Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1951, p. 1

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Richard MacNaughton who last spring rewrote the Assessment Blotters for the convenience of Mr. Robertson is to receive the sum of Lloyd Finnigan advised the own- cil that he would construct such Vaughan Township Council held a. regular meeting at the Council Chambers, Maple, last week. Reeve John Hostrawser was in the chair with all the Council members pres- ent. Mr. Cal Wilton, a salesman far the Daymond Co. Ltd. discuSSed with the Council the performance of the W-K Spreaders to be attach- ed to trucks and used for spread- ing sand, calcium chloride, etc. Af- ter some discussion by the Counâ€" cillors the following resolution was passed. It was moved by Albert Mr. Bennett of the Ball Sub-div- ision discussed with the Council the draining of water over his property and advised that due to the construction of roads, the am- ount of water passing OVel' his property had been‘increased. In view of the above he served notice on behalf of his legal counsel that the Township of Vaughan were be- ing held responsible for such dam- age as may result. Council direct- ed that the matter be referred to the Township Engineer and enquir- ies be made relative tmplacing the same under an award made under the provisions of the Ditches and Watercourses Act or the Municipal Drainage Act. The Township police constables requested that the council lend suf- ficient money in order that police officers may acquire a new car, and that monthly deductions be made from the remuneration granted the police officer. This matter was held over to a late. meeting. fintherford and seconded by James obson that. the Township of Vaughan with the approval of the Department of Highways, purchase a Wâ€"K Spreader with a power takeâ€" off, suitable to be attached to the Township truck, at a price of'$833. tch basins and inStall the necessâ€" a y tile as shown on the plan pre- pared by Mr. Ewing and approved by Mr. Babcock for a price of $6,. 431.44. In View of the decision of the council to request the Town- ship Engineer to make an award relative to the same, no action was tal'en and the Clerk was directed to advise Mr. Ball of the action contemplated by the council. Mr. Roberts, Harold Cragg and Dr- King discussed with the coun- cil the need of open land for sew.- age, disposal when large buildings are erected for multiple uses, sim- ilar to that proposed by Mr. Black- burn. Council deferred any action in this regard pending further dis- cussion of this matter with Mr. Blackburn. NEWMARKET: A clothes thief, running rampant in Newmarket re- cently, stripped five lines of clothes hung out to dry in the area of Eag- le, Andrew and Timothy Streets. The thefts took place between 5 and 7 p.m. . Vaughan Township. Council Holds Busy Regular Session Reesor MARKHAM: Joseph Fry was el- ected reeve of Markham Village in last week’s voting, defeating the present incumbent, Edward Reeve by a 195 vote majority. Councillors elected were Edwin Rofi‘ey, Nick Schoten, 0. B. Heisey and C. W. bUTTON: Indian residents of Georgina. Island, Lake Simcoe, headed by Chief Lorenzo Big Can- oe. will this week end a state of isolation from the mainland which exists each year in the Spring and Fall when the ice-bridge is either breaking up or in the making. They are laying, at a cost of $4500 to themselves, a telephone cable con- necting the island with the Pefl’er- law switchboard on the mainland. SCARBORO: Richard Edmunds of Richmon_d Hill, district governor of Lions International, along with Jack Roxborough, president of the Ontario Hockey Association and Scarboro’s reevc Oliver'Crockford assisted in the opening ceremon- ies of the Scarboro Lions Memor- ial Arena before 2,000 fans last week. ! Next DOOI‘ WOODBRIDGE: The 260 acre farm of Mr. E. M. Risebrough of Eld- er’s Mills, said [to be one of the largest and best equipped in Vau- ghan Township, has lately been sold to Mr. Wilbert P- Wardlaw of R. R. 3 Woodbridge. Eighty-two per cent of the eligible voters cast their ballots and elected the following to council: Dr. G. D. McLean, Robert N. Mitchell, Bay- ard L. Bryant, Leo G. R. Watson. WOODBRIDGE: The most sur- prising upset in district elections took place in Woodbridge last week when Grant Henderson, reeve of the village for two years, lost out to Fred Armstrong by six votes. