Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1951, p. 10

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l0 THE LIBER’AIJ, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Nov. 1', 1951 ‘g‘l‘lllll“Illlllflllllllllllllllllllllllmllllll‘llmllllllll“Illll“[lulllllllllulu“l“mulllll“\lllllllllmmllllllllllllllNNNMWWig fimmnmmlmmmummmlummulnmumunlm\1u1111ulnuummuu\u\lmmu1ulumum1\uumuulmuumuunm éBowden Lumber. & Coal Co., Ltd. ON ONLY THREE DAYS REMAINING THE I.D.A. FALL DRUG SALE FEATURING OUTSTANDING VALUES AT MAPLE, ONT. Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES," Richmond Hill, Phone 435-R REPRESENTING Desirable Location and at Reasonable Prices ESTABLISHED OVER 50 EXP 50 YEARS ’ SAL‘ HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. For wedding pictures â€" for birthdays â€" for the many anniversaries Which de- serve recording â€" for the artistry which makes all the diflerence between an 01-- dinary photograph and a portrait â€" _visit COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS Attractive Town And Country Properties For Sale A. W. CHALMERS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Repairs CALL Edmund Soame Telephone REdfern 1911 for an appointmgnt *L’adia’ Wm Fir/Menu Wed/L \X/ILLOUGHBY RICHMOND HILL PORTRAITS erry’s Pharmacy Ask us about our deferred payment plan 24 HOURS STOP 23 YONGE ST. PHONE RICHMOND BILL 608 SAVAGE’S and 55 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL Phone- Richmond Hill 590W TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1m rewinding Appliances “THE STUDIO” . 1720’ Avenue Road Ol’ rlner AND SONS TELEPHONE on all‘ types a ; Repaired WORK 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN GUARANTEED 57 6.] PHONE 164 motors At the Hallowe’en party given for the pupils by their teachers on Wednesday afternoon, October 31, the school club assisted. They provided candied apples for all the children present and also presentâ€" ed prizes for the most original and amusing costumes in each age group. Maple Community and School Club The regular monthly meeting will be held as usual at the school on Wednesday evening, November 7, at 8.30 pm. The principal, Mrs. J. Fletcher and junior room teach- er, Miss Bloedow are to be the speakers for the evening. Any parents who have not been out to the school or Have not met the tea- chers, do come now and take this opportunity to get acquainted. It means a great deal to your children to have their parents interested in knowing their teacher and seeing their school. Will the bazaar convenors please bring a report of your committee’s progress to this megting. » _ Everyone please keep this date marked on your calendar as a “must.” Bowling News Teams bowling on Monday, Nov- ember 5 .are Oddfellows, Commun- ity and School Club, Lions 1 and Essotane. “High lady for 1 game on October 22 was Hilda Allen, for three games, Jessie Watson. Mr. and Mrs. WL fE. Soule and Mr. Phyllis Clark of Toronto, and Mrs. G. MacKay of Tiverton visit- ed over the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Bigford Mr. and Mrs. R. D. MacNaugh- ton, Maple and Mr. and Mrs. Dav- id Martyn of Toronto spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Earl MacNaughton and Mrs.‘ Austin Robinson in Guelph. ‘ Obituary . . . . '.. Burial took place in Maple cem- etery of Sarah Emma Graham, on Monday, October 29, who passed away at her home in Aurora on Friday, October 26, wife of Oliver T. Graham and dear mother of Barr and Margaret (Mrs. H. M. Ketson) Detroit, Mich. and grand- mother of Malcolm Hill and Clara Longhurst. Mrs. Graham was a resident of Maple for many years before moving to Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Smith of Port Credit and Paul Duch, Tor- onto, were‘ guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hodge. Bill Hodge returned home on Friday from Kashmlr, India, after touring in Egypt and various coun- tries in Europe. He will resume his duties with Trans-Canada. Air- lines, returning to Montreal Tues- day evening, October 30. A speedy recovery is hoped for