Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1951, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 13, 1951 2mmnmmlllll\llll111m“lll\llll‘lmm“l\\lllm\l“l“lllllll111“1lll\lllll\\\l\l\l\\lll\\llllllll111111111“lllllllllllll\llllllllll“lll\l\\\\“\lll“llllllllllllllnuflug 4 Centre St. mmmmlill“lll“lllllll11“llllllll\lllllll1l\l\llmlllllll“llllllllfllllllmllmllIllW““mumlllllllllmllfillflllll“111l\\lll\lll\l“l\llllllllllllllllfllW Bowden Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. Maple FIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEZALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" s E E â€" Dfiâ€"ngned for easy, one-hand operation; speeds up crossâ€"cutting, ripping, angle-cutting; in wood, tile, plywood, wollboard, etc. Cuts to 21/5". Powerful universal high- ., speed fan-cooled motor; auto- matic safety guard; light- I weight. Complete . . . . MOIO‘I'IIWER ‘ Amazing Low Price Speed up repairs, building jobs, elm, with this rugged, general purpose Power Saw. 2â€"gol. Moteâ€"Master 2,000-mile l00% pure Pennsylvania Motor Oilâ€"plus a convenient "squat" minty container (fifled with pouring spout and ball handle). Premium quality Detergent Oil (cleans as you ride) for those cars requiring Heavy Duty Oil. Wonk 55cQUART.......... . . . . . . . . . .. .40 MUFFLERS and PIPES - at prices Ihal save up Io o CEILING & BATHROOM TILE .DONNACONA BOARD & LATH oGYPROC BOARD & LATH . INSULBRIC SIDING . ASPHALT SHINGLES ‘ .ROLL’ROOFINGS . WEEPING TILE o SEWER PIPE . INSULATION . PLYWOOD o BRICK MUFFLERS Chevroleé 1929-32 L85 1933-34 Masfer 7.30 1935-50 (most) 6.25 Chrys.,DeSofo 1936-48 (most) 9.95 Dodge 1935-38 (most) 5.35 1939-43 9.95 1949-50 10.85 Fold "A" (:omp.ass'y) 8.35 Ford "VB" 1932-50 6.93 Oldsmobile 1936-50 (mos!) 7.50 Plymouth ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? combination Offer Saves You $2.25 SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL Save on HEAVY DUTY OIL ’ [Wen My Thirty Years Of Experience is (many models) 9.95 STOP 23 YONGE ST. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 608 ARTHUR J. WELLS PHONE THORNHIL] 247‘ L. W. REID Masfer (most) (most) (most) AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE 404 The world's finestâ€"At a price that saves ycTu SLOI on every oil change. 2,000 guaranteed miles of perfect lubrication. (IMAM! [WW â€" 2000 MILE MOT03 0H. .37 r 4.85 r 7.30 6.25 9.95 5.35 9.95 10.85 To Spring and Summer Grades Original - Equipment - Quality ELEGTRIG HAND SAW 97 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL, ONT: E 404 P. O. HILL. Prop. 3 PORTABLE {an ” For .49 WORTH (Q 7: Chevrolet Ford VB Olds. 6 Plymouth Dodge TAIL AND EXHAUST PIPES iVB (mosf) 3‘ s. 6 1935-50 3.25 '1‘ non”! 1935-39 4.25 3‘ 1940-50 (mos?) 3.85 3 For cars and trucks not listed enquire for prices. GALLON MOIO'IIIHSFER $5.75 100% Pure Pennsylvania 1929-32 2.25 1933-50 (most) 2.80 1935-39 (most) 3.90 1940-48 ‘ 4.45 7949-50 3.40 Telephone Maple 99 Fits any wheelbarrowâ€" eosy on the operator. Saves work, does not mark lawns, el‘c. Roller bearing axle, with tire and tube‘. . . 16.25 EASY TO PUSH ,, WHEELBABHOW WHEEL Pneumatic Thornhill Tail Exhaus! 2.55 3.20 3.98 4.50 2.35 3.98 3.55 3.80 3.98 1the iméeting. Mré. Arthur Fleet, n§ representative of the seven aux- illaries in Zone 22, conducted the Legion Ladies On October 2, 3 and 4, the con- vention of the Ontario Command 01 the Legion Ladies Auxiliary will be held in Timmins. Repre- sentatives from King who will be there are Mrs. A. Fleet, Mrs. Ann Bice and Mrs. Hazel Campbell. Mrs. Joseph Bishop tells us that she hears regularly each week from her sons, Garfield and Eddie who are with the army in Korea. She sends parcels to them and the boys are very pleased with every- thing she sends, especially the canned foods. It takes about 5 weeks for a parcel to reach them. The soldier boys have had a hot and wet summer, but they make few complaints. There are 5 boys that they see frequently. Garfield is still with the anti-tank outfit, but at present Eddie is taking a course related to lighting in night time warfare. On Monday night ten members of the King Branch of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion were in Woodbridge where they attended the Rally of Zone 22. Mrs. Louise Long, provincial president opened LAC Herbert Marsh who has been at the RCAF depot at Camp Borden has been successful in pass- ing his examinations. He