8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., October 4, 1951 lbs. This year “Grain†is being featured as a “Commercial Pro- duction Feature†at the Woodbridge Fair and will be displayed as a separate exhibit in the Exhibit Hall. In addition to the competitive classes arranged there will be a display of plant diseases, and diseases control, varieties of oats, etc. assembled by Vellore Junior Farmers. Grain must not be buffed. The quantity of grain to be exhibited is appgximately 100 All sheaves must measure 4 inches at centreband. Display bags will be supplied by the Society but must be reâ€" turned at the close of Fair. ' ‘ . All exhibits in this class must be placed in the Hall by 9.30 Monday morning, October 8. Entry fee of 10 per cent deducted from winners. Open to all. See. . lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 2. Barley, Bearded Varieties, approximately 100 lbs. . . . . . . 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 8. Barley, smooth awned varieties approximately hundred lbs. 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 4 Early Oats, app hundred lbs. 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 5 Med. late Oats, app h-und. lbs. 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 6 Sheaf of Winter Wheat ...... 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 â€"7 Seaf of Barley .. .. . . . ....... 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 ,8 Sheaf of Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 Open to Field Crop Competition Only 9 Beavei‘"~0ats, 1 bushel . 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 '10 Sheaf of Beaver Oats ....... 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 "4.; Clarence Graham President S. R. R. McNeil Serrotarv At Woodbridge Fair Winter Wheat, white, approx. 100 lbs. COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION FEATURE GRAIN Thanksgiving Day October 8, 1951 3.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 R. R. McNeil Secretary Most people don’t mind rich old aunts coming to visit but Aunt. Lucinda was different. She cared for nothing but her money and self, and came to her nephews only occasionally to complain about the cooking and the location of the house. They were sure that she would never let them go because she had Spartan ideas on the upbringing of children and al-- ways sent off to bed at 7.30 p.m. sharp, checking every half hour to be sure that the lights were AN UNWELCOME GUEST Millie and Bill were right down in the dumps. Why, oh“why did Aunt Lucinda have to come to- morrow? They had wanted to go to Lucille’s party tomorrow; but the wire had come saying that she had come as far as Lawn- vale and would travel the rest of the way the following day. Dolefully they took another look at the wire which had brought the sad tidings. Oooh! the wire statâ€" ed that she would arrive at ten p.m. rather than ten am. as they had thought. Joyfully, rather too joyfully mother thought, they made preparations for the party. They would leave for Lucille’s at six forty-five, and start home at quarter to ten, just giving them time to get home and into bed be- fore Aunt Lucinda arrived. U Next evening they tripped off with light hearts, hoping to have lots of fun. They certainly did have fun, and they Were laughing merrily when they came in the door. They stopped rather abruptly, as they gazed upon a sight which took their breath away. There tapping, arms folded, eyes glaring, stood dear old Aunt Lucinda! The two of them stood out flucinaa! The two of them looking as they felt: guilty They listened rather impatiently to a long discourse upon the sins of the modern generation; each making a quiet resolve never again, so long as they lived, again go out after seven when Aunt Lu- cinda was visiting or even expect- ed on a visit. DICHVALE DUBLIC SCHOOL The Liberal in co-operation with Mr .Lorne Baer, Prin- cipal of the Richvale Public School is beginning a feature series on leading compositions by-the pupils of this school. At the completion of this ser- ies Mr. Baer intends to select a panel of judges who will pick a winner from among the compositions. The lucky student so chosen will receive an appropriate prize from Mr. Baer. Jean McCutcheon, Grade 8. This year the Woodbridge Agri- cultural Society have added sev- eral new items to the Prize List to try to keep the Woodbridge Fair up-to-date. A Commercial Feature emph- asizing “Grain†will be displayed in a tent opposite the Main Ex~ hibition Hall. These classes are open to all and an attractive Cash Prize is offered. Also there will be several interesting displays on diseases, control, etc. Those who like to watch Fancy Harness Horses will be pleased to know that fourteen Carriage Horse classes have been added to the list and wil be shown in the en- closure opposite the Grandstand. If you are one of a very large family you may be interested to know that $10.00 has been offered to the largest family attending Woodbridge Fair‘ $10.00 is also being offered to the oldest Lady or Gentleman attending. If you are one of family