E THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, October 4, 1951 EIREâ€"AUTOMOBILEâ€"HEALTH AND ACCIDENT BURGLARYâ€"PLATE GLASSâ€"COVERAGE â€"â€" S E E â€"â€"-â€"â€" Maple Sealed Tenders, properly marked, will be received by the undersigned up to 12.00 o’clock noon on 3 TO THE PETROLANE CORPORATION LTD THORNHILL, ONTARIO NAME ADDRESS HORSES . . . . . . . . . . . CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . for the furnishing of trucks and drivers (snow plows will be supplied and ’attached by the Commission) for the removal of snow from the Commission‘s highways m York County during the season 1951-1952. A marked cheque for the sum of $1,000.00 must ac- company each tender. Tender forms and Speciï¬cations may be obtained at 'the office of the undersigned on and after THURS- DAY, OCTOBER 4, 1951. H. C. ROSE, Chief Engineer 67' Adelaide St. E., Toronto 1, Out. I AM INTERESTED IN: FOR SPEEDY PICK-UP PHONE BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 00., LTD. Richmond Hill 47R4 Toronto LY. 6237 PROPANE GAS STOVE E] HOT WATER HEATER ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR D ELECTRIC STOVE ARE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS COVERED ? This coupon does not obligate THORNHILL, ONTARIO PHONE THORNHILL 251 DON’T MISS These WONDERFUL BARGAINS 6an fln-Phone or Mail Coupon NOW! HURRY! HURRY! SAVE UP TO A ’phone call will bring one f our salesmen to your TthPETROLANE CORPORATION Ltd. CALL FOR TENDERS NEW “PROPANENGAS†STDVES ELECTRIC STOVES- REFRIGERATDRS HOT WATER HEATERS Toronto and York Roads Commission Notice to Farmers Sale extended to Saturday, October 13. Your last chance to make this BIG saving. Fill in the coupon and mail promptly. Your old stove taken as part pay- ment. Budget terms arranged. Open evenings dur- ing sale. . ..... FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1951 RENTAL 0F TRUCKS FUR SNOW REMOVAL SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE Highest Prices Paid For Dead or Crippled Animals My Thirty Years Of Experience is AT YOUR SERVICE For 'ARTHUR J. WELLS . . . . . . 7. $7.00 each ,. . . . . $5.00 each me in buy way to purchase Telephone Maple 99 R. E. BALES, Chairman The 50th. Anniversary of the West York District Womens’ Inst- itute was celebrated in the form of a banquet on Friday evening, September let. at Central Un- ited Church, Weston. Mrs. R. G. Purcell, Ft. William, president of the Federated Womens’ Institute of Ontario and Miss Anna P. Lewis, Director, Womens' Inst- itute Branch, Dept. of Agricult- ture, were guests. Miss Leich- man of Scotland, who arrived in Canada on Thursday was also a guest and brought greetings. The presidents of North York, Centre York and E. York Districts each brought greetings. The festivities began with the singing of the Institute Ode and the singing of Grace. The meal was concluded with a toast to the King. Mrs R. G. Purcell prop- osed a toast to the Women’s Inst- itute which was responded to by Mrs. John Snider. Miss Anna Lewis proposed a toast to the life members of each branch with Mrs. J. Reid past district president responding. - The three-storey Anniversary cake was made for this event by Mrs. Lorne Bagg and Mrs. J. Ker- sey, members of Burwick Inst- itute. Mrs. W. 0. Duncan, oldest member of the West York dist- rict, cut the cake. Miss Edna Jacques, distingâ€" uished Canadian poetess was the after dinner speaker Mrs. Norman Garriock , Wood- bridge sang delightful solos, and Mrs. G. Brownlee payed the vio- lin. The accompanist for the wening was Mrs. W. Kearney. One member of each branch appeared in costume of the year in which their Institute was or- ganised to take part in an histor- ical skit prepared by Mrs. Van- derburg of Woodbridge. The Maple Branch is the oldest Inst- itute in the district, being form- ed about 52 years ago, before the District W. I. was established. Mrs. Ed. Philips gave words of appreciation for the whole even- ing. The evening was brought to a close by singing “0 Canada." Members attended frOm all of the twelve branches in the dist- rict, Maple, Eatonville, Edgeley, Burwick, Kleinburg, Nashville, Lambton Mills, Thistletown, Wood- bridge, Vellore Juniors, Vellore Seniors and Elder’s Mills. It was at a meeting 50 years ago in Central United Church, Weston, that the West York District W.I. was organized. Mrs. James Cruick- shank was