"Aden-Tutor flwyuoï¬lt Bal- onecd Broke Sonâ€"Equal or better quality than original equipment; safety-engineered from improved friction materialsâ€"road tested for every kind of weather. Keep you:. car under control with Chrysotile. SAVE SAFELY! Fordâ€"192860 . . . . . . . . 2.9! to 4.“ CNNâ€"493060 . . 2.35 90 8.80 Plymouth, Dodgkâ€"(mosf) 2.85 10 8.95 Buickâ€"193049 . . . . . . ‘ 2.90 to 4.50 Chryulor, Danteâ€"193060 3.25 N: 5.9! Pounceâ€"192960 . , . . . . 3.60 ft) 4.50 UNINGS RIVETTED T0 SHOES foe "/1: pr HIV/at. Also complete brake relinlnn if desired 01 CTC Iavings. Stogrlng Wk eel "Glamour Girl" posesâ€"in clos- tic (It'd lustrous chrome. 6'00. Vow Heavy corrugofed rubber; saves wom mun. Neat â€"eas|ly attached. REPAIR MAT SPINNER NIKON! Il°(l55 (Wigwam smcoua FRO’C’E’SS Noel Hole .98 .39 §AVAGE’S 55 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL Phone- Richmond Hill 5_90W |Use your weight in‘ Lsfecd of your muscles for tires, air mattresses, etc. Real value. FOOT TIRE PHMP 12.98 Guaranfeed best for polishing cars! norvon outfitâ€"with ' Reliob cord. reflector. guard 23:25; with hook, easy-grip moum handle wifh switch. styled TROUBLE LAMP 2.75 Work Saving CHRYSBTHE Balanced Brake Sets 25-†Reï¬ne Your Brakes For Safe Driving Here's the rest amazing cor polish ever afferedâ€"AUTOBRITE SILICONE PROCESS â€"fasfer, eas::r, brighter and longer-lost- ing than any car waxâ€"polish you’ve ever used . , cr your money back! CONTAINS 4% SILICONES! Reliable; for cars, baats, home, eic. S u c t i c n - cur) mount. SmarHY Brightly colored plastic â€" ensure fresh div and eliminate drafts. Auto Thermo'xecfcr BBEEZIES '39 Pr. Calouvful Red iewe|s ind! cafe if lights on on. Small size. Large, pr. . .12 Plate giass, wlth spaces to record OII changes, m".â€" age, etc. Visor Vanlly Hudlomp TELLITES '29 Pr. MIRROR .14 United Church at King City will resume its Sunday evening serv- ices at 7 o’clock after having held morning worship each Sunday durnFar ing the summer months. This Sunâ€" 1‘ day evening there will be a spec- Kin ial Thanksgiving service and theinesl minister Rev. M. R. Jenkmson arz will preach. ‘ tert Oct ful. Shower Miss Anne Marie Wilson is be- ing honored these days prior to her wedding on October 13, when she will be come the bride of Mr. James Adjey of Toronto. On Fri- day evening Mrs. Harold Kirby en- tertained at 11 miscellaneous show- er when the 15 guests were rela- tives of the young bride-toâ€"be. A shower was .given earlier by the girls of the Colgate-Palmolive of- ï¬ce staff, where Miss Wilson .5 employed. And the neighbors on the/ street where Mr. Adjey lives in Toronto, held a. shower one ev- ening recently. Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Johns- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan M. Johnston of Montreal and Mrs. A. Mrs. Arthur Fleet, president of the King Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Hazel Campbell the secretary treasurer and Mrs. Annie Bice are attending the convention of Ontario Command Ladies Auxiliary, which takes place in Timmins for four days this week. Mrs. Fleet is also president of Zone 22. E. Powell of Cleveland, Ohio, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston, Sylvancrest, King. Ladies‘ Auxiliary Couple Honoured Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dove were honored by their friends of St. An- drews church and the community of Strange when they were pre- sented with a silver tea service «I a remembrance of their many years together in the church and cummunity. The friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dove and the presentation was made by Mr. Whatley Finch, while the acâ€" companying address was read by Mr. Norman McMurchy. 0n the same evening the W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s church presented Mrs. Dove with an electric heater and Miss Jean Dove with an attractive boudoir lamp. On behalf of the W.MeS. the presentations Were made by Mrs. Stanley Kerr, and the address of regrets at their de- parture and good wishes for their future was read by Mr. C. Blacx. Mr. and Mrs. Dove have sold their farm home and with their daughter Jean, are moving to a new home in Aurora. Mrs. Dove was born in the old family home and has never lived in another house. The farm has been in the same family for four generations. A sale was held at their farm on Thursday, and a large crowd gath- ered. There were many antiques, including an ox yoke that was bought by Norman McMurchy, and an old fashioned buggy purchased by a neighbor, Mr. Galbraith. Two days last