you may be Woodbrldge Agricultural Society To Feature Excellent Show Oct' 8 No doubt many will be pleased to see a Horticutural Show this In accordance with previously announced policy whereby import permits would be issued for all bonaï¬de import transactions un- dertaken prior to August 1, per- fits have been issued ‘to private traders covering approximately 4 and a half millon pounds. The Board points out that stor- age stocks on August 1 at 45,568,- 000 pounds were 15,127,000 poun‘ds below storage stocks‘ of 60,695,000 pounds a year ago. The purchase of 14 and a half million pounds of imported butter will bring total stocks to about ‘the same level as last year. Purchase of 10 million pounds of import butter has been announc- ed by the Agricultural Products Board in accordance with Govern- ment policy announced August 3. Three million pounds of the butter will be imported from New Zeal- and and 7 million pounds will come from Europe, made up of 3 mill- ion from Denmark, 3 million from Sweden and one million from the Netherlands. All the butter will be delivered before November 15, or the close of navigation at Montreal. Negotia- tions are continuing to option fur- ther quantities but no deï¬nite com- mitments have been made. Board imports of 10 million pounds, plus the four and a half million pounds to be imported by private traders, make a grand total of 14 and a half million pounds of butter for which ï¬rm commitments have been made. Gov’t. Purchase 10 Million Po u n d 5 Import Butter NEWMARKET: Keith Davis and Joan Peppiatt are the men’s and ladies’ singles champions of the tennis club after matches for the court championships were complet- ed last week. /~ Clothing that was not sold was packaged and given to the W. A. House in Toronto and the Salvation Army. The la- dies would like to exoress their "appreciation to all those who so kindly donated cloth- ing, books and other articles to sell and to everyone who as- sisted to make the sale the success that it was. Over one hundred dollars was cleared by the Evaning Branch of St. Mary’s Anglican W.A. at its Rummage Sale held in the Parish Hall last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. P. Henry, Church St., Richmond Hill, is president of the group. Rummage Sale Last week the Kingcrafts of King City celebrated their ï¬rst birthday. Through the kindness of their Founder and Presi- year in the Main Exhibition Hall. It is quite a number of years since a Flower Display was held in con- junction with th-e Fair and the Horticultural Society are deter- mined that it shall be worthy of your attention. The open seasons on fur-bearing animals in Ontario for the 1351-52 trapping season were recently an- nounced by Hon. Harold R. Scott, Minister, Ontario Department Of Lands and Forests. The seasons for the various species will be as follows: BEAVER: (by quota only) North and rweist of the French and Mattawa Rivers: November 1 to April 30. 1951-52 Open Seasons On Fur-BearingAnimals South of the French and Matia- wa Rivers: December 1 to April 15, on registered trapâ€"line areas, and, December 1 to December 31, for holders of Special Beaver Licence on other areas. North of the nort’hérmost trans- continental railway line: November 1 to'February 29. Between the French and Matta- wa Rivers and the northermost trans-continental railway line: No- vember 1 to January 21. MARTEN AND FISHER (by quota only) In all parts of Ontario (on reg- istered trap-line areas): November 1 to January 21. RACCOON: «LL». November 1 to Dec mbo: 31, for holders of Resident 1 rapper's Li- cences on other areas, except in the Counties of Brant, Bruce, Duff- erin, Elgin, Essex, Grey, Halal- mand, Halton, Huron, Kent, Lamb- ton, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Ontario, Oxford, Peel, Perth, Sim- coe, Waterloo, Welland, Wellington, Wentworth and York, where there is NO OPEN SEASON. MUSKRAT: EOX: In all parts of Ontario: August 1 to July 31. MINK: South of the French and Matia- wa Rivers: November 1 to Dec- ember 31, except on trap-line areas in the Counties of Elgin, Essex, Haldimand, Kent, Lam‘uton and Norfolk, where the season is from November 1 to February 29. In all parts of Ontario: Novem- ber 1 to December 31. LYNX: OTTER: North and west of the French and Mattawa Rivers: November 1 to April 30. 1. North of the northernmost railway line crossing the Province: November 1 to May 31. South of the French and Matta- wa Rivers: November 1 to April 15, on registered trap-line areas, and q 2. In the remainder of the area north and west of the French and Mattawa Rivers: November 1 to May 21. ~ ' «3w! 3. In the Counties of Essex; Kent, Elgin, Norfolk and Haldi- mand, and t‘he townships of Sar- nia, Moore and Sombra, in the County of Lambton: February 15 to March 31. 5. In areas not already described lying south and west.of the south boundary of Muskoka and Halibut- ton and the west boundary of Has- tings County, and south and east of Highways 7, 15 and 29 in the region east of and including Has- tings County, south of No. 1 High- way: March 20 to April‘j‘l. 4. In the remainder of the area of southern Ontario, south of High- way No. 7, and west of York County: March 6 to March 31. 