WRESTLING Every Friday In RichmondHill Arena At 8-30 YOUR CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE DEALER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $995.00 1939 Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup . . . . . . $395.00 TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup . . $1,375.00 1949 International 1% Ton Pick-up 1938 Dodge . . . . . 1939 Olds. Sedan 1936 Ford Coach 1936 Chev. Coach car, low mileage 1951 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach . $2,050.00 1950 Olds Rocket . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2,575.00 1950 Pontiac, like new . . . . . . . . $1,995.00 1949 Chevrolet Sedan . . . . . . . . $1,695.00 1948 Plymouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,395.00 1946 Dodge Sedan, radio and heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - $1,075.00 1938 Dodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $495.00 1939 Olds. Sedan ................ $650.00 1936 Ford Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00 1936 Chev. Coach . . . . . . . . . . Mm. $295.00 1951 Old_s. 98 4A-7door Deluxe, executive’s FOR BETTER USED CARS SEE THESE FULLY RECONDITIONED & GUARANTEED “0K†VEHICLES BEFORE DECIDING YOUR PURCHASE I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs. Sept. 6, 1951 Color by Technicolor PLEASE NOTE: Hear Marlo Lanza at his best at the ROYAL. Our Special Sound Reproducing Apparatus will enable you {0 enjoy the full range of “THE GREAT CARUSO†WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY-â€"SE?TEMBER 12 & 13 GLENN FORD ANNE BAX'I'ER “FOLLOW THE SUN†Please come early. BILL BALL MOTORS LTD. Please note: Each episode will be shown on Friday lst show and Saturday matinee only. 0N CALL 24 HOURS FRIDAY & SATURDAY -â€" SEPTEMBER 7 & 8 DEAN STOCKWELL SCO'I‘T'Y BECKETT “THE HAPPY YEARS†MONDAY & TUESDAY _ SEPTEMBER 10 & 11 ‘ It’s Here 2 Days Only Color by Technicolor Plus starting Friday, Part I†of our New Serial 5642 YONGE STREET, WILLOWDALE Telephone Willowdale 8165 COMING 3 DAYS ONLY, SEPT. 24, 25, 26 MARIO LANZA ANN BLYTH “THE GREAT CARUSO†“BORN YESTERDAY†JUDY HOLLIDAY WILLIAM HOLDEN BRODERICK CRAWFORD A. W. CHALMERS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Renairs and rewinding on all types of motors Plus Tom and Jerry Cartoon “ZOOT CAT†RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 576.] “THE SEA HOUND†Appliances Repaired TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 EM. WORK GUARANTEED lst show at 7.00 p.m. AURORA RICHMOND HILL HARDW’ARE Mental health begins in the home. A happy home life is the best guarantee for a normal, well- adjusted adult life. To feel se- cure and happy, a child needs to feel loved and wanted by his par- ents. At the same time, fathers and mothers should avoid being too possessive or the child may grow up unable to cope with life’s problems. Liberal Classiï¬ed Advertisements Bring Results A comparison of present rates for typical classes of service with proposed rates in Richmond Hill follows: A Residence Present Proposed In. Individual line .. 3.25 3.75 .50 Two-party line 2.75 3.00 .25 Rural 2.55 2.90 .35 Business Individual line 5.50 6.75 1.25 Two-party line 4.75 5.50 .75 Rural 3.50 4.25 .75 P.B.X. trunk The proposed increase for indi- vidual line business service is $1.25 monthly and for two-party business service it is 75c monthly. No change is proposed in long distance rate. Increases of 25 cents per month for two-party residence telephone service in Richmond Hill and of 50 cents for residence individual lines are proposed in Bell Tele- phone’s application for revised rates ï¬led in Ottawa with The Board of Transport Commission- ers for Canada, according to C. E. Blosdale, the company's manager here. ' Myrna Helen Coulson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Coulson, be- came the bride of Stanley Stuart l Georgina Mary Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mr. John A. Shaw, Hav- iland, and William George Donald, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Pott, Langstafl’, were married by Rev. F. J. Balsdon in St. Clair Avenue Baptist Church. The bride was given in marriage by her bro- ther, Campbell Reeves and attend- ed by Marjorie Barwick, Calling- wood. The bride chose a light fall suit with white accessories and a. corsage of roses. After a trip to the U.S. the couple will live at Thomhill. Increased Telephone Rates For The Area Mrs. Morby in flowered green sheer and Mrs. Walker in grey and pink received at the United Church Sunday School room. For travelling the-bride wore a navy suit with navy accessories. Follow- ing a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Walker will reside in Cdllingwood. O C . 5‘ Lowrence Morrill was grooms- man for his brother-in-law and Eric Morby and Ross Leigh were ushers. 