Mrs. Clarence Brown who under- went an operation in the ,Weetern Hospital, Toronto, recently, and for Mrs. Grace Robson who is ill at her home. Their many friends hepe to see them around soon. Mrs. Gehrke (nee Gladys Low- ry) Toronto, and formerly of Map- le visited with Miss Margaret Johnson on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and family of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Jordon Sharpe and family of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snider over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Manning, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. George Manning, Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fierheller, Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manning, Guelph, were at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Manning on Sunday, October 28, it being the occasion of Mr. Manning’s 82nd birthday. Mrs. A. Starke of Ottawa visited last week with Mrs» George Bailey. Visitors on Sunday, October 28, with Mrs. George Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson, Agincourt, Mrs. Harold Carruthers and Mrs. The new Post Office has (-pened in part of what was formerly Map- le Villa. THE BEST ON THE LANDâ€"Winners in the Esso Trans-Atlantic classes at the 38th International Plowing Match, held October 9-10-11-12; at Woodstock, Ont, the two young men shown here with John A. Carroll,- assistant deputy minister of agriculture for Ontario, will take part in lowing matches in the United Kingdom early next year. L”. to R.â€" glorman S. Tyndall. 24, Richmond Hill, Ont., gold medal winner in the tractor class; E. Eugene Timbers, 18, Milliken, Ont, gold medallist in the horse-drawn plow class; Mr. Carroll, who has been appointed manager of the overseas team. Mr. Carroll waS'secretary of the Ontario Plow- men’s Association and manager of the International Match for 16 years prior to his government appointment. The three men will spend six weeks in the British Isles and on the Continent with all expenses paid as guests of Imperial Oil. CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R H. C. Bailey, Toronto. Mrs. Bailey stayed over Monday to take part in the pageant being staged. by the Women's Missionary Society. Mr. and Mrs Graham ‘Walker of Collingwood were week-end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hemp- hill. Mrs. Walker was formerly Jean Morby, junior teacher at the Maple Public School. Mrs. H. Bryan left on Tuesday by motor to spend ,a few days in Buffalo. Maple United Church Maple United Church was filled both morning and evening for the anniversary services Sunday, Oc- tober 28. Special preachers for the day were Rev. C. E. Fockler, B.A., Markham and former pastor and Rev. C. J. Higginson, B.A., B. D., Richmond Hill, the newly in- ducted minister at Richmond Hill United Church. Both ministers brought to the assembled congre- gations challenging messages. Rev. P. J. Lambert, minister of the‘ church assisted at the morning ser-‘ vice. A choir of thirty voices led the praise under the direction of Mrs. Roy Clegg, organist and choir director. The anthems rendered were “I will magnify Thee" by Rodgers, “Come unto Me” by Bowles and “Great is the Lord and Marvelous” by Diggle. The solo- ists for the day were Mrs. E. H. Knox, Toronto, and Mr. Stanley Harper, Weston. All special numbers were fittingly rendered to the glory of God, and brought joy to the services and inspiration to the congregation. Baskets of White ohrysanthemums adorned the chancel and were placed there by 'Mr. George Merrick through the kindness of the Woman’s Associa- tion. At the close of the evening service.Mr. Morley Kinnee, in well chosen words expressed the appre- ciation of the congregation to all who so willingly helped make the services memorable. The thank. offering which will be applied to the .local needs of the church was very generous. Obituary . . . . A life-long resident of this com- munity, Bertha M. watSOn, belov- ed wife of Wilbert Mathewson, passed away at her home Thurs- day, October 25. Born on a farm north of Maple, now owned by Joe Hampson, in 1876, the daughter of the late John and Sarah Watson, she attended the United Church in Hope and later in Maple when she married. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Frances (Mrs. Reid) and two granddaugh- ters, Carol and Donna Reid. Funâ€" eral service was in Maple United Church on Sunday, October 28. In- terment was in Maple cemetery. The October meeting of the W0- man’s Association and Woman's Missionary Society were enter- tained at Mrs. Alex Forrest’s home. Mrs. F. S. Rumble, president for the.W.A. and Mrs. P. J. Lambert for the W.M.S. in the absence of Mrs. Ray Big’ford. The devotion was given by Mrs. Ernie Hemphill and the speaker for the evening was Mrs. L. Wiltshire. Mrs. Kil- patrick and Mrs. Lambert sang a very lovely duet. The meeting then closed and lunch was served and enjoyed by all. I United Church Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Wilbert Mathewson who passed away at her. home in Maple, Thursday, 0c- tober 25. ‘ Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. V. Orr were Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Orr and Jean of Lansmg and Mr. and Mrs. William Orr of Victoria Square. Mrs. "VI Orr and staff ,catered for the Baggs-Keffer wedding on October 20, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Keft‘er. ’70 guests were pres- ent. Dog-s destroyed one sheep on the farm of Mr. Morton, Edgeley, on Friday, October 26. 1nd and . Reid) Carol : service W.M.S The Woman‘s Associ: Carrville United Churc its Nevember meeting 1 of Mrs. ,A. Read, Batht Wednesday, November ‘ This meeting is to tak of a Hallowe’en party all are invited to com costume as there are p good evening is assured all are invited to come costume as there are pr good evening is assured. ' and contests are being ' of by Mrs. Baker, Mrs. ( Mrs. Read. Home and School The November meeting of the Can-ville Home and School Assoc- iation will be held Thursday even- ing November 8 at 8 pm. in the school. Mr. A. Sohm and Mr. Featherston, the teachers, will both attend this meeting and would like to meet the parents of the childâ€" ren they are teaching. We hope the parents will avail themselves of this opportunity. A very happy afternoon was spent on Tuesday, October 23, when Jill Nunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Nunn, Carrville Road held a belated birthday party. Jill was confined to her home with a very bad cold on her fourth birthday, October 11, so celebrated a few days later. Her little guests were Gretta Middleton, Drew Wood, Donna and Jody Grew and baby sister Jane. Grant Crawford was unable to come due to the bad weather. The children enjoyed playing several games and were then invited to sit down to a table laden with goodies and centred by a birthday cake. Jill blew out the candles at the right time and t.-.e other children slang Happy Birth- day. Before the little guests de- ‘parted they were each given a basket of treat and a balloon and report a very happy time. Birthday Party Social Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and son John visited in Toronto on Sat- Dollar for dollar and feature for feature you can’t beat a 178 Yonge Street, N. Richmond Hill, Ont. Hallowe’en Bradshaw Motors Limited an’s Association nited Church wi 2r meeting at th Read, Bathurst November 7, at 1;: is to take th CARRVILLE NEWS ‘arty prizes 31 d. The ga g taken . George Telephone will the at 8 pm. the form One and Come in :es and a. 