I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday. Sept. 20, 1951 ANTIQUES ) 2 2 FURNITURE - CHINA - SILVER - GLASS - BRASS g ETC. Good Lot â€" Half City Prices CLIFFORD, Clarke and Seccomoe SOne Mile East at Stop 14A Yonge HIGHLAND On Wednesday, September 12, the ï¬nal portion of the Gamble home at stop 14 Yonge was suc- cessfully moved by Matthews of Langstaf‘f. to its new site at Willowdale and Drury Aves. The large structure was moved two weeks ago and was a spectacular é, l “MM sight. To see a house over 80 g 7 years old ,raised, moved across i & \ ï¬elds, ditches and down the road and plaCed on new foundations without a hitch was remarkable. It is understood the barns will be dismantled and moved to Bond Lake in the near future. Also pleased to note the property it- self has had a tractor busily cut- ting the weeds down lately. O O O O ). ~.\J~x$ ON WED., SEPTEMBER 26, AT 8 RM. IN RICHMOND HILL MASONIC HALL Under the auspices of L.O.L. 2368 Admission 35c Freeze-Out 15c Warning A word of warning to parents and children living around Grand- view and Willowdale Aves. Last week several boys were playingr around the large drainage pipes in that vicinity and one boy bumped his head on the end of a pipe. The wound required six stitches. Warn your children not to play in or around these pipes. Hope the lad has a speedy recovery. 0 O l‘ C We are pleased to note that Mi- chael Ives, 18 Grandview Ave, was sufficiently recovered from his operation to commence his school- ing, on opening day. His efforts for recovery and his parents’ pat- ience were a delight to witness all summer. Good luck, Michael. I C O U Prizes and Lunch Your INSURANCE is our business Our service to you combines expert advice on your insurance problems with a complete engineering BeI‘Vlce- District Representative HERBERT R. BUTT 318 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 25R TOMENSDN, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT LIMITED :220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Phone Plaza 7671 been started in our midst by Mrs. TI Pollock, 19 Grandview Ave. Classes are every Saturday. Good luck to Mrs. Pollock in her efforts among the to promote culture small fry. 'WAN TED DAIRY STATISTICIAN M Young man with dairy farm back- iground to gather ï¬gures once a mont. “from 50 local dairymen in county. These ‘ï¬gures cover their monthly milk produc- jition and feed costs as well as breeding {records on each individual cow. Weiner Roast A friendly atmosphere was prev- alent at a Weiner roast held bv the neighbors of Drury Ave., living be- A ballet instruction class has I I on Saturday last week. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all who attended and when the ï¬re burned low, the folks moved into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacCall- um where dancing completed the night. . O O O lï¬ome & School Powell Rd. Home and School held the girth executive meeting of the season on Tuesday, September 11, at the school with Mr. Robt. Fish- er in the chair, it was agreed the 4th Monday of each month would continue as the regular meeting night. Also that the second Tues- day of each month as the executiVe meeting. Please take note of these meetings and plan to give Home and School your support. The fu- ture and growth of our community depends on the children of today and as members of Home & School you help to provide better schools, homes and community spirit. Join Powell Rd. Home and School at the Iï¬rst meeting on Monday, Sept. 24. Everyone is welcome. You do not , SALARY: $1,800 per annum plus a 'f driving allowance of 7c per mile. e > Apply in letter to Box 96, Aurora, Ontario. Julio-0. Love Lumber Go. Ltd. 