[0 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 20, 1951 fl" CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT AD SPECIALS AT YEREX ELECT- RIC: Guelph Electric Rang-3, 3- plate with oven at side, in good condition. clean, $35.00; Re condit- ioned Kelvinator Refrigerator $99.95; Singer Sewing Machine, just converted from 25 cycle to 60, new foot control $35.00: RCA 12†Screen Television Set Console. reg. price $429. On sale $359.00. Xerex Electric, Richmond Hill. ERAB APPLES, good Phone Richmond Hill 317 BOY’S bluersuit, size 15; boy's bi cycle. Phone Richmond Hill 391W TOOLS: crosscut saw, cow stan- chion, halter, hay forks, eaves- tg'oughing, wheelbarrow, 'lantern, pick-axe, sledge hammer, pasterer's fl'loe, spade, snow fence, lumber, poultry feeders, lawn mower, basi kets. iherm, as new, used oil. Thornhill 2151-14 BUNDLE of gfll’s clothing. in good G R'E F, .V LARGE'SILJE Space (TENDRON PRAM, baby 1 with chair. Phone King 94R31 condition, sizes 10-14 592W Richmond Hill. 'IEING ROOM, coal and W000 cir- culating heater, oak coloured with cream trim, excellent conditiun. $20. ’I‘hornhill 332R22. c1w12 ï¬NO, excellent conditiorl, reas- g...-.v-, onable. “2w7nD1-ury Ave., Stop 14 Yonge Street. c1w12 TCFMBINATION Quebec and cooker $10.00. Phone {hill 313W. CLEARING 70 qts sealed Cash-01 oil 10w and 20w, reg. 55c qt. to igléar at‘45c qt. Apply Summxt View Service Station. *1w1_2 TRAILER in good 'con'l'Ition, box 5’ x 6†by 5’, good tires, with 1iâ€" cense. Apply Bennett Motors, Gor- mley, Ont. ‘1w12 BEAUTIFUL) OLD Parlour §tove, circulating, self-feeding; also one used Bob»a-1awn Master heavy duty power mower. Stan Troyer, The garden Tractor Man, Bond Ave., ak Ridges. *1w12 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, re mn- ditioned $145.00, terms; Used Gib- S‘o'n Refrigerator $185.00; Recondi- tioned Washer $69.50; 4â€"Burner E1- éctric Range, $135.00. Par's Auto Supply, Yonge St., Richmond H111. c1w12 BLACK SEAL COAT, brand new 'condition, size 16, also blue fall "cOat, good condition, size 18. Phone King 96R22. c2w12 OAT STRAW approximately 70 bales. Will deliver in vicinity of {Richmond Hill. Phone Richmond {Hill 391W. '1w12 SHOP ELECTRIC FIXTURES, 16 spotlights, 6 hanging lights, very reasonable. Apply Ada Mackenzie, 54 Bloor St. W., phone KI. 2222 MEN’S C.C.M. bicycle, excellent ic‘ondition. Phone 473W Richmonu Hill. A. Elliott, Ruggles Avenue, Richmond Hill. *1w12 "GENUINE MUSKRAT fur coat size 16, like new, reasonable. Only Ihad 9 months. Phone Trhornhill 294 R3. c3w12 DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed, ‘good colors, 3 doz. for $1. and up. {Please order early. N. J. Smelliï¬, Thornhill phone 42.}. .11ch HOT WATER FURNACE, com- plete with Kresky oil burner. Rea- sonable. 51 Hall St., Richmonl Hill. xPhone 667W. *1w1‘2 1947 LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycle, good condition. Reasonable. Apply after 6 pm. Bob Green, Mill Rd., Stop 23B. *1w12 or Richmond Hill 245. ORDERS now being taken for Christmas Cards, wide selenlinn and personal cards, reasonable. Phone Mrs. Evelyn, Richmond Hill 134r42. clwll 3 CASEMENT SASH, 25"_ x 45"; 1 bathroom sash 18†x 45â€, all neW, glazed and complete with hard- ware, reasonable. Phone Maple '78 r11. *IWIZ ROASTING CHICKENS and ball- Tng fowl. Fresh killed available 10? delivery in Richmond Hill on Fri- ‘day only. Phone Richmond Hill 391W. / ‘lwl‘Z 3 LARGE SPACE HEATERS, us- ed only a short time $75 each, with 50 gal. storagg‘tank. Phone Rich- mond Hill 598 or 46R21. c1w12 LARGE ‘SIZE - Sunshine Tricycle and trailer, really new; also child’s red maple dresser with mirror. Phone Riéhmond Hill 394W. *1w12 CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 50c ' Second and subsequent inset-tons if wording unchanged, 23¢ per word, min. charge 40c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type’ line 10c; min. charge 50:: éARDs OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c ï¬IRTH NOTICE 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week all possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. ARTICLES FOR SALE AND VRED DRAPES, = Richmond H111, W. Cox c1w1‘.