6. In Muskoka, Pa/n'y Sound, Haliburton and areas not already lescribed lying between Highways 7, 15 and 29 and the French ard Mattawa Rivers, from and includ- ing Hostings County north of No. '7 Highway eastward: March 2".) to May 5. A, No open season. dent, Lady Flavelle, they held their 151: Anniversary celebrations at Kingswold. Pictured above are the members of the Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Mer- rill Johnson (nee Gwen Smith) who were married on Saturday af- ternoon. Wedding bells are still ringing in our community as another young man is taking a bride on October 20. Mr. Barry Collard and Miss Yvonne McMullen are being married on that date. Friends will be sorry to hear of the sudden passing of Mr. Percy Farr, who died last week. Mr. Farr was well-known in our community and sympathy is extended to his family at this time. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Ross Klinck who is ill in bed. Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Feigel and family of Fordwich 'and Mrs. Broad of Uxbridge spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Willows. A number from here attended the anniversary services held at Headford on Sunday. The W.A. from here were busy on Saturday afternoon catering at the Johnson-Smith wedding at Headford. The local sheep valuator, Mr. S. Boynton was kept busy on Sunday. Mr. Lorne Clubine had one lamb badly injured by a wolf; one of Mr. Clubine’s neighbours, Mr. R. Campbell ï¬red ï¬ve shots at the Wolf but sly Mr. Wolf managed to get away. Mr. Harvey Collard also had a. lamb injured by dogs. Mr. Lloyd Sanderson of Rich- mond HiIl had Sunday evening dinner with 'his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and fam- ily. Mrs. Harvey Collard had the misfortune to break her. left am one evening last week. She was turning into her driveway when a gravel truck ran into the back of her small truck which she was dri- ving, knocking her into a tree. The small truck was badly damaged. We wish Mrs. Collard a speedy re- covery. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Robt. Hopper in the passing of his sister, Miss Hannah Hopper, who was in her 86th year. 'Miss Hopper was one of the eldest residents of our com- munity. Miss Helen Boynton and Mr. Lloyd Canning had Sunday even- ing dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson. The World-Wide Communion service will be observed on Sgnday, October ‘7, at the 2.30 p.m. service. It is also Thansgiving Sunday. Eric B. Johnston Jr., D.O., os- teopathic physician, has opened a general osteopathic practice in Newmarket, establishing his office at 1 Water St. His home has been in King for the past 9 years, and during that time he has graduated from Upper Canada College, spent a term at the University of Wes- tern Ontario, been in the RCNVR, two years at the University of Tor- onto, and this spring graduated from Still College of Osteopathy and Surgery, Des Moines, Iowa, where he has been a student for four and a half years. During one summer he studied Organic Chem- istry at Roosevelt College, Chicago and before graduation externed at Doctor’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, and Still-Hildreth Sanitorium, Maâ€" con, Missouri. King Boy Graduates He holds his American Osteopa- this Physicians and Surgeon’s 1i- cense, and is the only osteopathic physician to enter practice in Can- ada this year. He is the son of Mrs. Johnston of “Ballycroy,†King, and the late Dr. E. B. J ohnston, Toronto. Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square Telephone Stoufl'ville 67509 VICTORIA SQUARE Car Accident Don Cobblestone driving a Ford car, turning out of the north Lake Wilcox Road on Thursday at 7.30 a.m. on a wet pavement was struck by a ’34 Plymouth driven by Herbert van Forest of Sharon who was proceeding south on Yonge Street. Both cars suffered damage: to front fenders and had to be towed away. Mrs. AvnIyn Stathem a passenger in the (Job- blestone car was taken to the of- ï¬ce of Dr. Howe in Richmond Hill. She had a bruised leg and wren- ched neck and was taken back to her home at Lake Wilcox. Two Payne sisters also passengers in this car were able to go on to their. places of empldyment. The accident was investigated by the provincial police. Repeated re- quests to the Department of High- ways for a 30 mile speed limit in this area have not been success- ful. Oak Ridges Lions Oak Ridges Lions held their‘ ï¬rst euchre of the season at the Ridge Inn Monday, October 1. Ten tables were played followed by three rounds of bingo. Prizes were won by the following players: Ladies ï¬rst'Mrs. A. Comfort; 2nd Mrs. Frank Bell; consolation Mrs. Ross; men’s ï¬rst J. Cartwright; 2nd Frank Bell; consolation Mr. Bercy. Three rounds of bingo were played, winners were Mrs. Hines, Bobbie Dion, Clark Archibald. These euchres were a popular fea- ture last year, the money made being used to provid hockey prac- tise for Oak Ridges boys every Saturday morning