'Love'l Yard i‘, VVOODVVARD AVE I. Yonge St. and Woodward Avenue 2 HIGHLAND AVE 5. a: THORIIILL jg STEELE AVE E. Are you - 1%. Building ? Remodelling 7 Repairing 7 Shingles DROP IN AND LOOK OVER OUR SPLENDID STOCK OR PHONE “The Lumber lumber†.TIIORIIIILL 350 NOW Is The Time To Order Your STORM SASH Or STORM SASH MATERIAL Open Saturday Until 4 p.m. MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Phone Thornhill 398R5 tween Dudley and Willowdale Ave., PARK NEWS have to be a parent. just have the interest of children at heart. Mr. A. B. Galpin of Richmond Hill. the new seliool inspector for school (11'- ea No. 1 has been asked to speak. The new members of the teaching staff will be introduced, music pre- sented and a social period with refreshments will follow. Be pres~ ent and meet those responsible for your school. Your H & S officers and convenors. For any informa- tion contact any of the following officers. R. Fisher, pres, Willowâ€" dale 2037: Mrs. O'Brien, vice-pros. Thornhill 242R“; W. Sanders. Vice. pres. Thornhill 398R5; Mrs. E. Boxter, corr. sec., Thornhill 350R 21: Mrs. H. Iddon, rec. sec . Thorn- hill 378R3. C O C 0 Highland Park Association The ï¬rst regular meeting of the season was held last week with an attendance of 130 persons. Two of the subjects brought forth for dis. cussion were the proper drainage of the area by the township. An inspection of culverts and such to be conducted to determine steps to Also the practice of sump pumps and waste being drained into street ditches. Mr. Robt. Pricstman, president, and a committee of four, spent Sunday afternoon completing an inspection of these conditions. They report Ithat there is room for much imâ€" provement of same. The commitâ€" tee will approach the township council to see that proper culverts etc. are in condition to take care of the spring thaws. A letter will be sent to Dr. King of York Health Unit to see if the sump situation can be corrected immediately. Your association works for your interest and your attendance shows your appreciation of their efforts. Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 9. owing to the fact that Monday is Thanks. giving Day. At this meeting the association would apprech all members and interested parrie: io attend prepared to submit their annual fees. be taken. 3 I I ‘ Miss Barbara Barrow, 27 Drury Ave., will commence her third year ;at Toronto University after a suc- cessful summer with a Toronto newspaper. o t u Congratulations are extended to Mr. Norman James, 16 Grandview, on his splendid pictures of HRH. Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh and their lovely chil- dren which are appearing in the daily and weekly papers in advance to the Royal visit. An assignment well done, Mr. James. D C U C Boy‘s Club Formed On September 12 a boy’s club was formed under the guidance of Mr. C. H. DeClerq and Mr. Mickey Biggs. This is the result of splen- did co-operation of the boys anu fathers all summer in baseball games. The need for winter activâ€" ities was apparent and so we have the answer. Special projects will be undertaken and a hockey team started. The boys held an election and voted the following to conduct meetings. Bobby Pitrie of Jackes Ave., captain; Dave Snyder of Highland Pk. lst monitor; Kenny Knowles of Highland Pk., 2nd mon- itor. It was decided that the member- ship dues would be 25c for the fall and winter season. All boys of the district between ages 7 and 15 yrs. are welcome. A membership canvas will be made soon. The ï¬rst fall effort of this club will be a waste paper collection on Sat. Sept. 22, commencing at 9 a.m. Workers and waste paper are needed, so let’s give the clu“) a good start. These boys collected over two tons of paper on their summer drive and realized funds for baseball equipment. Such ac- tivities are the fundamentals of good fellowship and we wish the club every success. The senior com- mittee of the club to help guide the boys are: D. LeClerq, J. Knowles, Ted Pollock, Al Stagg and Walt Sanders. Thanks are expressed by this committee and boys to all who supported the games during the summer with a special thanks to Mickey Biggs and Al Larkins for their assistance in coaching and umpiring the games. Results of game Sat. Sept. 15: Willowdale 13, our team 7 runs. It was a good game and Russell Pitrie pitched an excellent game and Dave Snyder did an outstand- ing job in shortstop position. How- ever as the score indicates the Willowdale team had the advantage of an excellent pitcher in I'Mug. Ferguson, plus a stronger batting team. Miss Joan Schoffield, 91 Drury Ave., is continuing her studies at Richmond Hill High School in her ï¬fth year. Good work Joan. 0 u 0 My sincere thanks