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs Bob Ross of Markham Rd. while out motoring on High way 88 between Bradford and Bond Head were quite sur- prised when a red fox ran out in front of their car. Unable to avoid the animal they struck and killed it. 00 for this work. The func- News From Fox Sighted Accounts for weed cutting in the Township were referred to the Council. The members directed that the accounts as shown and cer- tified by the TOWnship Weed In- spector be invoiced to each of the persons whose name appears on the list. The surveying of proper- ties in the various builtâ€"up areas was considered in light of an ofi'er by Mr. Gibson to plot them on a plan providing the township makes available the legal description of the property. The Council approv- ed of the acquiring of the descrip~ tion of the properties in a given area as a trial in order that the cost and the benefit may be deter- mined. Fire Grants: Under the provis- ions of the Fire Department’s Act were considered relative to the dis- continuance of the granting of a subsidy on moneys paid to Robin- son Cotton Mills for fire protection. The Reeve and Clerk were directed to discuss the matter further with the Ontario Fire Marshal. The retiring president J. B. Mc- Alpine then reviewed the work of the Association since its incepâ€" tion in January 1950. He said in part as follows: When the Doncas- ter Ratepayers’ Assodation was formed in January 1950, it was the only Ratepayers’ Association in Markham Township. In March of that year, Langstafi' Ratepayers’ Association was formed to be fol- lowed by Elmwood Park Ratepay- ers’ Assciation in May. In the ear- ly fall of 1950 Hyland Park Rate- payers Association was formed and the Thornlea Ratepayers’ Associa- tion came into being this yeai. So that now there are five Ratepayers’ Associations in Markham Town- ship with more likely to be form- ed. 'I‘hese five associations Co-op- erate one with another through a joint executive council. Mr. McAlpine in his summary said and we quote “In our first year ‘we had only 28 families in .our community eligible to vote in our- The Thornhill Police Village Trustees requested the Council to amend the by-law prohibiting park- ing on Number 7 Highway west of Yonge Street for a distance of 50 feet only. Clerk was directed to prepare the necessary by-law. The Clerk read a memorandum from W. Ball setting out that any grading, gravelling or snow plow- ing of roads in the Ball Sub-divis- ion would not prejudice the right of the Township to hold Mr. Ball res- ponsible for the drainage of the land within the sub-division. In View of the decision of council to refer the drainage problem to the Town- ship Engineer, no action was taken. tion of the Thor-nhill Library was outlined to the council by the board. The library is supported entirely by membership fees and the Library Board is proposing to establish the support of the library under the Public Library Act whereby a pub- lic library rate would be levied on the assessment in the public library area for the support of the same. The successful candidates in the recent municipal elections were on hand to thank the people of Don- caster for their support. They were councillors for 1952 A. Le- Masurier and A. Lennie; school trustees elected for two years, S. Griffith and A. Wilkins. Each one spoke very effectively in turn but when Mr. Griffiths, who is chair- man of the school board spoke. evâ€" eryone started asking questlons and before he knew it he was spea- king half an hour, but it was very worthwhile and everyone was very grateful to him for answering so many questions and covering the subjects so thoroughly. The end-of-year meeting of the Doncaster Ratepayers’ Assodation was held in the Powell Road School Wednesday, December 5. The treasurer’s report showed a bal- ance of $37.18 in cash but when all bills are paid' there will be a defi- cit of $2.82. The incoming exec- utive will have the problem of rais- in}; more money in 1952 if it is to avoid a similar deficit at the end of the year. VOLUME LXXIII. NUMBER 24 Doncaster Ratepayers Hold Year-End Meeting And Install 1952 Executive Council (six elected): Clifâ€" ford Corbett 963; Victor Jones 943; Clarence Davis 851, Dale King 808, J. J. Murray 757, Ralph Tucker 753, Mrs. Thelma Fielding 516, Mrs. Jean Mofâ€" fat 403. Hydro commissioner (one elected) R. V. Smith 710; W. E. Kerr 582. Reeve: A. A; Cook 716, Stu- art Patrick 549. Deputy-reeve: James Mur- ray 689, L. P. Evans 568. Mayor: Dr. Crawford Rose, 719; Alex Bell, 610. Aurora Election Results