Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1951, p. 4

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'5; THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 11, 1951 . For wedding pictures - for birthdays "â€" for the many anniversaries which de- iserve recording â€" for the artistry which ?makes all the difference between an o} - '3 dinary photograph and a portrait -â€" visit Mmunumnummulll\nu\nl\l\\\m\muimunmu“mmllx\\mmmummumuummmmmmu\umlmmuumummmnmnmfi ’__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- RICHMOND HILL _________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" mumuummmummmmmIImmm“mnmmmt\\xI\\\\\\mmm1\uummmmumuuuunumuuumuuuu\mnuummmuwé ’blue coal’ Edmund Soame Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointment PORTRAITS I. D. RAMER & SON TORON The World’s Finest Anthracite â€" colored BLUE for your protection Yes, you’re sure of getting full value for LLB, Jun 1.» Hwy u. Dynaâ€"-0 _.._, .,,, your money.when you order ‘blue coal’. Tinted BLUE at the mines for your protection. . .so that you cah distinguish this quality anthracite at a glance from ordinary coals. . . it's your guarantee of the finest hard coal money can buy. 'blue coul’ gives you these advanlages: So, when you: order coal; insist on ‘blue coal’ and be assured of greater heating economy and satisfaction. Come in or ’phone today. OI' rmer "THE STUDIO " 1720 Avenue Road Shadier heal; Longer-lasting heal; Economical, abundan' heal lo every room in the house. OTHER WORLD SERIES RECORDS MOSTWORLD SERIES WON- [Vi/VW A? MOST swrours mzezwsoxmmy MIK/Mtjnf UNASSISTEO TQIPLE PLAY [VIA/552544“ (215751490 /920 HOME nous wgmwsgsgs aw.â€" " Eli/R7, 225m ' 372.2.) 7320 main, A/EW m2: (4.4.) m“ (dip ‘1 'Ior Handy n‘mnco) PHONE 10 uou-wa v...â€" The Doncaster Ladies Club 'held its regular monthly meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. A. G: Seeley, Seccomoe Sts., on Tues- day, October 2. -- . A,” _. Ladies Club nu], yup”.-- ._ The Rev. E. E. Kent, pastor of Thomhill United Church gave 3 most interesting talk which was enjoyed immeasurably. I‘,,,L yup“, .0. ...7.. Mrs. A. Loader, 9. new resident, was a visitor. Congratulations and welcome to the new members. The next meeting will be held at the Wm. Cole residence, Seccom- oe Street, on Friday, November 2. Please note this date as it is' a slight change. The club usually hold its monthly meetings the first Tuesday of the month but next month only it Will be held on Friday, November 2. New mem- bers and visitors are cordially in- vited. Injured Leg Mr. Norm Thompson, Hender- son Ave., has been inconvenienced by an injured leg, hurt while at work. He is now recovering at home and is Wished a speedy re- covery by all his friends. The MacKenzies of Morgan Ave., are sincerely welcomed as new members of t'he community. Mr. J. Edgar, Seccomoe Sh, changed his holiday plans. In- stead of going to his cabin as he had planned, he went to Miami, Florida. He made the entire trip in a week on his motorcycle. This is quite an accomplishment. ‘ “LEI:an Mrs. FA. Lefler Sr. and family spent Thanksgiving week- end at their cottage at Little Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lefler Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Angel also spent Thanksgiving week-end at Little Luke. Mr. and Mrs. E. Westacott were visited during the week by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. Durham and son of Greenwood, Nova Sco- tia. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodchiid spent Thanksgiving week-end as home entertaining their daughter, son- in-law, and granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Townson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Westacott and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pet- ers and family spent Thanksgiving week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hobbs at their lodge on Hay Bay in the Napanee district. Mrs. D. Law and family spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gough of Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. N. Miller were visited by Mrs. Miller’s father, Mr. Thos. Wray and Mrs. Miller’s sister, Miss D. Wray, both from Fenelon Falls, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenshlelds, Henderson Ave, visited friends