to all who have Wished me success in this new experience. I will do my best for this column, 1: please remember, I do have to hear the news to put it in column. Your co-operation is solicited and appreciated. Would like to hear something from Wood- ward Ave. and Steele’s Ave. Are You Moving? If so, do not miss a single copy of The Liberal. Telephone your present address and your new address to the Liberal 0f- ï¬ce at Richmond] Hill No, 9 or drop us a line through the mail giving us your new ad- dress. Please notify us severa days in advance so that there will be no interruption in the ser- vice. EDGELEY NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howden had as their guests for a week Mrs. How- den's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gillespie of Innerkip, Ont. . . U 0 Mr. Blake Turney of Grand Rap- ids, Michigan, has been visiting the past two weeks with his niece, Mrs. Nelson Peelar and Mr. Peeler. During his stay Mr. Turney took a side-trip to Port Colbourne to visit his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hetherington for a few days. They returned with him on Saturday and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Peel- ar. Mr. Turney returned to his home in Grand Rapids on Sunday. 0 0 I 0 This week at Edgeley school the executive of the Edgeley Bianch of the Junior Red Cross was elect- ed. The president for 1951â€"52 is Victor Young; vice-president, Ron- ald McTaguc; secretary, Barbara Freeman; treasurer, Terry Elliott. The chairman of the programme committee is Jim Agnew, assisted by Buddy Freeman and the chair- man of the Health Committee is Evelyn Stong. assisted by George Wood. The pupils arclooking for- ward to a year of interesting work in the Junior Red Cross. t a e v Many happy returns of the day to Miss Flossie Puterbaugh who celebrated her birthday on Septem- ber 16. Miss Puterbaugh and Al- vin visited with Miss Carrie Puteru baugh in Gormley last week. 0 o e 4 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Franc Newton and Eulaine and Mrs. C. Asbury visited with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chapman and family in Durham. 0 O O 0 Mr. and Mrs. Kerr-Taylor of Ag- incourt spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agnew. x a a * Sale Home Cooking A very successful sale of home cooking was held at the hOme of Mrs. Chas. Greenley, Woburn Ave. North Toronto on Saturday after- noon and in a short time nearly everything was sold. The sale was under the auspices of the Edgeley Women’s Institute. Mrs. Eldon Fierheller, president, thanks all who helped to make the sale a suc- C935. 0 t O 0 An executive meeting is called and will be held at the home of the president on Monday evening, Sep- tember 24. O C O O Edgeley W. I. are holding a booth of refreshments on Tuesday, September 18 at the sale on the farm of Mr. L. D. Hatï¬eld. Those on the food purchasing committee are Mrs. Elmer Stong, Mrs. Chas. Agnew, Mrs. Frank Locke and Miss Ella Wihitmore. ‘1 t 1‘ fl Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Asbury and baby Brenda called on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong on Saturday ev- ening. Doncaster Doings MRS. L. SIMPSON Correspondent: Henderson Avenue ' Ratepayers Meet The regular monthly meeting ‘of the Doncaster Ratepayers Assoc- iation was held at the Powell Rd. School last week after being dis- continued for the summer months. Drainage plans for the district were discussed. Don’t forget that all Doncaster ratepayers are cor- dially invited to attend these meetings. 0 O O 0 New Residents The Annex Store, Morgan Ave., formerly operated by Mrs. Wm. Garnet Sr., has been taken over by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Matthews. Mrs. Garnet has gone to Lake Simcoe for health reasons. Wel- come to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mat- thews, also the new residents of the Garnet home, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Owen. O . O 0 Stock Car Racing 3 Stock car racing is drawing more contestants from this dis- trict, J. Greenshields participated last week with car No. 29. Mickey Leffler won the consolation heat again at Speedway. * t O ‘ Zella Neally is visiting with her parents for a few days vacation. 