During the meeting, which was presided over by the vice-president, the members voted unanimously to change the name from Elmwood Park (West Section) Ratepayers Association to Elmwood-Harding Ratepayers Association and to in- clude that area of Elmwood Park which lies east of the railway tracks to Bayview Ave. and all of Harding Park subdivision. At the January meeting, it was decided, the question of amalgama- tion with Richmond Hill would be discussed. E. George Harte and Harry W. R. Sayers were named to report on the possible advantages of such a move, with Richard bhor- ten and Frank Shorter to bring forâ€" In the election for Toronto Dir- ector E. A. Buchanan again receiv- ed an acclamation. The same Board of Directors was elected less some who have ceased to be Toronto shippers. Auditors chesen were Bert Weatherill and Fraser Gee. Ten delegates were ehosen to at- tend the annual meeting in Toronto. Richard Shorten was elected president of the Elmwood-Harding Ratepayers Association at the De- cember meeting last week. Harry W. R. Sayers was re-elected vice- president and E. George Harte, treasurer. Mrs. R. E. Williamson was named secretary while the ex- ecutive members are Mrs. R. Grove, Mrs. J. Munroe, Frank Shorter and Jack Rogerson. After the local officers’ reports, which showed a fairly active year, Art Buchanan, Toronto Board Dir- ect/0r, reported on the year’s work. He stated that he had attended twenty-one meetings in the city of the board or committees to which he belonged. He explained the matter of the distributors’ refusal to pay the price ordered by the Milk Control Board of $4.55 to be- gin September 1. The resulting court action had been delayed so much that surrounding markets had negotiated much higher prices and so the obvious thing to do was to negotiate a new price and get; the question out of com“: where more delay seemed likely. New price has been agreed upon of $4.70 per cwt. and awaits only Milk Control Board ratification. He also stated that September 15 to December 15 has been agreed upon as a quota sellâ€" ing period. At the request of some of our residents we were able to stem the confusion between Powell Ave. & Powell Road by changing our Pow- ell Ave. to Glen ameron Rd. and through council having it register- ed so that the change is now ofi'ic- ial. We, in co-opel‘ation with High- land Park, were able to prove to the School Board. the necessity of building a new school on the Gam- ble farm and this will be done this coming year. The plans are now through and the land is in proces; of being expropriated. Elmwood Ratepayers Take Harding Pk. Into Association When we took office Clark Ave. had had five petitions requesting that it be put through. We asked that it go through on local im- provement and as you know it was started in 1950 and completed this In the interest of better deliver- ies in our area we have reâ€"numbe- ed all our streets so that now de- liverymen in our area can find their way around. This numbering plan is in process of being check- ed and registered by the municipal authorities. This year, in February, to be ex- act, on our invitation Reeve Tim- bers and Councillor Clark attended our Ratepayers’ meeting to discuss our side-road and drainage prob- lems. On their advice we asked for a ditch award to cover the drainage problem and asked for 10- cal improvement to build the side roads. The engineers only com- pleted the plans this Fall, but they will; be ready toproceed with next Spring; year The annual meeting of District Number Six Milk Producers was held recently with president George Smith in the chair. elections because the fee was 50c per month per household. This year we lowered the fee to $1 per year per .household and had 65 families eligible to vote in our ratepayers’ elections. This was much better for the community and us except that in 1950, we were “comfortale~ off" and this year we did not take in enough money to cover all ex- penses. So the new executive will have to devise means of raising more money. E.A. Buchanan Again Acclaimed Director Of No.6 Milk Producers fin Essentials, Unity,- In Nonvessentials, Liberty; In all Things, Charity. " ‘ The retiring president handed ‘over the gael to the new president land thereby installed him in office. Stanley Strand presented the au- ditors’ report for 1951 which showâ€" ed a small balance on hand. Assist- ing Mr. Strand in auditing the treasurer’s books was R. E. Will- iamson. After the elections the