in Borden, Ontario, during the holiday weekâ€"end. Gospel Campaign Commencing- Sunday, October 21, each night at 8 pm. except Monday there will be for a period of two weeks, revival services, in the Doncaster Gospel Mission at the corner of Clarke and Willow- dale’Avenues. Everyone in the community is cordially invited to back up these services by their presence or by bringing their friends. ‘ May God’s blessing be upon these meetings. The regular monthly meeting of the Doncaster Ratepayers Assoc- iation was held at Powell Road School, Wednesday, October 3, 1951. The members are now assured full co-operation of Reeve Timbers on plans for water system, drainage or sewage system. The new school is still a foregone conclusion as the necessity is becoming more obvious each day. A composite body of ex- ecutives and lay members repres- enting Highland Park, Langstafl’, ‘Thornlea and Doncaster ratepayers associations have taken the matter in hand. They have one suggestion, that more ratepayers turn out at formal meetings to bring iorth their views. -The local ratepayers association do have weekly attractions such as euchre, etc. Mr. V. Malley and Chas. Clifford are to be congratulated on their efforts and judging of the com- petition in home improvement m district. The prizes awarded are well deserved. Mr. J. Bell, G. Drake and J. Peacock won the first three prizes respectively. Incident- ally the prizes were in order: tor- chiere lamp, wall bracket lamp and three-cell flashlight. It is also thought possible that a great deal of improvement is possible along our highways and byWays. Various things have been suggested by eminent persons such as planned planting of trees, bou- levards, etc. Phone 632W Richmond Hill Doncaster Doings MRS. L. SIMPSON Correspondent: Henderson Avenue SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill E. CHARITY Miss Vickie Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sandle and Margaret had dinner last Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and family, the occasion being Mr. Boynton’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols spent the holiday week-end with friends in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Emptingham, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett attend- ed the wedding reception in Tor- onto on Friday evening of their Nephew, Mr. Dave Ferguson and Miss Ridout. Mr. and Mrs. T. Canning had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Timbers of Markham. Congratulations are extended to the Senior Women’s Institute on placing third in their exhibit at the Fair at Markham. Congratulations also are extended to the young peo- ple who are members of the Calf Club and won prizes with their calves at the fair. A number from here attended the Markham Fair the past Week. Mrs. Hattie Jackman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and Donna of Toronto, Miss Margaret Canning and Mr. Lloyd Canning rhad Sun- day evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Si Boynton and family. The W. A. ladies are busy these days preparing for their bazaar to be held in November. There will be no church service at Victoria Square on Sunday, 0c- tober 14, owing to anniversary serâ€" vices being held at Brown’s Corn- ers. However Sunday School will be held at 9.45 am. Please note time, which is for this Sunday on- 1y. Mr. and Mrs. P. W.'Willows spent Sunday evening with friends in Whitby. Mrs. Harvey Collard entertained at afternoon tea. on Saturday af- ternoon, in honour of Miss Yvonne McMuIlen who is being married to Mr. Barry Collard on October 20. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tennyson (nee Dorothy Denby) who were married on Saturday. They will be resid- ing in their new home which Lloyd built here at Victoria Square. We extend a hearty welcome to them. Mrs. Clare Sanderson was visxt- ing relatives in Pontiac and Him Huron, Michigan this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolender and Mr. and Mrs. Man Chadwick spent the week-end in Port Huron, Mich. Tall candelabras and baskets of lovely fall flowers in the United Church, Victoria Square formed the setting for the lovely evening wedding of Marjorie Alberta San- derson, youngest daughter of Mrs. Sanderson and the late Mr. Clare Sanderson, who became