0 O U I Residents are pleased to see the progress being made on, the con- struction of Clark St. O t O 0 We all hope that Mrs. N. Thom- pson has fully recovered frOm her recent illness. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIilRllllllllllllllllllllRIlllllll FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE'S FLOWER SHDP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Tel. Richmond Hill 490 Nights and Holidays Telephone Thornnill 207R6 unmmuuuuumnmummmw Telephone Maple 110R3 RICHVALE NEWS , CORRBPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAMI r . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elliott werej Phone R‘d‘mmd Hm "7R2: dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Syd-‘ ney Broadbelt on Sunday evening. Liskeard spent several days last‘ ;week as guests of Mr. and Mix/Guides The Girl Guides will re-opeq their meetings at Richvale School Miss Vivian on Wednesday. September 26. Thu casion Norman entertained a num_lHill spent a week touring Nevaocal Association of Girl Guide. her of young people at 3 mm and York during their vacation re .ent- and .Brownies Will hold its ï¬rs. r meeting of the season on Thurs- day evening. October 11 at 8:30. It will be held at the home of the District Commissioner Mrs. R. F. Paul, Spruce Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maxey of New ing Place near Trenton, I U C O Last Thursday Norman Young Fred Burmes- reached that allâ€"important leti “ ' ' . birthday and to celebrate the oc-i Mr5~ Hr H1†fmd weiner roast on Saturday evening. 15" C O O I Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thompson and family accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foster on a trip to Milton on Sunday. t¥¥3 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood aiidi their three sons, Ross. Robin and Ian motored to Ottawa on theirl holidays, going by No. '7 hignway and returning along the St. Law- rence River. On their way nome' they stopped off for the better part of a week with friends at Carry- Mrs. M. Bailey of Toronto is spending a few days at the home of her son, Mr. E. Bailey on Av- enue Road. O U t I Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lambert of Toronto had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stong. ’t.’ A Long Trip During the ï¬nali week of their daughter's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh and Misses Mar- ian and Ruby Puterbaugh motored to North Bay where they spent a few days sight-seeing and also called on friends while they were there. Coming home through Cal- lender they saw the quints going to chapel. At Barrie they called on a few more friends before return- ing home. To wind up their week of visiting. Mrs. Puterbaugh and the girls called on friends in New- market and Cashel on Friday. C O C I l PLAZA 5373 MAPLE 6 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton who will observe their twenty-seventh wedding an- niversary on Friday, September 21. Mrs. D. Clark of Owen Sou'ni visited with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dalziel over the week end. MAPLE BLOCK & TILE LIMITED MAPLE -â€" ONTARIO -- MOTOR OIL - 3PECIAL SALE PRICE ‘ 100% PURE VICEROY - Gallons - $1.35 - Quarts 35c $1.10 " "30.: II ACE HIGH - PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Ltd. a u Richmond Hill Phone 86 .,, to.qu PRICED ' mom-on ‘THE v, MARKET, trans. - ' .. ‘sumrs‘ .1 ’, Kro‘orro .-;pRrss,rS' . , ‘ nous. rvrrrv'rrrmoj" ' . THERMOSTAT .~ - '.,c0Nrkor - SIT DOWN TO IRON Double the price, and you still couldn't buy a better ironer. The Beatty "Space Saver" is the greatest value we have ever been able to offer. Now you can save over 50 per cent of the cost of a cabinet model, yet have the same efficiency with the extra convenience of space- scving -- the ease of using anywhere In the house -- the comfort and convenience of automatic ironing. You can see this new Beatty lroner now, on display and demon- stration in our store. Drop in right away for a peek at the first truly practical, low-priced way of sitting down to iron. Now even! woman can afford an ironerl H. W. MORTSON Yonge St., Richmond Hill, Ont. Phone Richmond Hill 93