is now stationed at Rockcliffe, Ont. where he begins a two-year-course in the study of aeroâ€"engines. His wife and baby son are visiting his parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marsh, ,5th con., King, for a week or two. Mrs. C. Marsh met with an unâ€" fortunate accident on Labor Day when she fell‘down several steps at her home. Her injuries include a broken rib and strained wrist. Korea Veterans On Septembef 4, Mr. Robert Mc- Leod Sr. fell at his hOme and suf- fered h fractured hip. He was removed to Western Hospital in Toronto. An ambulance to take him to hospital was devised by his son, Bob McLeod, when he fitted a day bed into his delivery van using the mattress as a stretcher. LAC Herbert Marsh The Women’s Institute of King City is putting on a short course called Food Forum, on the even- ing of September 24 in the United Church basement. The Forum will consist of pictures and discussion presented by Miss Marion Wight, who is home economist of the W0- men’s Institute Branch of the On- tario Department of Agriculture. Eversley congregation held its nicnic to River Bend Park on the 9th con. of Vaughan, near Klein- 'Jurg, on Thursday, August 23. Mrs. Elsie Shropshire was in charge of the sports program and the children enjoyed races and wading in the river. R. McLeod Sr. Hurt Miss Marjorie Jarvis has re- turned after a month’s holiday in Muskoka with Miss Mary Smart whose cottage is near Lake St. Joseph. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser at the Private Pat- ients' Pavilion, Toronto, on Sepâ€" tembel; 5r This little boy is the first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser Sr. of Fraserdale Farms. The handicraft guild known as Kingcrafts was organized at King. swold, the home of Lady Flavelle a year ago. On the afternoon of September 26, the members will meet there again to celebrate the first birthday of this interesting organization. There will be a sale to the members of articles made during the past year by individu- als in the working groups and there will be pieces 'of weaving, smocking, hooking and leather- craft. So many have become in- terested in making handicrafts that the membership has more than doubled during the first year. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jarvis ‘and Stephen motored to Montreal dur- ing the Labor Day Week-end 0 meet Miss Julia Jarvis who was returning from England. 0n the way to Montreal they visited in Brockville for two nights. A New Arrival Women's Institute Kingscraft Birthday Picnic Held The Quiz was given by Sgt.[ Vernon Page, chief of the traffic squad, who required written an-: swers to 30 questions taken from the little book on traffic regula-l tions issued by the police depart-' ment. Only a. few seconds time' was given for writing the answersl to each question, so speed of thought and reaction was of im- portance. It was most interesting to note that out of 50 people tak- ing part in the Quiz, only a doz- en men were interested in being there to write the answers. The three prize winners were women. N. E., in the Coliseum. The prize was a cheque for $75.00 and Mrs. Shropshire has planned to pres- ent half of her winnings to the local Women’s Institute. Mrs. Duncan Thompson is being- congratulated this week on her lucky win of $100,000, which she received by writing the name of the mystery tune “Mocking Bird Hill,” on the back of a ginger ale label. Mrs. Frank Armstrong won lucky win of $100.00 which she the ginger ale was purchased. Mrs. Thompson says she has sent labels to the contest five times altogether‘ but did not have her radio on when her name as winner was announc- ed. C.N.‘E. Winner Mrs. Leonard Shropshire was the winner of second prize in the Traffic Accident Quizz which took place on Friday night at the _C. Prize Winner CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT. KING CITY NEWS Phone King 55R“. I Cold Weather on Friday night .kept the expected crowd away lfrom‘ the corn roast that had been [planned by the Lake Marie Ath- lletic Association to he held it; the IMemorial Park at King. Howev- Ier a bingo was held at the Mas- onic Hall and hot dogs were sold to the players. A fairly good at tendance came to the bingo. Barry Fitzgerald was' the Holly- wood star who played the part of the minister in the religious film, “The Perfect Life.” presented at Eversley Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. The