10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. CHOICE CHRISTMAS 'l‘l D. Julian, phone 67R2 Mapl ff E-Aâ€"NARY, singing Roller‘ Thornhill 211R3. RCA VICTOR RADIO, 1941 model perfect condition. Reasonable. Call 292 Richmond Hill. - *1w24 Hi PURE BRED Cooker Spaniels, blond, female, no papers. $10 each- Phone Thornhill 357W. c1w24 __________â€" GEESE FOR CHRISTMAS and New Year’s. Phone Maple 46113. condition, dark grey Maple 26W. BIRD CACE, chrome, green trim, ï¬Ã©w, cost $18.95 will sell for $12. Phone Richmond Hill 222. *1w24 ELECTRIC STOVE, 4-burner Mof- fat, 60 cycle $25.00. Phone 271 Richmond Hill 7 pm. *1w24 MAN’S HEAVY OVERC'QAT, J’AMESWAY COAL ABROO_DER used a few months Richmond Hill 134R22. BLACK FIGURE SKATES, size 8, ï¬estx offer. Richmond Hill 137R2. ‘ c1w24 ELECTR’iC STOVE 4-‘burner. At a sacriï¬ce $45.00. Phone Maple 70 R33 . c1w24 {BEAUTIFULiPink and blue Af- rican violets in bloom. Richmond Hill 343R21. c1w24 $10.00. Apply 10 Thornhillv ANNEX STOVE, good_condition, CHRISTMAS TREES 63 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill. Phone 427W. 7" *2w24 BROWN WINTER COAT, size 12, good condition, reasonable. Phone Mrs. F. Bunce, 99J Richmond Hill. I *1w24 HOCKEY SKATES, in good con- dition, with tendon guards, size 6 ï¬nd a half. Phone 457. Richmond Hill. c1w24 iSNow PLOW for M-H Pony trac Itor; roasting chickens, fresh killed, Will deliver in Richmond Hill. "per 1-b. Phone Richmond Hill 391 100 BUS. OF FEED TURNIPS. Apply Sam Mashintery 11/4 miles mirth of the Elgin Mills sideroad on Bathurst. c1w24 CHRISTMAS TREES, spruce and pine, large selection. Rice’s Flow- yunc, 10Lst .n.u...uv... u.-- er Shop, ange and Arnolé. 718d» mond Hill 490. c2w24 CHOICE YOUNG GEESE, orders ,fiken for Christmas and New Years. Phone Freeman Barker Richmond Hill 47R13. *1w24 W I1 PAIR GIRL’S Figure Skates, ’(size 2%; 1 pair child’s skates, size .1; 1 pair boy’s skates, size 4; 1 air goal pads. Phone Richmond ylill 35W. *1w24 SAXOPHONE, Conn E Flat Alto, [and Buffet B Flat Clarinet with Icase and stand for both. Reason- {able. Phone Riehmoyd Hill 454. 1; QUANTITY of rock wool insula- ‘tion; fock lathe; copper pipe and copper ï¬ttings. Wholesale. Apply W. S. Swindle, Stop 21, Westwood Lane, Léngstaï¬. clw24 APPLES $1.00 per bushel. Bring dontainer. Tell your neighbous. Earl Jackson, Steele’s Avenue West of Dufl’erin. Phone Maple 110 R13. - *1w24 FAINSWORTH automatic record player, hook-up to radio, plays 12 10 inch or 10 12 inch records. 60 éï¬'cle. Never used. Half price. Phone Thornhill 196W. c1w‘24 H'ANDWOVEN GIFTS. Bags: ev- é’n‘ing, summer, utility and sewing kits. Table linens. Towels. Scarves. E‘xclllsiVedesigns.Réady-made or to order. Phone T-homhill 64. ‘1‘le EOY’S SKATES, 0.0 M., boots sue 2, excellent condition. Boy’s suit, navy serge, 6-8 years. Good condition. Lamp shade trilight, new. Phone Thornhill 469W. c1w24 GONTESSA CAMERA, 9x12 cm. Filmpack, 4.5 tessar lens, compur ghutter. Case, tripod and ï¬llters go with camera. $50.00 or will swap for a sewing machine. Phone Thornhill 216R1‘2. c1w24 HUDSON SEAL COAT. new, size I6, to close estate $395.00; also sideboard, fumed oak, $20.00, in good condition. Phone Richmond Hill 568W evenings after 6 p.111.A PUPS FOR CHRISTMAS! Let Santa bring your youngster that ldng‘edafor pup! Scotch collies and Doberman Pinschers. All register- ed. Used to children. Phone 173 86 Richmond Hill. c1w24 CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge . 50c Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge 406 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c; min. charge 5% CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Ph¢ CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CHRIsiMAs TURKEY phone 67R2 Maple. c2w2- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES IERC'OAT, good ,1, size 44. Phone *1w24 Centre St. c1w24 Phone *1w24 c1w24 Phone *1w24 *1w24 2w24 CINDEIES, $5.00 a load. Phone Thornhill 634J. tchO USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 anu up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- "ion King 26R5. tfc44 For Sale (Continued) HAY & STRAW. Baled wheat and oat straw. Timothy mixed hay. Will deliver. N. Brodie, phone Richmond Hill 47R21. *2w23 CHRISTMAS TREES, freshly cut, aim; and bushy. Free delivery. Ap- ply Norman Bone, 30 Elizabeth St. HAND SPUN 100% Angora yarn and hand knit gloves, scarves, ber- erts, etc, white or dyed. Willowdale 2508. 