the bride of Mr. Francis George Tatton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tatton of Saskatoon, Sask. Rev. Austin Huston performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs. James Oldham rendered lovely solos, with‘ Mr. Clarion Baker officiating at the el- ‘ectric organ. > Given in marriage by her grand- father, Mr. Robert Sanderson, the bride chose a lovely gown of white chifion velvet with deep scalloped bodice, lace yoke and long 1in point lace sleeves, full gathered skirt with long train. Her long french! CORRESPONDENT: Mrsl TATTON-SANDERSON RUSSELL SHEET METAL webbingfi VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Furnaces Installed & Repaired Air Conditioning Eavestroughing & Repairs Also Roofing Telephone Stoufl'ville 67509 Phone King 59R12 W. Sandle, Victoria Square embroidered tulle illusion veil was held with a tiara of seed pearls and cluster beads. She carried a bridal bouquet of red roses. She was attended by Joyce Ma- theson of Kingston as maid of hon- or in dusky rose satin. The bride’s sisterLMrs. William Nigh and Ma‘ ry McGrath bridesmaids in aqua. satin. Their gowns were similar to the bride’s. Tiny haloes and satin and tulle quaint mufl's with yellow and pink rosebud corsages on the muffs com- pleted their costumes. The bride’s mother received in brown crepe with sage green ac- cessories and wore a yellow rose- bud corsage. She was assisted by the groom’s mother in a gown of navy crepe with navy and white of Galt served as‘ accessories. S rosebud corsage. William Webb was groomsman and the ushers were William ROD- inson and William Colaton, all of Toronto. After the reception in the church parlors the happy couple left on a trip to Virginia. The bride’s go- ing away outfit was a two-piece English flannel grey suit. with navy and red accessories and red Iosebud corsage. On their return they will reside in their apartment at Ringwood. Stouffville United Church, dec- orated with gadioli, was the scene on Saturday, September 29, for the marriage of Janet Ellen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson of Ringwood, and Will- iam Thomas, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cockwell of Agincuurt. The Rev. Mr. Davis officiated. The bride entering the church on the arm of her father, was lovely in a gown of blush satin with high neckline and long sleeves, and the full skirt fell to a circular train. A small blush satin cap held her tulle veil, which ‘had been worn by her mother at her own wedding. She carried a bouquet of white ’muma and pink roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. Ken- neth Harker of Unionville, and bridesmaids, Miss Margaret Gould- ing of RichmOnd Hill and Miss Vivian Front of Bowmanville, all wore floorâ€"length dresses alike of turquoise and mauve net over mauve taffeta and carried bou- quets of mauve and yellow mums. The best man was Ernest Rise- broughr of Agincourt and the ush- er; were Oliver Bales of New- market and Neil Britton of New- eastle. " The wedding music was piayed by Mrs. J. H. Ings of Niagara Falls, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Herman Terry of_ Toronto, also a cousin of the bride sang 'I'he Lord’s Prayer” and "The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden” accom- panied by Mrs. Ings on the organ. Following a reception held in the church parlours, the happy couple left for a "motor trip through New York State, the bride wearing a navy suit and hat and matching accessories. On their return they will live in Ham- ilton, Ont. The popular bride was much en- tertained previous to her marriage at a shower by her office assoc- iates, and a shower by friends of Agincourt and Unionville; also a presentation by former school friends of Richmond Hill. The beautiful gifts were many, show- ing the high esteem in which the ‘young couple are held. Two Deliveries Daily 10 am. and 3 pm. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street South Telephone Richmond Hill 426 COCKWELL-ATKINSON She wore a pink OF JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, DODGE TRUCK. IMPLEMENTS, GARDENERS’TOOLS, POULTRY EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE, ETC. The property belonging to the es- tate of the late A. W. HARRIS To s'ell by public auction on LOT 27, CON. 2 KING TWP. 11/, MILES NORTH OF AURORA SIDEROAD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 Implements . 