24 Yonge Street South Telephone Richmond Hill 426 Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore white chantiin lace over satin with cathedral tmm. She carried a cascade of red roses. Mrs Arthur Vardon was matron of honor and the bridesmaids Were Mrs. Eric Morby and Vera Walker They wore taffeta gowns of shades of yelow, mauve and blue with matching headdresses and gloves, and carried cascades of gladioli, centred with roses. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schoner sang duets with Mrs. Webb at the organ. The United Missionary Church in Stayner was the setting for the wedding of Jean Martha Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morby and Graham Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Walker, Coilingwood, on September 1. Rev. Gordon Johnson officiated with Rev. D. Sargeant assisting. A HAPPY CHILDHOOD WATSON-COULSON DONALD-SHAW WALKER-MORBY Keys Cut WHO Teams ’of Experts Cover the Globe i‘n War on D7594â€? 6.75 5.50 4.25 10.25 0133211an Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. S: Watson, Agincourt. Rev. W. S. Butt officiated at the ceremony in lCentral United church. The bride was given in marriage by her fa- ther, and attended by Irene, Syl- ‘via and Marguerite Coulson. For her wedding gown the bride chose white eyelet organdy over white taffeta. The matching cap held her ï¬ngertip veil of tulle illusion, and she carried a bouquet of red roses and bouvardia. The maid of hon- or wore white eyelet organdy over crimson tafl’eta, the bridesmaids white eyelet organd: over aqua- marine taffeta. Their caps match- ed their dresses, and they carried nosegays of mixed summer flow- ers. Trevor Watson was grooms- man. Mrs. Coulson received wear- ing a powder blue gown with cor- sage of pink roses. Mrs. Watson was attired in navy with corsage of pink roses. Chevrolet alone offers this. complete Power Team! KING The World Health Organization’s ï¬ght against disease is being carried out on every continent of the world, wherever its services are needed. Above right, a British member of a WHO team in Istanbul instructs a nurse on chest x-ray technique. At left, is shown a child in Malnad, India, with pronounced oedema due prob- ably to dysentry, according to WHO specialists. WHO is one of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations. Included in their agenda was a trip to the Holland Marsh district where they examined the work of reclamation that has been carried on throughout the locality. The delegation also toured the plants of two Ontario farm implement companies. They were given a further knowledge of the scien- tiï¬c experiments being undertak- en in Ontario by their visits to the Ontario Agricultural College, the Ontario Veterinary College, and the University of Western Ontario. During the past week this prov- ince played hast to a group of leading agriculturalists from In- die. and Pakistan. They were members of the India and Pakis- tan Agricultural .Mission visiting Canada in order to study agricul- tural conditions. GORDON’S GARAGE Delegates Inspect Holland Marsh First . . . ï¬nest . . . and only fully proved automatic transmission in the low-price ï¬eld. No clutch pedalâ€"no gearshiftingâ€"nol even I hint of gear changes in forward driving! Automatic Transmission‘ POWER 2% 'Comblnlflon 0! ma. Antwan: Fifty-three count/ties maintain diplomatic representation in Cana- da, reflecting the Dominion’s grow- ing world importance. COLOR AND APPETITE The color of the food on your dinner table has an effect on your family’s appetite. If the food is properly prepared and shows its normal coloring to advantage your meal will be more successful. Ov- ercooking frequently injures the appearance of the food as well as destroying some of its flavor, tex- ture and nutritive value. Extra-Powerful ‘lOSâ€"h.p. Valve-in-Head Engine Powchlide is coupled with the most powerful engine in the low~price ï¬eld â€"Chcvrolct'a 105 11.1). Valve-in-Hend Engine. It marks the highest develop- ment in Chevrolet‘s 39 years of con- centration on Valve-in-Beld design. 5 YONGE ST. SOUTH The NEW FRIGIDAIRE DEHUMIDIFIER Is the wonderful new electric appliancethat provides effective protection against moisture damage. PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Transmission Ind 1M; VINHn-Hud Engin- onflonfl on DI Ln! nodal: It uh ml EconoMiser Rear Axle Still another feature of this automatic power tem is Chevrolet‘s Econo- Miser Rear Axle. Rear wheels travel farther at each engine revolution . . . fewer engine revolutions and less gas are required at highway speeds. See It At The Perry’s MAPLE, ONT. - E L E C T R I C '- DEHUMIDIFIER Model 8.0.1. $175.75 £UTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FRIGIDAIRE erry 5 Pharmacy TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 86 erry s y’s COUGH SYRUP BABY COUGH SYRUP INTRODUCING __e _ _..u.vm.-_wm Trangmission. There's no direa mechanical connection between engine Ind rear axle. Result: A smooth, unbroken flow of power . . . velvet velocity It all engine speeds . . . Ind ï¬nest [Io-shift driving at lowest cost! Oil replalceg gear: in the PowerGlide Automatic ONT. on Does It All! PHONE 164 9.12519