the ï¬rst president of the West York District Women’s Institute. Elders Mills is the youngest Branch which was organized about two years ago. Following the historical skit, music was supplied 'by “The Dish- pan Serenaders†of Elders Mills. Twelve members of the Edgeley CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple â€"__â€"â€"â€" Telephone Maple 110R3 ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT !! DonT 999w Delay EDGELEY NEWS Branch attended the 50th anniver- sary banquet. They were: Mrs. Alf Bagg, Mrs. J. W. Dalziel, Mrs. Paul Snider, Mrs. Eldon Fierheller, Mrs. Frank Locke, Mrs. James Spencer, Mrs. Ed Phillips, Mrs. Chas. Agnew, Mrs. J. Chapman, Mrs. W. Magin, Mrs. Allan Aitâ€" cheson and Mrs. Chas. Greenley. Mrs. A. Bagg and Mrs. J. W. Dal- ziel are life members and were honored together with the life members of other branches at the anniversary banquet. Mrs. Chas. Agnew appeared in costume of the year 1913, the year the Edgeley Institute was organ- ized and took part in the historical skit. She was attired in a. black dress belonging to her mother, high laced boots and a purple hat. This week Edéeley school held its ï¬rst Junior Red Cross meeting. There was a good programme and the business was very capably handled by the new president, Vic- tor Young. Each member has now received his card and membership pm. We are sorry to announce that Edgeey lost by one run to Elia in the baseball game. We hope to do better next time. The Young Peoples' Fellowship of Edgeley United Church met at the Mitchell home on Friday ev- ening for a com roast. It was cool so everyone had to keep close to the ï¬re, but the corn was good, also the marshmallows, the coffee and the cookies. Everyone is invited to the Thanksgiving service in Edgeley United Church on Sunday, October 7, at 2.30 p.m. Young Peoples Felbwghi! Ladies Paint Dining Room A number of the ladies of the community had a bee recently and painted the dining room of Edge- ley Community Hall. Let us know and we will all come to help next time. Good work ladies. Mr. and Mrs. George Berst and son John of Woodstock visited last week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don. El- liott. On behalf of his many friends, Chas. Ash and Raymond Stuart presented the guest of honor with a handsome clulb bag and a. wallet after which all joined in singing “For he’s a jolly good fellow.†Miss Helen Thomas spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Orr and Miss Anna Orr of Victoria Square. Farewell Party Mr. L. D. Hatï¬eld was guest of honor at a farewell party held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash on Friday evening when a group of friends from Woodbridge, Concord, Downsview and Edgeley gathered to wish him well before he leaves our community. A few g’ames of euchre were played after which Nels. Peelar, Alex Hunter and Louis Elberschlag supplied music for dancing with Chas. Ash caller for the square dances. To conclude the evening, refreshments were served by the hostess and several ladies. Thirty-ï¬ve people were present at the annual corn and weiner roast conducted by Misses Marion and Ruby Puterbaugh for their bank stast and held at Centre View Farm, the Puterbaugh home. Mr. and Mrs. ArtThornton and daughter Marilyn and Mr. & Mrs. Clare Grant called on Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Avery and Shirley last week. Mr. Harold Carruthers and the Misses Mary and Jennie Carruth- ers, also Mr. and Mrs. Benson Myers of Cashel spent Friday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. Puter- baugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper spent Sunday evening with Mr. Edgar & Miss Flossie Puterbaugh. The house was beautifully dec- orated with wedding bells filled with confetti and pink and white streamers. About 60 guests were present from Elia, Concord, Wood- bridge and Edgeley. Corn & Weiner Roast Shower A miscellaneous shower was held in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haggell on Wednesday September 26 for Miss Shirley Avery whose marriage to Mr. Ross Cook of Barrie will take place early in October. Mrs. Don Mitchell assisted the bride-to-be and the groom to unâ€" wrap the gifts which were many and were both beautiful and use- ful. The happy couple thanked those present for their lovely gifts and also thanked those who afranged the shower. Miss Avery was also guest of honour at a personal shower arrâ€" anged and given by Mrs.Florence Singer in Norval on Thursday evening September 20th. 