week a flock of over 200 blue jays descended on the trees in the ravine along the Humber, north of the King SchOOl. One often sees a single blue jay in this neighborhood, but a flock of this size is not only unusual, but a beautiful sight. Mrs. W. J. Sis- man of Aurora, who is well versed in bird lore, tells us that as blue jays do not migrate this must have been an irregular movement to the south in search of new feeding grounds. Mrs. Sisman says the blue jay will eat anything, espec- ially the wild cucumber and we noticed that they settled in the wild fruit trees in the ravine. An- other reason for a large gathering of these birds might have been the presenece of their arch enemy, the screech owl, in the neighborhood. Anyhow after two days they disâ€" appeared, and it would be nice to see them come back again. Mrs. Sisman remarked that she saw set:- eral blue jay nests very high in the pine trees at Lake of Bays this summer. 200 Blue Jays The ï¬reworks of the UNI; Were never so wonderful as the free show that the Aurora Borealis put on for the people of King on Tuesday night, September 25. Toronto peo- ple remarked on the spectacular Aurora, but no one in the city eould have had the perfect view if he complete are that was watched by many of the neighbors in the country. The show began about 8 o’clock, and an hour later the re- peat performance appeared which lasted for over an hour. Free Fireworks Elm Blown Down An old elm on the property of Mary Lake was blown down by the gale last Thursday afternoon. It fell across the hydro wires and on to the road, the branches complete- 1y covering and blocking the 4th concession road. The hydro power was shut off for over an hour at the busiest time when dinner was being prepared. Only the homes on the 4th concession were without electricity. Laskay Dance Over 100 people attended the dance given by Laskay W.I. in their hall on Friday night. Weir’s orchesâ€" tra provided the music for the pro- g‘l‘am of square dances as well as the modern style. Many young people were present, and a crowd came from Aurora. In fact the door prize was won by a visitor from Aurora. The hot dog stand sold all their supplies. It is planned to have another dance on Wednesday, CORRESPONDENT: MRS. KING CITY NEWS Phone Will|0ctober 17, as this was so success- M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT‘ King 551114 Family Night It will be Family night at the King Women‘s Institute on Wed- nesday, October 9. A short play and a. radio quizz will be part of the enâ€" tertainment and of course there will be refreshments. The United church basement rooms is the place at 8.15 p.171. Hear Address When Miss Marion Wight of the Nutrition branch of the Dept. of Agriculture W. I. division, address- ed the W.I. of King on September 24, she stressed the value of a plate of oatmeal porridge as the best of breakfasts, not only for the win- ter, but for every morning all year‘ long. She exploded many old-1 fashioned food fads such as, oat- meal heats the blood in summer, brown eggs are more nutritious than white ones, ï¬sh is a brain food’ etc. Beédes an interesting lecture on food and a well balanced diet, a moving picture called Training Taâ€" ble was shown. This is an official story furnished by the medical branch of the RCAF, showing the ,food, its preparation and presenta- tion as provided for the recruits of the RCAF. She said, “Food and weather are things everyone likes to talk about. Good meals should be fun as well as nourishing." Weiner Roast (Written by Roger Rawlings) The weiner roast sponsored by All Saints Anglican Church and held at Dr. Barry's farm on Thurs- day, September 27, was attended by approximately 46 young people from King and district. It was a cold and windy night, but every- body was warmly dressed and as the roast was held down in the valley, the wind swept overhead, and nobody felt the cold. Singing commercials and other musical games were played. Dr. Barry had a huge bonï¬re ready for them When they arrived. Visitors from Aurora were Peggy Jones, Diana Stollery, ‘Beverley Smth, Dave Bachly, Tom Humes, Michael Clark, Gary Gil- bert, Lynn Esterbrook. The young people wish to ext'end their thanks to Dr. Barry, Rev. D. C. H. Michell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tetley, Miss Mary Jane Walker and Mrs. Ross Walker. . The sudden death of John Scott at the Granite Club, Toronto, on September 23, brought to a close one of the most spectacular success stories of the Canadian scene. Mr. Scott was born in St. John, N.B.. 77 years ago. Handicapped