For wedding pictures â€" for birthdays â€" for the many anniversaries which de- serve recording â€" for the artistry which makes all the difference between an 01‘- dinary photograph and a portrait â€" visit WWMMWMMWW anl1mmmnumunumumummmmunmnulI\uuumuummmumuumt1ummuumuummm\mmuuu\umuumumumuumunluluuummg 3' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs. Sept. 6, 1951 PLAZA 5373 Window Frames For Brick and Frame Construction Cellar Frames Sash Storm Windows Check Rail Sash Casement Sash Door Frames Colonial Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction Octagon Window Frames and Sash Combination Doors â€" screen and glazed Screen Doors and Window Screens MAPLE BLOCK & TILE LIMITED WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES Make tea double strength and while still “6‘;ng ot pour into glasses ï¬lled with cracked a ' ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste. Discover How Good V Iced Tea Can Be! u u t“: : NEE TEA Edmund Soame "THE STUDIO†1720 Avenue Road Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment OLDE TYME HOEDOWN AND MODERN DANCING PORTRAITS Save Feeding Costs BY THE MELODY RANCH BOYS AT MAPLE COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, AT 9 RM. AUBREY NICOL Telephone Richmond Hill l34r3l TORONTO MAPLE â€" ONTARIO Ol’ Finer EEG MASH and EGG PEllETS ELGIN MILLS For Sale by Richmond Hill Farmers’ Supply RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED ‘BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGSâ€"BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. (Birds Relish Pellets) (Fill-Ihe-Buskel) MAPLE 6 mum ‘ T 24 Yonge Street South elephone Richmond Hill 426 Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson who have purchased Mr. Woolley’s bus- iness at Lake Wilcox are planning extensive renovations. A complete new cement block building will be built, with living quarters above. This should make a big improve- ment to the corner of the North road and the second. We can only hope that by the time this paper is on the street the machines will be working on the North Road. We hear the steel is ready and the culvert on Yonge Stfeet cleaned out. at 11.15 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE X’Séw‘ oil burning furnace has been installed as well. Mr. E. Davidson, Wilcox Lake, attended the funeral of his father in Hamilton on Saturday. Mr. Da- vidson passed away on‘ Wednes- day after a long illness. The Rev. A. C. Herbert, Angli- can Rector of Alliston, will be preaching at St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges (Yonge St. at Jeffer- son) on Sunday next, September 93 Langdon’s Bus picking up child. ren or passengers for St. John‘s (Anglican) Church, Oak Ridges, will re-commence its Sunday morn- ing runs around Wilcox Lake next Sunday, September 9, when Sun- day School will l‘e-open for the Fall and Winter session. A number of Oak Ridges resi- dents attended the opening services in the newly decorated United Church at Temperanceville on Sun- day. The church is beautifully done in pale green, with darker green wood work, and a soft rose on the walls of the choir loft. The floors have been scraped and reï¬n- ished and a new carpet laid on the pulpit platform and in. the alees. The opening meeting for Oak Ridges Home and School Club will be held at the school on Monday, September 10, not September 5, as announced in some _of the papers last week. Mrs. P. A. McLelland, President of York Council will speak,‘and Miss Shirley Hare will sing. Mr. Bernard Boyd will dance and sing, accompanied by his moth- er Mrs. Percy Boyd, Toronto. It is hoped that all members and friends will be present. An invitation is extended to the fathers to come out to this ï¬rst meeting of the new Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tapley and Glenda of Brampton were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell are receiving congratulations on the birth of a. daughter Saturday morning. Mr. Charles Crawford and Miss Cora Sedore of Sutton were un- ited in marriage at a quiet cere- mony on Saturday, September 1. The groom is well known around the lake having worked for the late Mr. Percy Ash and Mrs. Ash for the last ï¬fteen years. They will occupy a cottage in Ash’s Park and Mrs. Crawford will teach in the new Lake Wilcox school.~ Mr. Frank Sinclair of Yonge- hurst Road, spent Sunday in Scar- boro visiting an old friend, Mr. J. Ingham. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Natalie last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C. Natalie and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Galfetto all of Toronto. Ronald Gourlay is weeks with his aunt1 son in Toronto. An executive meeting of Rich mond Hill Scout Mothers was held at the home of Mrs. F. Gardiner, Mill Rd. on Thursday evening. Winter activities were discussed and future meetings planned. Re- freshments were served. ’ Mr. Stewart Beamish spent the week-end in Detroit, visiting his brother Mr. Roger Beamish who has been ill for some time. Mrs. W. Adams Sr. is at the present time visiting her son Tom and family in Quebec. season. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Shirley'of Mimico were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Durham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barbara Anne spent in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. F. Roughley and son Don spent Labour day with the Blackburn family. The Lake children are impat- iently waiting for their new school to be ï¬nished. There are over 180 children registered. OAK RIDGES 8. LAKE WILCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yongehnrat Rd. Extension Ladders To Rent CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON Telephone King 97R3l NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Telephone Richmond Hill 137R13 spending two Mrs. J. Has- LaBelle and the week-end We are sorry to learn that Mrs. T. Stanton fell on the stairs last week and suffered a broken leg. Mrs. Stanton is doing nicely and is Mr. George Wilcox left on Fri- day to take up permanent residence in Nipiwin, Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hopper and two’ " " ‘ ' sons travelled to London, Ont, for The Sundayï¬phogfl will have 9 the holiday week-end. pital. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. Boyd over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. K. Gould, Mrs. J. Blyth and daughter Linda. Mrs. G. Boyd and Mrs. W. Eaves were callers also, going on to Temper- anceville to visit Mrs. Dalton for dinner. The bus stops en route for any- one caring to signal it and regular stops are made at Hart’s Store and at the Post Office. A return trip is made after church and Sunday School. It should be noted that church services and Sunday school are both held at the same hour 11.15 a.m. allowing parents and child- ren to a’ccompany each other. All Canada’s natural resources, among the world’s greatest, are of little use unless the populace ap- plies human effort â€" work -- to its production. Mr. and Mrs. R. Green from New York spent the holiday week-end with the Russell family, visiting the C.N.E. on Labour Day. Leaving CFRB sideroad at Yonge St. at approximately 10.55 am. the bus proceeds round the Lake via the North Road return- ing to Yonge St. via the South (Wilcox Lake) Road; thence south to the church just below Bond Lake. home from the General Hos- 5642 Yonge st. Chevrolet alone offers this complete Power Team! BILI. BALL MOTORS LIMITED Following the services at Carl‘- ville United Church on Sunday. September 2, Mr. R. Kirk gave a report of the ï¬nance committee and said the members and friends of Camille and community have responded well to the canvassers and feels quite certain that the goal 'of $3,000 for the building project will be deï¬nite in the next two years. A special thanks to all who have supported this effort. 7.30 P311- next week. lesson period following the church service this Sunday, September 9, for this Sunday only. Arrange- ments will be made for Rally Sun- day. The Carrville Girls Cluo is having a corn, weiner and marsh- mallow roast on Friday evening, September 7 in the front flats at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. R. Kirk. The girls are also serving tea and coffee. Come and enjoy yourself and support our girls in their var- ious efforts as the ï¬nance com- mittee of the building fund are counting on them for a generous contribution. Carrville United Church Anniv- ersary services are Sunday, Sep- tember 16. Services at 2.310 and 7.30 pan. Further information Girls Club Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hobday and daughters and Mrs. John Hobday and sons in the very sudden death of P.C. John J. Hobday who was stricken