. And annually more child- ren frorn one year old up are kined by trafâ€" ï¬c accidents than by the worst disease of childhood. Some 85,000 little children in Ontario will start on a new adventure this month when, for the ï¬rst time in their lives, they start attending school. SAM COOK. Editor Children Going Tc An Independent Weekly -â€" Established 1878 ï¬ubscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00 Member Canadian Weekly NeWSpapers Associatmn J. E. SMITH: M.P., Publiï¬her†Those Advancing Years Eb»: liberal The Witch Hunters ‘odays‘ Spénding Telephone, Richmond Hill 9 Canada’s ï¬rst postage starï¬iï¬ytrl‘lé “3: penny Beaverâ€. designed in 1851 by Sir Sandford Flemmg will be featured. Live beavers, always associated with the growth and development of Canada, will be shown by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests at the Canadian 1n- ternational Stamp ExhibitiOn being held in the Automotive Building, Toronto, from September 21 to 29, to commemor- ate the 100th anniversary of Government issued postage stamps as well as the 100th anniversary of Postal Administration. As far as the main essentials are con- cerned the older generatiOn is on an eaual basis with the younger generation. Simâ€" ply because a man has attained an arbi- trary retiring age it does not follow that he must considerably curtail his activ- ities. Actually there is no reason a re- tired man cannot be re-trained in some skill that would assist him, and our econ- omy as a whole. Any successful operation that would re-introduce our older citizens back into useful occupations would accomplish three important things. It would increase Can- ada’s wealth, make for more contented older people, and reduce their costs to soc- iety within reasonable limits. This whole subject of old age deserves a great deal of thought and consideration by Canadians both young-and old. Medical science after years of re- search has come to the important conclus- ion that the community must ï¬nd employ- ment for those older people who wisn to continue working. The Harvard Medical School has offered several ideas in this matter, the most important of which is that the public must be re-educated in their thinking on this matter 0f old age. The witch hunt no doubt will continue until the 1952 election, for its major pur- ose is not to ï¬nd spies but to destroy resident Truman. That is the American people’s concern, not ours. But the Amer- ican politicians have no right â€"â€" and the American people, we believe, have no de- sire --â€" to traduce the public servants of Canada who are given n6 chance to defenï¬i themselves. Eighteen months ago, as The New York Times remarks, 'Senator McCarthy, the leading master of smear, announced that he held in his hand a list of more than 200 persons who “were known to the Sec- retary of State as members of the Com- munist Party and who nevertheless are still Working and shaping the policy of the State Department.†But, says The Times, Senator McCarthy has not uncovered a single spy. thrOughout the public service that these measures may go too far and prevent pub- lic servants doing their duty. Already it is reported in Washington that American diplomats abroad fearing that they will be misunderstood and slandered, are toning down their reports instead of speaking their minds frankly and stating the facts as they see them. A paralyzing fear be- gins to creep through the machinery of government. ' No one will state that the average citizen in both USA. and Canada is not eating better today than he was ï¬fty years ago. His place of residence has certainly improved. He and his family have better and more varied clothes to wear. Yet he still manages to have mon- ey left after he has bought these necess- ities of life to purchase articles that did not exist halfba century ago. The obvious inference to be drawn from this survey is that the average Am- erican and Canadian enjoys a better and more varied living standard than did his father and his grandfather. 1901 1918-9 1934-6 Mar. 51 Food . . . . 45c Clothing 14c Rent . . . . 140 Fuel . . . . Go Other .5. 21c 38c 34c 35c 17c 11c 13c 14c 17c 110 50 7c 30 260 _ 310 38c Over this period of time real wages have risen and thus a higher standard of living has been realized. Food . ‘ Clothing Rent . . Fuel . . Other By focussing public attention on these youngest of school children some further dent may be made on the all-too-often thoughtless attitude of many motorists to« ward children on the streets and highways. Only by universal efforts of parents, teachers, police, older children and the en- tire‘driving public can the death toll from traffic accidents be held down from now on The Fall months bring added hazards: ear- lier darkness, increased urban traffic, more children at play and going to and from school, and above all the youngsters going to school for the ï¬rst time. year. The fact that child deaths have not increased is no consolation for the rel- atives and friends of those 61 children who have been lost, and it is no guarantee that Ontario’s child safety record will continue to improve. ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor er, not brilliant â€" just good.