CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices ngid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton‘ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone Ring 59R14. tfclT PLIANCES: Hot Point Electric Range, table top model, spotless condition, $150.00; Modern Cook Stove, converted to oil, .has Silent Glow burners, cost when new $175, our price $85.00; Reconditioned Apex Washer, perfect condition, $65.00; Connor Washer, Thermo- type, glass insulation, used short while, cost when new $199.75, our price $110.00; Frigidaire_Ref1‘iger- ator, reconditioned, $145.00. Terms arranged. Paris Auto Supply Ltd., Richmond Hill phone 86. USED & RECONDITIONED AP- bedroom suite; chests, breakfast room set; easy chairs; desk; occas- ional chairs; kitchen chairs; drop leaf table; lino and many other ar- Eicles from storage. These goods are all in good condition and will be sold cheap, so it will pay you to call anytime and see for your- self. Cliï¬â€˜ord, Clarke and Sec- comoe Sts., 1 mile east at StOp 14A Yonge. tfc14 OVER 3000 BIRDS fed the Ful-O- Pep way! That’s the story at Tom Robson’s poultry farm, Leaming- ton, Ont. He knows from exper- ience that Ful-Oâ€"Pep gets results. Ask us for Fulâ€"O-Pep High Effic- iency Egg Mash. I. D. Ramer & Son. Richmï¬nd Hill. DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut 1 BABEE TEN-DA, extension leg, new model; 1 Babee Tenda, older model; 1 Harris high chair, ex- cellent-condition. Phone Richmond Hill 319W or Agincourt 58R4. A PERFECT Steel Range, equip- ped with oil burners, 2 glass con~ tainers, all pipes, 325. 48 Rose- view Ave. Phone Richmond Hill 265W. * 1w20 HEATER STOVE, station 'agent type, splendid condition, reasonabw Richmond Hill 47R21. N. Brodie. *1w20 COAL BLOWER, 1A, horsepower motor, 60 cycle. G. F. Miller, Mah- mond Street, Maple, phone 125R3. c1w20 LADY’S COAT, size 18, extra good condition, Harris tweed With wolf \collar, good as new, $20. Phone Richmond Hill 264. c1wZO ‘MAN'S OVERCOAT, tailor-made, size 40, black, heavy weight tweed, suit tall 1nan.Phone 344R31 Rich- mond Hill. ' c1vy20 {BRAND NEW Goodyear truck tires, 825x20, 10 ply. E. Allen, phone 357R23 Richmond Hill. SMALL QUEBEC HEATER and a few lengths of pipe to ï¬t, good condition. Phone Thornhill 237R2]. clw20 QUEBEC HEATER, large jacket heater, cook stove. Stop 22A, Yonge Street, phone 313R3 Rich- mond Hill. c1w20 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 FEED FOR SALE: oat sheaves, approx. 6 or 7 ton cheap. Naughton FArm, Elgin Mills. *1w2'0 QUANTITY OF TURNIPS for sale. Apply Bill Poulton, Maple 37R24. *1w20 LADIES’ & MEN’S ice skates, and ladies’ and men’s roller skates. Phone Thormh'ill 451J. c1w20 FURNACE, Gilson, 11/2 years old, perfect condition, $75 or best offer. Phone Thorn-hill 447.1. c1w20 NEW ANNEX COAL HEATER, used 1 month. Phone King 11r21. c1w20 MQUE living room table and chair. 61 Drury Ave., Stop 14, Thorn'hill. c1w20 CHILD’S DOLL HOUSE, wooden, and furniture if desired. Phone 546 Richmond Hill. c1w20 OIL SPACE HEATER, used one month $58.00. Apply 16 Edgar Ave. Richvale. c1w20 ELECTRIC MOTOR, 1/; h.p. 60 cycle, good condition. Thornhill 6R13. c1w20 C'HESTERFIELD and two chairs, good condition $30.00. Phone Map- le 49R41. c1w29 QUEBEC HEATER. Phone Thorn- hill 217R2. c1w20 CINDERS, $15.00 a load. Phone Thornhill 634J. tchC DRY OAT STRAW, 50¢ per bale. Phone Richmond Hill 391W. *2w19 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Nov. 15, 1951 CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion BIRTH NOTICE .............................. ..-..r.o. Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. POULTRY WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w20 c1w20 *1w20 [and New Hampshire 'pullets for sale. H. Walters, Observatory 'Lane, Stop 23A, Yonge Street, lst house in. *1w20 IN THORNHILL, large furnished room, suitable for 2 ladies or men; also large recreatign room. Phone Thornhill 283.]