'After the gifts had all been un- wrapped a delicious lunch was served. ' On Friday ,September 21, Miss Avery’s business associates of Canada Steamship Lines presented 'her with a 39 piece crystal set in cornflower pattern. To advise people of l specia] ev- ent at your church or school or club use a. “Coming Events" notice The marriage of Miss Avery & Mr. Cook will take place Saturday, October 6th. Mrs. Frederick Hampton of Fer- gus visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Laver. Mr. and Mrs. John LaRiviere and Linda visited in North Bay with the farmer‘s sister, Mrs. Mary Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson. Jones and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Marry Iinklate (f Toronto and Jones of Bolie ,‘TJ'c visited “in Mrs. A1- .rod Jones over the w: slacnd. Mrs. Arthur Foster had the mis- fortune to fall and cut her face badly necessitating stitches. She was visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Samuel Cave. ‘ Mr. nd Mrs. John Leece, Isabell and Eddie spent the week-end with Mrs. Leece’s mother, Mrs. Robert Beatty of Gormley. Busy Bees Mission Band The Busy Bees Mission Band met at the manse, opening with hymn 502, followed by scripture reading Luke 2: 40-52. The secretary, Gre- tl.e Dahl, read the report and the roll call was responded to by “where you spent your holiday,†and was answered by fourteen members. The meeting then clos- ed after the business was attend- ed to, with hymn 470, followed by the benediction. Maple Women’s Institute The committee of the baking sale held in Norman McCullough’s store on Saturday, September 29, wish to thank all those who helped to make it a success. All members having tickets on the quilt be sure to sell same as the time is drawing to a close when the draw will take place. The annual Harvest Home of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Maple, Will be held on Sunday, October 7, at which the congregation of All Saints Anglican Church, King, are invited. Rev. Michell will take the morning service at 8 a.m. which will be Holy Communion, and Item F. V. Abbott the guest speaker in the evening at 7 p.m. St. Stephen's Anglican Church Bowling Ladies Team The high lady for the evening of Monday, September 24, with 219 points for one game and 561 points for three games, was Mrs. Lloyd Palmer of the Community and School Club team. The annual bazaar of the Maple Community and School Club will be held Saturday, November 17, at the Masonic Hall, instead of the date formerly mentioned. Knitting and sewing supplies are available to anyone caring to contact Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Jarrett. The teams playing on Monday, October 8; will be: Lions 1 and 2, Essotane and Oddfellows. The Women’s Missionary Society of Maple United Church held a Six- tieth Anniversary luncheon Wed- nesday afternoon, September 27. The tables were beautifully spread with lace coverings centred with a vase of asters. Mrs. R. A. Bigford presided and introduced the guests who were the executive of the Toronto Cen- tral Presbyterial. Mrs. Gordon Watts, Toronto, secretary of Christian Steward- ship of the Dominion Board gave a very earnest message entitled “Channels of Service,†other mem- bers of the executive spoke briefly. Miss Pearl Brock of Toronto was guest soloist and was accompan- ied by Mrs. F. W. Routley who al- so rendered very acceptably other musical numbers. Bazaar A shower for the “Touch and Take†table will be held at home of Mrs. Lambert on Friday evening, October 12. Please bring all gifts wrapped and priced. No single ar- ticle should exceed 50c. A feature of the afternoon was the presentation of corsages to the oldest members: Mrs. Charles Norman, Maple and Mrs. H. C. Bailey, Toronto; also a life mem- bership pin to Mrs. P. J. Lambert. Shower Celebrate 60th Anniversary Mrs. C. Dyson acted as regist- rar. Mrs. C. H- Bowman express- ed the thanks of the W.M.S. exec- utive of St. Andrew’s Presbyterâ€" ian Church for the kind invitation sent them, as also did Mrs. A. Strachan of St. Stephen's Angli- can Church, Maple. Mrs. Laura Wiltshire’s group of the W. A. of Maple United Chuch are looking forward to a visit from Edna Jacques. Mrs. Jacques will deliver a