Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1951, p. 3

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w, AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. ENGLISH TRAINED MECHANICS MEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. - PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL North York Veterans Club O The Regular Monthly Meeting will be held THURSDAY, NOV. 29 MEMBERS PLEASE A’I'I‘END E. CONDY, Sec’y. Hillerest Marketeria 63 YONGE ST. N. TELEPHONE 77 Free Daily Deliveries WEEKEND ' SPECIALS ' MEATS Rolled Veal - - 74elh. ShoulderPork' . . . . . ShoulderChops............................45clb. ButtRoast........ . . . . . ButtChops................................57clb. RoundSteak-...............................98clb. GROCERIES' Hereford Corned Beef, 12 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c Scotian Gold Apple Sauce, fancy, 20 oz. tin . . . . . . 17c Aylmer Catsup, 11 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21c Clark's Tomato Juice, 20 oz. tin Zfor 29c FRUITS ImportedTomatoes............... . . . . . . . . - . 19clb. Emperor Grapes 2 lbs. 25c Sunkist Oranges, 288’s 35c doz. MEN SHOT/ID BUY COAT HIE WAY WOMEN BWFUOD... by looking for the ‘ quality brand ur protection You’re SURE of getting “the quality brand” when you order ‘blue coal’. Mined deep in the heart of Pennsyl- vania’s finest hard coal area, it’s tinted BLUE at the mines so you’ll know by the color you’re getting the finest hard coal money can buy. ‘blue coall gives you lhese advanlages: 1. Sleadier heal; 2. Longer-lasling heal; 3. Economical, abundanl heal lo every room in lhe house; So, when you order coal, insist on ‘blue coa1’â€"and you’ll enjoy greater heating comfort and economy than you’ve ever known. Come in or ’phone today. I. D. RAMER & SON RICHMOND HILL PHONE 10 o ____________._____._â€"â€"â€"â€" _4 Richmond High Joanne Johnson SCHOOL HEADS SALES Curtis Publishing Company has announced that the students Of Richmond Hill District High School have recorded the greatest number of sales of magazine subscriptions for its firm in the recent nation- wide campaign, than any other school in Canada. Twenty-Six hundred dollars worth of maga- zine subscriptions were sold to people of this district by the pu- pils. Each pupil, and there are 400 at- tending at present, was allotcd so many subscriptions to sell, and each form was given an objective to meet. with each form racing to- wards its objective for the cam- paign which lasted two weeks. The form which reached its objective first was Grade 12 Special Com- mercial and Marion Frazer ot Grade 12 led the student sales by selling $96. worth of subscriptions. The executive of the magazine ,sales campaign consisted of the following: Richard Edmunds. bus- iness manager; John Kell, treasur- er; George Felgate, advertising manager: Dilys Watley, assistant advertising manager; Marilyn Sni- der, Larry Briggs, sales managers. The student c0uncil representative in each form was sales captain. :- o I I: Boys' Senior Basketball - With only two players from last year‘s team back at school the out- look for a first class senior basket- ball team is none too bright. The present team lacks reserve strength and it is obvious that these boys will have to play to the limit of their ability in order to be con- sidered stiff contenders for the championship at the end of the season.. Hill District School REPORTERS Lawrence Johnston [ The junior boys' teams are ex- ceptionally strong this year, but they appear to be about one year away from a C.O.S.S.A. champion- ship. 0..- Grade 12 School Paper The main concern of students in Grade 12 and Grade 12 Special Commercial these days seems to be their form paper which they have called the Silhouette. Still in the planning stages the biggest problem at the moment is whether Ito get the paper mimeographed or printed. To be taken into con- sideration of course is the produc- ltion cost. I The staff of the Silhouette has been chosen with Elizabeth Max- well as the Editor-inâ€"Chief. Bruce Murchison is the associate editor and other reporters are Eleanor Smith, school news; Melba Baker, love lo‘rn column; Sylvia Easton and John Lancaster. sports; Ken Jarrett and Foster Hagan, humor .editors; Shirley Barnes, literary ‘editor; Mary Lou James, social ed- itor; Bob Miller, sales manager; lEllen Hooper, treasurer; Joan Try- ggve, business manager; Janet .Uren and Peter Large, designing, land proof readers Joanne Johnson and Marion Frazer. It is not known just when the paper will be published or how Of‘ ten but we hope it is in the very near future. It s s .- Your reporters will welcome any news from the forms in the school and we ask that it be handed in to either of us before the end of the school day each Monday, or if later, to the Liberal Office on Yonge Street. TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R. 1’, KING Phone King 3R11 Women‘s Institute The monthly meeting of the WW- I. was held at the home of Mrs. Maurice Beynon on November 14"» The roll call was to be answered by presenting a potted plant for auction and produced a variety of lovely donations. During the business period it was decided the euohres held by the W.I. at the Temperanceville Schoolhouse be started on Novemâ€" ber 20 at 8.30 p.m. Mrs. Thomas Dibb very kindly offered to donate the ladies prizes for the first euch- re. Everyone is welcome. Ladies please supply refreshments. Current