†So, according to such an estimate, moral qualities are away down in the scale. A man referred to in the Old Testament, Hananiah (Ne- hemiah 7:2), was given an import‘ ant appointment because “he was a faithful man.†That’ was his supreme qualiï¬cation for his task; he was faithful. He no doubt had Such devotion to a cause is not ranked conspicuously among the virtues; indeed, sometimes the faithful man is referred to in a disparaging way. We enthuse 0v- er brilliant men, gifted speakers, farseeing executives, and men born with qualities of leadership. But the man who is reliable, faith- ful, loyal ,â€" we talk of him in a patronizing manner; he lacks col- our and magnetism. Certain mem- bers of a family are referred to in glowing, extravagant terms be- cause they are so clever and then others spoken of in this way: “He is good, of course, but â€" not clev- we salute him for such magni- ï¬cent loyalty. He seems to have been quite poor, for in seventy-two years he has done very little trav- elling; Probably he rarely left his native village. We do not know how well he sang, but he has been there in his place practically every Sunday for more than the Psalm- ist’s allotted span of life. An English newspaper tells of a man living in a Worcestershire village who has been singing in a local choir for seventy-two years. As far as it is possible to ï¬nd out, he has missed less than a dozen servicas and at the age of eighty- two is still in the choir. One would like to know more about that man but, lacking further information, : llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllia g TODAY’S QUOTATION l lllllll ii- I\“lllllll\\\\\lllml\\\l\l\lI“llllll\l\\1111lllll\\\\l“lll11mm“!nlll\\\\\\\\ Whatever else these mottoes in- dicate they proclaim the wearers are devoted to some ideas; they have loyalties of which they are proud, and generally that is all to the good. A life devoid of en- thusiasm 'and devotion wouldn’t be much. The various pins or badges that men wear on their coat lapels never cease to interest men. I used to wear one but forgot I had it until one day a man accosted me and gave me the secret sign. But because of other interests I had neglected my lodge and didn’t know what he was talking about. He was quite disappointed and when we didn’t click he must have thought I hadn’t any right to Wear the badge. “We must needs love the highest when We see it.†Our quotation today is by the poet Tennyson: MEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 RM. ENGLISH TRAINED MECHANICS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EXECUTIVE ELECTED: Pictured above is the new ex- ecutive of the Canadian Weekly Newspa- per Association, elected at the recent anâ€" nual meeting in the Royal Alexandra Hotel at Winnipeg. Front row: (left to right) Lang Sands, Mission, B.C.r; Cecil Day, Liv- erpool, N.S.; 2nd Vice-president, W. K. Walls, Barrie, Ont.; President, A. W. Hanks, St. James, Man.; lst Vice-Presi- dent, Robert Moore. Swift Current, Sask.; Hugh McCormick, Montreal; Walter Ash- ï¬eld, Grenfell, Sask; W. E. McCartney, Brampton, Ont.; (sec0nd row) F. J. Burns, LIFE‘S LOYALTIES AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL "f3; .3 oï¬ch‘H‘E‘n WATâ€"l ACE is . 7, an“. n.lh:11.«.|. in ‘lv Men and women grow enthusias- tic over different things for It would be a dull and drab world if we were all alike. It is a. good thing to have loyalties provided that they. are really worth-while and mean something to us. a. glorigus host they are, those lovers of children. Busy and of- ten physically weary men- and ov- er-worked women, yet their sup- reme loyalty has been to childreh. Built into the walls of a Sunday- school in an Ontario town is a tablet to the memory of a man named Edwin Stannard who taught in that school every Sun- day for ï¬fty-one years and was absent only once â€" and that on the occasion of his father’s death. Mr. Stannard was a postman and, at a time when Ontario roads were Very bad, he trudged with the mail summer and winter, not only to houses in the town, but to outlying farms. When one re- members all the bitterly cold Sun- days in winter and the scorching hot days in summer, to say noth- ing of th05e occasions when the man was not physically at his best, his devotion to Sunday school is truly a most remarkable record. No wonder the people of that town hold him in loving remembrance. When the poet Franc‘is Thomp- son was dying he said: “Look for me in the nurseries of heaven.†Great lover of little children, sen- sitive, tender soul that he was, he knew that wherever children were would be heaven for him. What Others have found in municipal life their chief loyalty. On the outskirts of an American ‘ city known to the writer, a group of men banded themselves together to work for local improvements. They agitated for concrete side- walks, supervised playgrounds, a good ï¬re hall, a public library, and suchlike needs. Because several of these men did not engage in church work with the same enthusiasm, a local clergyman viewed them with a measure of distrust. But that minister lived to recognize the ï¬ne work they were doing and to pay whole-hearted tribute to a loyalty which was not his, except in an "mdirect way. We must be appreciative of men whose loyalty is not ours. Men ï¬nd their sphere of service in dif- ferent ï¬elds. We thank God that so many high-minded men have been led into that most difficult but necessary area â€"â€" political life. Amid much to discourage and de- feat high aims they have taken their stand with William EWart Gladstone, who said: “Nothing which is morally wrong can ever be politically right.