film was made and distributed under the sponsorship of Lutheran Church of the U.S.A. The W.M.S. was in charge of the program and mem- bers of all missionary societies in King had been invited to attend. Two solos were sung by Mrs. Gord- on Orr. ers, fresh calves by side 20 Head Holstein Cows and Heif- vaccinated A good lot of cows . Terms: Cash. Sale at 1.30 pm. sharp. No reserve. Jas. Smith, Clerk Auctioneers Markham P.O., p‘h. Markham 346 Milliken P.O. ph. Agincourt 52W3 Mr. and Mrs. Arden Findlay and little son Ricky of wGuelph ‘visited Dr. Eric Johnston on Sunday to renew friendship made at Still College of Osteopathy and Surgery Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Findlay who is a graduate of Victoria L011 ege, Toronto. and a former menu ber of the RCAF who took part in the Axctic operation: Muskox of 1946 is returning to Des Moines to enter his final year at Still. ers, springing 50 Chunks Most of Young Cows and Heifers Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bailey of Woodstock spent the Labor Day week-end .with their aunt and uni cle, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gillham. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Warvillc guests of Mr. and Mrs. FredKCur‘ tis. The Women's Institute of Las« kay aré planning to have a dance at their hall on September 28. 15 Head Holstein Cows and Heif- Religious Film WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Corn Roast Birthday Celebration At Mrs. Harvey Folliott's home on August 22, a birthday celebra- tion was held following the reg- ular weekly prayer méeting of the combined churches of King The birthday cele rant was David Ed- gar, who was 70 years of age on the previous day. Mr. Edgar is happy to have a birthday on the same day as Princess Margaret Rose. He brought a gift of ice cream to the party. Mrs. Fo!1iott made coffee; Mrs. Gordon Tetley made a. cake and Mrs. Bob Mc- Leod had decorated it prettin with greetings and seven candles. Ev- eryone sang “Happy Birthday” and “For he’s a Jolly Good Fellv business of the meeting which was to state the financial position of the auxiliaries. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE WWW Lot 34, Con. 2, Scarboro Twp. AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY CATTLE AND PIGS The property of LEN WILSON IMPORTANT Mr. Brodie then presented to Gwen on behalf of the church and choir a walnut coffee table accom- panied by a suitable address m verse. * Gwen graciously thanked one and all and Merle replied that lie really should have brought a truck to get so many lovely gifts away safely. ‘ Headford United Church base- ment was the meeting place for a very special occasion Saturday ev- ening, September 1, when many former and present residents of the community gathered together to give Gwen Smith a hearty send- ofl" in the form of a kitchen show- er and presentation, before her an- proaching marriage to Mr. Merle Johnson. Refreshments were served and a happy social time followed. The gifts, both varied and use- ful were placed in a decoyatcd wishing well. The gills of Gwen 5 Sunday School class gave her a beautiful plate. The well wishers assembled ar- ound 8 o‘clock’and sang under the leadership of Mr. Jim Curtis until the bride-to-be and the groom ar- rived and were seated in decorated chairs. The basement was prettin rlec- orqted with pink and white stream- ers, wedding bells and balloons filed with confetti which were burs: at intervals and the contents spill- ed on Gwen and Merle. When the last present had been opened and passed around. Rev. A. Huston spoke briefly but very highly of Gwen and called upon Mr. Brodie to say a few words. Thieves broke into the BeaCOn Press, owned by‘ Mr. George and stole twenty-five dollars in cash on prtember 6, the same night they Mrs. George Snider led the scrip- ture reading, which was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Charles Sni- der. Piano duets by Mrs. Eldon Wade and Mrs. Wilfred Hodge were greatly enjoyed. The fifth chapter of the study book “Our Missionary Work in Formosa.” was given_b_y _Mrs._Doria1d Allen. Mrs. W. Chapell of Port Elgin spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. William Dollar. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian W.M.S The September meeting of St. Andrew’s W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Elmo Keffer on Wednesday, September 5, at 2.30 pm. with the president Mrs. C. H. Bowman in the chair. Mrs. George Snider led the scrip- ture reading, which was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Charles Sni- der. Piano duets by Mrs. Eldon Dufl’erin Drive-In ‘Theatre stealing cigarettes, etc. 4 It I 3 Everyone is invited to the an- niversary services of Hope Un- ited Church on Sunday when Dr. Wesley Hunnisett of the Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, will oe the guest speaker. Service at 11.30 am. V A delicious lunch was servei by the committee in charge. Break In New York . . . . . . $21.10 Montreal . . . . . . . $14.25 Chicago . . . . . . . . $21.35 (Subject to change) You’ll find it really handy to travel by bus â€" right from downtown in your town to cloWn- town in any town along the route. or pleasure the Main Street landing is tops in travel convenience. Plan your next trip by bus. You'll eniOy it. ROUND TRIP FROM TORONTO HEADFORD CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R Norma Lund celebrated her twentieth birthday, Sunday, Sep- tember 9, and relatives and friends who surprised her were Mr. and Mrs. L.» Maynard, Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lund and John, Weston and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lund, Maple. . I Stan Foster, Danny McDonald and Bill Woods Jr. motored to the west and Stan and Bill have retur- ned stating the weather very wet and muddy roads. Danny has re- mained in Calgary. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollâ€" ingshead, Woodbridge (nee Mar- garet Knight) a son, Robert John, on Saturday, September 8, in Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton. Congratulations to the happy par- ents. ‘\mum“mmmmmmmmuuumfimumfinmmnilimnmlmmmmmuummmmmlmxmmnmmummumummumumumnmmmmmmummmnmmmmumumnnmmnmmnuunmmu broke into McCowan‘s Grocery and Dufl’erin Drive-In ‘Theatre stealing cigarettes, etc. Mr. Brian Groh of Grimsby visit- ed friends here, over the week- end. mm“llllmlllllllm!ll“fillllllllfllllllnullllllm}llIlllmlIllll““lllllmlnllllllullllllll1mm“lll“ml“lllllllI““Ilull“\“Mlllllllllll“l\ll\l“\l\\l\lllll“Wll\l‘llml\\llil\\\l\l\ll l‘“MINI“l1\\l“\\l\l“NR“\\“WWW11!“llll\\ll\llllllll\\\l Richmond Hill. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SEPT; 19-21» Screenplay by MAXWELL ANDERSON and ANDREW SOL" Art Dlrectlon by RICHARD DAY 1 Director of Photography JOSEPH VALENTINE, A.S.c. Presented by SIERRA PICTURES. INC. Released bv RKO RADIO PICTURES WALTE‘R'WA'NGER - Vlcde"F'LEMINc Based on :he Stage Play “Joan of Lorraine" by MAXWELL INDERSON COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR YOURS TO PROTECT...YOURS TO ENJOY CARLING’S THE CARUNG BREWERIES llMITED 0N CALL 24 HOURS FOR SPEEDY PICK-UP PHONE BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 00., ND. Richmond Hill 47R4 Toronto LY. 6237 HORSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00 each CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ $5.00 each SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE Notice to Farmers WA‘IIILOO, ONYAIIO A. W. CHALMERS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 576.1 Repairs and rewinding on all types of motors Appliances Repaired Brothers under the skin? The BLACK and GRAY SQUIRRELS are more closely related than you'd imagine. Contrary to {most beliefs they are not different species, but rather color phases of the same animal. Both colors may occur in the same family. This series of unusual natural facts is presented by Carling's in order to promote a keener interest in our wildlife and its protection. Once you're acquainted with nature, you'll want to keep it unspoiled. Highest Prices Paid For. Dead or Crippled Animals The Picture Hailed As Hollywood’ Mightiest Spectacle. . Drama By Crowds And Critics All Over The World! READER'S DIGEST: P; Y. Tll "Don‘t mix: it." :tupn WALTER WINCHELL: {ADIES'u «Grandeur galore, KATE SN sweeping power.” "In dd LOOK MAGAZINE: SEVENTE "A masterpiece." "Grand NEVER BEFORE HAS AN AMERICAN PICTURE BEEN SO GLORIFIED! . . . Record box- office success and award after award in France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Switzerlandâ€" mam/Ital. . . KATE SMITH: "In class by itself." SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE: 'xtupnldou: film.” MDIES' HOME JOURNAL: £14193: moving; WORK GUARANTEED and exciting.”

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