I TI-IE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 13, 1951 .______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-i PWlmmmmmummmmmmmmmumlxxmm1\mmu\Il\uxum1uuummmummmnmmmmmumummmxmug Special Sale Of Batteries '5 is the time to get that new battery. For " is the time to get that new battery. For instant starting in fall and winter weather get a new GM Battery. For a limited time only we will allow you a $5.00 trade-in allowance on your old battery on a new GM Battery. I ACT TODAY AND SAVE! .I BRADSHAW MOTORS LTD. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SEE THE Beatty TRAVEL SHOW FRI. SEPTEMBER 14th AT HAROLD w. YoNGE ST. - RicmmND Hm, “\“mmMl“\\l\\\l\l\l\ll\\l\l\\\l\“\“mmllllll“nll“\llll\ll\l\“\\ll\\l“l\lllllll“1ll“l\\\\l\llll\\\l\\\\\\lllNM\l\\l\l\l\l\\\l\\fl\ll\llll\lll\\\l\l\\l\\l\lll“1\ï¬ Thanks to you, our many friends The management and staff are going on holidays, September 24. We will be back with you October 2. SUMMIT VIEW DRIVE-EN RESTAURANT The Beatty Automatic washes the clothes cleaner and whiter -- and uses hardly HALF as much hot water as other automatics. It is MORE PRACTICAL in many ways. it does not have to be installed â€"does not have to be bolted clown â€" it is movable on casters so it can be run in and out of kitchen or bathroom. The cabinet is handsome as any piece of furniture and will "do you proud" in your kitchen. Because of its simple, sound construction, the COST of the new Beatty Automatic has been kept down. It costs less than others. The cost will be greatly reduced by the generous ALLOWANCE we will mal<e for your old washer. And you can spread the balance out in easy monthly terms so low you'll hardly miss the money. Sure you can afford itl You can't afford to be without it DOES MORE - COSTS LESS Richmond Hill, Ontario Buick Pontiac GMC Trucks COMES WITHIN YOUR MEANS Community Shower A community shower was held in Ash's Pavilion, Lake Wilcox on Thursday, September 6. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawford, a. bride and groom of last; week. About one hundred friends gather- ed to shower them with many beautiful and useful gifts. Sharon Storey and Sharon Maxted, two six-year-olds brought the gifts in, in a decorated wagon. Mr. E. L. McCarron was master of cere- monies. Ex Reeve Lorne Evans and Mr. Beycraft of Whitchurch council were present and offered their congratulations and best wishes, as did also Mr. Patchell, chairman of the school board. Mrs. Henry Campbell, comedian from Toronto, entertained the gathering with songs and readings. Miss Marilyn Webb sang. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies. A community shower and dance was held for Mr. and Mrs. Craw- ford by friends and neighbors at the bride’s former home at Sutfon, the event took place at Cedar Brae. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seal spent the Labor Day week-end in New York. ’ Miss Joan Parsons‘ spent four days in New York last week, stay- ing at the Castle hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Collins, for~ merly of Toronto, have taken Mr. John Toppcr’s house for the win-‘ ter. Mr. Collins is a contractor :n the building and painting trades. Double Celebration A family party gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyd on Sunday, September 9, to celebrate two events, the birthday of the hostess and the 12th Wed- ding anniversary of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth. Thirty guests sat down to supper on the lawn. The table was centred by a beautiful birthday cake made by Mrs. Blyth. All the members of the family were pres- OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON It washes, it rinses, it damp dries, it‘pumps the wash water out, cleans itself, shuts itself offâ€" AUTO- MATICALLY. You put the clothes in and you take them out â€" your hands never touch the water. Hete at last is the END of wash day. Because you can put a luud of dirty things in any time. Set the contlol, and RELAX. it's so simple to operate that even a youngster could run it. Just ONE control to set and the ’washer does the rest. I t Come in and Iet us show you the marvellous "HYDROFLEX TUB" which enfolds the ciothes when they are washed and rinsed and squeezes them "damp dty." See the "TOPFLOW" methOd of flushing suds unc' sediment out through the top so they are kept Irom vesoiling the clothes. was long a o proven to the most P ACTICAL. Here's the most efficient washing action in the wovld - it's the patented Beatty "human hand" agitator. It vgas long 950‘ prover} to be PRACTICAL! ‘A MARVELLOUS INVENTION Telephone King 97 R31 :erej CRAWFORD-SEDORE be“ Saturday, September 1, at the men, United Church Parsonage in Aur- Mrs_ are, the Rev. Harvey Howey un- from ited in marriage MissCora Sedore, Bring daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miss Sedore, Sutton, to Mr. Charles do“ Crawford, son of the late Mr. and es_ Mrs. A] 4 Crawford, Baldwin. Miss lance Helen S dore was her sister’s raw- bridesmaid and the groomsman .5 at was Mr. Wilmer Sedore, brother of “on, ,. ..r.