with a lame leg, he became a newsboy, selling the St. John’s Gazette on the street corners of that city. His position at the time of his retire- ment was managing director of the Mail and Empire, 9. position he ï¬ll- ed from the time the paper was bought by I. W. Killam in 1927, till the time of amalgamation with the Globe. His only son, John C. Scott lives at Bar-mar, on the 5th con- cession, King. He followed his fa- ther’s example, and became a jour- nalist. Formerly with the Canad- ian Press, he now is public director of the provincial Department of Health. He is also survived by two granddaughters, Barbara Jane Scott and Martha Jane Scott. Remarkable Career James McDonald Ross enrolled at the Unversity of Western OnJ tario, London, in the business ad- ministration course.. He has alrea- dy completed two years in archit- ecture at the University of Torono. ‘ John Nimmo is attending classes at Ryerson Institute, Toronto, n connection with his work in the chemical research laboratories at the A. V. Rowe Co., Malton. At Western University . At Ryerson Institute Annual Service All Saints Anglican Church held its annual Harvest Thanksgiving service on Saturday with two ser- vices. Rev. D.C.H. Michell, the rector, was present at the morning service, and in the evening the Rev. J. D. Patterson of Woodbridge preached. The congregation of St. Stephen Church Maple, joined All Saints at the evening service. The church was a. pretty picture with its autumn decorations of fruit, grains, flowers and vegetables, rep- resenting the bountiful harvest of this year for which thanks was giv- en. The music was truly sung from full hearts and a duet was sweetly sung by Freida Dent and Shirley Rawlings. Donald Raw- lings played the organ for the last time as regular organist. He has entcred the University of Toronto and will not be able to continue his duties in the local church. While he is at University Freida Dent will be organist. On Sunday even- ing Rev. Mr. Michell took the even- song at Woodbridgc Anglican Church, while its rector was at King. Bob McLeod Delegate Bob McLeod was a delegate from the King City wrestling club when the Ontario Amateur Wrestling Federation held its annual meeting at the West End “Y†on Sunday afternoon. A ladies auxiliary to help with social affairs was formed. The report of the K.C.W.C- was received with much interest and the delegate helped the meeting pass the following of special inter- est for King City. The dates Ap- ril 11 and 12, were set for the On- tario Championships in Toronto; King: City was invited to compete in the ï¬rst federation show this ‘ason in Toronto at the West End Y on October 27; changed a city novice to an Ontario novice tea-n- ament to be held early in Decem- ber'; added another hour at 6 to 7 p.m. to the usual noon period on the day of a match for contestants to weigh in for Ontario Federation shows thereby changing a tradition. When the W.A. of All saints Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. Crawford Wells on the second Tuesday of the month, plans were made for the annual turkey supper that will be held this year on November 7. Miss Julia Jarvis was present and she gave an account of her recent trip to England. The scripture and the study book were read by Mrs. D. Rawlings and Mrs. G. Wells. At the tea hour the host- ess was assisted by Mrs. Ross Walker and Miss May Judge. There were 17 members present. Next month the W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Finch. Miss Jessie Gellately, Mrs. Fred Curtis, Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. James Ball, Miss Alice Ferguson and Mrs. T. L. Williams, motored to Toronto to attend the annual Fall Rally of West Presbyterial. It was held at St. Paul's Presby- terian Church, corner of Bathurst ard Barton Streets. There were two sessions, the ï¬rst at 2 pm. and the other at 7 o'clock. Supper was served to the guests. Annual Turkey Supper The W.A. of Eversley Presby- terian Church have set the date for their annual bazaar. It will be held on November 2 in the'base- ment of the King City United Church. An invitation to attend the Thanksgiving meeting of the W. M.S. of King City United Church has been extended to the mem- bers of the Eversley W.M.S. The date is October 11 at 2 o’clock. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson motored to Brechin to visit Mrs. Ferguson’s brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Muir. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Toronto left last week for Eng- land to visit Mr. Wilson’s mother whom he has not seen for many years. Mrs. Wilson is the sister {0:0an wwmamacalz ï¬e Wag: we want... LOWEST CflSTL FINEST QUALITY, UTMOST DEPENDABILITY AND EMMY “PLUS THE HIGHEST THREE-EN VALUE!" This year’s Chevrolet is a marvel of value, every way â€" and it's all yours’ at lowest cost! If you want a car with Body-by-Fisher strength, protection and up-to-the-minute stylingâ€"Chevrolet has it. If you want power you can live with through many moons to comeâ€"Chevrolet‘s valve-in- head performance gives you that, too. If you want roominess and comfort and handling ease that make every trip a breeze, there’s no simpler way to ï¬nd them than to take the wheel of a Chev- rolet. Above all, if you're looking for ad- vanced features that perfecrly combine pleasure with performance, just look at these : Take your Discovery Driveg NEW/ â€"imnroved Centre-Point Steer- GORDON’S GARAGE of Miss Annie McBride, and on Sunday Miss McBride was hostess to a group of friends who came from Toronto to wish Mr. and Mrs. Wilson a happy voyage. The Toronto guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trailing and son, Peter, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomson and son Bill and 'Mrs. Agnes Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will be in England in time to spend Thanks- giving with their mother. Miss Marjorie Mary Alice Johns- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston of Sylvancrest, 7th line, King, was a bride of Sat- urday. The groom is Gordon Lang Cheesbroug-h, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Cheesbrough, Westmount, Montreal. The wedding took place at Timothy Eaton Church, Toronto, and the reception was held at the bride‘s home. The young couple will live in Westmount. Nease-Scott Historic St. John‘s Anglican Church, York Mills, was the set- ting for the marriage of Barbara Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Scott of King, to Mr. A. Stuart Nease, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick George Nease of Han- lan’s Point. Rev. A. C. McCull- um officiated at the evening cere- mony. ‘ Mr. Scott gave his daughter in marriage and she wore a grace- ful gown of white embroidered or- gandie with ï¬nger-tip veil, string of pearls, the gift of the groom, and carried a white prayer book. Her attendants were her sister, Miss Martha Jane Scott, wearing yellow embroidered taffeta wlth oveskirt of yellow net; and Miss Judith Godfrey, ih pale green taf- feta with green organdie over- skirt. Both wore pale green head- dresses, and carried yellow roses. Mr. Thomas Stephen Nease was groomsman for his brother, and the ushers were Mr. David Box and Mr. James Gooding of Toron- to. Mr. Nease and his bride will live at Hanlan's Point. The bride is a graduate of the U. of T. in the honor class of this past spring. The groom is a teacher of Latin and Greek at Malvern Collegiate, Toronto. matings riends who came ) wish Mr. and Lppy voyage. The ere Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur NEIVâ€"more powerful Jumbo-Drum Brakes (with Dubl-Life rivetless brake linings) for extra-safe, extra-smooth, extra-long-lasting performance. They're the biggest brakes in Chevrolet history! ing (and Centre-Point Design), making Steering even easier at low speeds (and while parking. NEW’ â€" Safety Sight Instrument Panel, â€"safer, more convenient, more efl‘tcient and more beautiful than ever before. Yes, Chevrolet for ’51 is a car that deï¬es comparison from every viewpoint â€" in- cluding price. So, if you've been toying with the notion of settling for a lesser car â€"â€" come in and see how easily you can buy this thrifty marvel. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs‘., October 4, 1951 Stop 23 Yonge Street ‘ Our service to you combine< expert advice on your msurance problem_s w1th a complete engineering service, ' Dlstrict Representative TOMENSUN, SAUNDERS, SMlTH & GARFAT 1’ our LIMITED 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. 18 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 25R DONNACONA HARDBOAR BOWDEN LUMBER CO. Donnacone Hardboard combines the strength of compressed wood and the beauty of a richly finished, mirror-like surface. It is a natural building board for all interior needs . . . it can be nailed, glued or sawed . . . great for bathrooms, kitchens or panelling. Paint it any colour or leave it in its natural, rich bwwn finish. Let us show you the various Donnacone Hardboards and explain their many special uses. EN§URANCE HERBERT R. BHTT f--- ---u--- is our business Richmond Hill 608 Phone Plaza 7671 ONT.’