vice-pres- ident turned the chair over to the new president, Mr. Shorten. ward the possible disadvantages. It was pointed out that these mem- bers were to report objectively in order that as much fact as possible he presented so that members could then form their own opinions. Pres- ident Shorten pointed out that the naming of the four members to bring out the facts was not on a basis of individual opinions but simply on a fact-finding basis. It was also decided it would be in the interest of all to have a rep- resentative of the association atâ€" tend Council meetings as often as possible. Mr. Harte was named to attend the evening meetings at Unionville and to report to the Asâ€" sociation on the deliberations or council. Mr. Rouse addressed the meeting on check-testing problems and anâ€" swered many questions. 5. Planting trees on our streets (this has not been gone into fully as yet.) 6. Municipal garbage collection. 7. New school to be built on the Gamble farm. 8. Better roads throughout. 9. Speed signs on our streets. 10. Sidewalk on east side Yong‘e In closing, the retiring Dresidcnt thanked everyone in Doncastor for their help and steadfastness in the two formative years of the assoc- iation. Mr. McAlpine then called the new executive forward. They ave as follows: 1. The wholesale price index. 2. Industrial wages and salaries. 3. Price of feed and farm labour. 4. Price of other dairy products. This system, once agreed upon, changes the price of milk automa- tically, probably as often as twice a year without further negotiat- ions. Mr. MacAlpine then went on to list the ollowing items of unfinish- ed business to be. handled by the new executive: I 1. Amending the constitution and bringing it up to date. 2. Clearing up the Muldavor-pro- perty impasse. 3. Getting the drains and side roads completed. 4. Getting street lights for YOnge at Morgan and Clark. President, J. H. Stevenson; vice- president, C. G. Russell; secretary, H. J. Stroud; treasurer, A Cou- per; directors, elected for 2 years, J. Peacock and A. Stevens; direc- tors, with 1 year of term to go, W. Chalmers and J. Knott. Mr. W. H. Wilmot then address- ed the meeting dealing, among oth- Ier matters, with the report and recommendations of the special committee chosen at the last an- nual, meeting to investigate a sur- plus milk plant and a marketing agency. He explained new classes in the Milk ontrol Act, reviewed the Toronto Dairies liquidation business that has been so long drawn out, and explained the poss- ibilities and responsibilities of a marketing agency. He also stated that a committee headed by Mr. Biggs, the new dairy commissioner and including Prof. Drummond of the O.A.C., Dr. Hope of the Canad- ian Federation of Agriculture econ- omist, Clifford Weaver and Roy Lick, president and secretary of the Ontario Milk Producers’ League, was working on the question of pricing milk by formula. This plan is working well in several U.S.A. markets and is based on about f0ur points: Last year We supported Mr. Len- nox for council and almost elected him. This year we supported Mr. LeMasurier and Mr. Lennie for council and both were elected. We also supported Griffiths and Mr. Wilkins for trustees and they were both elected. To me this is a wonderful example of co-opera- tion and organization in our own group and in the other ratepayers’ associations. Mr. MacAlpine then went on to 11. Park on Gamble farm. 12. Enforcement and revision or repeal of by-laws. 13. Property zoning on a scienti- fic basis. ’ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th 1951 EilhrEmlL notes from the minute book, and the prices of beef from Be a pound lin 1911 to the 40c cost at present, were especially interesting. The membership now is restricted to 29. {In a1} 20 animals are divided care- Lorne Scott, secretary-treasurer of the RingI read from the tattered record book, telling of the first meeting held on March 17, 1891 for the purpose of forming a beef as- sociation. Charles Nixon was the first president, and there were 15 members, whose names include Mitchell, Hadwin, Rumble, Cook, Walkington. Mallory, Thomas, Riddell, McBride, McQueen and oth~ ers. Some of these families are still members and were representeu at the banquet. Wilbert Burns is president now. Mr. Scott read Their weekly quota of beef as members of a beef ring is about 20 to 25 pounds per family, for 20 weeks each year from June to October. FOr several of the fam- ilies present, this has been their weekly