1 1945,1/2 Ton Dodge Pick-up with racks and 1951 license 1 John Deere Model H Rowerop t Tractor complete with Rowcrop Cultivator in first class condition, on rubber. Suitable for market gardener or small farm. 1 Two-Furrow John Deere Tnctor Plow No. 4B for above tractor Fleury Bissel Tandem Disc Holland Mechanical Transplanter complete with fertilizer sttach- ment 1 Set Drag Harrows, 3 section 1 Two Wheel Tractor Trailer, rulb- ber tires 1 Wheel Hoe 1 Scuffler 1 Suction Pump 1 Roll Barb Wire 3 Bags Shut-Gain Fertilizer 1 Hudson Potato Duster Several Truck Chains 1 Crosscut Saw ‘Number of Pipe Fittings lForks, Shovels, Hoes, Sledge and ‘ other articles too numerou- to mention ‘1 8-foot length of Door Track HH Poultry Equipment 2 Jamesway Brooder Stoves, com‘ plete with Hovers, oil burners 4 Jamesway Brooder moves, coal burners 3 Poultry Roosts complete with heavy netting Quantiy of heavy netting for poul- try or foxes Number of Poultry Fountains and chick feeders 3 Windows with netting Number of heavy wire gratings Several Rolls Poultry and farm fence Number of Wooden Chicken Troughs Number of wooden roost poles 1 Electric Time Clock for poultry house - 1 Garden Seeder Number of Garden Tools Number of gardeners' crates and boxes Number of Tools, etc. 1 Table Saw, Mastercraft, with tilt- ing table and 2 8-inch blades, new Tools 1 ‘A. -H.P. Westinghouse Motor, new Number of Carpenter Tools of all kinds 1 Tool Chest Number of Jute Bag: Number of Baskets Quantity of Scrap Iron 1 Grindstone 0t] Household Effects 2 Steel Beds with spring: 1 Iron Bed with springs 3 Dressers 1 Wash Stand 1 Feather Mattress 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Dining Table 4 Kitchen Chairs 1 Cellar Cupboard 1 Kitchen Table 1 Quebec Heater with oil burner 1 Gurney Range with oil burner, new 1 Library Table 1 Large Radio Cabinet Quantity of Oilcloth, 12x17, good as new 1 Hall Rack with mirror Number of Other Articles No reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash. Sale at 2 pm. sharp D. Goulding, clerk AUCTION SALE KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers Markham P.0., ph. Markham 846 Milliken P.O., ph. Agincourt 52W3 Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM County of York PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given‘ that a Court of Revision of the Supplementary Assessment Roll for the Township of Markham will be held in the Council Chamber, Unionville, on Wednesday, October 24, 1951, at 10 a.m., to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the Supplementary Assess- ment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the year 1951. All parties interested are requested to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. Set Scales Dated at Unionville, October 9, 1951. Court Of Revision CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk, Township of Markham Gurdeners’ TooIs PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Ltd VICEROY . ACE HIGH - - MOTOR OIL - 1 Wheelbarrow Richmond Hill - Phone 86 Other articles SPECIAL SALE PRICE PLAZA 5373 WANTED 10,000 TONS OF SCRAP lRON ATTENTION TRUCKERS! HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL, CAST IRON AND METALS S. FREEDMAN & SON . 6 TOWNSLEY ST. Corner: 01d Weston Rd. and St. Clair W. Phone LY. 0661 Toronto, Ontario This ad worth one dolldr with a load of scrap Gallons "SAMBA" TEA Giving you the kind of telephone service you want is our job. You want it to be fast and dependableâ€" and to keep on getting better. But at the same time, we believe there's more to good service than just technical efficiency and steady improvement. We think you like telephone people to be friendly, pleasant and easy to get along with. You want to deal with someone who takes a real interest in your problems and who is willing to give you a little extra attention. That's the kind of service we want you to have. It makes your telephone mean more to you, makes our job mean more to us. TH! IELL TELEPHONE Preferred by millions of Canadians for its superb quality and flavour. 100% PURE MAPLE â€" ONTARIO $1.35 $1.10 '3' an 6 COMPANY OF CANADA Quart: 35c MAPLE 6 30c

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