<â€":r a trip through 31-89. 'n Ontario. the happy coup- 'le will occupy a cottage in Ash’s ,pent Park, Lake Wilcox. The'g’room Newlis well known here having worked for the late Mr. Percy Ash and Mrs. Ash for over ï¬fteen years. II Professor John MacPherson will ent inclqding the mother 01 the be the preacher at Edgely United hostess and Mrs. Blyth, Mrs. Gemlcmn-ch on Sunday afternoon at Gould of Cedar Brae Mrs. George Dalton and Shirley and Clifford were supper guests of Mrs. Norman Boyd on Monday night accompanying her to the Home and School meeting at Oak Ridges in the evening. known about 192 children. Four teachers have been empwyL-A u) take care of them. The cnitdmn have been asked to report to the Oak Ridges School Enrols 240 Children Mr. Frank Legge, chairman of the school board at Oak Ridges Public School says they. have about 240 children enrolled now, with more coming all the time. Eight teachers have been employed. At Lake Wilco‘r (“We ' w ' ‘ a Maid mav know just how many to expect when the new school is mmunity hall on Thursday noming at 9 a.m., in order that The timing ls done by (he agitator, too, and many times more thoroughly (hen it can be done by hand or by any other methodâ€"gets clothes cleaner, whiter. EFFICIENT! Webbing Among those present were Mr. land Mrs. J. W. Dalziel who have been their friends and neighbors for many‘ years. Mr. and Mrs. .Garnet Keï¬'er, another couple who have also been their long-time friends were also present. 2.30 p.m. a meeting at the parsongge in M8- pIe on Thursday evening, Septem- ber 20. Mrs. Frank O. Reeves, well-known florist of Humber Summit will be present and discuss flower arrangements. School Opening Tuesday, September 4, dawned bright and warm as school opened in Edgeley with a total enrolment of thirty-seven. Ten of these were little tots faced with their very ï¬rst day of school. Four others were beginning their last, year of public school. Most of the_work the ï¬rst week has been given to bring back knowledge forgotten during summer vacation and to settle the pupils for the rest of the school year. There has been the general confusion of new books and old friends but every- thing is running smoothly now. Celebrating the thirty-ï¬fth an.- niversary of their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. George Bagg entertained relatives and a few close Iriends at an anniversary party on Thurs- day evening, September 6. We wish the following who ob- serve their birthday this week many happy returns and best wishes: Jimmy Young, September 11: Norman Young, September 13 and Doreen Broadbelt September 15. The Woman’s Association of the Edgeley United Church will hold Held in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Bagg, the evening was cli- maxed with a surprise presentation of cups and saucers and other lovely pieces of chinaware in the beautiful color of coral which was accompanied by the good wishes and congratulations of their friends and relatives. A delicious lunch including the beautiful anniversary cake was served by the hostess and enjoyed very much by all the guests. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs‘ Leslie Smith (nee Ruth Gohn) or. the arrival of a son. - The Liberal is very anxious to give complete coverage to Button- ville and district. Therefore any- one With news or items of 10ca1 nterest please contact our cor- respondent, Mrs. Walter Craig. Miss Anne Davis and Dorothy Hood are home again after work- ing during the summer months at Miner's Bay Lodge. Anne resumes her studies at Markham High and Dorothy plans to enter Toronto Normal school after a svccessfui year at Toronto University. School is going" full swing once more and Miss Audrey Leary is again in charge. Margaret Cham- pion and Wayne Patterson are the two beginners, while Harvey Brown and Lois Tribbling‘, last year's en- trance pupils have commenced their High School careers at Rich- mond, Hill. ' Church Music Anniversary Schopl Opening Mrs. S. English and Miss Dor- othy Hood are once more supply ing the piano and organ music at the church. The congregation we]- comed them back and extended thanks to Miss R. Miller. Mrs. John Black and Miss Joan Steph- enson who carried on during their absence. Mrs. Rodick Sr. is visiting in Owen. Sound with Rev. and Mrs. Morrison Sellars. Mrs. Secrett has returned after a holiday spent with friends in Ottawa.' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boynton are attending the Western Ontario Exhibition at London where Mr. Boynton is one of the judges. Miss Ellen Boynton entertained on Saturday evening in honor of Miss Gwen Smith. About ï¬fty close friends and relatives were present at 11 miscellaneous show- er for the bride-to-br This is the time of year for suc- cessful sodding. Sod delivered and laid. Rototilling and grading. Es: timates free. Phone Richmond Hi" 616. Ca_lf J ydgipg Rally Day Service Parents and friends are asked to keep in mind the Rally Day Service of the Sunday School at Brown’s Corners Church on Sep- tember 23. A special speaker will be there and a. special programme has been arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walton were weekâ€"end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton. In the Calf Club judging com- petition in which 39 contestants entered, the girls from Button- ville made a ï¬ne showing. Syivia Easton third and Isobel Hood 10th. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple Telephone Maple 110R3 Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 35811 BUTTONVILLE SODDING EDGELEY NEWS Misses Marian and Ruby Puter- baugh are this week spendmg the ï¬nal week of their holidays at; the home of their parents. Miss Mar- ian has a position in the Bank of Nova Scotia in Mount Dennis and Ruby is employed at: the Bank of Montreal in Weston. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bagg who will observe their ï¬rst wedding an- niversary on Sunday, September 16. Mr. and Mrs. James Bagg and family spent a few days recently in Port Stanley “with Mrs. Bagg’s sister, Mrs. Rogers and family. Ten miles of concrete Lhave al- ready been laid from Wilson Ave. to the Maple side-road and one side of the highway will be opened to through traffic Within ten days. Highway Opening Nearing completion the new Toronto-Barrie highway is being cut through between the 5th and the 6th concession to take the pressure off No. 11 and No. 27 highWays. Workers are rushing the project to completion with huge cement mixers and cement laying machinery. Many men and trucks are employed on this tre- mendous undertaking. Work is progressing on the in- terceptor highway between Yonge Street and the Humber, preparing it for paving in the Sprmg. Coming across No. 7 highway workers have now reached Edge- ley and are busy levelling off the two bills at the corner. Mr. and Mrs. John Williainson and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Williamson and hmall (laughter Janie, were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong. Mr. John Williamson is a graduate of the St. Joseph Hospital in Sudbury and Mr. Williamson graduated this year from the University of West- ern Ontario and will. begin studies at the College of Education in Toronto this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott and small daughter of White Rose were Sunday guests of Mr. And Mrs. Stong. A Mrs. Bill Price and children spent a. few days in the community last week und‘while here called on’ a few close friends. They also attended the Exhibition before re- turning to their home in Mackville. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg attended the Watson-Watson wedding in Agincourt on Saturday afternoon. Miss Violet Keffer and Allan Bagg spent the week-end at Bass Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Broadbelt and their two daughters, Margaret and Doreen. ii FLOOR E’ @ WASHERS RANGES POLISHERS mm Yes, I! irons men's shim - and kiddies' dresses, too, and curtains and curtain ruffles. It will press and pleat perfectly. Just one simple motion to tun It -- just press the levot down. It locks in position and both your hands are lice to guide the clothes. It is equipped, of course, with twitch, signal light and thermostat. Plug the cord into any wall socket -- no special wiring it needed. IT IRONS - PRESSES - STEAMS IRONS EVERYTHING H. W. MORTSON ESTABLISHED OVER 50 EXP 50 YEARS SAL‘ HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, Phone 435-R REPRESENTING Desirable Location and at Reasonable Prices Attractive Town And Country 'Properties For Sale *fldm’ Wm #Mw’d Wm WILLOUGHBY“ SAVAGE‘S SAVAGE’S Compare this ironer with others costing twice as much. The roll of the Space Saver is bigger and longer â€"- saves crimping on flat wear. The ironing shoe is wider and longer, with a much greater ironing surface. The heat is really efficientâ€"1050 watts â€" and thermostat controlled. But look at the difference in pricel FREE DEMONSTRATION Let us show you how compact, light, how easy to lift and put away it is. See the demonslrotion in our store. Or, phone and we’ll demonstrate it FREE in your own home. 55 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HIILL' Phone - Richmond Hill 590W SPACE SAVER SEE US NOW, OR PHONE AND SONS 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN IRONERS WTIER HEATERS I175