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing. *4w21 WOODS electric grain grindef, 60 cycle, new; Massey-Harris seed drill, 13-hoe; steel roller, 3 drums; IHC Binder, 7 ft. J. H. Elliott, Richmond Hill, R. R. 1, phone 46 r11 Richmond Hill- c2w23 ORDERS received up to Friday noon for delivery Saturday morn: ing, for fresh roasting capons, 6 to 10 lbs.; also fresh eggs. Phone Nelson Boynton Richmond Hill 45 1'4. *4w23 1 LARGE Jacket Heater; 1 gear pump; durant parts; 1 satin dress, size 18, dresses size 14-16; coat, size 10; wool twill coat‘ size 18; 1 Christening gown. Apply lst hou5e Briggs Ave., half mile north No. 7 Highway. , , *1w24 BLOUSES, size 10-44; dresses, sizes 7â€"20; yard goods. Due to the success of last Saturday’s sale, We are remaining open again Satur- day December 15‘ 9 am. to 5 pm. Mayfair Mfg. Co , 78 Yonge St., next to Yerex Electric. c1w24 ‘ HELP WANTED SNOW FENCE, steel and wood fence posts used, 100 feet of 11/2 inch link wire 5 feet high new; 1 roll of Frost fencing, No. 1036 new; 2 man saw 10â€"2x6’s, 14 feet long, good used. Phone Richmond Hill 46R2. c1w24 THE PERFECT Christmas Gift for your wife, an ELNA Sewing Machine. Ring us up and ask for a demonstration in your home. The Elna may" be purchased on easy monthly payments. $66.00 down and $12.98 per month. Richmond Hill phone 242J Yerex Electric. FINANCE your next car through our money-saving plan and obtain complete insurance coverage. Phone W. Schurman Richmond Hill 407.14 c4w21 70 TO 75% PRODUCTION ALL WINTER on Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash at Bernard Poultry Farm, Balmoral N.B. That’s just one of the many examples of how Ful-Oâ€"Pep keeps production high and steady. Order Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash from us. I. D. Ramer & Son, Richmond Hill. FORD TOW TRUCK with winch extra equipment, cheap. Apply Ted’s Supertest, Henderson and Clarke Ave., Doncaster, Thornhill. *1w24 DROP-LEAF Duncan ‘Fyfe dinette table and four chairs, walnut; 9 cubic ft. electric Frigidaire, 60 cyc- le; McLary 4-burner electric range. All like new. Priced for quick sale. Phone 443J Thornhill or apply 105 Grandview, Stop 13A Yonge St. $8,500 AT STOUFFVILLE. New 3-bedroom 1 and a half storey home completely ï¬nished and ready for occupancy. $3,500‘down. Balance on easy terms. Call Murray Sinclair, Waverley 4338 or Stouffville 67W3. David McLean Ltd., realtbrs, Thornhill. c1w24 Richmond Hill District; about 8250 square feet of glass. Potting shed and garage connected. Steam heat, good boiler, oil heated. Frame house 4-room, 3-piece bath with shOWers, good dry cellar full length of house, with electric light throughout; an- out 3 acres of land. Will consider selling half interest to good grow- er. Phone Richmond Hill 598 or 46R21. 1;ch3 FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fens, Thornhil] 168 tfcll FOR SALE 3 GREENHOUSES, Thornhill 168 EXPERIENCED Radio Repair man part time (nights and Satur‘ days) 01' full time â€" good oppor- tunity to learn TV Servicing. If in- terested give qualiï¬cations and ex- perience. Box 59 The Liberal. c1w23 FOR REAL ESTATE. phone Fenn USED CARS AND TRUCKS Phone Richmond Hill 507. c3w23 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- 13, 1951 50c 40c 20c 50c c1w23 c1w24 tfc46 CUSTOM SNOW PLOWING. W H. Gooderham, Willowdale 250$. ‘ CALL P.‘ M. TONNER for mean, ï¬ne work. painting and decorating. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. tfc43 SAND, g ï¬ll. L. B Hi' 384J FLOOR SANDERS for rental. Ed- dy’s, 55 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 458.]. th7 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stzne, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, phone 632W. tfc42 PAINTING and decorating. High class work, low rates. R- Wooll- ings, phone Thornhill 221R24. n1 MECHANIC will swap work on your car for what have you. Call Bob Richmond Hill 137R2. c1w24 Rubber, mastic and lino tile and also arborite installations, guar- anteed workmanship. Richmond Hill 480M. '3w52tfc PAINTING and paperhar.ging, ï¬rst claSS work, reasonable rates, sam- plL books and free estimates. A. Rollinson, phone Richmond Hill 414M. tfc16 viger Dbmestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk. Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 COMBINATION DOORS, storm sash made to order. C. B. Stout énburg, 32 Richmond St., phohe Richmond Hill 49QR. tfch SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS, to all makes, new and used ma- chines, treadles converted to smart electric portables. For information call Reid’s Cleaners, Richmond Hill 625. tfc8 WINDOW FRAMES, sash, storm windows, check rail sash, casement sash, door frames, octagon window frames and sash. Aubrey Nico], Elan Mills, Richmond Hill 134R31. tfc24 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., AGENCY FOR Toronto Washing Machine Co. Repairs to all makes of washing machines. Reconversion. Pick-up and delivery. Fast ser- vice. Reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Phone Thornhill 285 R23. clw24 OCEAN CHEMICAL Agency. New lastex paints, insecticides, soap and waxes. Mothprooï¬ng done right in your own home.Fumigation for all insects and rodents. Satis- faction guaranteed. Days phone Toronto Gladstone 7’711. Evenings phone Thornhill 214R22. c1w2! for rent. Apply Box 63 The Lib- éral. ' *1w_24 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS in bun- galow. Separate entrance, privi- leges. Child welcome. . Phone Thornhill 443W. c1w24 CEMENT MIXER fr rent; gaso- line‘ day or week. C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave. W. Zone 8-627. tfcll MODERN Service Station business TWO OR MORE partly furnished rooms January, centrally located. MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITERS: For rent by day, week, month or longer. Special students’ rates. Phone Richmond Hill 323W. ,. *2w23 THREE-BEDROOM home to rent, 1% miles to school. Car almost es- sential, $100 monthly, 1 year lease. Call Murray Sinclair, Waverley 4338 or Thornhill 12. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors, Thornhill. COUPLE with 2 young children require 3 or more rooms or house. Reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 521R22. clw24 OFFICE SPACE on Yonge Street, suitable for lawyer in Richmond Hill area. Call Alan Dignan and Associates, Toronto Melrose 5749. *4w24 LADY WOULD LIKE 2 rooms, bedroom and living room in reï¬ned hams in vicinity of Willowdale or Thornhill. Phone Toronto Midway 2690- clxxv24 USED Doll Carriage in good con- dition. Apply Box 61 The Liberal. *1w24 GOOD .CLEAN used newspaper, preferably in 50 pound bundles. Concord Floral 00., phone Maple 115. clw24 CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. ')on’t sell until contacting \V. S. Appleton‘ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. Phone King 59R14. tfc17 EFRIGERATION Sales and S_er_ Ichmond Hill Box 235 Richmond Hill. *2w24 ï¬rilliflger, phone Richmond LJ. .tfc43 gravel, c'rushed stpn} and NILE TILE CO. WANTED TO RENT TO RENT POULTRY WANTED WANTED *13w23 c4w24 c1w24 tic TRANSPORTATION wanted from TRANSPORTATION Richmond" Hill to vicinity hours 9 t 640J . 2 PASSENGERS WANTED leav- ing from Stop 24 daily at 6.45 am. réaching Fleeg andflChflerr‘ry by [1.25 a.m. 7 Call Richmond Hill 137R2. ' ' c1w24 ANYONE between Richmond Hill and Thornhill interested in form- ing car pool driving down town, arriving 8.30 a.m., leaving 5 p.m.‘ phone l‘I‘hornhill 261r5. zxzz c1w24 mond Hill 45R3] A SOW AND YOUNG PIGS. Also bupch of young pigs. Apply to Chapman Farm, Stop 20 Yonge St. Langstaff. Phone Thornhill 124r2. c1w24 2 HEIFERS, due to freshen, Rich: 1 HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALF. Maple bred. Apply J. W. Steph- enon, R. R. 2 Gormley. c1w24 YOUNG WOMAN desires house- work in Richmond Hill. Phone Rich~ mond Hill 288J. c1w24 WILL BOARD CHILDREN by the day. Mrs. A. Goodchild, Hender- son Avenue, Doncaster, Thornhill. Phone 14R2 Thornhill. - c1w24 KLERT MAN available 8 am. to 5 p.111. daily, Saturday 9 11.111. to 12.30 p.m. Any type of work con- sidered. Apply Box 62 The Liberâ€" al. *1W24 SAT., DEC. 15 â€"â€" Auction Sale at the new Stoufl‘ville Livestock Sales Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty: fresh cows, springers, heif ers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses. (Pick-up and delivery can be arâ€" ranged.) Come early, bring some- thing to sell. This is your commun- ity sale. “You bring. it, we’ll sell it.