†his limitations, but you could de- pend upon him. If he said he would do a thing you knew it would be done. He was not a. flashing meteor, but faithful, loy- al, dependable. He had conscience: he had character. Kentville. N.S.: John Pinckney. Rosetown, Sask.; N. S. McLean, Elmwood, Mam; Werden Leavens, Bolton, Ont.; (third row) K. G. Partridge, Camrose, Alta.; J. R. Mc- Lachlan, Virden, Man.; F. P. Galbraith, Red Deer, Alta.; W. W. Draayer, Wetas- kiwin, Sask; S. R. Charters, Brampton, Ont.; G. Lancaster, ,Melfort, Sask; R. M. Bean, Waterloo, Ont.; (fourth row) G. A. Dills, Acton, Ont.; L. E. Barber, Chilli- wack, B.C.; W. H. Cranston, Midland, Ont.; J. A. Vopni, Davidson, Sask.; A. S. King, Estevan, Sask.; and R. S. Evans, Morden, Man. . MW": Green peppers with which we are all familiar turn red when they ripen, but retain the same mild flavour. Green peppers are rich in vitamin C so when they are plentiâ€" ful and inexpensive,. they may make an important contribution to the day’s meals. The home econ- omists of the Consumer Section, Canada Department of Agriculture suggest that peppers are mighty good stuffed and served either hot or cold. Some of the foods which they suggest as stul’fings are ground left-over cooked meat, cook- ed hamburger, sausage meat or a combination of cheese, eggs and corn. Another novel stuffing they suggest is to ï¬ll pepper cases with cheese souffle and bake in a mod- erate oven until the souï¬â€˜le is cook. ed and has popped up over the edge of the cases, that is about 40 minâ€" utes in a moderate oven. Thinly sliced green peppers and thinly sliced onions when fried in a small amount of fat are a wonderful ac! companiment to hamburgers or sausages Plump, waxy red and green pep- pers also add a gay and c010urful note to the market stalls. Not so long ago, when sweet red peppers ï¬rst appeared, many shoppers pas- sed them by thinking they were hot red peppers. Today it is knoWn that there are two kinds; the sweet and the not so sweet variety. To tell the difference between red hot and red sweet peppers they may al- ways he tasted, but this isn’t such a good idea. As a general rule, if red peppers are similar in size and shape to the green ones being sold they are mild. If smaller and more pointed, they are probably red hot peppers. With the market and vegetable stalls so colourful these days, it seems too bad that soon this won- derful array of colour will be over for another year. If the produc- tion period could be extended a few months longer, wouldn't it make meal time simpler? When such vegetables as green peppers and acorn squashes are available, Mrs. Housewife should serve them Of- ten. The home economists of the Consumer Section, Canada Depart- ment of Agriculture say that squash is a vegetable of many uses. It might be combined. with other foods in tasty casserole dishes or it may be served as a vegetable in a variety of ways Its colour and shape will add eye appeal to any dinner plate. When selecting squash keep in mind that different varieties are useful for different purposes. l Some are excellent for baking while others are better steamed. Squash which is heavy in size usually has ï¬rm and solid flesh. The rind should be ï¬rm and unbroken and no decayed or bruis- ed spots should be evident. Un- cooked squash should be kept in a cool dry, dark place in a temperâ€" ature of about 50 to 60 degrees. Cooked squash should be kept re- frigerated. There are several types of fall squash and three of the most common ones are Acorn Squash, Butternut Squash and Hubbard Squash. Acorn Squash, as its name suggests, is shaped very much like an acorn. his small and dark green with deep‘ ridges. Often acorn squash is called table queen. Butternut squash has a smooth, tan skin and it is shaped something like a large: gourd with a thick neck and bul-1 boos end. Hubbard.squash is us; ually large and heavy and has a wrinkled skin. The celour may be golden, blue or green depending upon the variety. Squash may be served steamed, boiled or baked. but it is particularly good stuf- fed with left-over meat, sausage meat or well-seasoned hamburger and baked in the oven. If a little dab of butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar is added to plain bak- ed squash, extra flavour will re- sult. Colourful Fall Fruits And Vegetables Cartoon News News Wednesday & Thursday -â€" Sept. 12 & 13 Monday & Tuesday â€" September 10 & 11 - v -4‘v;\.o 15 YEARS AS AAN'UTL- as told by AI Jennings,himself- Telephone Richmond Come and enjoy a good picture in air conditioned at- mosphere. Friday & Saturday â€" September 7 & 8 HEEEN WESEBUH- MIELARD‘ MIECHEEE' JEAN PARKER Graded by MIMI NIH] ' “ï¬lmed by I‘UI‘I‘HLLI JUHI‘OU" Smen May by Willum Bowers a William Sellers - From a Story by Winiam Bowen 8 Andre Mom Saturdays and Holidays continue“ from 6.30 Last complete Show approximately 9.45 p.m. Saturday Matinee 2 p.m. Free Parking at rear of theatre. (Entrance from Church St. HENRY KING ' Monday to Friday shows‘ 7 and 9 Cartoon Cartoon NUNNAUYJUHNSUN Featurette Featurette Featurette cumin: