Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1951, p. 3

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Maple Leaf Side Bacon. rindless. 1,, Pork Loin, either end . . . . . . . Pork Loin, centre cut or chops .. Pork Butt Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shoulder RoaSt . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . Sweet Pickled Pig’s Feet . . . . . . . . 63 YONGE ST. N. Nescafe Coffee, 4 oz. jar . . . . . . . Red Pitted Cherries, 15 oz. tin Franco American Macaroni, 15 oz. tin Carnation Milk, tall tin . . . . . . . . . . . . Fruit Belt Pears, 20 oz. tin . . . . . . . . S. FREEDMAN & SOI‘T 6TOWNSLEY ST. 6 Corner: Old Weston Rd. and St. Clair W. Phone LY. 0661 Toronto, Ontario This ad worth one dollar with a load of scrap Hillcrest Marketeria Open all day Wednesday and Friday and Saturday evenings 14 Yonge N. Richmond Hill Phone 666 FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT ' 17 - Q1 Basin Sh Tel. Richmond Hill 516 Sunoco Gas FOR THE BEST: Pagets Auto Service MEL. P. MALTBY 75 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS GUARANTEED WORK CALL OUR SERVICE DEPT. FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN UNTIL 10 PM. ENGLISH TRAINED MECHANICS u BLUE SUNOCO GARAGE TIMKEN & LIQUIFLAME OIL BURNERS H. F. Winn â€" Phone 642J -â€" 91 Arnold Crescent ISOBEL HEWITT HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL, CAST IRON _ AND METALS OPEN ‘ALL DAY SATURDAYS WANTED 10,000 TONS 00 SCRAP 10010 'omplete Repairs on all makes of cars Specialists on English Cars Free Daily Deliveries THE BEST: INSTALLATION SERVICE FUEL OIL DELIVERY ALL FROM ONE COMPANY CALL â€" FUEL OIL & EQUIPMENT LTD. AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROZEN FOODS WEEKEND SPECIALS ATTENTION TRUCKERS! There ‘is still time to order Christmas Cards by Coutts Richmond Hill Representative PHONE 12 RICHMOND HILL Dacun, nuuwss, 7'; ID. pkg. ... rend...‘ . . . . . a cut orchops .nouo-uo-oooo-gouonnoqo.--. n-acun'tootoulnouoolOQOOIc-u g’s Feet 2 GROCERIES ELGIN MILLS MEATS Derek J. Paget, Proprietor Sunoco Oil TELEPHONE 77 GL. 7521 67c 19c 33c 31c 22c The Luther League of Bethesda, Unionville, met in the Lutheran Church at Sherwood on Sunday ‘cvening and together with the Lu- ‘ther League of Zion, they practised lthe pageant _to be given in the twa The school was honored to be the first in Vaughan Township to receive an “Elmer” flag which is given by the police to encourage the children to be safetyâ€"conscious. There was a little ceremony on Wednesday during whidh it was raiseifon the flagpole. Two of- ficers mm the Vaughan Twp. po- lice force were present and re- minded the youngsters that in case of an accident Elmer would have to be taken down for 30 ac- cident-free days. e‘to Do share your experience with others. They will appreciate it. If you notify me before noon on Mondays, I will do my best to get it into the current week’s col- umn for you. There will be another Vaughan Teacher’s Association meeting on December 6 at Concord. Miss A. Leary will be speaking on “Arts and Crafts” and the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society is going to send a representative to impress upon us the need for beautifying the school surroundings. May we please have more Con- cord news? Let us hear about your meetings, winter parties, en- tertainments, especially Christmas festivities, trips, birthday and an- niversary greetings, visits with your friends or their visit to you, (Held From Last, Week) There were four student teach- ers at Concord School last: week. Mr. T- Barto, Mr. W. Campbell, Mr. G. Burrows and Mr. 'W. Brooks taught the children under the sup- ervision of Mr. McW‘hirter and Miss Duke. The Women of the Lutheran Chuvh held their annual meeting on Wednesday evening, December 5. The following officers were el- ected for the coming year: presi- dent, Mrs. Ross Percival; vice- president, Mrs. J. Julian; secret- ary, Mrs- Roy Keffer; treasurer, Mrs. Roland Kefl'er. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. Julian. The Christmas service_ in the Lutheran Church will be held on December 24 at 8 p.m. Mr. Harry Suter and Mr. Stu- art Wren were received into full membership in the Church on Sun- day. There are many things that a sick child can do to amuse himself. A real watch that ticks or a mir- ror to cast bright shadows on a wal‘. can be fun. If he is very ill, a bowl of goldfish usually amuses him indefinitely and without much effort on his part. A T‘lant that a child can water and care for gives a new interest. The scwmg machine drawers to sort and ar- range give. a child something to do. He can put buttons in jars and spools in neat rows. Mrs. Powell will be hostess when the next meeting is held on Thurs- day afternoon, January 3. A child loves the old nursery rhymes, but often when he is well he is never still long enough to enjoy them, but likes to have them sung to him while he is sick. Do- ing all small chores such as peel- ing potatoes and mending sucks where the dhild can watch is us- ually appreciated by him. How- ever, for the most part, hennust amuse himself while mother works, and while trying to amuse a sick child is just an added chore to a busy mother’s life, the better she does it, the less she will have to do it. Here’s hoping the chicken pox, ’flu, colds and other illnesses that are bothering the children alt present will be all cleared up be- fore Christmas Day. The Woman’s Association of Elia United Church held a meeting at the theme of Mrs. Tonkin on Dec- ember 4. Mrs- Powell very ably took the topic ‘God’s Gift to Man.’ Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday December 16, 1951. Sunday School 10 a.m.; Sunday Service 11 a.m. It is too bad that so many child- ren are ill, especially now that the Christmas season is approaching. Their mothers are faced with the added task of caring for them while busy at the same time pre- paring for the holiday season. It' '5 hard to amuse a sick child and :are for the family as well. With this thought in mind, several of the children’s mothers were asked for their method of keeping child- ren happy though ill. They all stated unanimously that crayoning looking at picture books and read- ing appealed most to their child- ren. Next came a desire for cards and to make every day an adven- ture, the mothers usually had' friends and relatives send cards.' They also got maps and literature from travel bureaus and sent food coupons for books and toys. Thisi made-mail time something to look forward to. I The Jolly 7 Club met at the home of- Mrs. Jim Spencer on Wednes- day evening, December 5, With a 100 percent attendance. The Club paper “Jolly Time” was read by Mrs. Bill Thompson and was en- joyed by everyone. The ladies worked on their quilt and made plans for their special Christmas meeting which is to be held at the home of Mrs. Howard Lund on Wednesday evening, December 19. Jolly 7 Club CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raympnd Stuart. R. R. 1, Maple CONCORD NEWS Telephone Maple 110R3 Last week’s meeting of T‘horn- hill and District Lions Club was featured by the showing by Art Bone of two motion pictures sup- plied by the Imperial Oil Company. Lion Tom Jackson gave a report on the ticket sale in connection with the raffle of a new Chevrolet car which is now on display at Bill Ball Motors, Willowdale. Accord- ing to Lion Tom the Club has some ace ticket sellers who report that car tickets with a limited issue of 1000 chances are easy to sell even if the price is $5 per ticket. The proceeds from this raffle are to pay off the outstanding obliga- tions in connection with the Thorn- hill Memorial Swimming Pool and also for the Club's Community Welfare work. Lion Jack Bentham gave a re- port on the forthcoming meetings. and their programmes. There were visitors at most of the homes in the community when over four hundred relatives and friends came back to worship and renew acquaintances during the day. Rev. Lynd was present at the evening service. Greetings were received from the Moderator of the United Church or Canada, the Right Reverend C. M. Nicholson. Rev. Edward Baker, Minister Emeritus of Meaford Un- ited Church, who was minister here before 1900, sent greetings. Rev. W. E. Baker of Toronto Rev. R. A. Spencer of Long Branch, Rev. W. S. Irwin of Rockwood,» Rev. E. C. Moddle of Aurora. and Rev; G. W. Lynd of Port Credit, ministers of Elia Church since 1913 when the Downsview circuit was formed, also sent greetings. Thornhill Lions Hear Report On Rafer Elia United Church on Finch AVe midway between Dufierin and Keele Streets and formerly known as Gram’s Appointment, on the Newton'brook-Willowdale circuit, celebrated its one hundredth anniv- ersary on Sunday, December 2. The minister, Rev. Cyril Leach, B.A., B.D., was in charge of the morning service at eleven o’clock when the Very Reverend George C. Pidgeon D.D., L.L. D., minister emeritus of Bloor Street United Church, Toronto, brought a mess- age of “Faith” to the assembled cangregation. The people in the church, others in the Sunday Schof)I room, and those outside in the cars heard perfectly over the efficient public address system set up by Mr. Bruce Constable of Maple. The record player brought hymns for an 'hour before each service. Elia choir, with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Miss Henry and Mr. Robert Gannon of Toronto sang two anthems “Bless the Lord, 0 My Soul” by Meredith and “Ch, Magnify the Lord,” by Nolte, under the leadership of Mr. William Ton- kin with Mrs. James Buhanan at the organ. Familiar hymns chosen for the occasion were sung very heartily by everyone. The evening service was conduct- ed by Rev. E. E. Kent, B.Th., Th. D. minister of Thornhill United Church whose talk to the children led up to “A Challenge of the Times” giving all food for thought. The Knox Mens Choir, with Mrs. Glen Davis, organist, sang “The Church by the Side of the Road," “0 Holy Night” and Now the day is Over.” Dinner was served to over one hundred persons in the Sunday School room after the morning ser- vice by the members of the Wom- en's Association. This was when members of the last fifty years got together for a renewal of friend- ships and a cheery talkfest‘ Dur- ing this hour Mrs. Lambert of Tor- onto played and sang “The Holy City” and “Bless this House. A fireside after the evening service was another joyous time when old friends and new spent a hap- py hour over a cup of tea. The present church of brick con- truction was built in 1901, the men of the congregation doing much or the work and all of the hauling in connection with its erection. Hence the fiftieth anniversary of this church which was opened and dedâ€" icated on December 15, 1901 was also celebrated -on Sunday. Anniversary churches at Christmas time Friday evenings from now until Christmas. your selection. Spruce And Scotch Pine CHRISTMAS TREES JENNY DRESS SHOP Will be open all day Wednesdty and Thursday and A lovely range of Christmas Gifts is offered for Telephone E. J. PINEAU, Maple 12R2 Orders taken now for delivery later THORNHILL The next meeting will be held on January 3rd. 1952. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith oI Toronto were recent callers at the Putel‘baughs. The annual meeting of the Edg- eley Farmers’ Club was held in the Hall on Thursday evening Dec. 6. Mr. Lawrence Keffer was ire-elect- ed as President; Geo. Snider, Vice- president; Roy Keffer, Second Vice-president; A. Mitchell Sec- Treasurer and Jim Darlington Assistant Secretary. The Sunday School at Edgeley United Church will be withdrawn on Sunday, December 16. The church service will be held at 8 p. m. This is the annual Young People’s service when the white gifts will be presented to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. The Edgeley euchre Club held its weekly meeting in the hall on Tuesday evening, December 4, with eleven tables playing. Mrs. J. El- liott was top winning lady with a score of 107. Mrs. H. Fierheller was second, scoring 104 followed by Mrs- J. Fisher with her score of 94. Nels ‘Love won first prize for men, scoring 103 with E. Ke- fl‘er second with a score of 100. Mr. Fierheller came third with 97 As his score. Fowl and groceries were given as prizes. Last week twenty children were absent from school with various illnesses, mostly ‘flu and chicken pox. Annual Meeting. The members of the Edgeley Women’s Institute held their an- nual luncheon for the children of the school on Thursday noon in the community Hall. After everyone enjoyed a hearty lunch, Mr. Hud- son of the Department of Lands and Forests showed some cartoons in color to the children. There were five pictures in all. 'lerry Elliott gave atalk on the Province of Manitoba and Mrs. P. Snider gave a report on the District Dir- ectors’ meeting of November 28 held at the home of Mrs. Leo Watson in Woodbridge. During the business, it was de- cided to send a contribution toward the purchase of a radio for ‘o‘he York County Children’s Aid Soc- iety cottage in Willowdale. The next meeting will-b.e held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Summer- felt in Woodbridge on January 10. Mrs. Bruce Kefier, community ac- tivities and public relation con- venor will be in charge of the pro- gramme. 0 Misses Marian and Ruby Puter- baugh attended the wedding Lecep- tio’n on Saturday evening, Decem- ber 1, art Weston of Mr. Gordon Morrison and Miss Doris Wyeth at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.«Wyeth. Mr. and Mrs. Rose and family enjoyed a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Syd Broad- belt on Saturday evening. Farm Forum 0n the evening of December 3, the Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman and considered the second topic “Educational Outlets for Adults” in the “Community Living Series.” If you had your choice, what kind of short course or community schools for adults would you like to have in your community? The finding for this question was that the grou would like a short course. i preference was shown by the ladies for a course in icook- ing. Others preferred instruction in dessmaking, public speaking, nursing, first Aid, horticulture and interior decorating. For the men, (he choice was farm mechanics' and electricity. What can you do in your com- munity to get Library services for to make better use of the library services that are available? We have arranged for a travelling li- brary for our Forum for this win- ter. There is no other library service available in this commun- ity. .How do you think yOur group could guard against your Forum drifting to a ‘chit-chat’ or card playing group? To date we have not had this trouble due to good management on the part of our president who keeps to a definite Forum schedule. Correspondent: Mrs. R. Stuart, R. R. 1 Maple Tel. Maple 110R3 EDGELEY NEWS m Saturday Afternoon DECEMBER 15m mmmm wwwme m cm W SANTA CLAUS: IS COMING TO TOWN HE’LLBE HERE WW mamas; 0 Members of Richmond Hill Business Men’s Assoc- his Visit to Richmond Hill will be on.hand to help him. “mmwnmmmmmm 0 After his parade has moved down Yonge Street to Lorne Avenue to the park, he will present gifts to all the kiddies at the Arena. O A big band will be on hand to provide plenty of mus- ic for hinf and his visitors. 0 Members of Rchmond Hill’s Business Men’s Asspc: iation will be on hand too, with their vehicles. C H l L D R E N 2 Make it an Afternoon of Fun in RICHMOND HILL!! Come and WELCOME SANTA on * Saturday and Get Your Gift * AND HIS PARADE WILL START FROM LITTLE & SON LTD. GARAGE ~‘ YONGE STREET NORTH AT 2.30 P.M. This space is gladly presented I}! the spirit of Christmas, to the Lions Club, the Richmond Hill Business Men’s Association, and all those who are doing so much to make Santa Claus’ visit a success, by Jack Smith, M.P., publisher of The Liberal. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 13, 1951

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