†Sale every Saturday at 1 p.m. Make this your market where buy- ers and sellers meet. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers. tfc ACTIVE, ALERT, Intelligent, 40 years old, married. Can drive, sell, do general repairs. Has had din- ing room experience. Can paint and paper. A good public speaker. Phone Richmond Hill 438W. c1w24 SAT, DEC. 15 â€" Auction Sale of antique walnut furniture, orna- ments, articles, household furnitâ€" ure, tools, garden tools etc, on Station St., Unionville, Ont. the property belonging to the estate of the late J. H. Ohant. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken & Clarke‘Prentice, auctioneers. THURS, DEC. 20 â€"â€" Auction sale of herd of Holstein Cattle, New John Deere tractor and plow, new Case Forage harvester complete, new Forage blower with 60 ftpipe, self unloading wagons, cut hay and ensilage, farm stock, impleâ€" ments etc. On lot 29, con. 5 Pickâ€" ering Twp. just east of Whitevale, property of D. S. Turner- Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve Ken' & Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. Wanted, an older type sol- idly constructed house in Richmond Hill. Must have 4 bedrooms. Early possession not essential. Client has sub- stantial cash. Call John McGinnis SALE REGISTERS David McLean Ltd. DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 CAMPBELL MINK HOUSE WANTED Wholesale & Retail all year round Special prices and arrange- ments for people who pick them up. EGG GRADING STA l‘lON Woodbridge on No. 7 ngy. Phone 104.] Woodbridge EMPLOYMENT WANTED OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Thornhill 12 Realtors, Thornhill EGGS†to Yonge and Queen 9 to 5. Lady. Phone *1w24 also 1w23 This time Gormley has establish- ed a record for on December 7, lit- tle Jerry Sudayko found a pansy growing in their flower bed still fresh and-untouched by the frost. Miss Irene Ma per guest of Mi Sunday evening Mrs. Helen DeWitt 'and Joyce 0f Stouffville were week-end vi51tors with Mrs. George Leary. We are sorry to :eport that Mr. A. Leek has had another very sick spell and we wish him a speedy re- turn to his "usual health†‘ This Tnursday; December 13, the noted Harvey Triplets >_ will: cele- brate their second birthday.‘ Con- gratulations Barbara, Brenda and Bonnie! ‘Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Chapman and family of Queensville were supper guests recently with Mrs. George Leary]. \h-er déath Miss Farmer had" been cared for in a private nursing home in NeWmarket.‘ Last Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. Doner 'ehtertained Mr. and Mrs. G. French,“ Mr. and Mrs. F. Harvey and' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doner in their home on the occasion of the 35th wedding anâ€" niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey also the birthdays of‘Mrsl L. Dun- er and Mr. C. Doner. May we 1d-d our congratulations. We extend “sympathy to the Far- ner family on the death of Miss Mary Farmer early on Saturday._ Mr. and Mrs. Harflrey Hansber- :er of V‘ineland ~visited Mr.’ and Mrs. F. Harvey several days this week, .prior to their departure for Tlorida for the winter. Mrs. E- Hunt. Mrs. S. Doner, Jrjs. C. 'James, Mrs. LeVi Hoover 1nd Rut‘h attended a surp‘ï¬se birth- .iay party at Daily Manor in Stou- Tville on Monday afternoon in hon- Or of Miss Priscilla Pipher. Ratepayers 'Atiast week’s Ratepayers? meet- ing the Vaughan Women Workers turned over to the association $180 which was the result of bake sales and a bazaar. Appreciation for the sustained efforts of this ener- getic group was voiced by the mettingv The entertainment com- mittee turned in $50 also. Mrs. Charles Houston 'has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Warwick of Hunts Lane for a Week and1 has returned to Emeryville in Essex County. ' A farewell party was held on Friday for' Master Barrie Smith, Oak Avenue, who is accompanying his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith on a trip to England the latter part of this Week. Guests at the party were Elizabeth and Christine Elliott, Jennifer Good‘ Ings, Carol Bentley, Diane and EV< elyn Forest, David ‘Elliott, Rance Marples, Wayne Bardéau, Jeffrey Elliott and Wafren Go‘odings. 