a? the Aurora arena. They will be repeated ev« ery second Monday at the Ridge Inn this year. Proï¬ts will be us- ed for the same activity if ar- rangements can be made. Girl Guides Mrs. Easby, Toronto, is spend- ing a few days with her niece, Mrs. Jack Blyth. The ï¬rst meeting this season of the Oak Ridges L'ical Aswcia- tion for the Girl Guides was held Wednesday afternoon, September 26, at the home of Mrs. D. R. Gunn, Division Commissioner, who presided. Interest in the Brownie activity was high. The pack was active last Spring under Miss Rosemary Wright. They took part in Cookie Day and Division Rally of Girl Guides and Brownies at Newmarket in June. Brownie meetings will commence in Ocro- ber, the time and place to be an- nounced later. Miss Wright will be in charge, assisted by Mrs. Campbell. Guides are hopeful about the coming season; after waiting so long for a leader they now have a volunteer. One more volunteer leader, and the company‘ can get under way again. The girls are keeping their ï¬ngers crossed. _V The attention of all Scouts and Cubs in York Central District is drawn to the change in date of Apple Day, which is due to the visit of Her Royal Highness Prin- cess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. Apple day will be held on Saturday, October 20. Sixers’ Councilv‘will also be held on that day, October 20, at 2 p.m. in St. John’s Anglican Church, York Mills. TB 'IN THE HOME The largest occupational group to be admitted to Canada’s. tuber- culosis hospitals in the last year for which ï¬gures are available was the homemakers. Canada. cannot spare mothers to tubercul- osis. Early detection of TB means lives saved and needless suffering prevented. Mobile x-ray equipment detects TB before the symptoms are apparent. , BOY SCOUT NEWS OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS Local Association business CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON group standing in front of Lady Flavelle’s home. Telephone King 97R31 Photo by Sir Ellsworth Flavelle cluded the Treasurer’s Report. There is a bank balance of $25. A motion' to purchase books for the use of the Brownie Leaders was carried. Both Brownie leaders are taking extra courses in lead- ership this year. Harvest Festival St. John’s Anglican Church, Yonge Street at Jefferson, is hold- ing its annual Harvest Thanksgiv. ing Service on Sunday next, 0c. tober 7 at 11.15 am. The preachel will be the Rev. T. B. Butler 0! St. Philip's, Etobicoke. Gifts of flowers, fruit and vegetables for decorating the church will be Wel‘ comed and the church will be open on Saturday to receive them. Langdon’s Bus will, as usual, pick up worshippers for the ser~ vice and children for the Sunday School on its run from CFRB sideroad on Yonge Streetuaround Lake Wilcox; returning after the service. ' ' Mr. Schyier Sniveley of Glen Lonely Farm enjoyed a few days trout ï¬shing with the Echo Beach Fishing Club at Cambridge. Harvey White, son of the new proprietor at the Wheel House, is boarding horses at the Wheel House Stables. He has three jumpers there now, owned by I Toronto resident. Reckless Driving Travelling south through Oak Ridges at about 2 a.m. Friday morning, a truck was seen to be driving in such a reckless man- ner that an accident was immin- ent. Two alert citizens managed to maneuver the driver into the Wheel House yard, where it was found he was too intoxicated to be allowed to proceed further. The keys were removed frOm his truck and he was escorted to a safe place for the night. No names were 'released. Oak Ridges Riding Club Miss Anne Stephenson was the soloist at Kettleby United Church when they held their Thanksgiving services on Sunday, September 30. Oak Ridges Riding Club at the Barrie Fall Fair on Wednesday, September 26, secured three rib- bons. Johnny Woolley on Cream Puff got a ï¬rst, and on Georgeous George, owned by Barbara Bon- nell of Holland Landing, he se- cured a 3rd. Anne Rowe on Cream Puff was awarded third place. At the great Northern Exhibition at Collingwood on Saturday, Sep- tember 29, Anne Rowe on her pony Cream Puff took seconds .1! three classes. Children Struck Two cihldren, Barbara and Mary Anne Marshall, children of Mrs. V. Marshall, a resident on the North Road, Lake Wilcox, stepoed off the Langdon Bus, coming from Sunday School on Sunday at 12 o’clock in front of their home and Were knocked down by a car‘ driven by Carl Hertrich. Mr. Hertrich had stopped a few feet down the road to avoid» other children and was proceeding slow- ly when these two chilvlren came around the bus. Dr. Rose was called and found no serious in- jruries. Provincial police investi- gated the accident. Busy Week-end Ridge Inn had a busy week-end with the Allen-Borden wedding 0!! Saturday, and 60 members of the Queens York from Toronto, Who were carrying out week-end man- ouvers in Aurora had dinner at the Inn on Saturday nighT-y and 70 returned for breakfast Sunday morning. Mr. L. J. Harper, assi§tan‘t cerk for Whitchurch Townshlp, P under the doctor’s care at his home. He will be conï¬ned to bed for at least a. week. ,2