'he games St., on 8 pm. 9 form me and rf the hold home care and Maple urday son. Miss having that s} be bacl Mr. and Toronto 5 with Mr. 2 and family Surprise It was a. wonderful surprise Fri- day night when friends and neigh- bours dropped in to give birthday greetings to Mary and Gordon Read. Guests from out of the neighbourhood were Mr. ark Mrs. Gordie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Read and sons, Stouffville, Mr. Walker, of Willowdale; Mr. Wm. Crawford, Whitby; and Mr. Wm. Vernon who has just returned from Nashville, Tennessee. We would like to express sincgre sympathy to Mrs. Alex Isaacson and daughters in the sudden death of a loving husband ani father. Mr. Isaacson was killed by acc1dent with a tractor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kirk had a very enjoyable trip to Montreal last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Middleton and family visited on Sunday oven- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Vander- burg of Lafising'. Mr. Frank Woolcott is still pro- gressing favourably at the St. John’s Convalescent Hospital, New- tonbrook. ‘ ‘ * ’ Attend Bake Sale Several Carrville ladies attended and patronized the Vaughan Wom- Workers’ bake sale on Saturday at Richvale. The tables were laden with delicious home-made cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, bread and buns. Everything sold very quickly and the ladies report a. nice profit real- ized. ‘ ' 11: she back Middleton! with and Susan I a minor e will b 1 Mrs spent and 1 Birthday Pa 2. wonderful ill be school Lewis is in r operation. be home an ‘001 again. Mrs and Jos. H. I Saturday Mrs Bert 'arty Drumm of y evening Middleton Dean Wil Pontiac Give your lefi‘ foot I: rest! Stop in at your neighborhood Pontiac dealer’s and ask for :9 Discovery Drivé in a Pontiac with POWER- GLIDE. At the touch of your toe on the gas, POWERGLIDE floats you away from a standing start to highway speed. There’s no clutch Reminder Just a reminder. Your Ratepay- ers meeting will be held Tuesday evening at 8 p.111. Bring your problems for discussion also bring along to help make the meeting a. success. On Sunday, Miss Ina. Beggs from Humber Summit, and Miss Isobel Goodwill of Woodbridge visited with Miss Dorothy Gribble, JOhn St. We are glad to report that Mr. Howard Ness of Green Lane is making some progress after spend- ing nearly a. week in the General Hospital. He was able to come home with cast off his leg, with faithful promises to stay in bed for another five weeks until the leg heals properly. We do hope the next trip to the hospital will find the broken bones all healed. Home & School ‘ Birthday greetings to Ronnie Richan who celebrated his second birthday on Tuesday. The‘re are others in the district Who w111 cel- ebrate birthdays with Hallowe’en parties. On The Mend Thornlea Home and School has sponsored a group of Thornlea school children to be able to at- tend the series of children’s con- certs held each Saturday after- noon at Eaton Auditorium. Ten children attended last Saturday. On Friday evening some of the young people were entertained'by Mrs. Rodgers, John St., when a party was given for Wendy. All enjoyed a wonderful evening. Canadian War Brides Assoc. The C.W.B.A. is holding'its an- nual bazaar Saturday, November 3, in United Church Hall, Thornhill. Hours are from 2 to 6 pm. Re1 freshments, teacup reading, bake sale, handicraft, home sewn goods, knitted goods, and a lucky dip for the children will all be on display. All goods have been made by the English girls. Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thornhill THORNLEA NEWS A emu I010“ VALUE 361'31 pedal to push . S ; no gears to change. POWERGLIDE takes care of all that! And, in addition to the blissful comfort of POWERGLIDE. you’ll be impressed by the elegant styling and lovely interior appoint- ments which make Pontiac the Most Beautiful Thing on Wheels. See your Pontiac dealerâ€"soon! News Starting 7 pm. & 9 pm. Sat. & Holiday Matinee 2 p.m. MON.. TUES, WED. NOV. 5, 6, 7 3 BIG DAYS OF TOP ENTERTAINMENT ‘The Iron Man’ DON’T MISS ‘Meet Me After The Show’ ‘ LAST SHOWING TODAY OF ‘The Fuller Brush Girl’ LUCILLE BALL EDDIE ALBERT FRI, SAT. â€" NOV. 2, 3 ‘Al Jennings of Oklohoma’ Last complete show 8.30 2 CONTINUOUS SHOWS NIGHTLY in glorio’us Technicolog wit‘h BETTY GRABLE THURS" FRI., SAT. NOV. 8, 9, 10 MARKHAM Adult Entertainment â€"â€" also â€" ‘Katie Did It’ â€" Starring â€"â€" JEFF CHANDLER EVELYN KEYES FRANKIE LAINE ‘When You’re Smiling’ ANN BLYTH MARK STEVENS DAN DURYEA GALE STORM in Technicolor Starring _a]so_ ..._in_ Starring Selected Shorts P465"

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