. Clw‘lo HOUSE T0 RENT on Yonge St. near Richmond Hill until April 1. E. T. Stephens Ltd., Stop 22A Yonge St., Richmond Hill 7. c1w20 NURSES full time and part time wanted; also practical nurses full time and part time. Housekeeper full time. Thornhill Nursing Home. Phone Thornhill 306. c2w19 sires full time em‘ployineni; between Richmond Hill and city limiys. Clerical or light work preferred. Highest references. Phone Thorn- lhill 47R1-4. *1w20 THREE bright unfurnished rooms. Apply 96 Roseview Ave. Phone Richmond Hill 319M. c1w20 FURNISHED ROOM, bus stop at door. Stop 17A Yonge Street. Phone Thornhill 40J. c1w20 CEMENT MIXER for rent, gaso- line. day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll BRIGHT WARM FLAT, conven- iences; also cooking and a garage. Phone Thornhill 207R21. c3w19 STENOGRAPHER desires work at home, 8 year legal experience. Phone Thornhill 51R22 and leave message. c2w20 GENTLEMAN, English, 55, deâ€" IF YOU NEED odd jobs etc., done I have a few hours to spare each day. Phone 6R13 Thornhill. tfc20 WORK on mixed farm for wage or work on shares. Separate house. Christian. Box 406 Richmond Hill, phone 48R33. ' *2w20 MAN requires part time work ev- ening‘s and Saturdayz, good quali- ï¬cations». Phone Thornhill 448J. c2w19 KINDLY CARE given to children by the day. Ask for Betty, King 59R33. clw2‘0 35 READY-TOâ€"LAY Barred Rocks 55 ROCK PULLETS; 3 geese; 1 gander. Phone Thornhill 2171‘2 WORKING HUNTER for sale. Has had previous experience in hunting and is a good sound hunter. Phone or contact Marilyn Hawman, Oak Ridées or Don Christian, St. An- drew’s College, Aurora 208W. cheron geldings, 6 years old, quiet and well mannered. W. H. Smith, lot 12, con. 3, Whitchurch. Phone Stouffville 64216. *1w20 2 LITTERS of weaned pigs, a very thrifty lot~ Al. Chapman, Stop 20 Yonge Street, Langstaï¬â€™, phone Thornh‘ill 124R2. c1w20 MATCHED TEAM of black per- stucco house, 1/; mile west of Duf- ferin on No. 7 Highway. A11 con- veniences. Immediate possession. Sprucedale Farm, Concord, phone Maple 68R11. *4w19 1935 FORD TUDOR, A1 Mechanic- ally, heater, spotlight, slip covers, 2 extra snow tires, smart appear- ance. PhongRiohtmond Hill 104W after 5 pm. c1w20 6 ROOM STOREY and on'eâ€"half FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thomhill 168 tfcl] FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thomhill 168. tfc46 1936 PONTIAC. Good shape. Price $100.00. Apply Stop 17A Nite- Hawk Cabins. c1w19 ’36 FORD in good shape. for tru k needing repairs. King 5 R33. months; two real good tires 17â€. Phone Richmond Hill 347W. ’1w20 ’34 FORD V-8 MOTOR, used 2 HELP WANTED USED CARS AND TRUCKS EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE TO RENT c1w20 c2w19 Trace Phone c1w20 50c SMALL STORE or room in hogs: on Yonge Street for business pur- poses. Phone Richmond Hill 173R5. Ihousekeeping. Ph_0ne Richmgnd Hill 175W. c1w20 STRAYED from 71 Jackes Ave., Stop 13A Yonge St., brown cocker spaniel, Bonnie, 1951 Toronto dog tag inscribed “Bonnieâ€, 137 Boon Ave., Toronto. Child’s pet. Re- ward. c1w2‘0 TRUCK RACKS on Elgin Sideroad west or on Bathurst north of Elgin sideroad on November 13. Finder please notify Edward Mashinter, R. R. 2 Maple. '7 *le0 2 WHEEL Sidewalk bicycle, with wire carrier, in Richmond Hill, re- ward. Phone 352 Richmond Hill- clw20 LOST Saturday evening between 4.30 and 4.45 in the Post Office, a sum of money, ï¬nder please return to Liberal Office. c1w20 RETIRED gentleman would like room furnished and unfurnished and board in Richmond Hill or vic- inity. Apply Box 51 The Liberal Office. *1w20 KINDERGARTEN table and two chairs; child’s rocking chair. Phone Richmond Hill 161W. *lw20 A METRONOME in good tion. reasonable. Phonke 592W Richmond Hill. c1w20 MALE KITTEN. Phone 307R Rich- mond Hill. *1w20 BASEMENT 25 cycle sump pump, good condition, reasonably priced. Phone King 11R21. c1w20 LARGE BABY CRIB must be to‘ all makes, new and used ma- chines, treadles converted to smart electric portables. For informatiou call Reid’s Cleaners, Richmond Hill 625. tfc8 be pleased to pick up dead or crip- ‘pled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. Telephone collect Woodbridge 6.] or Toronto, Empire 3-3636. . *43w32 WING MACHINE REPAIRS, to all makes, new and used ma- GORDON YOUNG LIMITED will W1HY STRUGGLE! Sewing but- tons, turning collars, pant cuffs and darning. Mending of any kind. Simply phone Richmond Hill 173R5 Reasonabie rates. c1w20 TRENCHING, Septic Tank Beds, Water Services, machine dug. Call collect, Malj-Vaun Company Thorn- hill 168. Evenings Thornhill 197 R2. c4w20 PAINTING and paperhanging, ï¬rst class work, reasonable rates, 'sam- ple books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M.’ ' "3w52tfc COMBINATION DOORS, storm sash made to order. C. B. Stout- enburg, 32 Richmond 812., phone Richmond Hill 499R. tfc12 CUSTOM FARM PLOWING, cul- tivating, tilling and discing. Vv. H. Gooderham. Phone Willowdale 2508. *30w41 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- v1ce,‘ Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 261:5. tfc38 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Rmhmond Hill. tfc SAND AND GRAVEL, cr‘hshed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 BRICK WORK, chimneys and ï¬re- places built and repaired. Phone 'I‘hornhill 296J or 97R13. 02w18 - 2 ROOMS for permanent light DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK CATTLE & horses boarded. Maple CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. Phone 135R12 Thomhill after 6 p.m. CALL P. M. TONNER for clean, ï¬ne work. painting and decprating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 dy’s,’55 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 458J. m7 Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 §AND, gravel, crushed stone and ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, phone Richmond Hi‘. 384J. tfc43 FLOOR SANDERS for rental. Ed- MISCELLANEOUS OLD HORSES $15.1 AT YOUR FARM also LIVESTOCK WANTED Phone Richmond Hill CAMPBELL MINE WANTED TO RENT WANTED NILE TILE CO. LOST c1w20 condi- 124. c1w20 c4w18 ‘ZWZ OUR REQUIREMENS Who like meeting the Public and Who Must Earn a Substantial Income. SUCCESSFUL applicants will be aï¬ord‘ed thorough instruction in the ï¬eld by production-tested in- tructors. WE OFFER: 1. Leads supplied 2. Group hospital, medical and life 1. Age, 25-45 2. Aggressive and a desire to earn money 4. Some selling experience WE suggest you make an appoint- ment by telephoning . THOBNHILL 371 - UNIONVILLE 7 - After 6.00 Mutual Benefit Health ’& Accident Association ' .REUUIRES TWO AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN “Christmas Tea.†of the Browns Corners Harmony Group will be held on Friday, November 23, at the home of Mrs. A. Miller, con- cession 3. Afternoon tea and a sale of baking, aprons, miscellanâ€" eous articles and candy 'will raise money for the Building'Fund of the Church. travelling bags and wishes for a pleasant visit tn Kumloops for her- self and Mr. Hill. They leave short- ly for a two month stay with their daughter, Florence. Mr. E. Hill has been away on a hunting trip for the last week. Mrs. Elmore Hill was the guest at a surprise party last Friday ev~ ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Alvin Robinson. About 40 friends and neighbours gathered there to spend a pleasant evening at cards. Mrs. Hill was then declared win- ner and presented with two lovely The girls of the club invited Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Kelly to be their guests at the Ice! Capades at the Maple Leaf Gardens on Wednes- day evening. Mrs. Wm. Baker visited the Roy- al Winter Fair on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the guest of the Department of Agriculture. Mrs. Baker was leader of the But- tonville Girls Club last year and to the leaders of these clubs in On- tario is extended this invitation. They stay at the Royal York. lSAT., NOV. 24 â€" Auction sale of ‘130 acre farm, registered and ‘grade vaccinated Holstein Cattle, bred by Maple Cattle Breeders As- ociation, Percheron Mares! sows, hogs, and poultry, nearly new Ford Tractor, full line of implements, Surge milkers and Woods automa- tic cooler; hay, grain, roots, ensil- age and furniture. Farm has 130 acres, 90 acres of which are work- able, balance in pasture, good ced- ar and maple bush with never-fail- ing creek. New hip-roof ham with steel stanchions and water bowls, ties 25 head of cattle. New con- crete block garage and implement shed 26'x58’. Good hen house wzth water on tap, cinder block milk house. Large two-dwelling frame house equipped with three-piece bath and running hot and cold wa- ter in both houses. Heavy wiring throughout. The property of John J. Kmet, on lot 24-25, East part, concession 5, Whitchurch Twp.