‘ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 4, $5.00. Phone 11. 0me good quality. 11 317W. c1w12 Heafer, Duo only 120 $33] baby (ends. 19:1 Cash'ol heater Thorn- c1w12 clwiz *1w12 c1w12 *lwl‘Z 1w12 suite, good condition. Hill 476W. NINE-PIECE Oak dining room 500 NEW Red Pressed building brick. Bedford Park Floral Co , Richmond Hill. tch For Sale (Continued) ano up. Appiy Chalk Refrigera- Lion King 26R5. ~ tfc44 ATTENTION TRUCKERS! To]: soil for sale. Carrville Road, ,E. T. Stephens Ltd., phone RichmonJ Hill 7. c3w11 spVe-c‘i-Qly for corn. roast lots. Campbell’s Farm. Phone Richmond Hill 522R33. *ibvll USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $109.00 CORN; Golden Bantam, worm-free, suitable for a coaple. Stop LTA Yonge St., phone Thornhill 40.1. FALL IS THE TIME TO SOW YOUR LAWN. We have truly per- manent lawn mixture. Otto Pick. R. R. 1 Richmond Hill (on No. 11 just south of Orange Home) phone Richmond Hill 617. ctwll CEMENT MIXER fr rent, gaso- line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele‘s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll CORNELL WHEAT Registered No.-1 Panogen treated, sealed in two bushel bags, $2.85 per bushel; also a quantity of Commercial No. 1. John M. Bird, R. R. 2 George- town, phone 480R24. c2w11 CLEARANCE SALE of Sewing Machines, demonstrators: 1 only portable, regular $119.50, reduced to $109.00; 1 only console ,reverse sew, regular $180.00, reduced to $165.00; 1 only console with stool, reverse-sew, regular $202.00, re- duced to $187.50; 2 only console, reverse sew, regular $332.50, re- duced to $209.00; one on y console, reverse sew with sewing cabinet and stool, regular $275.50, reduced to $222.50. All machines guaranâ€" teed for 5 years, with free sewing course. SingerSewing Centre, 5249 Yonge St., Willowdale, phone Zone 8129. Store open until 9 p.m. Fri- day evening. . c1w12 1942 MERCURY sedan, top condi- tion, reasonable. Will take small trade. Phone Aurora 80R3. Apply corner Aurora Sideroad and Don Mills Rd. c1w12 ment mixer rentals. Phone 226RS Richmond Hill. c8w9 FURNISHED ROOM, twin beds, suit 2 gentlemen. Other rooms with grill privileges. Stop 17A Yonge St, phone Thornhill 40J. c1w12 FURNISHED. CABINS for HOUSE FURNISHINGS: iron beds, morris chairs, electric ï¬x- tures, floor polisher, refrigerator, square piano, tennis net, galvanâ€" ized tubs, quart sealers, “Hi-Heat†oil burners, scéles, garden chairs, awnings, stool stepladder, platters, crocks, .golf bag, toboggan. Mason, Yonge, Elmwood, phone 236 Rich- mond Hill. c1w12 DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut; bedroom suite; chests, breakfast room set; easy chairs; desk; occas- ional chairs; kitchen chairs; drop leaf table; lino and many other ar- ticles from storage. These goods are all in good condition and will be. sold cheap, so it will pay you to call anytime and see for your- self. Clifford, Clarke and Sec- comoe Sts., 1 mile east at Stop 14A Yonge. c4w10 1929 CHRYSLER, tires, motor and body good, hydraulic brakes, $75. Bob Smillies Sunoco Station, 1 ngile east of Langstaff, No. 7 hgy. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21 and 22 after 7 pm. câ€"lwl'l 2 ROOMS tp rent with or without board. Apply Sam Tomlinson, Lennox Ave. Richmond Hill. '1wlZ 1941 FORD DeLuxe,good condi- tion. Thornhill 110. clwll 49 FORD half ton panel with heat- er and radio, excellent condition. Phone Richmond Hill 234. *1w12 1941 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, beau- tiful condition, heater, slip novels rebuilt motor, perfect tires and body, $650.00. Phone Richmond Hill 363R12. Clwll 1931 MODEL A FORD, good con- dition. Thornhill 37R12, week- ends only. - c1w12 1950 PONTIAC, Fleetleader Spec- ial, 2 door sedan, air conditinnl'ng. heater and defroster, like new. Ap- ply 103 Wright St., Richmond Hill. “1wl2 CEMENT MIXER. Phone Rich- mond Hill 191R4 SEPTIC TANK FORMS and ce- MODEL A FORD, good condition. Phone Richmond Hill 365R3. c1w12 USED CARS AND TRUCKS T0 RENT Richmond clwil 75c clwlZ c1w12 I'On CALL P. M. TONNER fqr clean, ï¬ne work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 SAND, gravel, crushed stem, and ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hi‘ 384J. tfc43 FLOOR SANDERS for rental. Ed: WELLS DUG and tiled and septic tanks put in. Apply N. C. Dolson, Richmond Hill 48R25. *2w10 iYonge St. N. Richmond Hill 458J. tfc? CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. Phone 135R12 Thornhill after 6 p.m.‘_ CUSTOM corn picking. Kal. Vize- R. 2 Gorï¬Iley. Phone Thorn- hill 511‘13. c8w12 Wm) GRAVEL, crushed stzne, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 CUSTOM FARM PLOWING. cul- tivating, tilling and diseing. \v. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. *30w41 EINBODEN & SON concrete con- tractors, septic tanks, drains, floors. Phone Richmond Hill 364 R5, Will. 466. c26w40 REFRIGERATION Sales and Sim:- WELLS DUG and tiled and sep- tic tanks put in, cleaning wells and cisterns. Apply N. C. Dolson, Richmond Hill 48R25. cZwl‘Z COMBINATION DOORS. storm sash' made to order. C. B. Stout- enburg, 32 Richmond St., phone Richmond Hill 499R. tfc12 SEW NG MACHINE REPAIRS, to al makes, new and used ma- chines, treadles converted to smart electric portables. For information call Reid’s Cleaners, Richmond Hill 625. tfc8 CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting WA S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfclfl, MISCELLANEOUS {AINTING and paperhanging, ï¬rst, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will be pleased to pick up dead or crip- pled farm animals and pay highest p'revailing prices. Telephone collect Wocdbridge 6J or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. *43w32 PARTY desires 5,000 sq. ft. floor space or more for broiler growing purposes. Living space preferred. Call W. Ollcroft, Richmond Hill 588. ; c1w12 NILE TILE C0. Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. '3w52tfc class work, reasonable rates, sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 MRS. M. SEYFFERT wishes to announce that she is the new rep- resentative for Avon Products for Richmond Hill. For appointment phone 575W Richmond Hill. tfclO SODDING This is the time of year for suc- cessful sodding. Sod delivered and laid. Rototilling and grading. Es- timates free. Phone Richmond Hill 616. . tfch ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N.‘ G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., cellent garden soil, hydro, water, trees and lawns, immediate vposs- ession. 132 Clarke Ave., Stop 14A Yonge Street. c1w12 $2,950 CASH, $4,750 full price for this attractive insul-bx‘ick bunga- low, fully insulated and partly furnished, in the village of Maple, 4 rooms and large screened veran- dah, garage, inside Water pump, good well, chemical toilet, large lot, 50x213 ft., convenient to chur- ches, school and stores“ city bus at door, possession end of Septem- ber. Phone Maple 155. amle PULLETS will lay in October. Ex- cellent egg producers as Well as good eating fowl. Must sell immcd- iately. Phone Richmond Hill 22131. clwll TWO, THREE AND FOUR week $4,000 HALF CASH, small house and outbuildings, lot 70x200, ex- old non-sexed, pullets, cockerens. Spec'ial prices on ï¬ve to six week old while they last. Barred Rock, Red 2: Rock pullets $47.95, non- sexed $38.95, cockerels $38.95. As- sorted Heavy Bl'eed $1.00 per hun- dred less; also day-old chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Fergus, Ontario. Richmond Hill. Thomhill 168. Thornhill 168 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Fm: REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED *5w9 tfcll tfc46 Oak erany treadle, by Senior Girls of DHU““UUM Urn“ L‘L““‘“° ition. Lang-staff Schonl. Reasonable.lPflONE 174. RICHMOND HILL tfcll Phone Thornhill 198. ‘ c1w12 .