beef supply for 60 years. The banquet was served in the Masonic Hall, King City, and the 106 guests sat down at long tab- les attractively decorated in red and white, with gumdrop Christmas trees on each table. Turkey was the mainrdish. After the pies, a large birthday cake, iced in white, blue and yellow with a brown cooliy cow standing on the top layer was admired and served to complete the hearty meal The Evening Guild of St. Mary’s Anglican Church has scored again, with another communityâ€"wide in- terest, by presenting the R)'Jin Hood Cooking School to a packed house for three nights last week, and from the numerous requests from those who attended this school, it is quite certain that this ambitious group will make it an annual affair. The recipes tested and tried be- fore the eyes of everyone were simple enough for 'anyone to try, such as a glorified weiner dish for a quick lunch, to say nothing: of the bread, rolls and variety 'of cakes topped with all the glamour of a birthday or festive air, and all within the reach of every w'o- man's pocket. When the 29 families who belong to the Townline Beef Ring Assoc- iation of Vaughan and King town- sihvip celebrated their golden jubilee on December 6, they sat down tu a real turkey dinner, served abun- dantly by the ladies Jf All Saints Anglican Church. They were not interested in a steak dinner as most people are on special occasiOns. The Masonic Hall was filled with women of all ages, eager to learn new tricks in the trade of culinary arts which Mrs. L. Ballantyfie generously gave. and no time was lost by those in attenda ice in jot- ting ideas down using: pencils giv- en by Butler and Baird Lumber Co. of Richmond Hill. Each evening brought forth a new program in cooking, and many women went. home gricher than when they came to the school, some even caught up with the “dough” transformed by the magic hands of the demonstrator into de- lectable confectionery. Others re- ceived bags of groceries and other prizes donated by viricms‘firms solicited by the Robin Hood Flour Mills Ltd. ‘ A» box of phocolates donated by Helen’s Groceteria, was won By Miss Gertrude Lever, and three tins of Dole Fruit Cocktail don- ated by Morley’s were won by Mrs. Osborne. A special prize donated by the Evening Guild on Monday and Tuesday nights included a Gen- eral Electric kettle which was Won by Mrs. M. Harvey, and a Gene:- al Electric eatherweight iron, won by Mrs. D- Goulding. A grand prize of a Sunbeam The General Electric refrigera- tor used throughout the school was loaned through the courresy of Yerex Electric, and the Propane gas stoves were loaned and install- ed by the Petrolane Company of Thornhill. Mr, A] Wh‘te acted as Master of Ceremonies. Evening Guild’s Cooking School ProvesASuccess A grand prize of a Sunbeam Mix-Master was giVen away on Wednesday evening, iona ed my Yerex Electric. It was won by Mrs. N. D. Hicks of Langstatf. Large Turnout For Anniversary Dinner King - Vaughan Beef Ring Santa Claus Is Coming To Richmond Hil On Saturday 45th Anniversary For Mr.&Mrs. F. Rumble A family dinner was held in hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Rumble of Maple in the Summit View Inn on Wednesday evening, December 5, when they celebrated their forty-fifth wedding anniver- sary. After they returned to their home and spent a happy time play- ing cards. The Young Adult Group of the Richmond Hill United Church held its final meeting of ,the year on Monday evening, December 10, In the Sunday School room. The meeting consisted of the singing of Christmas Carols, a Christmas story and the election of officers followed by games, refreshments, nd a visit from Santa. The foll- iwing are the officers for 1952: '{onorary president, Rev. C. G. ‘iigginson; past president, Harold Sanderson; president, Sidney Brown; vice president, Dr, C. Cowan; secretary-treasurer, Made- line Clarke; pianists, Marion Ram~ er, Bernice Edmunds; Church Nur- sery School Convener, Marguerite Wood. fully in the 20 weeks when the Ring operates. In these days much of the beef finds its way to the quick freeze. and feeds the family during the remainder of the year. One member who was present at the first meeting in 1891 was Billy McKay, and he was there at the 60th birthday, hale and hearty on Friday night. After supper the guests moved to McDonald and Wells hall for further entertainment. Slides were shown by Mr. Stanley Hudson of the Lands and Forests public re- lations. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ar- nott, Toronto, magicians_ put on a fine 'show of legerdemain. One of of the people who deserve mention for making the event so success- ful was Morgan Baker who carved the turkeys in record time They received a gift of a lovely lamp from the family, two con- tainers of beautiful mums, one from. the grandchildren and the other from the neighbors, 8130 many cards and messages of con- gratulation . Marshalls Garage, situated at the corner of the King sideroad at Oak Ridges was the scene of a small blaze Tuesday evening._ Mr. Don Jenkins while on his way home from work noticed gasoline leaking onto the electric wires un- derneath one of the garage’s gas- oline pumps. Fortunately there was no explosion, although the pump was destroyed. The Aurora Fire Brigade answered the call. Young Adult Group Elect Executive Small Fire At Oak Ridges Reeve William Neal has al- ready been approached by the Cities Service Co. and has sup- plied them with pertinent in- formation regarding the his:- ory of the village. “Ontario Marches 0n" series will feature the village on their December 28th program. This broadcast will be aired over CFRB at 6.15 pm. on'the 28th. Richmond Hill these days is displaying further signs of growth in its business section. Mr. Donald G. Plaxton a young lawyer who graduated from Osgoode Hall in 1951 has opened a new law office at 41 Yonge St. South. Mr. Plax- ton who already has an office in Thornhill, is a former grad- uate of Victoria College Univ- ersity of Toronto. He will be available at his Richmond Hill office on certain days of the week, announced elsewhere in this issue. Richmond Hill is to be feat- ured on a. radio program in the latter part of December. The Cities Service Oil Co. in their Richmond Hill To Be On The Radio New Lawyer The Richmond Hill Lions Club, annual Santa Claus Parade will be around once more and it will be bigger and better than ever. There will be clowns galore! And Mickey Mouse, Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny and the Big Polar Bear will be coming too! Watch for the gain decorated trucks and espec- ially Santa with his faithful rein- deer. If we are very good there might even be a great big Christ- mas tree â€" you never know. DECEMBER 19 â€" Wednesday. Eu- chre and freeze-out by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, 8 p.m~ Admiss- ion 350, freeze-out 15c. clw24 The parade will form up at 2 p. m. at Little’s Garage on Yonge St. and Santa wants all the Lions on hand to help. Then at 2.30 pm. the band of the Queen’s York Ran- These two gentlemen visited the council in order to discuss the question of Crossing Guards on Yonge street for the Public School children. Mr. Pollard stated that in conversation with the Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Ed- ucation for the Province he was informed that such crossing guards come under the supervision of the local police, and that it is not the duty of the School Board to 91m ploy and pay crossing guards. How- ever if the School Board on their own initiative should assume this responsibility then in the event ot an accident to a guard while dir- ecting traffic, or to a child they would be the body held liable for any damages etc. Mr. Pollard fur- ther stated that the Board has in- surance coverage. for the pupils while they are at school, but that this coverage does not extend to them after they leave school. Mr. Barber felt that the work of sup- ervising the crossing guards would tie in with the village police work. Reeve William Neal disclosed that the council has made inquiries into the subject and has investigated just how it is handled in other ar- eas throughout the Province. Al- though the village’s wage rate is on a par with salaries paid guards elsewhere the Council Has had lit- tle or no success in securing satis- factory individuals. Both Messrs. Pollard and Barber requested that the village take back the respon- sibility of employing crossing guards within the immediate fu- ture. Reeve Neal suggested that the council consult their Solicitor and thus determine just exactly DECEMBER 19 â€"~ Wednesday. Turkey Raffle in aid of St. Mary’s Hi Kids! The Big Day that you have been eagerly awaiting will soon be here. Saturday it is â€"â€" December 15. , \ At 2.30 p.m. Saturday afternoon Santa Claus is com- ing to town. A two man delegation from the Richmond Hill Public School Board composed of Chairman James Poll~ ard and board member Bert Bar- ber, attended