Events were read dur- ing the meeting by Mrs. B. Palmer and Mrs. E. Paxton. We are very proud of the fact that Miss Mae Harman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arwood Harman of the community received two scholarships at the University of Toronto. It was decided the funds received from the salad plants which Mrs. N. Thompson conducted, and inci- dentally added much mirtih. to the meeting should be given to the Unitarian Relief in aid of the pur- chase of a tractor for Mesovouno in Northern Greece. The proceeds realized from the sale of plants amounted to $20.00. ‘ Letters of appreciation were re- ceived from Mrs. D. Chalk and Mrs. Bowen for the bank books given to their babies. Mrs. C. Bey- non read a lovely letter from our sister institute in Scotland to whoin we had sent the gift of a luncheon cloth designed with the emblems of Canada. Mrs. D. Chalk had received and read a letter from our little adopted girl in France who is so appreciative of any help received from us. Splendid reports were given on the W.I. convention held at the Royal York by Mrs. G. Baldwin, Mrs. F. Hare, Mrs. Nelson Thomp- son, M-rs. McClure and Mrs. C. Beynon, which were of great inter. est to the members unable to at- tend. Mrs. H: Clark, Mrs. T. Dibb "1d Mrs D. Chalk served a lunch. .T C... On Thursday, November 15, the ‘.V.A. and W.M.S. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. W. Jen- nings. The scripture was read by Mrs. McClure from the 25th Chap~ ter of St. Matthew. The theme 01‘ the topic “The Talent” was read by Mrs. W. Jennings and was follow- ed by prayer. Mrs. W. Hudson conducted the business meeting during which time it was dceided the WA. purchase 1.0 dozen bleached bags to be used to make articles for next year’s bazaar. On November 23 the Temper- anceville W. A. bazaar will be held in the church basement The Sun- day School will be in charge of the candy counter and will donate the money to the M&M Fund. Ladies please remember to bring your “touch and take” parcels not cost- ing more than 25c. Mrs. F. Boys!" Mrs. F. Bell and Mrs. N. Rumble ar on the price committee. Mrs. Stewardson offered to assist. C C C O \V . A Under the auspices of the W.A. a supper will be held in the church basement for the children of the Sunday School on December ‘21. Other entertainment will be plan- ned by the Sunday School Super- intendent, Mr. Wm. Mitchell and the teachers. It was the desire of the members t) send a gift to Rev. Harold Mod- dle who is now residing in Alber- ta. A cheque for $25.00 will be Toronto held a. luncheon on Wed- nesday, November 14, in honour ot \meet at the home of Mrs. J. Par- ‘McLellan on Nov. 1‘5th‘. sent with our blessing. A lovely letter of appreciation for the fruit and cards which she received was read from Mrs. F. Wilkins. Providing Mrs. Wilklns is able, the ladies have nominated her to draw up a slate of officers for 1952 to be read at the Decem- ber meeting. e e e e Reminder Please attend the Anglican W. A. bazaar held at Ridge Inn on Nov- ember 29 in the afternoon about 2 o’clock. I C I O Kiwanis Club The Downtown Kiwanis Club of the young people in the Calf Clubs and Junior Girls projects. Mr. Ron- ert Beynon who received the award in the Calf Club of a five day trip to the Ontario Agricultural Con- ege was given the presentation during the luncheon. Master Ger- ald Jennings who received two firs. prizes for 111' Holstein calf in the calf club was also a guest. The girls who took the projects “Work- ing with Wool” and “The Milky Way" also had the pleasure of att- ending the luncheon. All these young people attended the Royal Winter Fair in the afternoon as“ the Kiwanis Club guests. Mrs. Macklin is assisting Mrs. E. Phillips in this work with the Jun- ior Girls who are taking the pro- ject, “Cottons may be smart” this season. The Smocking Club will son, King on‘ Thursday even’l’ng November 29th. _ The King Craft Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. G. B. Beatt; on Wed. Nov. 28th. The members of King Smocking group agreed to join the King Craft Guild dur- the business discussion at the meeting held at the home of Mrs. .l‘. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Paxton & family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Paxton on Sunday. ,Mr. and ‘Mrs. B. Palmer and Sharon visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Parsons Sunday evening. Sharon was one of the fortunate young- sters to see Santa Claus in Toronâ€" to on November 17th. 8| O '3 0 Mrs. Wendell Simpson of Winni- -peg and Mrs. Winifred Howell 01 St. George sisters of H. W. Howell were guests of Sergeant and Mrs. Howell all this past week. C $ t 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paxton and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Willett, Toronto. *ll‘t Sargeant & Mrs, Howell motor- ed to Hamilton with their guests on Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Howell and family. ON DEC. 3 X Make Sure Of STAN TINKER FOR TRUSTEE Richmond Hill Public School Board For Information Phone Richmond Hill 333M RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. JACKSON TAYLOR I Phone Richmond Hill 367R22 ________ A speaker from the Ontario Pro- vincial Police in the district will give an address on “Safety” at the next Junior Red Cross meeting in the school on Friday, November 29 at 2 p.m. A suitable programme is being arragned by the executi\‘.. Parents