---..-.-.-..-.... Ltd., wll tic MAN for steady work at coal yard. Apply Jones Coal C0., Rich- mond Hill. clwll WRSEMAID for two children, preferably around 40 years of age, to live in. Phone Unionville 58. BAY SITTER, reliable girl or wo- man occasionally, 25c an hour, vic- inity Arnold Ave., Thornhill. Tran. sportation provided home. Thorn- hill 354W. clw12 TRUCK DRIVER for lumber yard must be experienced and reliable. Steady job for right person. Ap- ply Bowden Lumber Co., Stop 23 Yonge St. clwlz MAN to work in new plastic plant at Richmond Hill, some experience with ceramics in operating hand press. Apply stating: experience to Box 23 The Liberal. GIRL for suburban Toronto home, 2 adults, 2 small children, live in, private room and bathroom, lib. eral time off, good salary. MO. 0984. c2wl‘2 EX'PER'IENCED LAUNDRESS, good ironer, to do family wash, laundry will be called for and de- livered weekly. Phone King 67w Friday morning and after. *1w12 COUPLE, chauffeur-houseman and cook-general, must be experienced with good references, separate furâ€" nished cottage. Box 29 The Liberal. clwlZ YOUNG, SINGLE MAN for gen- eral outside ï¬eld work, must be good with machinery. Apply Leitchcroft Farm, Gormley (No. 7 Highway.) Phone Thornhill 121J. *lwli' FEMALE HELP for assembly of bed springs, experience not necess- ary, fair wage while learning. reg- ular increase, 40 hour week.Apply Flex-O-Loc Spring Products. 42 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. c1w12 APPLE PICKERS, commencing October 6, men and women daily from 9 am. to 5 p.m. Edgeley Or- chard, Edgeley. For particu!ars and enrolment telephone R. Mc- Cleary, Maple 3OR21 after 6 p.m. ter and watch dog, price $5.00. Ap- ply 32 Edgar Ave., Richvale. c1w12 2 BUDGIES, one green and one yellow, Richmond Hill 134R42. 1 MATCHED TEAM, Percheron geldings, 9 years old, guaranteed in all harness. Hadwen, Maple 60R11. - I"1w12 3 REGISTERED Yorkshire Boars, serviceable age. Apply B. G. Jack- son, Maple 65r11. CZWL] 1 GENERAL PURPOSE Gelding, 7 years old, good in all harness. Hadwen, Maple 6OR11. *IWIZ BLACK RETRIEVER, good hun USED sit evenings. Thornh-ill 47R].3 WALL WASHING, modern meth- ods used, no fuss, no muss. Phone C. H. DeClerq, Thornhill 438J. children require duplex or house. Able to pay good rent. Phone 101'- onto Hyland 9862. . clwlf.‘ BY OCTOBER 1: small apartment or 3 ‘or 4 unfurnished rooms for young couple in Richmond Hill or district. No children. Apply Box 20 The Liberal. *2wlf.’ HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wi‘ baby WANTED Transportation, prefer- ably from West of Yonge, leaving Richmond Hill 8.10 am. to vicinâ€" ity Medical Arts Building. Tele- phone 267. c3w12 PLOW, 2-furrow, Ferguson (A0) new last year, for use on Ferguson or Ford tractor, $170.00. Thornhill 307.1. c1w12 HYDRO ENGINEER, wife and 2 TRANSPORTATION HELP WANTED DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 EMPLOYMENT WANTED ' LIVESTOCK WANTED IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE, pref- CAMPBELL MINK WANTED TO RENT WANTED also c1w12 c1w12 clwl clw12 SAT., SEPT. 22 â€" Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Holsteins, farm stock, implements, hay, grain. furniture, antiques, etc., on Lot 23, Concess- ion 6 Vaughan Township. Property Of John Julian. Sale at 12.30 noon Large sale. Terms cash. No re- serve. Farm Sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 22 â€" Auctinn