4. WRESTLING Every Friday In Richmond Hill Arena At 8-30 MARKHAM l “Excuse My Dust†l 4 Heart Warming Unforgettable Days! Mon. to Thurs. - Sept. 2445-26-27 Desirable Location and at Reasonable Prices HARRY CHARLES, Richmond H REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS SAL: HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. YOUR CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE DEALER FOR BETTER USED CARS SEE THESE FULLY RECONDITIONED & GUARANTEED “OK†VEHICLES BEFORE. DECIDING YOUR PURCHASE ‘ , car, low mileage 1951 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach .. $2,050.00 1950 Olds Rocket . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2,575.00 1950 Pontiac, like new . . . . . . . . $1,995.00 1949 Chevrolet Sedan . . . . . . . . $1,695.00 1949 Chevrolet Sedan $1,595.00 1948 Oldsmobile, hydromatic drive, only 16,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,675.00 1948 Chevrolet Sedan . . . . . . . . $1,450.00 1948 Plymouth Sedan . . . . . . . . $1,395.00 1947 Chev. Sports Coupe, custom radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,295.00 1941 Plymouth Coach, radio . . . . $735.00 1939 Olds. Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $650.00 1936 Plymouth, much better than aver- TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup . . $1,375.00 1949 Studebaker 1/2 on Pick-up .. $925.00 1949 International % Ton Pick-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $995.00 1939 Ford 1/; Ton Pickup . . . . . . $395.00 1951 Olds. 98 4-door Deluxe, executive’s age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1936 Ford Coach . . . . . . . . 1936 Chev. Coach . . . . . . . BILL BALL MOTORS LTD. Attractive Town And Country Properties For Sale 5642 YONGE STREET, WILLOWDALE Telephone Willowdale 8165 _ AND SONS rite or Phone SKELTON Hill, Phone 435-R 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY â€"â€" SEPTEMBER 21, 22 FUN IN TECHNICOLOR Red . . . $395.00 . . . $50.00 $295.00 in “Excuse My Dust†Marion Gertrude Robinson. who became ‘the bride of Clifford Lorne Cox in Brown’s Corners United Church, But- tonville. The bride’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin F. Robinson. Yates Trophy To. Newmarket Judy Uren Asset As Substitute Thirteen-year-old .Judy Uren of Richmond Hill substi- tuted for a regular team player last Friday night, When Rich- mond Hill Tennis Club lost the Robert Yates Trophy to New- market, ï¬lling a gap in an hour’s notice, but contributing much to the 5-3 score of the tournament, which rounded out the season of the North York Tennis League. Competing against more experienced players three times her age â€" she has just been playing the game for two years â€" she put up a wonderful showing, winning one of her two matches played. Being a younger player she was constantly hOunded with shots from the opposition who naturally tried to take advan- tage of her inexperience. She proved to be a deï¬nite asset to the local club. Richmond Hill Won three of the eight matches played with the line- up as follows, with two out of three short set matches being played. lst ladies team, Mrs. Win. Maud- sley, Eleanor Smith R.H. vs Joyce Bothwell, Joan Peppiatt, N., 6-4, 6-4 for Newmarket; 2nd ladies team, Judy Uren, Alverna Smith R. H. vs Marg. Davis, Lynn HUnter, N., 6-4, 5-6, 6-3 for Richmond Hill; lst men’s team, '1‘. Saul, Paul Mor- ley R.H. vs Kieth Davis, Robt. Yates N., 6-0, 6-0 for Newmarket; 2nd men’s team, Harry Hill, Gord. Hunter, R.H. vs Chas. Lee, Jack Peppiatt, N., 6-1, 6-5 for Newmark- et. Scoutmasters Cecil Smith of Richvale and Peter Woodger 01 Thornhill are attending the’ Scout- ers Gilwell Course at Blue Springs this week. At the Richmond Hill Ladies’ Auxiliary meeting held Thursday evening of last week the speaker of the evening was the Assistant Ontario Provincial Commissioner of Ladies Auxiliaries, Mrs. A. E. Standing. In describing the grow- ing importance of Ladies Auxiliar- ies in the Scouting Movemenr and Richvale Cubs will re-open at Ricnvale School on Thursday (tonight) at 6:30 to 8 pm. Any boy reaching his eighth birthday by October 15 will be welcome. In the mixed doubles in which Sally FOREST District Scout and Cub News one long set was played Richmond Hill won two matches and the