10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1951 ‘ Y My sincere thanks to all those who worked for me and voted for, me, re-electing me as trustee of the School Area Board, Number 1 Markham and Vaughan at last Monday’s election. MAPLE, ONT. I'lkhfll. Von bakes six p... , O glam e or u 35 blown. O muons“: oven cooks n“ you' n cy. hflorc d war. PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED PHONE - RICHMOND HILL 86 FOR PRESCRIPTIONS ATTENTION !â€! ATTENTION ! ! ' DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU BLOUSES 78A Yonge St. S. E t f ' YARD Goons x enswe range 0 plece goods at clearing prices (“ï¬brin frmts BROADCLOTHS Plain Cottons Rayon Prints Tai‘fetas Plain Rayons erry's Pharmacy OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 4 RM. SATURDAY, DEC. 8 Priced at $1.25 to $3.75, regular $3.00 to $7.00 values With Christmas Just Around The Corner You Can’t Afford to Miss THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES MAYI'AIR MFG. CO. In Sincere Appreciation ,Come in New! Lei III demonstrate Men ï¬ne Frigidaire Appliances. END OF SEASDN CLEARANCE DF SAMPLES DVERCUTS - SECONDS - YARD GDDDS Albert E. Wilkins Various Styles and Prices South of Yerex Electric Sizes 10-44 Sizes 12-44 PHONE 164 “Elmer†the Safety Elephant has arrived at Carrville public school. A very impressive ceremony was held at Carrville school on Wed- nesdayrafternoon when Elmer, who never forgets was placed at his apâ€" pointed place on the flag pole. Con stables Ernest Bone and William Adams of Vaughan Township pol‘ ice force conducted the ceremony with Constable Bone doing most ot the honors and giving the children a. talk on the rules of safety ‘t was most ï¬tting that Constable Bone performed this duty as he was a Carrville school boy a few “Elmer†years ago. The above chart is based on ï¬gures released by the International Labor Organization, one of the Specialized Agencies associated with the United Nations. The chart shows a comparison of the most re- cent 1951 ï¬gures available to ILO at Geneva with the ï¬gures for the corresponding period in 1950. In some cases, ï¬gures are complete through the month of March; others are for January or February. Richmond Hill GERMANY (WESTERN) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC COST OF LIVING AROUND THE WORLD INCREASE DECREASE UNITED KINGDOM JNITED STATES SOUTH AFRICA LUXEMBOURG WITZERLAND Mr. Jerry Toner of the DENMARK THAILAND BELGIUM LEBANON AUSTRIA FINLAND ICELAND |RELAND NORWAY CEYLON SWEDEN CANADA FRANCE MEXICO iREECE ISRAEL EGYPT BURMA ITALY IRAN CARRVILLE NEWS Com: Mn. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130:8 (Per cent of change in one year) 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Evening Telegram was present to take pictures. Miss Susan Field- ing of Carrville, Miss Donna Perry of Maple and Bob Snider of Con- cord were chosen to represent their schools to receive the pennants. Mr. Stanley Wood of the Sch001 Board aid Ihe hoped the kiddies would keep the flag flying; also Mr. Middleton expressed the same sen- timents on behalf of ~the Home and Scho'ol. Mr. A. Sohm, the senior teach- er said Ihe was very pleased that “Elmer†had come to Carrville and he would do his best to keep the children alert to try and keep the flag flying. Mr. Featherston, the junior teacher, expressed his sen- timents and thought the children were very much aware of the rules of Elmer, who never forgets. Constables Bone and Adams and Mr. Jerry Tener were very busy men as they had ceremonies at Con- cord and Maple as well.. So child- ren of Carrville, Concord and Map- le see who can keep the flag flying the longest. The safety rules are: 1. Look both ways before you cross the street. 2. Keep out from between park- ed cars. The many friends of Miss Annie Bone will be sorry to know she is ill, but hope she will soon be well again. Miss Bone is with her sis- ter at Maple. Mr. Robert Middleton, Miss Mar- ion Middleton, Miss Evah Shep- pard, Mrs. E. Lewis and Susan Lewis attended the 70th Vaughan Township Sunday School Conven- tion=at Thornhill United Church on Thursday, November 29. Mr. Middleton was elected president again for the coming year. 4. Play games in a safe place, away from traï¬ic. 5. Walk, don’t run, when you leave the curb. Congratulations to - Kenneth Wood who baked a cake and enter- ed in the baking competition. He received second prize at Richvale on Saturday. Want a good attendance at that concert or bazaar or whatever it may be? Then try an insertion in the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. It does the job for you at low cost. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 9. 3. Ride your bicycle safely, obey all signs and signals. ,Sincere sympathy is expreSSed to Mr. Percy Hill and his family in the very sudden death of a loving wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waters, with Velma and Joyce of Toronto spent the week-end at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Perring. Vaughan Convention Wedding Anniversary A joint celebration was held at Johe home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Line, Slherwood, when Mr. and Mrs. W. J. B. Westerfeld of Mount For- est, celebrated their ï¬ftieth wed- ding anniversary, the date being November 13, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Line celebrated their thirty- ï¬fth wedding anniversary, the 8th of November. Mr. Westerfeld is a brother' of Mrs. Line. Mr. and Mrs. E. V Keï¬'er of Toronto visited Mrs. I. WatSOn and Mr. Heber and Jackson Cook on Saturday and attended the ba- zaar of St. Stephen’s Anglican Wo- men’s Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robson, King and Mrs. Frank Johnston, Toronto visited last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Manning. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey and family spent Saturday with Mrs. Bailey's parents Mr. and Mrs- John Browning Nobleton. Mrs. William Skidmore had an appendectomy in Brampton Hespi- tal and is well on the road to re- covery. It is hoped she will soon be around again. Friends of Mr. Ernie Brock will be sorry to learn he is ill at his home with a lheart condition. A speedy recovery is hoped for him. Teams bowling Monday, Decem- ber 10, are Oddfellows 1 and 2 and Lions 1 and 2. High lady for Monday November 26, for one game was Dorothy Joslin with a. score of 254 and for three games with a score of 623. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Samuel Ireland in the loss of her brother, Thomas Fu‘anklin Hesp, of 45 Hewitt Ave. Toronto who passed away Friday N0vembe1- 30, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto. Interment was in Laurel Hill Cem- etery, Bolton, Ontario. Mr- Gordon Tetley of King was the guest speaker at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church on Sunday even- mg. Heather Miller has been ill and conï¬ned to bed and her chums hope to see her around and at school soon. Mrs. L. Dowdall underwent an op- eration in St. Michael’s Hospital, Torontb, on Friday, November 30. Her many friends Wish "her a speedy recovery. Bowling News The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Anglican Churo’h, Maple held its annual bazaar and tea on Saturday, December 1 in Maple Masonic Hall. Mrs. Alex Strach- an,president of the organization officially opened the bazaar with words of Welcome to those present. The home baking table was laden with delicious food which sold very quickly and almost every visitor to the flower both carried away a beautiful bouquet of mums. The aprons and other useful articles were mostly sold «before 5 and the candy and touch and take booths reported a good proï¬t. In all $250 was realized with which the small group of about twelve members felt very well pleased. Mvrs. Arthur Lawrie was the winner of the beautiful quilt, don- ‘ll\llll\lll\lllllllllllliml“ml“\\\\ll“llll\l“ll\l\llllllllllll\l\l\lllll\llllllllllll1lllll\lllll\1l1“lml\llll\l\11lll\\\ll\l\ll“\\l\\1\111\ll\\\“ll\\l\“ï¬lm\lulllllllllulllll1l\llll\lllullululllllulll“l\l\l\1\\\l\1\\1l\llll\lIll“!ll\\\lll\l\\\\1\ll“\lllll\“\l\\“I“lullmllllllllllll“mml\llllllllll“Il\l\\\l\\lï¬m“mm\llllllll\lllllllllllï¬llllmï¬' CORRESPONDENT -â€" MRS. D. ALLEN Cret Your Order In, Early I ' Avoid Delay I _ pen/104w! gazedâ€; 66W MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R 25 Cards with YOUR name imprinted $2.50 to $3.50 or if a better quality card is desired $3.95 to $8.95 Prices include White Vellum envelopes Larger and small orders handled at reasonable prices ated by Mrs. Isaac Watson. Th05e receiving consolation prizes on the draw were Miss Mary Carson and Mrs. Fred Martin who is the wife of the CNR agent and has just re- cently moved here. Mrs. Frank Robson was the winner of a doll for guessing the number of but- tons in a jar. The ladies of the auxiliary wish to thank all those who patronized r" contributed in any way to the success of the bazaar. Norma Lund is ill in bed with acute rheumatic fever, her friends wish her a quick recovery. 7 “We. There will be a weaving demonstration. Program and lunch committee: Mrs. M. Palmer, Mrs. John Leece, Mrs. F. S. Rumble and Mrs. Peter Waters. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Sun- day School and Congregational Christmas Supper will be held in the Sunday School room on Friday; December 14, at 6.30 pm. There will be the usual Christmas tree and’ a short program- M. s. Kitcï¬eson, B.A., D.C. Dr. of Chiropractic and conngctefi with a clinic in Weston and having an office in Woodbridge, will have an office in Maple adjoining White’s barber shop, The December meeting of Maple Women’s Institute will be held in the home of Mrs. Wills Maclachlan Topic Canadian Industries. Roll call, name a Canadian Industry and bring a donation for the Old Folks At the Young Peoples meeting of Maple United Church on Wednes- day evening all enjoyed the ï¬lm shown by Mrs./ Fletcher of her trip to Western Canada last sum- mer. Dorothy Jarrett, citizenship convenor was in charge of the White Gift Sea-vie will be ob- served in Maple United Church on Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. meeting Home.†No need to send a lot of notices about that function your club is staging. Use 3 “Coming Events" notice in The Liberal. Low in cost, it will command much attention. Telephone Richmond Hill 9. ‘Dr. of Chiropractic Location adjoining White's Barber Shop For appointment phone 52 Maple Hours: Saturday only 2-6 p.m. 63 Yonge Street South "THE LIBERAL" MAPLE CHIROPRACTOR M. S. Ketcheson B. A., D.C.* 0 Used Household Appliance Store RICHMOND HILL at rear of Bank'of Nova Scotia RECONDITIONED & GUARANTEED ELECTRIC RANGES â€" REFRIGERATORS & COOK STOVES RANGETTES, WASHING MACHINES, VACUUM CLEANERS, ETC. MODERATE PRICES â€" AND TERMS IF NEEDED. v Her topic was “Your “Home Paper of The District Since 1878 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. DROP IN ANYTIME AT USED APPLIANCES DEPARTMENT emwg WHEAT KINGâ€"Holding a sheaf of his prize-winning Marquis Wheat. world's champion wheat king, 21-year-old Howard Roppel of Rockyford, Alta., wears his crown of victory with aplomb. Victor over last year's winner, 13-year-old Rickey Sharpe, Howard will have his name engraved on the Canadian National Railways’ giant wheat trophy which he won in competition at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. At presentation ceremonies he received an engraved silver tray and a cheque for $100. RICHVALE Modernize Your Kitchen NOW PAY ONE THIRD DOWN â€"- BALANCE IN 12 EASY PAYMENTS MODERN KITCHEN INSTALLATIONS Free Estimates TEL. RICHMOND HILL 443 PHONE 86