sale at the new Stouï¬ville vaestock Sale Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, neifâ€" ers, sheep. calves, pigs. horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be If- ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is yam commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we'll sell It." Sale every Saturday at 1 p.111. D.S.T. Make this your market when buyers and sellers meet. Sell- er: 3nd Atkinson, auctioneers. tic WED., SEPT. 26 â€"- Auction Sale of herd of Holstein Dairy Cattle, milking machine, milk cooler, farm implements. etc., on lot 13. concess- ion 2 Scar‘ooro Township on Old Danforth Road, property of Bert Thomson. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken. and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED., SEPT. 26 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, Hol- stein cattle, about 100 Yorkshire hogs, Fordson tractor, new in 1949; full line of nearly new im- plements, at south half lot 49, con. 1 Vaughan, at Toppcliff Farms on Yonge St., ï¬rst farm north of Richmond Hill. Property of J. F. Hauseman. Sale at 1 p.m. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SALE REGISTERS THURSDAY, SEPT. 27 â€" Auc- tion sale of farm stock, imple- ments, Shorthorn cattle, horses, hogs, Mount Forest Threshing Machine 24â€"42 near new; IHC Tractor and Tractor equipment; full line of implements; furniture; 40 ton of hay; 1000 bus. oats; at lot 12, con. 6 King. Property of F. M. Dove. A. S. Farmer, auczion- eer. ‘ SAT., SEPT. 29 â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements, cattle, pigs, horses, hay and grain at lot 17, con. 3 East Gwillimbury just south of Queensville, property of Otto Barkey. No reserve as giving up farming. Terms cash. auction sale of Holstein Cattle, heifers, farm stock, implemen’s, hay, grain, furniture, etc., on rear of lot 75 Con. 1 Whitchurch Twp., 11/4, miles east of the Yonge Street Aurora Subway. Property of Chas. Bowser. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Large sale. Term cash. No reserve, farm sold. Jas. Smith and D. Goulding, clerks; Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 29 â€" Auction sale of household goods, glasses, dishware etc., on lot 11, con. 3 Markham Twp. at Dollar on No. 7Highway. Property of Lloyd Gohn. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED, OCT. 3 â€"- Auction sale of modern farm machinery, tractors, combine, pick-up baler, farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 15, concess- ion 3 Vaughan Township, property of R. B. and D. S. McClelland. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Large sale. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. ‘ TUES., OCTOBER 9 â€" Important Sale 1 pm. tioneer. WED'., OCT. 10 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stock, machinery, implements etc., the property of Mrs. Mina Bridgeman, on lot 20, con. 3, King township, 2 and a half miles west of Aurora. Time of sale 1 pm. Terms cash. F. N. Smith; auc- tioneer, phone 187.1 Newmarket. WIRE-HAIRED Terrier answers to the name of “Buddyâ€, Bayview and John Street, Thornhill, phone Plaza 6645. ‘ *1w12 BLACK SPANIEL Puppy, about 4 months old, reward. 41 Hunt Ave., phone 648W Richmond Hill. c1w12 49 CHEVROLET DeLUXE FLEE’I‘LINE 4 DOOR SEDAN heater and defroster, A1 con'lition low mileage, black 50 FORD DeLl'XE 4 DOOR SEDAN airâ€"conditioning.r heater and (‘e- froster. Excellent condition. 