01‘14Sunday Mr. and' Mrs. W. J. Smith 'with'a few close friends present held ah enjoyable pre- Christmais dinner for their sen, qudOn and his family, whose pas- sage is booked for a trip to Eng- land this week. Mrs. Coull and her daughter El- izabeth and son Ian are leaving for Scotland' by “North Star†on Friday, Weather permitting. Mrs. Leonard Marples and son llance left o’n Wednesday for New York from where they will sail aboard the Franconia for England. Master Howard Martin’s trouble as been diagnosed as_a mild case of polio and there seems to be an appreciable improvement; Scouts On Monday evening Acting As- sisiant Scoutmgsper Glen Tul'nbui] and Troop Leader Frank Martin were awarded their Réd Cords which means they have earned twelve. proï¬ciencyhadges. Troop Leader B‘ill Robson :was awarded '1isiG1'een Coru whic‘h Ineans six groï¬ciency badges have been earn- An echo of the Royal Tour was heard the other day when it was iearned that OSSMS Mervyn Alex. inder, son oer. and Mrs. Nor- man Alexander \Sr., who joined the Royaeranadian Navy last Febru- ary was stationed at Vancouver and was a member of the Honor Guard when Their Highnesses, the Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of' Edinburgh sailed. from Vancou- ver to Victoria. Among the news photos at the tintc was one of this Honour Guard and the paper came out the next day with a comment on Seaman Mervyn Alexander, the only sailor who obeyed the order “Eyes Front†when the Princess passed by. Mrwand Mrs. James Allen parâ€" ents of MrsLS. Ficht are new per- manent residents of Richvale. Mr. and Mrs. C. P- Lord have returned ’to their home on Spruce Avenue. Correspondent: Mrs. J. J. Taylor Tel. Richmond Hill 3671122 Correspondent: Mrs. Allan Doner Phone Stoufl’ville 67104 GORMLEY RICHVALE Mashinter was a sup- Miss Vera Doust last N5IDODGE4CRUSADERâ€CLUB COUPE only 2200 miles 1931 PREFECT SEDAN 11,000 miles, heater and defroster $250.00 1940 DIAMOND T 2 TON STAKE ‘IIIEIIHEFIIUIF RELIABLE USED CARS R.D. LITTLE & SUN Ltd. Ford & Monarch Sales & Service Showroom open Mon., Wed. and Fri. evenings until 9 p.m. PHONE 174, RICHMOND HILL ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1949 AUSTIN V2 TON PANEL Excellent condition JACKSONVILLE $50.05 MIAMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59.65 LOS ANGELES . .. . $96.25 NEW ORLEANS . . .. $49.60 Maple. Ont THIS WEEK‘S SPECIAL 1931 FORD CL'STOM 2-DOOR whitewall tires and automatic transmission only 1800 miles new car warranty DEFICIENCIES CAL’SE PIG PROBLEMS It’s the ‘lack’ of certain Vit- amins and Minerals that cause most of our pig rais- in}; trouble. NIXON’S PEL- LAGREX contains Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements that help you raise pigs pro- ï¬tably. Ask us for literature on this NEW. PRACTICAL METHOD for RAISING PIGS. ROBERTS’ RADIAL STATION 1938 FORD 4 DOOR SEDAN Tickets and Information at Perry’s Pharmacy Truck Specials $595.00 FARMERS! FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP (Surcharge Included) 1939 FORD COACH (Sub/cc! to change) $2,095.00 $425.00 $895.00 $375.00 PHONE I77 Phone 164 ELECTMCW l4‘/2 MGR! 2 OZ. EGGS EACH! - For Servrce at it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY PHONE 10 I. D. RAMER & SON; 11-year Egg Production Chart shows that in l 5 Egg Laying Contests birds raised on Ful-O- Pep Growing Mash averaged laying 14.53 more 2 oz. eggs than birds raised on other feeds! Proof again that Ful-O-Pep grows the best pullets! FUL‘O-PEP GROWING MASH permits Heavy Grain reading! The high quality nutrients of Ful-O-Pep allow you to feed less Mash and more grain! You save on Mash and grow sturdier, more mature birds that produce more (and bigger) eggs! Notice to Farmers TELEPHONE R|CHMOND HILL 1545 1945 1947 1943 1949 1550