op- position won two matches. Playing as lst team were: Mrs. W. Maud- sley, Tim Saul Vs Joan Pepriatt, Keith Davis, N., 6-2 for Newmark- et; 2nd team, Eleanor Smith, Paul Morley, R.H., vs Jche Bothwell, Robt. Yates, N., 8-6, for Richmond Hill; 3rd team, Alverna Smith, G. Hunter, R.H~ vs Marg. Davis, Chas. Lee, N., 6â€"4 for Richmond Hill; 4th team Judy Uren, Harry Hill vs Lynn Hunter. Jack Peppiatt N., 6-1 for Newmarket. Club members will be contacted at a later date as to the time and place of the dinner and dance, sponsored by the League and to be held in the near future. The 1951 Red Shield canvass by the Salvation Army will be made in Richmond Hill and district by a letter appeal during the next; four weeks, September 21 to October 20. A special committee of leading citizens of Richmond Hill has en- dorsed the work of the Army and are sponsoring the current cam- paign for funds. Chairman for the Red Shield campaign committee is W. W. A. Trench; treasurer is .1. Allan Bales. Other committee members include E. V. Croth, J. Hart, T. Lamb, R. D. Little, Wm. Neal, Ralph Paris, Frank Schiss- ler, W. J. Taylor, K. W. Tomlin. Donations may be left at either the Bank of Nova Scotia or the Canadian Bank of Commerce, or may be sent by mail to the Cam- paign Treasurer, in care of The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Rich- mond Hill. their recognized standing, Mrs. Standing emphasized how intrnest- ed many many people are in what the groups are doing and urged her listeners 'to keep the public in- formed through the press of their activities. She then gave a graphic descrip- tion of the scenes behind the scenes at the huge Scout Cyclorama which was held in the Coliseum this spring, and gave a most interestâ€" ing sketch of the dramatic and im- pressive moments of the huge un- dertaking. This was successfully carried out through the friendly co- operation of the hundreds of par- ticipants composed of hitherto un- acquainted troops and packs of Scouts and Cubs and the support- ing casts of Ladies’ Auxiliaries from various parts of the prov- inces. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill Phone 320W Start Canvass Fri. Sanitary Contractors Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodick, Grace and John, accompanied by Miss Mary Rodick attended the wed< ding of a friend in London and 8.1- so visited the Western Fair over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Black and Bobby visited with friends in Fer- gus on Saturday and also went to the Fergus Fair. Mrs. Walter Brumwell was host- ess to the Brown's Corners W.M. S last Wednesday afternoon. 0th- er members of the committee in charge of program were Mrs. C. J. Russell and Miss Rhea Scott. Mrs. W. Rodick presided with Mrs. John Black as pianist and Mrs. Fred Leaf as secretary. Several guests were welcomed and .wo new members were added to the group. Mrs. Hicks of Thornhill sang a solo “The Lord is My Shep- herd.†Mrs. Leaf and Mrs. Brum- well, one representing “Inland Missions†and the other “Canada†introduced the new study book dealing with the work of missions in Canada and called “From Lakes t.) Northen Lights.†Mrs. Huston gave an interesting account of her work and experience among the Indians of the Far North while on missionary duty there. The apron group said they were planning a. plastic demonstration for early in October, the proceeds of sale to go to the building fund of the church. A social half hour and a delight- ful luncuh brought a ï¬ne meeting to a close. Mrs. Joyce, a one-time resident of Brown’s Corners, now of Toron- to, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker. Mrs Baker, sister of Mrs. Black and Miss Brown of Fergus are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Black this week. Parents and friends of Brown’s Corners Sunday School are asked to be present at the Sunday School Rally Day on Sunday morning at 10.15 when Mrs. McKillican of Markham will be the guest speak- er. Have you noticed the lovely new hymn slides in use by the Sunday School at the present time? They are the gift of the Mission Band purchased with money made by the sale of Christmas Cards last year. Miss Mary Rodick and Mrs. S. English motored to Owen Sound on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Rodick, Mrs. Fred