†east of Aurora, 11/; miles north of Aurora side road, 11/; miles south of Pine Orchard- Sale at 12.30 sharp. Terms’ cash for stock ar-d implements. Fred Smith, auction-l eer. L. Harper and L. Mount,‘ Clerks. SAT., NOV. 17 â€"â€" Auction sale of the new Stouï¬ville Livestock Sat Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springera. heif- ers, sheep, calves, pigsfehurael. (Pick-up and delivery can be er- ranged.) Come early, bring sonn- thing to sell. This is your commun- ity sale. “You bring it, we’ll sell It." Sale every Saturday at 1 p.211. Make this your market where buy- ers and sellers meet. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc insurance available Extensive co-operation and in struction‘ Big earnings SALE REGISTERS General Contractors ’ Concrete Work ’ Building ' Alterations and re- pairs '. & H. Construction Telephone Richmond Hill 528J or 288W 31‘ an as Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 3581! BUTTONVILLE PHONE 174. RICHHOND HILL III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII R.D.I.ITTI.E & SON Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service district will make it their res~ ponsibility to attend. the future meetings. Next meetimr will be held on December 4th. Correction Please Re-Executive Members., Pres- ident Dr. D. Tanner, Secretary Mr. C. N. Gage, 'h'eas. Mr. G. Jackson. Executive Members, Mr. T. Covell, Mr. R. Boyter, Mr G. Elmes and Mr. C. Clifford. $2,250.00 1950 FORD CUSTOM CONVER- TIBLE Beautiful shade Matador Red Whitewalls, Overdrive & Radio 30 Day Guarantee Street lighting at John and Johnson Street was discussed, and a full report on the possibility of samewas promised for a later meeting. The township engineer is to be approached re Doncrest Road waâ€" tershed, also re ditching of the east side of Bayview from the :choolr, south to the culvert south )1? the school. $450.00 1939 FORD DELUXE FORDOR Hydraulic Brakes Splendid value Harold Gribble, Thornhill, gave two selections “Lord Lochinvar†and “I Doubt It.†This was the. ï¬rst time a program had been part1 if the annual public speaking con- tests. With the new piano in the York county Chambers, it was' thought the “best way to show what the York Music Festival was accomplishing in the schools. The regular monthly meeting of the Thornlea Ratepayers’ Associa- tion was held .on Tuesday, Nov- ember 6, at the school. Ratepayers’ Association Showroom open Mon.. Wed. and Fri. evenings until 9 pm. The top winners at the York Mu- .ic Festival supplied the program luring the adjudication, with a school choir from Ravenshoe under Jhe direction of their music direc- tor, Mrs. .Cowleson sang sweetly “Loch Lomond†and “Bless this Houseâ€. The Queen Anne singers under the direction of Miss Anne Dumbleton from Woodbridge add- ed a bit of color with their red blazers and sang several numbers closing with the “Lord’s Prayer" and "God Save The King.’ RELIABLE USED CARS The ï¬rst place winner will comâ€" pete in the Ontario Finals shortly. Each competitor received a hand- some set of pen and pencil. Others who came second in the township contests were presented with a cer- tiï¬cate of merit and a pen and pencil set. They were: Robert Mc- Glhee, Vaughan Township; Marilyn Lombard, York Twp.; Marshall Dea, New Toronto; Pamela Down- ey, Leaside; James Henning, East York. . Michael Harding, York Township and Rita McCrohan of King Township. The reeves pres- ‘nted the prizes. The meeting was well attended :onsidering the stormy night, and t is hoped that many more people $1,825.00 1950 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR Six contestants gave a prepared speech and an impromptu speech, with 11â€"year-old Doreen Montgomâ€" ery of Scarboro Township taking ï¬rst honors, with her speech on “The cake I made†and “Volleyâ€" ball.†Second honors went to North Gwillimbury Township, when Carol Brown spoke on “What Can- ada means to a girl†and “Traffic Accidents.†Patti Campbell, Et- obicoke Township was third speak- ing on “Disease, our greatest en- emy†and “My Ambition.†Fourth was Gilmour Porter of North York Township, whose subjects were: “The Royal Canadian Mounted Pol- ice†and “My unlucky day.†An- thony Bouden of East York Town- ship spoke on “An Immigrant's Perspective of Canada.†and {‘A Day at the CNE.†Paul Ross of York Township came sixth with “Autumn Reverie†and “How to keep healthy.