are invited to attend. C O U U Women Workers The Vaughan Women Workers have completed their plans for the baking competition. bazaar and afâ€" ternoon tea being held in Richvale School on Saturday, December 1. commencing at 2.30 p.m. Look elsewhere in this issue for entries for baking competition. O... A minstrel show under the sponâ€" sorship of the Group Committee for Scouts and Cubs is planned for early next year and a hunt for talent is now on. If anyone is in- terested would he or she please get in touch with Mrs. M. F. Fen- ner at the post office or with Mix. H. Ince, 158 Spruce Ave, tele- phone Richmond Hill 3671‘ing13. tttt Sunday night was Parents’ night at the Masonic Hall and after the service the Sunday School teachâ€" ers met with the parents in an in- formal social hour. Mr. Stuart Peterson spoke on Remembrance, Ecclesiastes 12:1. 0 t O O Rntepayers’ Meet Central Ratepayers’ Committee recently set up is sponsoring a meeting in Thornhill United church hall, one block west of Yonge St., on No. 7 Highway, on Monday ev- ening, November 26, at 8 p.m. to which the public is invited to hear the candidates for the municipal offices of reeve, deputy-reeve and councillors. LL Mrs. A. Cheeseman of Acton. England, arrived at Malton by air last Thursday afternoon after a rough trip. She has come to stay in Canada and will live at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Burnes. A married son is living in Toronto. 0 O C 0 Mr. Harry Legge from VVoodâ€" bridge visited his mother and step- father, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fagen, over the week-end. l O t t \V. A. Richvale Anglican W. A. are to hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Webb, 68 Edgar Aye, on November 28, at 2.30 p.m. Paper Drive O O O Q The paper Drive will be held on Saturday weather permitting and your courtesy in putting out the bundles securely tied would be much appreciated by the Scouts, Guides, Brownies and Cubs who will be doing the collecting. TENDERS For Wiring Arena Tenders for the re-wiring 0f the Richmond Hill Arena will be received by the undersigned up un- til December 15, 1951. Apply to Mr. L. 9. Manager H.E.P.C. Richmond Hill for plans and specifications. Low- est Or any tender not necessarily Roy, Area accepted. Russell Lynett Clerk Village of Richmond Hill Pagets Auto Service Complete Repairs on all makes of cars Specialists on English Cars BLUE SUNOCO GARAGE ELGIN MILLS Tel. Richmond Hill 516 Sunoco Gas Derek J. Paget, Proprietor Sunoco Oil Advertisement Advertisement THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, Nov. 22, 1951 3 ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS HART llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllll 2:3 5 .- Eâ€" E Attractive Town And Country Properties For Sale Write or Phone REPRESENTING AND SONS HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. 0 BRICK Desirable Location and at Reasonable Prices HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, Phone 435-R J.A. .WILLOUGHBY 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN e PLYWOOD . INSULATION o SEWER PIPE o WEEPING TILE 0 ROLL 'ROOFINGS o ASPHALT SHINGLES Q INSUL BRIC SIDING .GYPROC BOARD & LATH .DONNACONA BOARD & LATH Q CEILING & BATHROOM TILE Bowden Lumber & Coal Co, Ltd. ’L’mdmen foo ” PHONE RICHMOND HILL 608 STOP 23 YONGE ST. After hours call Craig Bowden, Richmond Hill 415M TARRRRRRRRlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllRllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Advertisement Advertisement FROM “THE LIBERAL” OF ONE YEAR AGO I “Would-be candidate may issue injunction. stopped from qualifying as a candidate for'Vaughan township thru er- C. G. Baker claiming he was rors on the Assessment roll, may issue an injunction to stop the elec- tion.” To The Electors 0f Vaughan Ladies and Gentlemen: You no doubt read in the press a year ago that the writer was anticipating an attempt to stop the last election, but, considering the cost to you taxpayers, I decided it would be However, I would like to lay the facts as they were before you for your unfair to you. consideration. McDonald at his home and drew his attention to a tax bill in my possession which was an assessment for business purposes. said was not sufficient to qualify as Councill- I made a personal visit to the Depart- ment of Muncipal Affairs and was told that 'this business tax would qualify me. Now I ask you good people Of Vaughan Township, is that fair play after polling over 500 votes the year' previous. Thanks to our democratic way of living you will have a chance of voicing your objections. therefore ask you to remember.these facts -when you are asked to vote for a representa- tive government in our distict. to serve you at all times. A year ago when I found that my name was left off the assessment roll, I called Mr. or. Yours very truly, 159 Spruce Avenue, This he I would I am ready C. G. BAKER, Box 80, Richvale 1 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE Having made sure the voters’ list is correct this year it is my intention to offer myself as your candidate .. I can be of help to you. So Vo te ~ C. G. BAKER, December 3, and help yourself to better township ad- ministration for 1952. VOTE FOR C. G. BAKER llIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllll1Rlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm g ,;

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