public ad- dress in the United Church Tues- day, November 6, at 8 pm. She will also give readings from her poems which are now world fam- ous. Thanksgiving The Liberal is very anxinus to give Maple and district complete news coverage. Therefore if you have any news 01' items of local interest please contact our cor- respondent, Mrs. D. Allen. Thanksgiving will be observed in all three United Churches of the Maple Pastoral Charge Sun- day, October 7. Rev. P. J. Lam- bert will be the preacher. There will be special music. Donald Hodge is spending his CORRESPONDENT -â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R vacation in Buffalo New Xork. Maple hockey gang recently met at the home of Mr. Ernie BrOCk to arrange the schedule for the com« ing season. The officers elected were as follows: Lawrence Keffer, president; James Robson, secret- ary; Frank Foster, treasurer; Nor- man Lewis, transportation; Gordon Watson, convener of refreshments; Ernie Brock, constable. After the business was completed refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Ernie Brock and they were enjoyed by Maple Hockey Gang The West York Co-operative Pro- gramme for the W.I. will be held at the Woodbridge Arena on Octob- er 11 from 10 a.m. until 4 pm. “We Call It Human Nature†was the choice of the district but ow- ing to the heavy demand for this a second choice of “Cultural Actâ€" ivities in the Home and Commun- ity†will be given and will be in charge of Miss Edith Collins and Mrs. Clarence Hays. All are wel- come. all Maple w. I. The October meeting of the Map- le Women's Institute will be held a: the home of Mrs. Wilbert Crook on Wednesday evening, October 10. The tOpic will be a plastic demon- stration. The Roll Call will be ‘My Hobby’ and bring a sample. West York Co-operative Program Harvest Services Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held at St. Stephen’s, Man- le, Anglican Church, next Sunday, October 7. There will be a service ot Holy Communion at 8 am. and Evening Prayer at 7 p.m. 'l‘he preacher in the evening will be the Rural Dean, the Rev. F. Abbott of Schomberg. Members of the choir of St. John’s, Oak Ridges, will as- sist at the Evening Service. Gifts of flowers and fruit for decoating the church will be welcomed; and the church will‘be open to receive them at any time on Friday or Saturday previous. An invitation has been extended to the cogrega- tion of All Saints, King, to return the visit of St. Stephen’s congre- gation at the Harvest in King last week. General Contractors . Concrete Work . Building ' Alterations and re- pairs T. & H. Construction Telephone Richmond Hill 528.] 01' 288W The golf season is not over yet. Come out next week-end to the rolling hills of Hillsdale Country Club â€" on Dulferin half mile north of El- gin Mills sideroad â€"â€" and enjoy golf amid the glorious autumn colours. Clubs to rent. Green fees, 50c. Plus Cartoon, News, Travel Part 5 ‘The Sea Hound’ showing Fri. 6.45 and Sat. matinee only TWO CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING 7 RM. ‘Go For Broke’ ‘The Painted Hills’ ‘Excuse My Dust’ ‘Kind Hearts & Cor- onets’ (adult) COMING SOON: FRI., SAT.. OCT. 5. 6 GEO. MONTGOMERY f PAULA CORAY ‘The Sword of Monte Cristo’ in, SUPERCINECOLOR After Midnight Show Sunday, October 7 Mon., Tues., October 8, 9 Wed.., Thurs., Oct. 10, 11 ‘Caged’ ELEANOR PARKER AGNES MOOREHEAD BETTY GRABLE DAN DAILEY ‘Call Me Mister’ Color by Technicolor GOLF Adult Entertainment AURORA R. IwLYZA} T and Batavia, 5.1mummlmmmummmnmul\\\mmuummmmnmmmmnumumll\1i\1!umIumnmnlll111m1mmmummunumummmmï¬ ï¬‚ll“\l\l\lll\l“(ml\ll\“lll“\ll“Ill1lll“\llll\l\\\1\l\\ll\lll\\l1m\Illlmlll1ll1\\l\\llll“\“\lll\llllum“llllllllllllllllllllu“\lll11111llllllll\ll\\\lllllll\\lllll\l\llllll\;4 ï¬nnmumunmn\mwmmmmumuumi\umm\mmmuuunmmmmumm\\uuuuuumu“mumnuummm\mmmmmmmmmnmmï¬ gmuumummmmmmlmuuumlmmImmmmuumumun“muuumununnumummuuummnmm\\uuuuumumnluIuuuunnum“mung MAPLE MAPLE, ONT. PLAZA 5373 MAPLE BLOCK 8: TILE Lmnm Commencing October 5 this store will close Friday evening 9 p.m., Saturday evening 6 p.m. Commencing October 5 this store will close Friday evening at 9 p.m., Saturday evening at 6 pm. Wmmmmm Reid’s Cleaners & Dyers g A. A. MOORE Gunnar Tailoring C0. erry’s Pharmacy FOR PRESCRIPTIONS AND WINTER VITAMINS Richmond Hill, Ont. NOTICE NOTICE MAPLE â€" ONTARIO Richmond Hill ONTARIO } PHONE 164 MAPLE 6