†Correspondent 2 Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone Thornhill 36r31 Thursday afternoon the public speaking ï¬nals for the County of York took place in the County Chambers, Toronto. Warden Branâ€" don, reeve of Swansea, opened the session. After the roll call of Reeves and Deputy-Reeves which was of interest to the children, Mrs. D. Hague, chairman of the programme committee extended greetings to the visitors who ï¬lled the chambers to capacity. Radio, Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104J Woodbridge Wholesale & Retail all year round Special prices and arrange- ments for people who pick them up. EG G GRADING STATION $350.00 1938 FORD FORDOR $475.00 1938 DODGE SEDAN THORNLEA NEWS Whitewalls, Radio and many extras 30 Day Guarantee EGGS†Good Condition Pittsburgh . . . . . . . . . . $16.85 Chicago . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . $22.40 Washington . . . . . . . . . . $24.40 New York . . . . . . . . . . 322.157 (Surcharge Included) Tickets and Informaï¬on at Dated at Richmond Hill this 6th day of November, 1951. ‘ J. Roy Herrington Executor to the Will of William S. Scott, deceased. Yonge St, Richmond Hill Take notice that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of WILLIAM S. SCOTT, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the Coun- ty of York, farmer, who died on or about the 18th day of June, 1951, are required to send details of the same together with due proof thereof to the undersigned Executor on or before the 6th day of December, 1951. After that date, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto having re~ gard only to such claims of,which he shall then have notice. ROBERTS’ RADIAL STATION TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Village Treasurer Richmond Hill, Nov.n 8, 1951. Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after BAKER SALES & SERVIC‘E Richvale ‘ Phone 111 Richmond Hill The second instalment of the current year’s taxes is due on " l’m retired now and one of the big kicks | get out of life is meeting people. There are plenty of timely topics these days and it is in- teresting to h e a r n e w opinions and ideas. | make many acquaint- ances who help to pass the time most enjoyany while travelling about by busâ€" and that is /‘\\"\i\ the really ff“ L friendly /@ ï¬t, [9 M?! way'to tra- . ‘\ 7 \W' vel. people.“ FARES ARE lOW ROUND TRIP 1950 Ford Coach 1950 Morris Oxford 1950 Hillman Minx 1949 Hillman Minx 1936 Ford Coach USED CARS November 15 NOTICE December 5 TAXES R. LYNET'l (Subiod '0 change) PHONE I77 “WE FEED FUl-O-PEP EXCLUSIVELYâ€...,.,,5R. PHONE 10 I. D. RAMER 8: SON Deal with conï¬dence. We have helped thousands of others. Two main telephone numbers for your convenience, Thornhill 12 or our direct Toronto line WA. 4338. Our oï¬ices are open daily from 8.30 am. and for your convenience until 9 pm. ' DAVID McLEAN LIMITED Mémbers of the Toronto, the Ontario Association and the Canadian Real Estate Boards Fifteen telephones and a staff of ï¬fteen fully exper- ienced trained real estate specialists are at your service in our offices. Call us today or drop in and discuss your real property with us. You will receive a friendly per- sonalized service. We need more pr0perties now. Our centrally lo- cated, prominently situated offices in Thornhill, a centre for Real Estate transactions since the turn of the cen- tury, are bulging with lists and ï¬les of prospective pur- chasers that increase daily. ' For a speedy pick-up phone collect to your local agent: BANNER RENDERING & PACKING 80., LTD. Richmond Hill 47-R-4 Toronto H.623? Window Frames For Brick and Frame Construction Cellar Frames Sash Storm Windows Check Rail Sash Casement Sash Door Frames Colonial Door Frames for Brick & Frame Construction Octagon Window Frames and Sash Combination Doors - screen and glazer' Screen Doors and Window Screens WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES We are paying highest market prices FOR DEAD OR CRIP’P‘LED ANIMALS HOUSES WANTED Notice to Farmers ruL-o-PEP'EGG MASH AUBREY NICOL ELGIN MILLS Telephone Richmond Hill 134r31 We also buy live horses Gentlemen: . On our poultry farm we fed over 3,000 bird: the Ful-O-Pep way. Wben we switc/Jed to Fulâ€"O-Pep, the results were so good that we now feed Fulâ€"O-Pep exclusively. Per Bag with (signed) Tom Robson You Gef RICHMOND HILL . . . says Tom Robson Legmington, Ont.