last week’s meeting of the Richmond Hill village coun- cil. Lions Club And Business Men Combine In Parade DECEMBER 17 â€"â€" Monday. Chirst- mas Fowl Bingo at the Graystones, Aurora, at 8.15 p.m. Sponsored by Aurora Branch 385 Canadian Leg- ion B.E.S-L. Turkey, geese, chick- en. Door prize 20 1b. turkey. Ad- mission 500. *1w24 Public School Bd. Wants Village To Take Over Crossing Guards DECEMBER 14 â€" Friday. Regular weekly euchl‘e party St. Mary's Catholic Church. Cards at 8.30. Convenors this week Mrs. Bernard DeFarrari and Miss Shirley DeFal‘- rari. *1w24 DECEMBER 16 â€" Sunday. Christ- mas Program and Supper for parâ€" ents and boys and girls at Evangel- istic Sunday School, to be held in Masonic Hall from 3' p.111. to 7.45 11.111. Carol singing, coloured slides, Christmas story, distribution of prizes and class participation. Coming Events HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 c1w24 gel-s will lead off the'parade down Yonge Street to Lorne, east on Lorne to the Park where Santa. will stop to greet all his little friends. All the children who are Very wise will line up to say “Hello” to San- ta, because he has whispered to us that he hopes to have a preseht for all the kiddies. - After leaving the Park, Santa and all his helpers will travel North again to pay his annual visit to the Orange Home on Yonge St. He has heard, no doubt that thé‘i‘g are some very good children there. So, shine up your very best smiles and tune up your very loud,“ est cheers on Saturday for Santa. Councillor W. Middleton brought up the matter of policing the vill- age and as to what arrangements are to be made'in 1952. Reeve Near went on record as being strongly opposed to the handing of the pol- icing, of Richmond Hill over to'the Provincial Police. Mr. Neal said he had nothing personally against the Provincials but he felt that as far as local autonomy wu concern- ed the village should have its own Police force. Deputy-Reeve Taylor is to visit Police Commissioner: Stringer in Toronto regarding what: arrangements can be made with the Prwincial Police in 1952. He will; report back to the next council' meeting. Clerk Russell Lynett; read a further letter from Rich-I mond Hill Public School Board re-T questing an additional $11,000.00, for the purchase of the land on which the new Public School is to be erected. In order to handle th‘i§ subject properly the members de- cided to see their Solicitor and gain his advice as how to approach the Ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Wilfred 300th has been at]; pointed Arena Manager for the 1951-52 season; The council also revised the wage scales for village employees and beginning in 1952 every employee will receive a sub: stantial increase in salary. “f where the Municipality stands, Mf. Neal‘s suggestion met with the ap- proval of the council and he prom- ised to have something definite within a few days. In the mean”- time the council will make stren- uous efiorts to locate additiOmffl crossing guards. ' The by-law to authorize applica. tion for annexation of certain parts of Markham Township was given three readings by the council. This by-law will now be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. R. C. Church, at the home of Mrs: J. O’Neill, 14 mile north of Elgin Mill: on the east side of Yonge St. at 8 p.111. Everyone welcome, lag; ies included. c4w21 DECEMBER 20 â€"â€" Thursday. The Richmond Hill Brancl 375 will hold a box social and euchre with spec- ial prizes; also the Grand Xmas Poultry Draw will take plaCe, in the New Legion Hall, Carrville Rd. 8 p.m. sharp. *1w24 DECEMBER 21 â€"â€" Friday. Public School Christmas C in the Concert Hall at 8.30 DECEMBER 21 â€" Friday. Annual Christmas euchi'c and draw in aid of St. Mary’s Cathoic Church at the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, 8.30 pm Poultry prizes for draw and all euchre prizes choice chickens. Convenors are Mrs. William Cog- grove. Mrs. Vincent McCullough and Mrs. Ollie Murphy. Admissioi': 50c. 02w2§ DECEMBER 19 â€"â€" Wednesday. Richmond Hill Branch No. 375 will hold a Grand Bingo with special prizes in New Legion Hall, Car}:- ville Road West. starting at 8 p. m. sharp. *1w24 I It isn’t firue that “opportunity knocks but once.” Week af- ter week, in the Lib- eral’s classified adver- tising columns on the back page opportuni- ties are offered. To sell or buy â€" tele phone Richmond Hill 9 Maple foncert c1w24

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