Leaf and Mrs. W. Craig were in Toronto on Tuesday attending a meeting of W.M.S. group leaders. Oak Ridges Dealer for THE GARDEN TRACTOR MAN Your garden, berry patch or new lawn want CUSTOM RUTAVATING BY DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK GOOD NEWS We are very happy to in- form all citizens of the Town- ship of North York that they can secure a free X-ray exam- ination of their chest during the TB. Mass Survey which will be held at various conven- ient locations throughout the municipality during Septembe“ 24 - November 16 (hours 1.30 pm. to 9.00 p.m. During the last community survey in 1948, 9227 received miniature Chest Xrays and 3 active and 6 questionable cas- es of pulmonary tuberculosis were found, 44 persons show. ed evidence of former tubercul- osis and 88 showed other chest abnormalities. Stop and think what it means to you and yours to have deï¬nite assurance that your chest is free of TB. and please act accordingly. STAN TRDYER Carl E. Hill, M.D., M.O.H. Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 35811 ANY TIME NOW! ROTAVATOR CHOREMASTER BEAVER SPRINGFIELD RANSOMES CLINTON ENGINES BUTTONVILLE King 941'24 COX-ROBINSON In Brown’s Corners] United Church, Buttonville, Marion Ger- trude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin F. Robinson recently became the bride of Clifford Lorne Cox, son of Mrs. A. Holman and the late Oscar Cox. Rev. A. Huston of- ï¬ciated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride selected a gown of white Chantilly lace and satin with long slim sleeves. Her‘ skirt of blush slipper satin fell to a long chapel train, and her ï¬ngertip veil was caught to a cap with chantilly lace crown and braided net halo. She carried a cascade of red roses and white gladioli. Muriel Cox, sister of the groom was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Phyllis Lanthier and Doreen Boyington. All were dressed in gowns of pale green brocaded taffeta, with mat- ching headdress and gloves, and carried bouquets of salmon pink gladioli. The junior bridesmaid was Evyonne Robinson who wore a dress of yellow taffeta and car- ried a matching nosegay. Donald Robinson, brother of the bride act- ed as best man. At the reception held at Button- ville Hall, Mrs. Robinson received in a taupe coloured gown with matching accessories. The groom’s mother assisted wearing a navy; sheer dress with matching access- ories. Want a good attendance at that concert or bazaar or whatever it may be? Then try an insertion in the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. It does the job for you at low cost. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 9. ' Webbing Rama? 65% W . .. . Aluminum is ï¬jendbr to food! ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD. From short order cooks to the head chefs of famous hotels, men who demand the best of kitchen utensils appreciate aluminum. They know this food-friendly metal protects flavour and quality so well . . . and meals are prepared more .easily in quick-and-evenâ€"heating aluminum. So...home-makers . . .take a tip from the experts. Brighten your kitchen with gleaming aluminum. It will lighten your work, too, because aluminum is so easy to clean. Model Ail-60 Refrigerator $345.75 Model RU-35-C Range - $345.75 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill 9 Phane 86 FRIGIDAIRE 1-3 Down Payment Including Trade-ln. Monthly Payments $4.50 THE LIBERAL, Richmond HillLThursday, Sept. 20. No need to use 'costly, time-consuming building materials when you can getyour home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS --- too, you’ll find its lower maintenance returns substantial sav- ings through the years. Pnone stoutfville 381W1 for complete details We deliver. STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! GORMLEY, ONT. Tel. Stouffville 381W] GURMLEY BLOCK CU. MEETS ALL A.S.T.M. SPECIFICATIONS ALL SIZES 0F CONCRETE BLOCKS. SAND AND GRAVEL When you see aluminum used as a food container or wrapper, you can be sure the purity oi the product is well-protected. Look for butter in aluminum foil and pies baked in foil plates. And remember that more and more maple syrup these days is made from sap collected in clean, hygienic aluminum pails. ALUMINUM IS FRIENDLY TO HEALTH