with bulbar poliomyelitis on Friday and was taken to Iso- lation hospital and passed away twelve hours later. When the word came of John’s death the Carrville’ community were indeed shocked and saddened. Your reporter is pleased to say that Mrs. Jos. Sheppard, Carrville Road is homp again after spending a co'uple of weeks in St. Michael’s hospital where she underwent a minor operation. We hope she will enjoy better health. Carrville Public School Carrville Public' School pupils are having a few days more holi- First . . . ï¬nest . . . and only fully proved automatic transmission in the low-price ï¬eld. No clutch pedalâ€"no genrshiftingâ€"not even a hint of gear changes in forward driving! AqumaIic Transmission‘ volunfléde CARRVILLE NEWS pm: In Bat Middleton Telephone Maple 1801-8 Mr. Lee Amitage and son Eddy of Goldwater spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Middleton days as the teacher, Mr. Sohm has had two operations and re- quires : few more days rest, but expects to be on hand on Monday, September 10. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wynn vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wynn in Toronto and also with Mr. and Mrs. Art Reid of High- land Creek at the week-end. Home and School Club .... 'ru' Mr. and Mrs. 0. Packs! and daughter Mary Louise of DetrOit. Michigan, and Mrs. G. Phillips of Etobicoke visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk on Monday. Mrs. L. C. Nunn of Kingston has spent several days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. anj Mrs. Clifford Nunn. Mrs. Nunn is on her way home to Kingston follow- ing several weeks visit to British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Read held open house over the holiday week- .end and were visited by the £011- owing friends: Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Barnard of Chennis, Ontalio: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caverley of Virginiatown; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thrasher of Whitby and Mrs. Iva Hiltz of Toronto. and family. The executive of the Home and School Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Cliff Nunn on Tuesday ov- ening, September 11, at 8 pm. Making plans for a bake sale in September. Septic yanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W Sanitary Contractors "‘"nbinaï¬on of PawnGl‘vde Automatic Transtrdssion llld 105-h.p. VIM-hHmd Engine opflonal on Do Luu models I mum Extra-Powerful 105-bp. Valve-in-Head Engine PowerGlide is coupled with 1110 most powerful engine in the low-price ï¬eld â€"Chevrolet’s 105 h.p. Valve-in-Hend Engine. It marks the highest develop- ment in Chevrolet's 39 years of con- centration on Valve-in-Head design. Connor’s Grocery Campbell Service Station R. J. Woolley Hart’s Store Hawman's Service Station McKinley’s Store Marshall’s Garage Village Bar Clarke’s Pharmacy Reaman’s Variety Store Scotchmer’s Drug Store Eddie’s Variety Storé E. Hall's Service Station Pridham’s Store Joe Weber’s Grocery YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT \ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Fred Hare Armstrong’s Store Still another feature of this automatic power team is Chevrolet‘s Econo- Miser Rear Axle. Rear wheels travel farther at each engine revolution . . . fewer engine revolutions and less gas are required at highway speeds. [aiol‘IO''l¢lï¬lozomuu u’o‘u‘o'O‘U'DT"i'l‘OTOTI'O“OYOTI‘um SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE FOR SPEEDY PICK-UR PHONE BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 60., [TD Richmond Hill 47R4 RICHMOND HILL Notice to Farmers ELGIN MILLS OAK RIDGES or Your Convenience ‘tonoMisol Rear Axle KING Highest Prices Paid For Dead or Crippled Animals Toronto LY. 6237 Oilraplaces gears in thc Powel-Glide Automatic Transmission. There's no dint: macho»:an connection between amine and ran? ulo. Result: A smooth, unbroken flow of powelj ...Delvetvelocityliaflanginc npeeda.:.nnd ï¬nest Ian-shift driving at lowest cost! McCowan’s Store McCullough’s General Store Perry’s Drug Stare DON CASTER F. Richardson’s Store HIGHLAND PARK Spence’s Hardware THORNHILL Vern Griffin’s Store Harley’s Drug Store CONCORD LAN GSTAFF Morris General Store Hicks Service Station Hobday Groceteria Mrs. Lapping's Store Hollis’ Store E. Durie Marinoff’s Store W. Costofl? C. TURNBULL 0" Does It All! RICHVALE' MAPLE