30 day guarantee 47 FORD SUPER DeLL'XE COACH heater and defroster, a one Owner car Ford & Monarch Sales & Service SHO‘VROOM OPEN EVENINGS 49 FORD CUSTOM 2-DOOR SEDAN air-conditioning: heater & defrost- er, radio, dark blue R.D.L|TTLE & SON Ltd. Illlilllnllurl-llr RELIABLE USED CARS $1,095.00 $1,695.00 $1,595.00 $1,425.00 LOST A. S. Farmer, auc- 3 Pee. Krohler Chesterï¬eld Suite Bed Chesterï¬eld 6-pce. Breakfast Suite, natural ï¬n- ‘ ish Ice Refrigerator 2 Brown Steel Beds and Springs Spring-ï¬lled Mattress Cotton Mattress Wooden Bed Antique Spool Bed ‘Antique Walnut Poster Rope Bed and springs Black Cherry Bed and springs Antique Jacquesâ€"Hayes Wooden SAT.. SEPTEMBER 29 Nordheimer Player Piano and Bench 3-Pce. Velour Chesterï¬eld Suite, near n€\V HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUE FURNITURE. ANTIQUE GLASSWARE, ETC. The property of LLOYD GOHN Lot 11, Con. 3. Markham Twp. at DOLLAR COR.. No. 7 Highway Bed and springs Antique Chest 011 Drawers 2 Dressers Toilet Set Antique Walnut Drop-leaf ‘Table, reï¬nished Drop-leaf Cherry Table Drop-leaf Pine Table Kitchen Glass Cupboard Oak Library Table Combination Oak Library Table, Desk 4 Antique Parlour Chairs Round Dining Room Ext. Table Antique Walnut Hall Chair Round Centre Table Electric Fan, 60-cycle Jardiniere Stand Table Lamp Walnut End Table 2 Swing Dresser Mirrors, antique 4 Odd Wooden Chairs Number of Odd Chairs and Rack- ers Mirror with Walnut Frame Hall Rack and Mirror Umbrella Stand Fireplace Screen Antique Mantel Clock Drop-side Spring Couch and mat: ‘ tress . . 2-burner Electric Hot Plate I 2 Congoleum Rugs, nearly new 2 Carpet Rugs Quantity of Oilcloth Bridge Floor Lamps Pair Boudoir Lamps Chicken Oil Brooder 2 Lawnmowers Cow Bell Auctioneers 1. Markham P.0., Ph. Markham 346 Milliken P.O., ph Agincourt 52W3 Jas. Smith, clerk ware Jacket Heater, nearly new Portable Rangette, electric McClary-Kitchen Range, warming closet, water tank, coal or wood Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. - 2 Small Number Doors Set of Butter Scales Antique Oï¬icer’s Sword 2 Wash Tubs Picnic Cross-cut Saw Ironing Quantity of Garden Tools Portable Oil Heater Flower Pots Lamp Quantity of Antique Goblets Quantity Antique Dishes, Glass- Antique Cranberry Hall Hanging 2 Cartoons 2 Cartoons Cartoon 2 Cartoons KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, AUCTION SALE Wed., Thurs., Sept.\26, 27 Wholesale & Retail all year round Special prices and arrange- ments for people who pick them up. EGG GRADING STATION Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104.] Woodbridge Thurs., Fri., Sept. 20, 21 Mon., Tues., Sept. 24, 25 “ Under Capricorn" “Hasty Heart†Sat... September 22 ONE NIGHT ONLY “Fountainhead†Comedy Drama RONALD REAGAN PATRICIA NEAL “White Heat†Drama INGRID BERGMAN JOSEPH COTTEN Romantic Drama GARY COOPER PATRICIA NEAL Gangster Drama Adult JAMES CA'GNEY Wooden Tables of Screen and Wooden Virginia. Mayo EGGS! ! (Colour) Picnic Table Ironing Board News News News News Bulldozing, Excavating, Grading, Etc. TOP SOIL 75c PER YARD -LOADED OFFICE: Richmond Hill 4 Stop 23 Yonge St. For MORTEMP EXTRAHEAT . AIR connmonmn FURNACES AND AERU SILVER FLAME OIL BURNERS “NW†DON GIFFEN 94 Benson Ave. Richmond Hill FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE NEW-0n hand for immediatedelivw One-Way Discs Goble Discs Tractor Plows Forage Harvester, With corn and hay attachments Tractor and Horse-drawn Manure Spreaders Various Models of Massey-Harris Trac- tors “Cobey†P.T.O. Spreader Grain Grinders Oat Roller Hammermill (Iron Age) suitable for Various Makes and Models of Tractors Corn Binder (in good condition) M-H Disc Drill (with fertilizer attach.) M-H Fertilizer Drill ' Cultivator Manure Spreaders Double Disc Tractor Plows Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer grinding corn Pressure Systems USED HAROLD W. MORTSON Home Oï¬ice 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€" Hu. 8949 Donald Stephens FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 399-M 29 Yonge Street Telephone 93 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month F. L. LOWRIE, R. 0. Eyesight Specialist WILL BE AT Clarke’s Pharmacy Wed., September 26 ONE MILE I SOUTH OF RESIDENCE: Richmond Hill 373W Richmond Hill